• Published 23rd Aug 2012
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The Severed Dimension - StarPrism

Three heroes ripped from their own reality to be imprisoned in... Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Personas

Chapter 11: Personas

I looked around the shrine again. I’ve been feeling a presence following me ever since entering Ponyville, and I was beginning to suspect it was the mischievous spirit I met while I was detached from this body, the same spirit that Twilight called ‘Discord’. I felt a volatile tingling sensation in my chest, I knew it was raw chaotic energy, ever sense joining this body, I’ve had this sensation, in these ruins, but I still couldn’t locate the source.

“So, Kabel – I mean Kael, what do you make of this? I mean, I know you’re not Regal, and you know a lot about magic… So what is with this place and this mirror?” Edel spoke up, looking me with a scowl and then the mirror as I scanned the surroundings.

“As they said; it can definitely work like some kind of conduit. There is a huge surge of chaotic energy here, but it’s impossible to pinpoint where it’s coming from.” I said. I thought for a moment. Maybe it’s possible that this chaos energy is the seventh natural element here. But the six Twilight mentioned are the same as the ones in Durandel, so maybe the seventh couldn’t be this.

Edel trotted towards the portal before stopping, looking at me and saying “You know he was like family to us. He was my comrade, best friend… He was like a brother to me. If you ever want to change the status quo, you can just leave, bring Regal back and then you would maybe have earned my respect.”

Respect? I don’t need your respect, worm. I thought as he slipped into the portal. I looked around some more, noticing the mirror still had a strange glow and ripple effect. I trotted towards it. Funny how that Daring Do pony was so sure there was something amiss here, and she didn’t find a secret cache or room she was looking for before leaving. I found myself studying the image of myself closely. I was rather ugly, being a quadra pedal creature with a horn about a pace length sticking out of my head, and a pair of wings out of my sides, long snout and a long blue mane.

“How does this work? Life has only been possible because of mana, but there is no mana in this world, only a strange variation that has no traces of the life-giving qualities that mana has.” I found myself saying out loud. Suddenly a saw a talon wrap around my shoulder, but felt nothing. I knew who it was, as the tall patchwork creature rose from behind me in the mirror, smiling.

“Feeling homesick?” Discord said; his voice sounding like he was indeed right next to me.

“A bit; I need to get back and let real mana flow through me so I can get back to full strength. Perhaps take the Gate from this ‘Gladius’ character.” I replied. “Tell me, Discord, are you the one who saved us from that Aboleth?”

“Well, somepony who wants to talk to me? My, my, my how interesting indeed. To answer your question, no it wasn’t me. Even if wanted to, I do not have enough power in this form to do anything other than talk and influence small events. No, the one responsible for that heroic deed…” He pointed at me.

“No, it couldn’t have been me. I was silenced, mind controlled by that thing!”

“I wasn’t pointing at You.” Discord said, his smiling growing more menacing. I gaped at him. “Well I’ll start at the part where you failed to cast your spell on the creature…”


As I walked through the portal into the library several minutes later, I saw Edel and Daring Do talking in front of the kitchen counter. Realizing I was in the kitchen, I trotted out into the main wing of the library, where Twilight was reading a thick book near a small desk, and Spike was holding what looked like a piece of parchment he was rolling into a scroll. He promptly opened a window and, to my surprise, exhaled green flames and engulfed the scroll in ashes as the wind blew it away. I thought about inquiring about this odd behavior, but then realized Twilight was concentrating very hard as she absorbed the contents of the book into her brain. I admired that about her. She was very studious like I was when I was young, and she was someone – ok somepony that I have come to respect here in this world called Equestria.

“You remind me of me when I was your age,” I commented as I trotted next to her.

As I thought, she didn’t look up, merely replied with a short “mm-hm.”

I continued “Very focused and ambitious. Helping us strangers out simply because of the thirst.”

She looked up at this, and I merely smiled. “Thirst?”

“Yes my dear, your thirst for more knowledge. Keep it up and you will indeed make a great mage, or unicorn in your case. Are you reading about the elements?”

“Yes, actually,” She started as she looked back down “it says here, the orbs did exist at one point all gathered by a group of ponies called ‘The Disciples of Chaos’. They used the orbs at an unknown location, to summon a Deity to worship. This Deity, or God, proved too powerful and completely embodying chaos, and proceeded to take over Equestria after he was summoned. He enjoyed wreaking chaos and anarchy so well, he got his namesake from the ponies; Discord.”

