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Chapter 3: leaving it all?

"Well, some of us." Sunset answers, referring to a scowling Rainbow Dash

Vice-principal Luna asked "May we join?"

Sunset nodded and the two step near her and Carl.

"So Sunset, have you learned anything else about Mr. Grimes here?" Celestia asked

"Only that he hasn't eaten in a while and he refers to where he's from as "somewhere far"

"...I understand" Celestia answered

The rest of lunch was spent with the others going at their business and Carl slowly began to feel a bit uneasy, but managed to hide it. After a few minutes, the principal clapped her hands, getting every students attention.

"All right everybody, due to the events yesterday, today is an half-day, so there's no other periods for today."

All the students cheered.

"If your breakfast is done, you can head home, I've informed your parents about yesterday, so anybody with curfews, don't worry."

The students began to leave the school and head home, with each glancing at Carl, leaving Sunset unsettled and uneasy.

"(Please, I'd had to deal with the whole school hating me, don't let it happen to him too.)" Sunset thought.

Celestia asked in a stern manner "Carl, may we speak with you in private?"

Carl, with a little worry answered "OK"

"Aw!, but I didn't get to throw a party for him yet!" Pinkie Pie whined

"Its OK, Pinkie, maybe later" Sunset said

And with that, Carl has left with Celestia and Luna in their office alone. When they reached there, the blinds were closed and the lights were off, the room was dark until Celestia turned the lights on and went to her desk and said to Carl sternly "Mr. Grimes, I've looked through the database and I found absolutely nothing at all on this Atlanta, you and your father spoke of"

Carl gave a look of dismay, yet sweated uncomfortably and quickly said "That's because were transferring since the school system and might I add in my opinion the students were FAR too..."extreme".

Luna gave a look of interest "Meaning?"

Carl looked down with despair and said "Let's just say, their definition of education is not the way you would see it as like I have"

Celestia gave an look of pity and quickly said "I see, well I'm only saying this because I saw you and your father are and might I say, you too look very...."brutalized?".

Carl, unfazed by this statement said "Its OK, we get that alot."

And after a few questions such as what grade he was in and how he managed to pass school, Carl answered honestly, but also dishonestly as well to hide where him and his father were really from and the acts they had to do for saving not just their friends and family, but for themselves. After the school day ended Carl was heading home and managed to assure the girls and Celestia and Luna that despite how young he looked, he would manage and keep himself out of harms way and as he walked his way to the apartment he and his father lived in, he heard a noise coming from the corner and when he went to investigate he saw the girls he met at school being attacked by 6 robbers. Without them noticing and out of fear and rage, he quickly put on one of his outfits he used to fight either walkers or other enemies he had back in his world and the outfit looked as a mixture as if he wore a face mask, hat and full padded armor with an axe on his back holster, and a pistol on the holster on his lower leg with a knife at his other lower hip.

"Alright, you little brats hand over the necklaces!" the leader shouted.

"No!, their ours you ruffians!" Rarity shouted right back.

"Maybe this will change your mind" the one holding Sunset at bay said and aimed his gun at her head and held her hostage.

The one holding Fluttershy said "We're gonna count to 3, if you don't hand them over, you get it!"


The girls were trying to think of options, but were slowly succumbing to the stress of the situation.


"3" Carl said and the moment the robber turned around, Carl instinctively shot him in the head.

"What the?!" the one holding Sunset said

But before the other 5 attackers could react to their now dead comrade, Carl shot them each in the head except for the one holding Sunset and promptly shot him in his knees, personally crippling him for life as he screamed in hate and pain, and thus took away their weapons. After Sunset had called the police, the girls went over to their unknown (at least to them) masked heroic vigilante and looked at him either with fear, applause or shock. Carl then asked out of concern, yet in a deep Arkham knight like voice "Are you all ok, did they hurt you?"

Pinkie said with a smiling look with praise "You saved us!" and began to hug Carl tight, to the point where he nearly ran out of oxygen.

"Couldn't have at least picked a better time?" Rainbow deadpanned.

"Hey, they had guns, be happy it didn't get more worse and next time THIS type of thing happens, be sure to do what he says!" Rarity retorted.

"Lets all be happy it didn't escalate more then it had to" Sunset said and the police arrested the surviving robber while the others were taken to autopsy by police, and the other hostages, surprisingly including Octavia and Vinyl were seen being comforted by paramedics.

Sunset then faced the mysterious boy in armor and said "Thank you..?

Carl, not willing to reveal his true self and name, answered with a tone of hidden disdain "Alpha"

"Oh thank goodness!, I thought we would lose these." Rarity said and then said "Taking an stand and returning an precious item of ours, my hero.". Rarity then kissed Carl on the cheek, causing him to blush heavily and make him remember the same thing with him and Sophia.

"Um....no problem" Alpha/Carl said with embarrassment and he left by using the skills he learned from Paul "Jesus" Monroe to jump on the top of the building and go his way. Leaving the girls confused and surprised as to who their newfound savior really was.

After Carl managed to change into his normal clothes, he went to the apartment and unlocked the door and saw Rick cooking.

"Hey son, how was school?"

Carl answered "It was great dad, I even made some friends with a few girls"

Rick gave an happy expression "Did you ask her out already"

Carl immediately blushed and said "Uh..um." unable to answer correctly as Rick laughed in amusement.

Rick said in amusement "I'm just teasing, but seriously, are you?"

Carl said quickly "N...No!"

Rick decided to not push further and the two ate their food Rick prepared for them and as they are eating, Carl asked "By the way dad, what did I miss?"

Rick answered "While you were gone, I applied for the city's police in the city since I was a sheriff's deputy before so that we can pay the bills."

Carl understood and after they ate, Carl was doing homework and realized things would be more harder now that his father is now not only a cop in the city and while thinking of this, slowly began to wonder if he made the right choice or not in helping the girls in a lethal way.

(A few hours later)

As Carl had to leave to get groceries, his father was busy at his job and while Carl was walking back home, he opened the door and the moment he did the lights opened


Carl gave a look and said "What are you all doing here?!"

Pinkie said in reply "I said I'd throw you a party silly billy, and now I have!"

"No I mean, how did you get here without me or my dad opening the door?, I remember locking it."

Rick suddenly appeared and said "I let them in son"


"Well these girls told me that it's something Pinkie here does for others"

"Plus the author was really busy and is trying to make up some time!"

The partygoers gave looks of confusion while Rick and Carl looked puzzled. Rarity them said to them.

"Don't try, it's Pinkie being Pinkie"

The two complied, and began to enjoy the party, but Carl was however still secretly grieving from his family but managed to act otherwise to not worry his father and his new friends.