• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 583 Views, 0 Comments

We Present To You A New Quest - Split Scimitar

The Rainbooms reunite for a special invite to a wedding gig in the Mushroom Kingdom.

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It’s Coronation Day! It’s Coronation Day!

Having packed two, I put one of my uniforms on just for the giggles and grins, though purely for my sake.

Annabelle has been out along with the rest of the MK royals. The Sarasalanders have a space reserved for them at the castle, so they’ll be leaving before the rest of us are ready.

Rosalina wakes me up and alerts me to our exclusive view of the coronation. Yes, we’re going to have a view of the coronation from the Observatory.

Excitedly, I hop into the shower and try to settle down. If I get any more excited, I just might have a complex reaction. It’ll be my first time since we got married that I’ll be on it. Normally I don’t get excited about much if anything, but apparently I’m making an exception this time.

When the others all gather in the foyer, I join them and wait for Rosalina. Rarity sits down next to me while I check my messages, and both Applejack and her younger sister start tittering. Sweetie Belle then takes a picture of the two of us together and starts laughing when she shows the picture to the others.

“Subtlety, men vs women.”

“Alright, what’s going on, Sweetie Belle?”

Only laughing, she hands me her phone, and to my surprise, Rarity though looking away from camera, is rubbing my back.

“What makes it so funny?”

“You don’t get it do you? The fact that she’s trying so hard to seem subtle is betraying the act of subtlety itself.”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity calls back, but she and Scootaloo can only laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I grab a couple things to take onto the Observatory. Rosalina then makes sure it’s good to go, as it’ll double with Propeller Toad Transport to televise the coronation.

The ceremony begins at 13:00, so we need to be in the air by 11:00. That shouldn’t be a problem, since it appears everyone’s ready. With that, our whole group heads to the garden and boards the observatory. Before we take off though, two ships come in right after another and flag us down before Rosalina has the Lumas start it up.

The Odyssey lands first, with Starship Mario on the other side. Lubba and his crew come and give us hugs, and Cappy says hi by landing on top of my head and bouncing off like a frog. He does the same to Rosalina before gleefully chatting to Lubba.

“Are you helping with aerial coverage?” Lubba then asks Rosalina.

“Not with views, but I am helping with signal reach.”

“Do your passengers want to ride with us? We’ll stay close.”

“Don’t you have your representatives from the other kingdoms?” I then ask Cappy.

“They have special spots reserved for them. I just dropped them off.” He responds.

“Oh. Do you want to ask them?” I turn to Rosalina.

“I know Twilight won’t want to leave. She’s engrossed in the library. As for the others, I’ll say we’ll be okay.”

“Alright!” Lubba says. “I’ll see you up there! I’m guiding the Koopa Navy into the Harbor.”

“I’ll help then!” Cappy adds.

“Cool! See you in the sky!”

The two ships then take off and head for the shores as I climb aboard. A Luma then dives into the engine chamber and turns into the star beacon, firing up the observatory and activating the rescue properties, in case one of us falls, and the gravity mechanics to allow us to walk on various surfaces as appropriate.

Once ready, Rosalina gently maneuvers around some trees and other garden wildlife to keep the impact of the takeoff minimal. Airborne over the city, I take a look at the city and how the roads are coping with the ceremonial arrangements. A considerable majority of the crowd are already sitting in their claimed spots, making the view from above look like bottlenecks comparable to narrowing from a vein to a capillary. In fact, I could say that the clumping of crowds could appear as an imminent stroke… no no no no. Bad Max. BAD Max! That’s Mad, Max!

I chuckle to myself as I intentionally derail that train of thought. Nevertheless, Rosalina establishes an orbital pattern for us. As I start pacing on the main level just to survey the crowd from our level, I breathe a sigh of fresh air just as the time for the first fanfare rolls around.

The clock strikes 13:00, and Princess Peach leads the procession of all the heads of state with her husband, wearing a stunningly regal king outfit that he pulls off quite well. Behind them is King Bowser, only Jr at his side for reasons of spacing atop the building. Following them are King Richard, Queen Lillian, Princess Daisy, and Luigi. Behind them are Prince Peasley, standing monarch of the Beanbean Kingdom, and right behind him is King Fret of Jewelry Land. Rounding out the procession are the seven Koopa kids, forming a line that stands majestic as the fanfare/march travels across the city and out to the reaches beyond.

