• Published 29th Feb 2020
  • 579 Views, 4 Comments

An Adventurous Affair - Omegathyst

Upon visiting Hope Hollow, Cadance's marriage falls apart as her husband falls for a fashionable pegasus that lives there. Even worse, Cadance can't seem to find where the two lovers ran away. What will happen when she finds them?

  • ...

Rude Awakening

“So that’s it?” Flurry’s eyes widened. “He just up and left, and you never saw him again?”

“No,” Cadance shook her head. “Maybe that’s what should’ve happened, but you know me by now. When a situation goes sideways-”

“You try to fix it,” Flurry nodded, looking at the blankets beneath her. “And I suppose that went sideways too?”

Cadance nodded.

“But we’re far from finished with the story,” Cadance told her. “Celestia and Luna told me a lot about what happened while I went looking for him.”

“Celestia and Luna?” Flurry gasped. “And my Dad still wouldn’t come back for us?”

“He was always a stubborn one,” Cadance sighed. “And the morning after he left was one of the hardest days of my life…”

Cadance turned over in her bed, her hoof reaching over to brush against...bedsheets. Cadance’s eyes flickered open as she looked at the empty space in front of her. Jumping out of bed, she looked into the crib, seeing Flurry sleeping with her tongue sticking out. Briefly reaching out and brushing her daughter’s mane with her hoof, Cadance took a deep breath before leaving the room.

Stomping down the stairs, Cadance gritted her teeth and sharply exhaled through her nostrils as her head swung in the direction of the lobby desk, where a blue unicorn stood in Petunia’s place.

“Where in Equestria is she?!” Cadance demanded, stomping her hoof. “Hiding behind a stallion, afraid that she tore apart my marriage?”

“Miss, regardless of who you are, I will not have you treat my wife the way you have,” the stallion stared her down. “As mayor, I order you to leave Hope Hollow and never come back.”

“And I want you to lay on your back. She caused me to lose my husband, it’s only fair that I repay her in kind. Interested? Cadance smirked, batting her eyes at the wide-eyed stallion as she bit her lip.

The door slammed open as a group of armor-clad stallions stormed in, one of them snapping a ring over the pink alicorn’s horn. Another one trotted up the stairs in the midst of Cadance’s profanity-filled howls, returning to the lobby with Flurry tucked under his hoof. Three of the stallions left with Flurry and a struggling Cadance, while two of them stood outside the hotel door.

“Thank you, gentlecolts,” the mayor nodded, using his magic to close the door.

“FUCK YOU!” Cadance roared at the closing of the door. Breaking out of the guards’ grip, Cadance stormed over to Kerfuffle’s shop, her eyes widening as she read the sign on the door.

“That...that...that bitch!” Cadance screamed, spinning around and colliding her back hooves with the glass next to the door, shattering it. The guards lunged forward, pulling her back as they removed the horn-ring and placed Flurry on her back. Before Cadance could use her magic, a magical bubble enveloped her and her daughter. Punching at the bubble, it suddenly disappeared, and they were surrounded by trees.

Cadance felt tears fall down her cheeks as she saw the Canterlot castles in the distance, holding her crying daughter in her hooves.

“Shh, everything’s going to be okay,” Cadance whispered, pressing her lips to her daughter’s forehead. “We’re going to see Auntie, she’ll sort this out.”

Cadance noticed a tear landing on Flurry before she placed the foal on her back once more, teleporting to the castle in sight.

As the Barrel twins returned to the shop, they stopped and gasped as they saw ponies replacing the glass near Kerfuffle’s door. As they galloped over, the dark brown stallion stuck a hoof out to them.

“Hey, hey,” the stallion said. “Stand back, you two. There’s still shards in the grass.”

“Oh, sorry,” the twins flew off the ground, hovering over the black-maned stallion. “Was there a robbery? Is Kerfuffle okay?”

“No thief, just an angry wife,” the stallion shrugged. “The sign says that she’ll be gone for the time-being, but she’ll return soon.”

“Did she say where?” Barley asked. The stallion shook his head.

“Thank you, Mr…?” Pickle tilted his head.

“Fixer Upper,” the stallion rubbed Pickle’s mane before turning back to the shattered window. “You two run along now, stay safe.”

The Barrel twins flew off a short distance from their house, when Pickle put his hoof on his sister’s shoulder.

“She won’t care if we’re gone,” Pickle glared at the house ahead. “We need to find Kerfuffle. What if that angry wife hurts her?”

“You’re right,” Barley nodded. “Should we bring anything?”

“I’ll sneak some food and money from the kitchen,” Pickle decided. “If I’m not back in five minutes, go without me.”

“Got it,” Barley gave a brief salute as her brother flew into the open window of their house. Feeling her breathing quicken, Barley could only fend away the thoughts of anypony who’d want to cause harm to Kerfuffle.