• Published 4th Jan 2020
  • 2,506 Views, 246 Comments

On a Sea of Glass.... And Ponies - JustAnotherHistoryBuff

What happens if when the Titanic sank, everyone on it simply woke up and thought it was all a bad dream.... Well up until two days later they showed up in Manehattan

  • ...

No Ticket, No Entry

ENS Baltimare


If anypony had never seen their commanding officer in a true fit of rage, everypony on the bridge of the ENS Baltimare had just witnessed their do so. Up until now, everyone one knew the Grand Old Fleet Admiral as a calm, capable commander. Over the course of one simple intercept mission though, they had seen a new side of him. Now in front of them all was an old admiral, in a raging fit at his sailors, and going somewhat senile. Even though the mission was a bust partly because of their own conduct, Iron Hoof's inability to take grasp of the situation and establish proper contact with the newly identified passenger ship may had just proven fatal, everyone knew it. They had to act, but first had to withstand this tongue lashing from their commanding officer.


No one on the bridge would answer the Admiral, too scared to even make a move... or plotting to remove the admiral from command temporarily until he would be mentally fit to serve again. The admiral yelled the question again before the two wireless operators stepped forward cautiously as if they were not there for the first question. The lashing had begun.


Just as quick as he began, the admiral fell.... his legs twitching as he struggled to stay awake. Now hell truly broke loose.

"What the buck do we do?"

"We get a doctor thats what we do."

"Oh yeah smartass, and where are we gonna go get one."

"I ain't the Captain, I just work the signal flags."

"You should shove one up your rear if thats all you do."

"What did you say to me?"

"Sorry, you ask a question? Here, ask it to my rear."

"Why you little...."

Before the brawl began, a the two ponies were restrained and Captain Samuel Hoof came up to the rest of the bridge crew.

"Gentlecolts.... may I remind you you are still in the navy. Now, the Admiral is not suffering from a stroke or heart attack..." he said glancing down at his paralyzed commander, "... he is rather... well, restrained for now until we reach Manehattan and sort this out."

"This is mutiny Captain! We could be court marshalled for this!" on Lieutenant called out.

"You don't think I know that Lieutenant. But right now, the Admiral is not in the best shape. If anything, he jeopardized the whole mission and now we have to fix his mess." With that, the crew looked at each other but nodded back at the Captain in response.

"Now, I can see we are all in agreement so lets pull our heads out of each others rears and try to stop things from getting worse. Quartermaster, would you take the dear Admiral to his room and keep him locked up."

"With pleasure Sir. I don't hate him, but it is for his own good at this point."

"Aye... alright then, Seamen Silver Wire and Crimson Sea, telegram the flotilla to make haste to Manehattan and have them launch their Pegasi scouts to call off their interception."

The two wireless operators said a quick "Aye Sir" and made their way back to their station to carry out those orders. Back in his mind though, Samuel Hoof knew that it would take a lot more than what he was trying to do to stop the Pegasi interception.

*** *** ***

Flying horses.... were her eyes seeing this correctly? Sitting on the 1st Class boat deck promenade, Margaret Brown got up from her deck chair and took a double take to see if she was dreaming. She never drank too much so she ruled out that possible explanation when she still saw Pegasi flying towards the ship. It looks like almost there are hundreds of them she thought. Immediately as she was making her way to the Grand Staircase entrance, the ships horns sounded and seamen began to herd the rest of the passengers off all the decks. The last thing she saw before re-entering the ship was the lifeboats being swung out by the crew.

*** *** ***

5 Minutes Earlier

Lieutenant Sky Striker of the Manehattan Pegasus Royal Guard Regiment was a proud soldier. Though he had not seen combat, he was apart of the Manehattan Garrison, the toughest and most respected garrison in all of Equestria. They even made the Royal Guards in Canterlot look like Griffonshits. Today was his first mission leading a squad of Pegasi to intercept an unknown ship about to enter Manehattan. Always picking up the shit the navy doesn't do right. he thought. But to be fair to the Navy, no one in Equestria really saw combat in a thousand years, save for the changeling skirmishes around inland Equestria.

It took only a few minutes for the ship to come into view. When he saw it, he was nearly dumbfounded. No ship in all of Equis was that big. It nearly defied the laws of physics entirely for it's size. Even it's speed was extremely fast for a ship of that size. Out of 3 of it's 4 smoke stacks, huge billows of smoke poured out as if the ship was running overtime. A bit far behind, Striker could see the Equestrian Navy still giving chase to the ship. From the looks of it, it looked like they had launched all of their Pegasi as well to quickly intercept and take over the ship. As they got closer, a roaring sound came from the ship and what looked like little creatures were swinging out smaller boats on the ship's deck.

