• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 2,673 Views, 65 Comments

For Her Happiness - Wayward Mind

Rainbow Dash confesses her love to Fluttershy, but Fluttershy doesn't feel the same way.

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The Beginning of a Beautiful Nightmare

The light of dawn shone through the curtains, illuminating a small room. The world was filled with the songs of birds, and one could barely hear, over the racket, the small snores of a sleeping pegusus. After a few moments the pony awoke and, with a small yawn, stretched before hopping out of bed.

Fluttershy was very tired, but that was something she was used to, after taking care of her animals for so long. So she stumbled over to a small vanity, brushed her light-pink mane, washed her face with a water soaked washcloth, and made her way downstairs. Time to make breakfast, she thought.

She started by feeding the squirrels and other rodents. Angel was making a fuss about breakfast again, as usual. “Now Angel, you want to grow to be a big strong bunny, don't you?” Fluttershy cooed, holding a large, delicious-looking carrot. Angel just kicked her hoof away, and the carrot flew into the corner. Fluttershy just sighed sadly, fetching him a nice bowl of expensive bunny food.

The birds were easier to feed, just needing some coaxing and a few melodies. Eventually she moved on to the larger animals, like the bears. By this time her pet animals, the ones that would hopefully go to a good home with somepony, were awake, and she fed them their respective feed. The toucan and the owl started squabbling about something, and it took some threats of The Stare to settle them down. Squirrelly had a small fever, so she had to coax him some medication for half an hour. Eventually, as the sun rose to a quarter mark, she made her way back to her own cottage to have breakfast herself.

Nothing had come in the mail, so Fluttershy sat at a table, staring into empty space while eating a bowl of greens. The silence was comforting, only interrupted by the soft chewing sounds of the yellow pony and her animals. Fluttershy's thought's wandered.

I wonder if I'll have any free time to spend with my friends today. Even if being around other ponies is terrifying, I like being with Twilight and the others, and I like having fun.

With a loud cry, a cyan-and-rainbow streak shot through Fluttershy's main room and came to a crash near the staircase. Fluttershy, startled, rushed under the table she was previously sitting next to. The bowl from the tabletop shattered on the ground near Fluttershy's shaking body.

The cyan pegasus picked herself up, shook out her rainbow mane, and looked around at her surroundings. “Awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed when she saw the disaster before her. She then trotted over to the table and peeked under.

“Fluttershy! Did you see that? I was amazing! You 'k?”

“I-I guess...”

Fluttershy withdrew from her hiding place and began to clean the area. The animals unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of the crash were hiding in small places, refusing to come out in terror. Some of the vases from her bookshelf had toppled to the floor and Fluttershy swept those up. Rainbow Dash helped once in a while, but mostly bragged about the “awesome move” she'd been practicing. Fluttershy didn't mind, though.

“And then, I swerved right past the cloud, and I swear my wings just barely poked it! And then, I went into a HUGE dive, it was so cool! It was like 'Pshoo-BAM! Whoshhhh... pure awesomeness!”

“Oh, that's nice.” Fluttershy said, no sarcasm in her soft-spoken voice.

“And then I pulled up right on the ground, and I saw your place! I was like, 'Aghhhh!' and I tried to slow down, but I just crashed right through your window! It was totally radical.”

“Oh, ok.”

“Sorry about that by the way. Hay, you should come watch me practice my tricks! I need a awesome cheering session to match my awesome stunts! You cool?”

“Oh, I-I guess.”

“Awesome. Let's go!”

“Oh, but I have to- Aiiiii!”

Rainbow Dash picked Fluttershy up and zoomed out the door, Fluttershy screaming the whole way.


Fluttershy watched Rainbow Dash zoom across the sky, preforming impressive tricks and stunts. I can't imagine flying so high or so fast, it sounds so scary! Rainbow is so amazing... After a particularly impressive trick, Fluttershy gave a small cheer for her friend.

Rainbow Dash sped towards the ground, landing a few feet from the yellow pony. She walked over to Fluttershy and did an action pose, saying, “So? Pretty awesome right?”