I had expected much when she mentioned the words Deity and Chaos in the same sentence. “So what happened to the orbs?” I asked.

“After the defeat of Discord, princess Celestia ordered the orbs be sealed away and never be used again. However, we now know that the princess might still have knowledge of where the orbs are.” She said before I heard a loud belch from Spike who was picking up books that were on the ground. I looked and saw a scroll materialize from his green fire above him, hover for a second and then fall to the ground. Twilight proceeded to levitate the scroll to herself; unraveling it as it travelled. “Oh good the princess replied.”

I looked at Spike, who continued to lift books as if nothing happened. Dragons are used to deliver mail? Odd.

Twilight looked at me and smiled. “Well it seems Princess Celestia wishes to meet you, Edel and Lorane. She asked me and my friends to escort you to Canterlot tomorrow.”

I thought about Princess Luna, who apparently rules during the night. If she had such omnipotence as to see directly through my ruse of posing as Regal, does Princess Celestia have the same ability? Looking at Twilight I asked “So, this princess Celestia of yours, is she also as powerful as her sister, Luna?”

“Oh yes, I think she might be more magically adept than her sister, but they are both equal from an objective standpoint. But, well me being her protégé, I am bias.” She said that last sentence with much pride in her voice. I couldn’t help but think Celestia couldn’t have chosen a better student. I heard hoofsteps behind me and I turned to see Daring Do and Edel coming out of the kitchen. Daring Do proceeded into the other portal Twilight had made on the wall next to the stairs, back to the shrine. I had to remember to ask Twilight how she was able to create two portals.

“Hey, Twilight, I am going to find Lorane. Do you think you can keep an eye on Kael?” Edel started.

“No, I’ll go with you.” I said. “Twilight, try to learn more about the other orbs.”

Twilight nodded as Edel said “Suit yourself. When we find her, you be sure to tell the truth.” And we both trotted out the front door.

We trotted through Ponyville, I knew where we were headed. Lorane seemed to be the type to go to the most public place when she wanted some alone time. She must have left sometime after I departed the library this morning, and it was only a little after high noon. I was certain she would be hungry, like Edel was also getting hungry. I felt a pain in my stomach, and I realized I was also hungry. Hunger. I almost forgot the feeling; my last 30 years as a human I used raw mana in my own body for sustenance but now with the absence of mana I haven’t had a meal in hundreds of years. I looked at Edel who was intentionally avoiding eye contact.

“Once we find Lorane, we’re going to eat a late lunch, as friends. Don’t tell her you’re not the same Regal until after we eat.” Edel said, staring forward. His eyes had nothing but contempt for me. I found it very frustrating.

“You know I’ve been with you three the entire time. I know who you are, Edel, and I know Lorane very well too. Regal was only a node of mine, but if we get out of here, I suppose I can conjure up another vessel and replicate Regal’s memories and personality for you.” I said. To my surprise he abruptly stopped trotting and glared at me.

“You have no right. You have no idea who we are. You talk like you’re some great and powerful being with knowledge of everything! The only thing you’re proving on being is a… Parasite!” he cried.

Before I could respond there was a loud musical fanfare followed by a crowd of hooting and hollering coming from the public park about 300 paces to my right. We both looked to see what looked like fireworks in that direction. “We’re not done with this discussion.” I growled before trotting towards the noise. As I neared the park, rounding around a house not caring of Edel was behind me or not, I saw a large crowed of excited ponies gathered in an arc around what seemed to be a carriage and a stage. There was a pony on the stage wearing a purple cape and matching hat, both decorated by stars. As I grew closer within hearing range of her talking, the mare had a dark blue coat and light blue mane. And she had a smile on her face as she was talking.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is proud to announce that she is back in Ponyville! Here to perform feats beyond imagination for your enjoyment! Witness the magic that will prove to dazzle all in its glory!” She cried as more fireworks poured out of thin air, rising in the air and popping. It was an impressive sight, I admit.

A travelling magician huh? Well I haven’t been this entertained in centuries. Might as well see her show, I can deal with Edel and Lorane later. I thought, suddenly feeling nostalgic, as if a familiar feeling entered my body and I felt homesick as well as empowered. Wait! This feeling. It’s Mana! Where is it coming from… I focused, feeling out the Leylines of energy. It was mana alright, and I could sense a lot more different Leylines, probably because I was in a public place. I found the Leyline, it was the familiar beam of energy fluxuating between a gold color, then blue, purple, white and back to gold. The other Leylines seemed ordinary as they all led to a different pony or other life sources. I followed it with my gaze, to the magician, Trixie, on stage. It’s coming from her. I have to meet this Trixie at once. But it’s too crowded… Perhaps after the show. I thought.