*** *** ***

Pegasi... Of all the things Smith thought he would see, he never thought he would see Pegasi flying towards his ship. It wasn't just a few though, it was nearly hundreds of them.
To make matters worse, they were all adorned in Golden armor and armed with Spears and bows and arrows. Even though the weapons were quite antiquated, they still posed a threat. When the lookouts called from the Crow's nest they were nearly hysterical and Smith had them get down and lockdown the doors to the Crow's nest. The next thing he did was have Murdoch and Lightoller muster the rest of the crew and begin swinging out the lifeboats while taking the passengers off the decks. Ismay was a smart man so he probably wouldn't complain. The bridge itself was once again locked down and everything was taken to the enclosed bridge. As if out of no where, Chief Officer Wilde walked in and was panting.

"Wilde, what's the report from the engine room?"

"S-sir, wheeze the engine room reports that all wheeze engines are up to full capacity. They also say that at this rate they might blow a few boilers if we don't get rid of the steam."

"Well, do you have any suggestions? We can't just blow steam while the crew is setting up the boats."

"Well Sir, we could cough blow the horn a few times. Who knows, it might even drive those horses away from us when they hear that thing."

"I see... well, blow the horn a few times. We might need to still blow steam though. Also, find the good Master at Arms and have him bring the weapons inventory up here, we may need it."

"Aye Sir..."

"And Wilde?"

"Yes Captain?"

"Drink some water would you, I can't have my Chief Officer falling down unconscious."

"I'll get right to it Sir."

*** *** ***

The Manehattan Regiment was still moving towards the ship, Samuel Hoof could see clearly through his spyglass. Though he had launched his own Pegasi to intercept and call off the interception, they still had a distance to go. Turning his sights back to the Titanic, the decks were empty save for the fee clumps of Seamen setting up the lifeboats. "They need more time" he thought as he set the spyglass down and turned back to face the bridge. The flotilla was making full steam and was gaining on the Titanic but by the time they would be able to reach it, it would be too late.

Turning to the Lieutenant beside him, he asked "Lieutenant, look over there. Do you think we have time before they attack?"

Turning towards his Captain, the Lieutenant gave him a puzzled look but replied a few seconds later with "Sir, we have done all we could right now with the previous mistakes made by the good Admiral."

"But is there anything more we can do?"

"Sir, I am a Lieutenant and not a strategist, I cannot answer that question."

"Alright, consider it an order to answer that question now Lieutenant. What would you do to stop it? I don't care if it is stupid, I will take stupid right now."

"Well... if you want stupid.... the best thing I can come up with is simply using our guns to disperse the attack."

"You mean fire on out own guys?"

"You asked for even a stupid answer Sir, that is about all..."

"I know, I know..... we would have to wait until we are in range..."

The Lieutenant stared at him in complete shock. It was clear he did not expect his Captain's response. "S-sir.... you are actually gonna go through with this?"

"Well think, we can only use force to stop the attack before our Pegasi get there and call it off. Now, I want you to go get the gun crews ready, that clear?"

"Y-y..... Aye, C-Captain."

Patience was something that any Navy Colt needed to know. And right now, Samuel Hoof's was running thin.

*** *** ***

"Captain! All boats are swung out Sir!" A seamen yelled towards the bridge.

"Good, make sure that every man stays at their posts beside them and prepare for an evacuation!" Smith yelled back. He knew that the ship did not have enough lifeboats but an evacuation would need to happen if the worst came to be.

"Sir, King is here!" Fifth Officer Lowe yelled.

"Does he have the pistols?"

"Aye Sir!"

"Good, have them handed out amount the officers and quartermasters."

"Aye Captain!"

The horn slowed the horses down for a bit but they were still coming. Smith's only relief was that the passengers were safe inside the ship and the crew was arming themselves. With whatever they could find whether it be clothes hangers, kitchen knives, and even coal shovels from the boiler rooms. Anything that could be used as a weapon was distributed amongst the crew. Pistols though could only do so much to horses in the air wearing armor though.

"Lowe, do you think the rockets could stop those horses?"

"Rockets Sir?"

"The distress rockets, you know what I mean."

"Well Sir, it won't kill them but the sound would give them a concussion if they get to close. Plus those are horses so their fur would get burned."

"Hm... get Hitchens to get the rockets ready as well, we may have to use them."

"Aye Sir."

*** *** ***

The horn had caught the Pegasi off guard from the sheer sound. For a minute, it felt like Sky Striker's ears were bleeding. The ship was still moving towards Manehattan though so they still had to stop it no matter what. By the time they were nearly on-top of it, Striker could see the creatures below on the decks. It looked like they all wore blue uniforms, almost similar to the navy's uniforms. The higher ranking member's of the ships crew wore what looked like caps and greatcoats. All of them were bipedal and clearly in a hurry.

