• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 437 Views, 2 Comments

A man a Gekko and ponies - Hkh4

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Chap 1

I woke up and was immediately freaking out. "This aint my room; where the hell am i?" I sat up and looked around spotting what looked to be a rural town stood up and started walking as i got closer it was eerily quiet in the town. Noticed the buildings entrances were all a bit small.

I bit my tongue trying to wake myself up when i heard a mooing noise from further into the town. I followed the sound eventually coming across six slightly smaller horses of varying colors surrounding what looked like an occupation force Gekko class think tank .

Why are they classified as think tank's? Beside the semi sentient ai their nothing like other think tanks. On spotting me the Gekko mooed jumped over the horses and ran over to me and stuck out its wire arm clearly wanting to link with me i watched as the horses chased it and slowed on spotting me at that i took the arm and connected it to my neral links external port.

It was very confused and scared especially of the pink one. Which almost made me laugh looking at them. Looking farther back i could see a collapsed building it clearly tried jumping on. Wood doesn't hold 10000+lbs very well especially sudden impact of it. I noticed it had all 6 horses marked as neutral potentially hostile more toward hostile with the pink less with the winged ones. My brain just fully processed that fact and i recoiled a bit with the realization that two no three were winged i took a step back accidentally disconnecting from the Gekko it rose and tilted its head and giving a low moo at me i turned and began running all seven beings followed. The Gekko leaned down and used its head to slide me ontop of it then it started taking large bounds we were leaving the horses literally in the dust (more rain of dirt really) except the blue one who was right beside us keeping up with no issue.

"Come on i know your an occupation model but can't you go faster?" I yelled smacking the top of its head. "A fuckin horse is keeping up with you, i know its got wings but that's just wrong."

After me saying that the horse flew directly in front of the Gekko and it slammed its legs into the ground sliding to a stop in an effort to not collide with the horse.

Once the Gekko had fully stopped the horse flew up to be face to face with me. "What are you? And what is that thing? Fluttershy couldn't understand it. " It said pointing at the Gekko which seemed anxious it was shifting foot to foot.

"Well im a human and this, " I patted the Gekkos head in a manner that felt strangely affectionate after the fact. "is a Gekko specifically an occupation or enforcement model." I replied to it.

The horse quirked an eye "occupation of what?" It said its voice reminding me a bit of a smoker.

"Oh yeah of course the American empire used these kinds of Gekko to keep control of territories they took during The third world war but now their used as special units in most police branches." I answered this confused it more.

"World war? And third? We've never had a war that large and your kind has had three?!" The blue horse replied/questioned as a few of the others caught up.

The Gekko jumped at the next voice heard almost throwing me off its head. "Wow your really really fast would throw you a party for that but you cant eat i think." A sort of squeaky voice said as i heard audible springing noises coming from beneth me.

The Gekko got more antsy to run shifting its weight more so i think it may be the pink one. The blue one spoke. "Uh Pinkie i think your scarring it."

"Oh okay sorry." The squeaky voice said as i heard the bouncing move away some.

A few of the other ponies arrived. The yellow one which flew over beside the blue one and started trying to calm the Gekko which mooed at her? At least i think its a her.

The Gekko bent its knee's lowering its head enough i could safely hop off. And i was immediately snared in a lasso.

"No more runnin now ya here?" A southern voice said. As its owner walked up to me.

"Wasn't going to though now i want to!" I yelled causing the Gekko to fling its head to face me and the orange i heard a click as its gun armed. "No need for that now!" I yelled at it. If it is post war its likely lower than .50 cal but still it would rip these things to shreds. Dont really want that.

It tilted its head and mooed as if asking for confirmation. I nodded to it. "Now could you untie me?" I asked as i refaced the orange the purple one was looking me over from several feet away writing on parchment; and the white was still pretty far away.

the Gekko did about an 6th of a mile with each bound so while we didn't run for long we got pretty far. So most these horses are rather fit i guess. I thought.

The orange one apologized and started untying the lasso. "Names Apple Jack." She said.

I slightly shook my arms after i was free from the rope. "Jack." I replied sticking my hand out. Apple stuck her hoof in my hand and we shook things immediately felt more relaxed with that. I looked back and up at the Gekko the two winged ones were atop its head one sprawled out the other keeping its hooves close to its body in a fashion similar to a cat.

The Gekko turned its legs to face the way i was while keeping its head rather still. The purple horse walked up to me and lifted my hand with the aura it had been using on the parchment and quil earlier. I yanked my hand out of it.

"Thats rather rude." I said to her. She smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry just rather excited." She said.

Apple spoke up. "Shes the scientific sort and tends to get carried away at times."

"Well she'll love the Gekko." I stuck my thumb back at it.

"That's what it's called?" The purple asked as it somehow re-pulled out the parchment.

"Mhm." The blue one confirmed from her position ontop of it. "Oh and hes a human." She said shifting her hoof toward me.

The white one finally caught up. "Why did you let them get this far? Rainbow," she questioned while sounding winded.