“Ladies, gentlemen, Toads, Beanish, Jewelers, friends, family, one and all!” Mario addresses the crowd. “Today we celebrate the crowning of a successor to the throne of the Mushroom Kingdom. Today we celebrate the successful endeavor of reuniting a family long lost to the ravages of war. Today we usher in a new era, in this new Galaxy. One of peace among all our nations. One where we put past actions and transgressions behind us. One where we no longer are blinded by what sets us apart but guided by what brings us together. Today is that day!”

A chorus of cheers erupts from the crowd.

“It has been an absolute pleasure to prepare for this momentous occasion, and on a day like today could not be better, other than maybe a few degrees warmer.”

Mild chuckles pop up, with a few nodding in agreement.

As Princess Peach continues to speak, I admire the spectacle of basically a whole world’s population dropping everything for the coronation of a future royal. Don’t get me wrong, it’s incredibly moving to know that Toads and plenty of other denizens in other kingdoms show their loyalty in such a way as this.

When Peach’s speech ends, the crowd applauds as King Bowser takes the podium.

“On behalf of the Koopa Kingdom, I would like to thank Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Prince Mario, and Prince Consort Luigi, as well as all of their children Princes Peter, Marc, and Benito, and Princess Laura, and last but certainly not least, Princess Annabelle. All of you have been so kind and welcoming towards not only me, but also my own descendants. I cannot express my gratitude for the way we’ve been welcomed into your diplomatic brotherhood with open arms. After all of the atrocities committed against you in the name of selfish motivations, your conscious choice to welcome us with open arms when we had done nothing but stab you in the back speaks volumes about the power of compassion. The ripple effects of one simple act of kindness can kickstart a wave, and I hope that every single one of you in attendance today follows their lead when the opportunity presents itself.

We all then turn to Fluttershy, who blushes at the thought.

“Sometimes, we all need to be shown a little kindness.” She responds almost perfectly in sync with Bowser. He then wraps his speech up with, “I implore you all, regardless of your walk of life, to understand that everyone around you has a story to tell. A story of successes and struggles, ups and downs, times of trial and tribulation and times of celebration and mourning. If you want to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter where one is, always find and make room for compassion, just as Princess Annabelle did for not only me, but for my entire family.”

Understandably, the reaction is less than optimal. Makes sense, since Bowser has made an entire lifetime out of terrorizing many of them. I know Toads are good people, and many do want to see the good in Koopas, but unfortunately, as it stands right now, that road is going to be a long and winding one.

Peach, Mario and Annabelle then step forward. In his hands, Mario presents a scepter and an orb, both of pure gold and unsurprisingly mushroomy in shape.

Annabelle then takes the orb in her left hand and the scepter in her right. She then turns to face the crowd as Princess Peach takes the microphone.

“As all present today bear witness to this historical day, we formally welcome Princess… Annabelle. Maurizia. Toadstool!”

Bowing down, she closes her eyes and waits so her mother can crown her. When she stands back up, streamers and confetti blast into the air right on cue (classic Pinkie Pie) and the crowd erupts into another round of whistles, cheers, and thunderous applause.

Cameras flash, and Princess Annabelle poses for photos, proper professional photographers now lined up across adjacent buildings to snap pictures of the Princess with all the various rulers and of course her own family too.

I notice Rosalina’s usually stoic face is poorly shielding liquid pride, so I move close to her, but she leaves the main floor, returning a few seconds later with a handkerchief.

I smile at her as she smiles back at me, wiping the tear out of her eye. Once she calms back down, in time with the crowd dispersing, we return to the castle, gently touching down in the garden, with Starship Mario and the Odyssey landing shortly after.

A few minutes after we all disembark, the same convoy of Koopa trucks arrives, bringing with them our VIP’s.

Annabelle then gets a line of hugs from everyone, ending first with me and finally with Rosalina. The two of them then go for a walk in the garden while I head for the garage so I can smoke.

Before I put the stick to my mouth however, Dash finds me, so I climb into the Jag.