Without warning, somepony yelled "INCOMING!" as a flash of light flew past Striker's eyes. Right above him, the flash erupted into a squad of Pegasi above him and some of the Pegasi began to scream as their fur began to erupt into flames. Suddenly, more rockets began to fly up and the entire regiment began to fly around in a panic. The commander was yelling for everypony to maintain the attack but they were all too worried about the rockets flying passed them. Suddenly, somepony yelled retreat and as Sky Striker began to fly back, he saw a white light flash before his eyes. The last thing he remembered before drifting into unconsciousness was two Pegasi carrying him back to the mainland.

*** *** ***

Cheers erupted on the deck as the horn began to sound once more and the flying horses flew away with their wounded in tow. The feeling of triumph was in the air as the crew of the Titanic cheered at their victory at defending the ship. The men above decks were ecstatic but after a few minutes the cheers died down again and men began to man their stations.

Back up on the Crows Nest, Frederick Fleet looked through the binoculars to scan over the horizon. Land was in view, though it did not look like the American coast. It looked more untouched without all the houses and buildings dotting the area around it though. In the center of his vision though stood a metropolis of epic proportions. It certainly looked like New York but a closer look saw the statue of liberty look, off. Gone was lady liberty replaced with a sort of... pony looking figure in it's place. Immediately, Fleet called the bridge. Unlike the last couple of times, they finally decided to not take their time.

"What do you see this time Fleet?" Came the response from the receiver.

"Land dead ahead Sir, looks like New York but can't be sure. Looks really... off." Fleet replied.

"Thank you, that will be all."

As he placed the phone back into the receiver, Fleet could not help but wonder if something worse was about to happen.

*** *** ***

Looking through his Spy Glass, Samuel Hoof saw the carnage. The Titanic had apparently launched rockets at the Manehattan regiment and what followed was true Tartarus. Ponies being burned and nearly falling into the water as the rockets exploded. He could see why the admiral was scared but could not help but feel sympathy for the creatures. After all, they were defending themselves. Turning to the Lieutenant next to him, he asked if the wireless operators had made contact with the Titanic again. But just like all the other times he asked, the answer he got was a solid "No." Turning his eyes back to the ship in front of him, he saw as they were about to enter Manehattan Harbor.

*** *** ***

"Captain, we are about to pass Lady Liberty." Lightoller yelled. When Smith heard this, he rushed from the side of lifeboat 4 towards the bridge to see it for himself. When he got there... he was nearly in shock.

"Lightoller, what an I seeing right now."

"From the distance it looked like Lady Liberty Sir..."

"You say from a distance. Tell me now, what an I seeing right now."

"Well, we cannot turn the ship round now Captain, not with our speed and the clearance we have. Out best shot it to try it after we pass the statue by about a half a mile and then turn her. And try to make a break for it."

"Lightoller, you remember the ships following us."

"Aye Sir."

"So let me get this straight, you mean to tell me that we are going to have to essentially, as the Americans put it, "wing it"?"

"I don't see any other way Captain..."

"In all my years at sea I never expected this." Smith said taking off his hat rubbing his grey hair.

"Neither did we all Sir."

*** *** ***

Near about 1:00, a large bellowing horn sounded from far in the harbor entrance. Over the horizon, a behemoth sailed into Manehattan. Twilight, her friends, and everyone present at the Port rushed over to the edge just to get a look at the ship sailing in.

The ship carried 4 massive smoke stacks painted in black and orange. Her top superstructure was white and it looked as if the paint was somewhat still fresh and she had a deep black hull.

"Guys, what the HECK, is that." Rainbow Dash finally uttered.

"That is probably the ship everypony is talking about...." Twilight said. She marveled at the sleek curves that made up the hull of the ship. Everything just looked neat. As the ship came in closer, she could see that what looked to be the lifeboats were swung out from their davits and the ship was still moving quite fast.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Manehattan police ponies and the Manehattan royal guard Garrison swamed the area and began to push the spectators away from the edge of the dock.

"Hey, what the hay is that for?" Applejack asked as she was being pushed away from a guardspony.

Immediately, the guardspony pointed above him and said, "Take a for yourself ma'am, those things are a threat."

Looking above, the girls could see the carnage flying above them as the Pegasi Regiment flew in retreat towards a medical camp set up near one end of the Manehattan Port Authority building. A lot of Pegasi were burned and unconscious as they flew to the medical center. All the girls could do was watch in horror.

*** *** ***

All around the Titanic were police and civilian vessels. She clearly caused a scene when she entered the harbor of the foreign city and just like before, she was being mailed to surrender. Smith however would have none of it. He was not about to surrender the largest and most technologically advanced passenger ship to a bunch of horses who could even handle a simple interception correctly. Soon the turn was coming up and he decided to wait the horn one last time before the Titanic departed.