"The thing moves a lot faster than i expected." The blue who ill assume is Rainbow replied. "Most stuff we meet its size is much slower."she continued.

During this exchange the purple one was up close walking around me getting further examinations i guess. "What is your name?" I asked purple.

She stopped to answer. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. If we're going to talk could we head back to the town?" She answered then asked.

I shrugged and stuck my thumb back. "It's up to this guy i ain't walkin that far."

Twilight nodded "makes sense. Maybe the town will come back out. As soon as the Gekko showed up everypony ran into their homes or nearby buildings. ,"

I turned around walked up to the Gekko and patted its leg. It looked down at me. "Could we go back?"

It nodded and Rainbow slid off its head to the ground. The Gekko lowered so i could get ontop of it. I was careful to not touch the horse still ontop with me.

I heard a quiet voice. "Um hello, my names Fluttershy, do you understand the Gekko?" The yellow whispered.

I shook my head "only other Gekko understand the mooes but i can read there body language they occupied my town for a while. i can also link with it if needed."

"Link?" Fluttershy asked. The Gekko started walking before i answered knocking me onto my ass.

"By link i mean directly connect our brains."
I answered.

"That sounds dangerous." Flutter said quietly.

"It is with another human but with the Gekko it's relatively safe as long as neither of us trigger attack barriers."

I noticed the sun was setting ahead of us as the group walked back and Rainbow lazily flew beside the Gekko. Once we got back to the town which wasn't deserted anymore the pink one reappeared .

Rainbow flew down before she could start anything. "Pinkie you need to try to be calm and kind of quiet. Gekko is rather skittish when it comes to you."

Pinkie nodded, "ill try my best."

I slid myself off the back of Gekko's head trying to roll when i landed but wound up pretty much belly flopping on the ground. "That was a shit idea." I said to myself as i got up onto one knee and pushed myself up. a few horses came over and offered help but i refused. Earlier hadn't purple said everypony? So i guess there not horses but there heads are at eye level.

It was now with the larger number of ponies out and about i noticed most had some sort of branding on there flanks and most kept their distance from the Gekko.

Even knowing it meant no harm it was still very imposing to them.

Purple came over to me. "We should head to my castle since its getting late the Gekko should fit into the main hall." She began walking and i hesitantly followed the Gekko doing the same flutter still ontop.

"So what are you royalty?" I asked purple as we walked.

She nodded. "I am the princess of friendship." She said with a straight face and i immediately started to laugh.

"Friendship your joking right?" I asked once i stopped.

"No, friendship is a powerful magic!" She said with a frown.

"I would say a 50 cal is more powerful." I replied. The Gekko mooed as if agreeing.

Purple, no Twilight gave a questioning look.

"You guys don't have gunpowder weapons do you?" I asked as a result of her look.

"No never heard of that. ," she replied.

"Its best it stays that way, and this guy here," i pointed back at the Gekko. "Has got a 45 or 50 cal gun that can hold up to 6000 rounds. Would be higher capacity on war models."

"That sounds extremely dangerous." Fluttershy spoke up from on top the Gekko. I had completely forgotten that she was there.

"Not too much for you to worry about it doesn't see you as a threat, Your pink friends another story though." I nonchalantly said with my hands in my pockets.

"How do you know that?" Shy asked.

"When i linked with it i saw its radar info, doesn't see you or rainbow as much risk even borderline friendlies." I answered noticing a slight chill as the sun mostly disappeared beyond the horizon.

Twilights horn lit up casting a purple light that's edges merged smoothly into the dark. "So what exactly do 50 callibers do?" She asked.

"50 caliber is just the size of the round and they rip things to pieces from a distance, basically." I answered

"If your comfortable with it id like to run tests tomorrow." Twilight said while giving a semi worried look back at the Gekko. Fluttershy had effectively disappeared again atop the Gekko.

I was silent noting we were approaching a castle it was rather lit up appearing to be made of crystal. Would have had to been a very large stone to make a castle mostly of crystal. I thought to myself.

The doors opened when we were about 10 ft away a purple biped lizard at my knee level. Came rushing out toward Twilight. The Gekkos gun clicked off its safety, but then immediately re clicked it realizing the lizard wasn't a threat.

"Twilight i was rather worried when i heard a monster appeared in town." The lizard said.

"It wasn't a monster." Shy said causing the lizard to look behind Twilight then it immediately shouted in surprise

"Its huge. What is it?" it yelled.

"It is an occupation class Gekko." I answered drawing its attention to me.

It once again looked kind of surprised. "Your an odd minotaur. What's your name?" It asked.

"His name is Jack and he's a human, he'll be staying with us for a while." Twilight answered before i could.

I nodded to confirm and stepped into the castle along with Twi the lizard and the Gekko. Which had to bend down some to fit the door but once it was in it could stand at full height.

Twi offered to show me to a room but i refused and asked for just a blanket and pillow so i could stay with the Gekko for the first night.

Author's Note:

Feel like this is shoddy writing but this idea was in my head. May continue writing