“Dude.” She says impressed by the car, “let’s take this thing for a spin!”

“If there wasn’t so much traffic I’d be more willing, but also as it stands, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I say taking a huff.

“Dude, stop that. It’s disgusting.”

“If you’re all in on getting me to quit, I’m all in on finishing the last of the e-cigarettes I have.”

“How long have you been smoking?”

“On and off since I was 16, but I’ve spent more of my life off than on.”

“Why did you pick it up in the first place?”

“I fell for the dragon’s breath. It’s also the only reason I smoke e-cigarettes, aside from the fact that I don’t want to carry a lighter.”

“Where did you get the idea that dragon’s breath was attractive?”

“I couldn’t put my finger on it, but if I had to, I’d say I watched a lot of fantasy as a kid, and I thought fire-breathing dragons were badass.”

“How did you conquer smoking before?”

“I never got addicted. Only to the motion and the dragon’s breath. I was able to get out before it was too late.”

“Yet you keep coming back to it.”

“To be fair, my relapses usually coincide with major life events. In one case, it was because my dad had a stroke and I got fat shamed for it. The next one came right after my divorce before meeting Rosalina, and now that we’re getting a divorce, I’m back on the stick.”

“Uh huh.” She responds with a grain of salt.

“Except the very first time I started smoking, I’ve always picked it up out of stress. Besides, I’ve never gotten addicted. I only do this for the dragon’s breath. That’s why I only use e-cigarettes. Even so, I need to stop, but I only have a few boxes’ worth left. This might be my first divorce where I won’t smoke. Even though there’s a very small part of me that wants to continue smoking.”

“Max, I know I’m not one to have long and heartfelt discussions about things like this, but as a fellow aviator, I have strict rules against smoking, and I think you should too, especially knowing you with your high blood pressure and very well-established tendency to act out in extreme ways. I don’t say this often, but I love ya. You’re an awesome dude, and even more awesome if you stopped smoking, permanently.”

“You know you’re not the first to say that. Twilight was willing to throw away our friendship over it, Pinkie tolerates, Rarity seems to let it slide, Fluttershy has no problem with it, but I’ve also never smoked around her. Lastly, AJ said she would never want to hang out with me if I continued. So maybe I should continue.”

Before I can even put the stick to my mouth, Rainbow slaps me upside the head.

“Are you serious?” She asks with a tone betraying a sense of calmness. “You would continue smoking, cutting your life span down with each one, just because you want a reason not to hang out with us?”

“No. I want to keep smoking because of the dragon’s breath.”

“Why did you ever find that attractive?”

“Aside from enjoying fire-breathing dragons as a kid? You also have to remember that I act out in extreme ways to intentionally turn people off, or away. Consider it my crush behavior, if you’ve ever had a crush on someone before.”


“It’s classed as self-destructive behavior. I apparently find it more acceptable to sabotage a potential relationship, usually because I’m afraid of developing a crush.”

“But look at your friendship with AJ. You both took it rather gracefully. Applejack isn’t the best when it comes to dealing with romance.”

“I picked up on that one quickly. But yes, she took it better than many I know. I’m genuinely surprised she didn’t just burn the bridge. It’s not like I have much to offer anyway.”

Rainbow raises an eyebrow as I open the garage.

“Sorry, I’m going to switch back my other car. Plus, if you and I are going to have a heart-to-heart, I’d rather do it outside the castle.”

“Whoa there,” she exclaims getting out of the car, “I’m not someone you can pour your heart out to. I don’t like harboring those kinds of things. I don’t keep secrets very well.”

“Okay. Appreciate your honesty. I know your disdain for classic cars, so I guess I’ll see you in a couple hours.” I respond firing up the Jag. “Later.”

She steps back as I put the car in gear. Once I exit the garage, I stomp the throttle all the way through 1st and 2nd, admiring the massive outflux of traffic, now that the city is emptying.

When I return to the housing complex, I replace the Jag and grab my Grosser, knowing I can keep my foot down, since most of the traffic is heading out rather than in.

When I park, I grab my things and jump aboard the Observatory. Cappy and Peach just departed to the Koopa Kingdom to escort the Koopa brigade, so Rosalina and Lubba will be heading to Honeylune Ridge. Pinkie rides with Lubba, who leads the way.