She performed many tricks from materializing objects in midair, to bending light into tangible objects before exploding into sparks of all sorts of colors. It was indeed entertaining and all the while the mana was feeding my very soul. I took this opportunity to obtain sustenance from the mana, after my fill I continued to watch. Some of her tricks even amazed me, as I kept thinking of spells that would explain her tricks but some of them had no possible way of happening. I laughed as she finished conjuring a simple heat bending spell to create fire serpents that danced around the stage. She reminded me of my star pupil, Eleanor, who betrayed me to the empire hundreds of years ago, but she was also interested in flashy magic like this. Finally as the show finished, I made my way towards the stage. A few ponies stepping aside kindly, some saying “Excuse me, highness.” I found myself smiling at this; most ponies here thought I was royalty given my appearance.

As I reached the stage, most ponies have dispersed and I saw Trixie talking with a teal unicorn colt and a white pegasus filly next to her was counting coins in a hat. I remembered the currency was called bits, so this was merely a show to gain money, must’ve been her way of making a living. I jumped on stage and heard her talking. “…Now remember to keep practicing okay Sunny Light? And little Skyline, you don’t have to count this afternoon’s profits right now. Find your parents and give them the bits while I clean up.”

As the two young ponies trotted away with smiles on their faces, I spoke as Trixie turned to see me. “Hello, Great and Powerful Trixie, I am Kabel. I must say I was very impressed with your show here.” As I talked I tried to feel out the mana, it seemed to be radiating from her very being. Why?

“Well hello, Prince Kabel. And thank you, I must ask, what is royalty like you doing in Ponyville? Shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?” Trixie said.

“I suppose my dear, if I were royalty, yes I would need to be under constant protection, as I’m assuming that’s protocol in Equestria. But I am from a place called Durandel, and I must ask, as a fellow mage, why is your aura so bright?” I replied. I noticed at the mention I wasn’t royalty, she began to levitate fallen stage props and flowers that were thrown at her and placing them in neat stacks around the stage.

“A mage you say?” She asked, and quietly muttered “and not royalty?” then continued “Well I am not sure if you understand, I am merely a performer who uses magic to dazzle my crowd. My real name is Beatrix Lulamoon, and I am a unicorn from Hoofington. My next show won’t be until later tonight, in front of town hall. Bring your friends okay?”

I continued to talk as she trotted away “Well okay, but really, why do you radiate this aura of magic? What is your secret?”

She turned to say “A mare does not reveal her secrets.” and continued to trot away.

I cursed to myself as I heard Lorane’s voice call to me, “Regal, get down from there, come on, we have to meet Edel at Sugarcube Corner.”

I stepped off the stage as we trotted towards the large building that looked like it was made of candy. I was not lacking energy therefore I was not hungry, so I would have to somehow tell them the news that Twilight and her friends were going to see us to the capital of Equestria at sunrise.

We stepped inside the bakery where only a small handful of ponies were purchasing baked goods from the counter. A yellow stallion wearing a red and white hat with a matching bowtie was behind the counter taking orders. I was able to see that his nametag read ‘Mr. Cake’. Edel was next in line as Lorane trotted to a table and sat awkwardly in a small chair. I joined her and began to feel out the nearby Leylines. I’ve began to make a habit out of doing this when I felt idle. There was no sign of the mana Leyline that Trixie was emitting, which was to be expected, so withdrawing my concentration I looked at Lorane, noticed she was missing her cape. She smiled at me upon meeting my eyes. “Where is your cape?” I asked.

“Oh, Rarity is repairing it. I cannot begin to tell you how long it took us to prepare the proper substitute for Mageweave. Mageweave doesn’t exist here, and we had to kinda make a new fabric called Runeblend, which does go into the fabric nicely, but she has to keep it for a few hours to make sure the magic properties bind together.” Lorane said, as she started to look at Edel. I knew the two had silly little crushes on each other. I smiled thoughtfully.