*** *** ***

Under normal circumstances, a trip to Manehattan by the princesses would be announced. However, as the matter was urgent, nearly no one noticed the arrival of the diarchs of Equestria until the Royal Canterlot guardsponies began to push civilians and policeponies aside.

Walking beside her nervous sister, Luna asked "Sister, do you fear we are too late?"

Calmly, Celestia replied "If the Manehattan Police have not gotten their handcuffs out and they are still waiting in place, we may still have time."

Making their way to the edge of the now stunned crowd, on of the guards announced the diarchs formally and immediately everyone bowed. After the formalities were over and the diarchs turned away to look at the ship, a voice in the crowd yelled towards them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!"

There running towards them was Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They were clearly worried, Fluttershy had a nearly sick look on her face.

"Princess, what is going on?"

"I will explain that later, but why does Fluttershy look sick."

"The Manehattan Regiment.... Its...." Twilight's voice drowned off as she looked at the medical station. There, the two Princesses could see clearly the Carnage the failed interception caused.

"Sister, we are too late." Luna quitely said.

Before Celestia could reply, the horn coming from the large ship yelled as it came closer to the docks followed by numerous smaller ships, police and civilian alike. Suddenly, the ship's front left anchor dropped into the water and after a few seconds, the ship lurched and began to turn violently left. As she was turning, the ships true length was being shown. The massive length of the ship was truly marvelled upon by all ponies present. However, the ship would not stop turning and her stern was swinging towards the pier in which everyone stood on. Suddenly, a voice yelled "Run!" and the pier became overwhelmed with a stampied of ponies trying to escape the looking disaster.

"Twilight, get you and your friends of of here. Luna, I need you with me, NOW!"

For a moment, it looked as if Twilight was about to question her Sovereign's command but immediately, her and her friends followed the general stampied off the pier. When she could see that they were gone, Celestia gestured for her sister to follow her towards the end of the pier. The ship's turn looked almost nearly complete but her stern was still swinging towards the end of the pier. As soon as the ship looked like it was about to hit, Celestia yelled out "Now Luna!" and their horns began to glow.

For a second, the ship did not look like stopping but soon, the massive ship began to lift up out of the water. Her red bottom began to ship and as time went on the ship was completely out of the water. It was truly a sight to behold, so much so that nearly every pony stopped running off the pier to get a look. Right above Pier 54, the massive ship began to move slowly into the berth beside it, propellers spinning and all. Suddenly and abruptly, the propellers stopped as the ship was being set down into the pier. When the deed was finally done, both Celestia and Luna were extremely tired. It took nearly all their strength to lift up the ship. Within minutes of the great feet, Manehattan police officers and Manehattan guardsponies waster no time setting up a rather massive gangplank and placing it in front of one of the ships doors.

*** *** ***

Private Swift Sword was nervous. He had just witnessed what had happened to the Pegasu regiment when they tried to get near the ship and now he was about to board the ship. No one knew what the creatures were like other then that they were bipedal. Walking slowly up the gangplank, he could sense the nervousness among the police and guardsponies around him. Reaching the black metal door that lead to the inside of the ship, him and his squad took up positions ready to breach and charge into the ship. Suddenly, before they got the spell ready, the door suddenly cracked open. Not knowing what to do, everypony froze in silence, waiting for what would happen next. For almost a minute, there was nothing but complete silence until one policepony decided to grab the door and open it slowly. When the door was open, Sword could not see what was at the door but he did hear a click. Stepping from beside the door, he and the rest of the ponies on the gangplank faced numerous bipedal creatures, each other what looked like kitchen knives and shovels. The one in front of him held a small metal object and pointed it directly at Swords skull. Surprisingly, the creature spoke. His words though were almost menacing.

"Listen here... and listen very well. You take one step on this bloody ship, you will get a bullet put into your Equine skull... o
is that clear?"

Author's Note:

Burnt the midnight oil with this one. I had a lot of stuff planned for this chapter but could not find a way to put it all in without experiencing significant writer's block and delaying it to the point in which I quit writing the story. So here it is. This will definitely be revised when I finish this story so please don't tell me it is shit. I know it somewhat is but it advances the plot. Anyways, some disclaimers here. The guy named King was one of the Master At Arms (essentially police officer) on the Titanic.

Now, for what to fix with the revision. Definitely going to be a lot more dialogue as well as some missing engine room and passenger dialogue that I cut out or got annoyed writing. Secondly, more detailed needed to be added to Manehattan Pier 54 and such as well as the crew's reaction to the ship being in a whole new world yada yada yada..... So yeah... fun stuff....

As always, leave a comment below. If your comments says that this is subpar, I won't blame you. If anything, I am up for the criticism. Well, I am rambling now. See you next chapter.... or maybe story.... I have another story coming up and let's just say.... Le Beau has some competition to win over Schultz.