When we land on the moon, we’re a considerable distance from the chapel, for good reason. While the celestial body (or rather, natural satellite) is devoid of extraterrestrial life, a few Toads that run the gift shop greet us warmly. Apparently, the moon is a popular tourist destination, and choosing the wedding date for November 1 places it right in the middle of their off-peak season.

Nevertheless, we’re greeted warmly, and some of our friends purchase souvenir knickknacks and tchotchkes, some of which includes sustainably sourced moon rock. And by sustainable I mean sold in extremely limited quantities.

Remember that this moon requires no space suits, but the gravity is about 18% of our earth’s; slightly greater than our moon, which clocks in at 16.6% of our earth. Part of that may be due to the fact that despite having similar masses and gravity fields, this moon is inside the Roche limit of our earth and moon, which is consistent with the slight increase in gravitational pull, and why this moon though considerably smaller in mass still appears to be of a similar size when viewed from Mushroom Earth.

Soon after, we look over a deep crater and find Starship Mario parked right next to the chapel. Leaving space for the Odyssey and the Koopa, we decide to explore the moon, Rosalina warning everyone not to go into any caves or caverns. RD and Scootaloo have fun with the reduced gravity and do long jumps, while Fluttershy clings to me to keep herself grounded.

I tread gently for her sake but feign a leap, spluttering out nervous screams.

“You felt that didn’t you?”

“Shit!” She exclaims tightening her death grip.

I chuckle and apologize, but she doesn’t let go. Electing to walk as normal as I can, I decide to go help Pinkie while Rosalina shows the others around. I’m familiar with the place except for the aforementioned caves and caverns, as Mario and Cappy did warn me before.

When I reach the chapel, we walk in and to my surprise, the picture I would expect to show up on these walls, is missing.

“Did she not get married here?” I ask rhetorically about Peach.

I repeat the question when she appears behind me.

“You knew that.” She responds.

“Of course I did.” I say half-bluffing. “How could I forget the fact that after you rejected both Mario and Bowser for your hand in marriage, you straight up marooned them both, here?”

“Annabelle, Marc, and Peter” is all she responds.

Knowing that statement means “proof of who I chose,” I rest the case and wait for our final guests, Mario and Luigi’s parents.

The two of them arrive on Starship Mario.

“Mr. Marco Mario, Sr! How nice to see you.” I call offering my hand.

“Hello Cap. Glad to see you too.”

“Miss Louise, I hope you’ve been well.”

“I have, thank you.” She responds delightfully. “And you?”

“Not too bad. Come meet my friends. One of them has been assisting Princess Peach with coronation and wedding prep. They’re also clients of mine.”

“Hey, that’s great! You have a larger client base now!”

“Yeah, and most of them came from or via them. I’m in business now.”


“Thank you. I hope you know I’m available.”

“Of course. We’ve just been spending a lot of time here for obvious reasons.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Max,” Sunset asks brandishing a guitar case, “Have you seen Princess Tw…Peach.”

“Uh, I don’t think she’s here yet.”

“Oh, well, we need a place for our instruments.”

“You think Pinkie might know a place?”

“Have you seen her?”

“She was in the kitchen setting up last I saw her. Is she playing?”

“She’s our drummer.”

“Nice. Well, you can check the kitchen I guess.”

“Didn’t you get married here?”

“Nope. We chose not to have a wedding. Minimal fanfare, a sentiment I think Annabelle inherited.”

“Or you were cheap.”

“I’m not cheap, I’m selectively lavish. Rosalina isn’t one for big celebrations either.”

“Still.” She shrugs as she looks for Pinkie.

The other girls follow with three guitar cases. Vinyl and Octavia follow with the whole station on wheels and cello respectively. Behind them is a new figure who I haven’t met before, but is clearly help for the latter group.

“Sir Max,” Octavia beckons, “meet Spike, aka…”

“DJ Scales ‘N Tail!” He responds enthusiastically.

“Split Scimitar!” I reply in kind, “Max is fine.”

“Alrighty Max!”

“I’m not a knight, Ms. Melody. The sir is not necessary.”