Then a strange thought occurred. Why do I feel this way? I feel way too relaxed. I should be on both of their flanks for not doing their all to help get us out of here, but these feelings of compassion keep rising out of nowhere! It’s unlike me at all, is the different balance between Chaos and Harmony here really making me soft like this? I was acting unlike myself and it had to end. I shook my head and looked up at Edel who was speaking to Mr. Cake. “As soon as he gets here I have news from Twilight Sparkle, regarding our quest to get out of here.”

“Oh? Well can we talk after we eat? I am really hungry, and I missed lunch. It’s almost dusk see?” I looked outside in response, and it was indeed almost dusk. Trixie’s show must’ve lasted two hours or so, it seems time flies. My heart fluttered a little as Lorane said “Hey, I’m sorry about hitting you last night. I should haven’t done that. Even if you did deserve it, you’re still my friend, and I value our friendship more than petty name calling and sticking up for a stranger. Can you forgive me?”

I looked at her… Her eyes were a little watery. She must’ve been really thinking a lot about the events from last night. My head became fuzzy as something I should’ve expected happened. I felt a tug at my own Leyline as my eyes began to water as well. “It’s okay. I did deserve it. I have something to say too, but it can wait until after we eat okay? It will explain why I haven’t been myself.” I said, my voice suddenly serene and graceful.

Lorane blinked. “Your voice just changed. Regal! Your horn! It’s broken again! It just… the top part just vanished out of nowhere!” Lorane said loudly, prompting other ponies to look in our direction.

I raised a hoof and felt it was indeed broken, as it was when we first arrived here. I blinked, suddenly saying “Lorane? Oh thank goodness I’m back!”

Edel arrived at the table we were sitting at, placing a plate full of muffins, haycakes, three sandwiches, and cupcakes. He looked at me, eyes going to my horn and to my eyes. “K… Kael?”

“Edel it’s me! I… I think I took control! I don’t know how but, suddenly I am able to talk and move and… Oh, Lorane didn’t know yet huh?” I said.

“What?” Lorane chirped, a puzzled expression on her face.

I told her the story. How I was being called to a strange mirror in the ruins in the forest, meeting a being called Discord, and then following my body around while this Kael character controlled it. Finally ending at when everything went black, I woke up as Kael but with his memories, knowledge, even personality. Something happened and I was able to regain my own personality and experiences at this moment. I was Regal again. I smiled as Lorane gaped at me and Edel had a hoof on his chin in deep thought.

“So it was you who saved us down there Regal?” Edel asked.

“Wait so you, Regal and Daring Do all went down to this underground labyrinth? And this was all earlier today? Where is Daring? I could’ve helped, why didn’t you get me?!” Lorane cried.

“Lorane it’s not like that, come on let’s eat first and discuss this later.” Edel replied.

Lorane pouted in response and let out a sigh. I looked at my sandwich, took a bite. I’m back! I can’t believe it. I thought. I looked at my friends, glad they were okay.

As my thoughts ended, my head cleared up and I blinked. “Well that was odd.” I said, regaining my voice. Edel looked at me. “He did mention this was bound to happen, I thought he was joking, but it seems Regal did have a soul after all. Well it seems that way anyway.”

“Kael? What happened to Regal? He was just here!” Edel cried.

“Calm down. I was going to say this before his soul slipped in, Twilightand her friends have been ordered to take you, me and Lorane here, to Canterlot to meet Princess Celestia. Okay news out of the way. Oh your friend, I won’t let him in like that again, but I suppose I can conjure a vessel as I said before. The magic itself isn’t too hard; I just need a large amount of mana.” I replied, Edel scowling as he finished his sandwich and began on his muffin. “Speaking of which, there was a unicorn oddly emitting a very large amount of Mana earlier. The one I was trying to talk to before Lorane pulled me away. Now if we can get her, I could use her mana and make a body for Regal to prance around in. How does that generous offer sound?”

Edel got up violently after finishing his muffin and cupcake, looked at me with disgust “You’re pathetic,” he said, before trotting out the door.

“Mr. Kael, would you really do that for Regal?” Lorane asked innocently. I looked at her, she looked confused and sad as she stared into my eyes.

“Yes. It was never my intention to create a soul. It was originally a soulless vessel, an empty body, but somehow Regal developed a soul. I don’t know how, and I will remember to research this, but yes, since he has a soul and consciousness I will create a vessel for him if we can get that unicorn to cooperate.” I said, mustering up a smile.

She was quiet for a moment, looking pensive. After a while, she looked at me. “Well let’s go talk to this unicorn. I want to talk to Regal, so where should we look?”

