• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 349 Views, 3 Comments

Reacquiring The Throne - Unknown Ficwriter

Sombra seems to have embraced friendship or at least civility.

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Setting Up Camp

Reforming a few miles inland on Dragon Isle, Sombra sat the chest down beside him. After surrounding it with illusions he flew off to meet the Dragon Lord. While he viewed himself superior to most species, he believed in showing respect when due. It was this motto that drove him to formally ask to settle on their island. It was no surprise that his trip drew the attention of several dragons.

Either by curiosity or defense of their home, several dragons had begun following Sombra as they neared Dragon's Peak. Ember flew from the throne, accompanied by guards, as Sombra landed. Morphing back to his physical form they approached each other. "I was unaware Dragon Lord Torch stepped down. I assume you're his predecessor," Sombra spoke.

"My name is Ember and while you're correct I wonder why your here Sombra. Furthermore why you believe either Torch or I would entertain anything you had to say," Ember replied. Unsurprised his dubious past had reached the shores of Dragon Isle, Sombra presented his desire for redemption.

Wishing to exile himself on their island until the taint of his transgressions was thoroughly buried. It wasn't until admitting to expressing these desires with Princess Cadence that Ember took note. Once finished Ember called for a quill and parchment. While confused Sombra patiently watched as she wrote a quick letter.

What happened next genuinely surprised him as the letter turned to vapor as it burned. The green flame Ember spewed instead of the normal reddish-orange color intrigued him. Only as Cadence's reply materialized did they pause their conversation again. After reading the letter Ember considered her words while staring intently at Sombra.

While they'd never met, stories told by her father depicted a very sinister unicorn. If it was the opinion of any other Ember would have dismissed it. However, Cadence opposed and experienced Sombra's cruelty. For a recommendation in his favor portrayed to some extent her belief in his sincerity.

With an imposed fee and periodically visits, Ember agreed to let Sombra stay. Leaving the method of contribution to his discretion, Ember explained every resident earned their keep in one form or another. Furthermore, the fee would allow him to build some goodwill to offset the stigma of his past.

Agreeing to show them where he could be found, Sombra asked if it was possible to speak with Torch again. Ember's stoic expression softened as she informed him Torch had passed away the following year of her succession. After conveying his condolence and praise for the battle prowess of the former dragon lord he flew off. Escorted by several dragons they quickly disappeared over the horizon.

While trusting Cadence's opinion the worry of allowing a former invader to remain wormed its way into her mind.

As they approached the area where Sombra first appeared. He asked how Ember was able to communicate by burning a letter. The knowledge of enchanted dragon fire being able to transport materialistic was something he'd never heard of. As he watched them leave Sombra pondered how he'd be able to utilize such an ability.