“That’s not what Princess Toadstool said to me. You’re royalty here.”

“That’s because I’m married to a Princess.”

“My point exactly, and I shall address you as such, love.”

“I’m barely a Prince Consort, but if that’s what you want to do, I won’t argue.”

“Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity exclaims dropping her instrument on my foot. “It’s been so long!”

Ignoring the brief flash of pain, I pick up her instrument and look for the others while they catch up.

“I guess that’s the namesake of her email handle?” I ask chuckling to myself. “What history do they have?”

Thinking nothing more, I find the girls’ instruments in one of the back corners for now, so they can do a sound check.

Vinyl’s station is where all the instruments are plugged in, and following the girls’ instruments plugging in, the monitors and subs are laid out. I then clear the area to see if anyone is in the blast radius of the speakers before Vinyl and Sunset run the mixer, everyone else tuning and adjusting their instruments and their voices.

Ludwig then pulls a felt cover off the chapel organ and acquaints himself. Looks like it’s his first time on an organ in at least a little while.

When the girls wrap up their own sound check, they give the okay to Ludwig, who does a gentle warmup to expel dust from the pipes. Eventually, he continues with some classical pieces from our world: some Bach fugues and odes from his namesake. O[de to] Joy[ful joyful]. Most of his warmups are pieces that make Octavia perk up. Brandishing both an acoustic and electric cello, she strums on her wooden one and follows Ludwig’s lead, much to the combined shock and joy of the organist, who takes his own creative approach, turn this little practice into quite a heated “conversation” (for those familiar with the analogy).

Not a single ear is listening to anything else, as the entire party have honed in on the unfolding symphony before them.

When they finish, both performers are breathing heavily, to much applause from the rest of the audience. Of course, Larry and Vinyl, not to be outdone, attempt a duel rebuttal, so I tread cautiously and see what unfolds before me.

Before the jockeys can set off however, King Dad (Wendy’s nickname for Bowser) walks in unamused.

“Let’s not Raise This Roof, please. This is a wedding chapel. Cap, come with me. The rest of you, PLEASE keep it down! I can hear you from outside!”

The others then stand there awkwardly as I follow the Koopa King, the tension poorly hiding a look of a childish “OOHHH! You got in trouble!”

“Yes, your excellency?”

“Can I trust you with this?” He asks handing me a remote.

“What’s this for?”

“The bells. As soon as we announce them as newlyweds.”

With that, Bowser tells me to make sure I sit towards the back of the chapel, in case the signal doesn’t reach. Time for our first practice run.

Sitting in the farthest row back and closest to the aisle, I take a good long look at the procession so I can get an idea as to who’s marching when. That way when I understand the sequence, I can determine when’s a good time to make my way from the front rows to the back.

Peach, Daisy, and Luigi are marching, as are the Koopa siblings. With them is Annabelle’s Maid of Honor, Toadette, one of the castle servants, and the one who was very instrumental in forming a middle ground when the truth about her life was revealed. Also in the procession is Annabelle’s cousin Benito, son of Luigi and Daisy from a previous cycle of the universe.

The relation between Annabelle & Benito and Peter, Marc, & Laura is kind of confusing. Technically, they are biological siblings and first cousins respectively, but at the same time, they’re also not entirely full siblings. Similarly, they’re not either half or step-siblings. Calling them half-siblings would be biologically incorrect, and step-siblings would be slightly more accurate, since they were “technically” (used very loosely), that is to say different incarnations of the same marriage. I’m not one to label; they’re all siblings and cousins, and they’re all very close with each other.

Peter, Marc and Laura are not part of the procession, as there would simply be too many at the altar, so they’re relegated to audience with me. Not that they have a problem with it. They can sit with their grandparents.

After about five run-throughs, I head outside for a few huffs, to see what kind of effects being in reduced gravity has on my lung capacity. No changes, which is both disappointing and half-expected. Nevertheless, I run the stick dry, having lost track of “a few” huffs and time.

When I return, everyone is ready to head back. The chapel is ours for the week, so no one is meant to be here otherwise. With that, we all pile into our ships, and setting a rendezvous of 7:00 am Toad Harbor time, we all depart the moon in formation, breaking up just as we begin atmospheric reentry.