Remembering what the unicorn Trixie, or Beatrix Lulamoon, said as she trotted away from me on stage I answered “She is performing in front of the town hall tonight.”


“She is a travelling entertainer it seems. She also has very good control of her magic, I daresay you might even learn a thing or two from her, Lorane.”

She looked disturbed, probably not expecting someone she technically doesn’t know to know who she is, which is expected. “Right. Well it’ll be dusk soon, I’ll go after Edel and we’ll meet in front of Town Hall.”

With that, she trotted out the door. Now I needed to find someplace private, hopefully I can contact this ‘Regal’ character’s soul. It was interesting, somehow another persona, another soul has been forged. I created a soul. Perhaps I can experiment with this in the future, to create life from virtually nothing but mana would push my goal towards godhood greatly. I trotted into what seemed to be a restroom nearby under stairs leading to the second floor of the bakery. After securing the closed door and making sure I was alone, I focused my consciousness inwards trying to feel any presence as I meditated…

I opened my eyes. There was nothing in front of me but an endless white void. I blinked as I looked at my hands. Hands! I was human again! Memories came flowing through me; from a young man and woman finding me unconscious in some strange woods, us getting to know each other and going on many adventures to save our land. I am Regal, but where am I? More memories flowed forth; my father going crazy in a drunken rage, I kill him in defense with my evil magic. That’s right! Back then, more than 700 years ago, magic was considered an evil and unholy gift. My own mother proceeded to take a knife and brandish it at me, shouting “Die demon child! Die!”. I was forced to take her life as well. In anguish I burned down my home, and fled. Eventually gaining mastery over this dark gift called magic.

I eventually became known worldwide and feared but as I grew old, the only thing I wanted was a body in which to continue my magic studies… I am Kael. Where am I?

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I looked around wildly, looking for the source of the deep voice. All around me was the same, just a white, blank void. “Who is there?” I felt myself shouting.

“I’m surprised you don’t know me.”

I turned around to see a small piece of land, covered in tall grass and a tall, dead tree it’s only inhabitant. I moved toward it to see it had burn marks all over it. I studied the ground beneath the tree, the grass seemed to abruptly stop as the white void took over the field of view merely a pace away from the foot of the tree. I flinched and jumped backwards as I looked back to the tree to see a figure standing behind it. The figure was very tall, wore a dark cape, with even darker armor covering his entire body. Two curved swords hung from the belt area, and he wielded a long triple-pronged spear, and an enigmatic mask that had a small glass, but opaque visor where the eyes were.

“You’re… You’re Gladius.” I exclaimed.

“Am I?” Gladius asked. “Are you sure?”

“What? Where… am I?” I asked, looking around. “Who am I?”

“That is for you to sort out. As for me, don’t worry about me. Think of me as your ‘Dark Gift’ as you mentioned before at least.”

“Dark Gift? You were inside my head?!”

“Well that is where we are after all. It’s not much of a sight is it? Your head seems pretty empty doesn’t it? But it wasn’t always like this.” Gladius said, chuckling a little as he looked around.

“What are you? And why do you look like Gladius?”

“I am what you would call a mana sprite. Mana resides in all things, even here in Equestria. Mana has different forms, even consciousness. When us mana sprites choose a host, usually an unborn infant, we live off their experiences and feed them our own power. You, have been very interesting wanting to live forever and all, and I would love to help you with this task. As for why I look like this person you think I look like, well you humans view mana sprites out of your own fears deep in your heart. You must have a fear of this Gladius fellow so here I am.

I looked at him, still not knowing who I am, and now knowing that this thing is living inside my head… I need to research this thing.

“And now you’re wondering if it’s possible to harness my energy for yourself hm? That’s what I love about your dark side, Kabel. However you seem to have another being in here as well. I daresay I am even unsure who this one is.”

I followed his gaze as he looked behind me, and there stood a young man with long blue hair, a pale face, and wore only common cloth robes from small villages in Durandel. “Kael? I want my body back. You’ve had your chance.” He said. I blinked; suddenly I was staring at an older man standing in front of a dead tree with a dark figure behind it. The man, with shorter blue hair, a wrinkled face, as well as bags under his eyes gave him a tired look. I was looking at myself.

I opened my eyes to see the door I had closed earlier. Without thinking I opened the door, and trotted out the front door of the bakery. I had to get to town hall.

End of Chapter 11