“It was great, Rainbow. Woohoo!”

“He-hey Fluttershy?” Dash looked nervous. “Well, umm, the reason I brought you here... well it wasn't to watch my moves. I-I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Uhh, here, I'll walk you to your house, and I'll tell you on the way!”

“Okay, Rainbow.”

And with that, the two pegasi walked towards the edge of Everfree forest. Fluttershy hadn't noticed how much time had flown by, the sky was growing darker by the minute. The shy pony would have been worried, walking around this late, but she felt safe with her friend beside her. Speaking of which... Fluttershy thought, giving Dash a sidelong glance.

Rainbow seemed more on edge than she did that morning. She glanced at Fluttershy every now and then, and quickly looked away when the yellow pony looked back. Fluttershy remembered Rainbow saying something about “needing to talk.”

Fluttershy stopped walking, and Rainbow kept walking for a few feet until realizing her friend had stopped. She turned around to face the yellow pony.

“Umm, Rainbow? I-I'm sorry for bothering you, but you said you wanted to tell me something? But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's okay.” Fluttershy looked at the ground, hoofing at it, then looked back up at the cyan pony.

Rainbow chuckled and said, “You're so adorable, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy didn't know what to think, and squeaked in embarrassment. Rainbow widened her eyes. “I-I mean, uhh, I'm sure that's what everypony else thinks! Not me, of course! Not saying that you aren't cute or anything... ugh! Why can't I- just... forget it.”

The two ponies sat in silence for a moment, then got up and continued walking, or in Rainbow's case, trudging. Fluttershy gave her another glance.

What was that all about? And she never told me what she wanted to say... I shouldn't ask again, though.

Eventually they reached Fluttershy's cottage, and Rainbow mumbled a goodbye. Before the yellow pony could wish her a good night, Dash launched off the ground in a hurry, zooming into the night. Fluttershy blinked, then walked into her cottage.


All the animals were in an outrage, not being fed for the entire day. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Please, calm down, friends, I'm so sorry!” Fluttershy floated around the house at a break-neck speed, filling the angry animals' bowls with food. At the speed she was going, it was long before every animal was grumpily eating their dinner. Fluttershy, exhausted, plopped on the couch with a long sigh.

Now that her mind was free, Fluttershy's thoughts turned to Rainbow Dash. Why did she fly away so quickly? Was it me? Did I do something to hurt her? Oh no, I should apologize. Fluttershy, you're such a rude little pony, you don't deserve to be happy when you make your friends sad.

What was she going to tell me? She seemed fine this morning, did something happen while she was in the sky? And why didn't she tell me? Fluttershy, forgetting her dinner, walked distractedly to the stairs, deciding to call it a night. But before she could plant a hoof on the first step, a loud knock reverberated through the room.

Could that be... Rainbow? Fluttershy made her way to the door and opened it a crack, spying the cyan and rainbow pony. “Rainbow, you're back, come in.”

Dash stepped in quickly and shut the door. She turned to Fluttershy with a strange, almost jumpy look and said, “Hey, 'Shy? I need to tell you something... and this time I will.”

“Okay, Rainbow, I'm listening.”

Rainbow Dash drew in a deep breath, stared into Fluttershy's eyes, and continued, “Shy, we've always been really good friends. Ever since the academy. And I always thought you were really cool. And lately I've been wanting to spend more time with you...”

Fluttershy waited patiently. Rainbow hesitated, but went on. “You always cheered me on when I raced, you always had my back. Today, I was flying and when I saw you, cheering for me, I just knew.”

Fluttershy waited for a moment, feeling a strange sense of dread, before asking, “Knew what?” The yellow pony was afraid of the answer. Rainbow looked more nervous than ever, looking like she could bolt out the door at any second.

“I knew that every time I fly, you're there flying with me. I don't mean physically, but like, in my head, you know?" Rainbow scratched the back of her head with a hoof. "I guess, I'm trying to say that I really, really like you.”

The yellow pony felt terrified, frozen with a realization.

“I-I love you, Fluttershy.”

This isn't happening. I'm having a horrible, horrible nightmare and I'm going to wake up now.

The cyan pony hoofed at the ground, obviously distressed. The silence was deafening.

Things had been so perfect. Why did they have to change? What am I supposed to do? I can't deal with this...

Rainbow gave her a look, waiting for an answer. And Fluttershy couldn't give her one.

Why me? Why me? I don't want this, not any of this. I- I have to say no...

Moments had passed, and still Fluttershy hadn't moved or spoken. Rainbow looked more forlorn with every passing second. “Fluttershy? Are you okay?”

I can't do that to her, she would be heartbroken. And it would be my fault. But I don't want this... what do I do?

Rainbow Dash lowered her head and said, “It's okay, Fluttershy. I understand. You don't like me back. It's okay, we can still be friends, I promise.” Fluttershy felt relived, but didn't show it. Rainbow turned and started walking out. “Goodbye, Flutters.”

And Fluttershy knew she couldn't say no. Rainbow would be devastated, torn beyond repair. I have to... say that I... like her too.

“Wait, Rainbow!” The cyan pegasus turned around, face sparkling with hope.

“I, umm, I think I-” Fluttershy, stop being a coward. This isn't for you, it's for her.

“Yeah Fluttershy?” A smile grew on Dash's face, her eyes brightening with the yellow pegasus' words.

“I-I like you too, Dash,” Fluttershy mumbled. There's no going back now...

Rainbow gave a loud cheer, grabbed the yellow pegasus, and flew out into the night. Rainbow spun in the air, holding the pony and laughing with glee. Her elated grin made Fluttershy smile, but it couldn't make the sudden emptyness in her own heart dash away.

Rainbow slowed to a stop, the moon shining behind them, casting a silhouette on the ground below. Dash gave Fluttershy a strange look, making the yellow pony shiver in fear. Why am I so afraid?

Dash hugged the other pegasus, holding her tight against her. It was a cold night, and Fluttershy was glad for the warmth of her friends body against her, but it felt wrong to her. She resisted the temptation to push the cyan pegasus away.

Rainbow looked back into her eyes. “I'm so happy, Flutters. I promise I'll never leave you.” And Fluttershy knew Dash never would.

But what if I want you to?

Fluttershy was lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Luckily, Rainbow Dash hadn't offered to sleep with her, or Fluttershy might have died from embarrassment. She glanced from side to side, making sure their wasn't a rainbow pony near. Then she leaped out of bed, pacing back and forth.

“I don't know what I'm supposed to do... what will everypony say? Maybe they expected this... maybe they thought this would happen.”

“How do I feel about Rainbow Dash? She's always been my friend, and we were so close in school. Shouldn't I be happy? Why am I not happy?” Fluttershy felt tears welling up, and tried to stop them.

“Why am I... so... sad?” Fluttershy cried, tears finally pouring down off her cheeks and falling to the floor. She sat there, crying in her empty room, and she had no idea why.

She could see the stars twinkling outside, so vibrant and beautiful. They mocked her pain, teased her for her weakness. Why aren't you strong enough to end it, Fluttershy? Why can't you do things for your own happiness? And Fluttershy considered telling Rainbow how she really felt. She would be hurt, certainly, but everything would go back to normal, wouldn't it?

And then Fluttershy realized how angry her friend would be for lying to her. She imagined what Rainbow would say. Fluttershy, how could you? I loved you, and you pretend this is all some silly game? I hate you, Fluttershy, don't ever talk to me again! Fluttershy cringed at the imagined Rainbow's fury.

Now I'm stuck, there's nothing I can do to fix this. Wait, Rarity's good at romance stuff like this, maybe she can tell me what to do...

But I can never tell anypony, she thought, wiping the almost-dried tears away, I can never tell anypony the truth. They might tell Rainbow, and she'd be even more sad! So, for her happiness, I will never tell a soul.

Fluttershy climbed back into bed, feeling exhausted. I will stay with her 'till the end of time, even if I have to cry myself to sleep every night.

Besides, when did I ever deserve happiness? she thought as she drifted to sleep.