• Published 25th Nov 2019
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Cinematic Adventures: The Wizard of Oz - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they discover a strange device in the Everfree Forest that will transport them to a world beyond their own for an adventure they will never forget

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Over the Rainbow

After introductions to Dorothy’s family, the Ponies and Spike are quickly integrated to the farming life. Even though the farmhands Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke were just as shocked, if not somewhat scared, upon first meeting, nevertheless they all quickly became fast friends. For Applejack, the work itself wasn’t a problem seeing as she grew up on a farm her entire life. Rarity, on the other hoof, was difficult to adjust to farming making her concerns clear of getting her precious mane and coat dirty. So Auntie Em and Uncle Henry suggested, if she preferred, she could clean up around the house and help prepare the meals. Rarity found the option appropriate and went straight to work, though she took “every” precaution to keep herself clean. Especially with Pinkie Pie helping out with the baking.

It was agreed that the ponies and Spike would bunk with Dorothy in her room, after the latter convinced her family not to sleep in a barn. Early that day, Twilight would tell her stories of Equestria and all their adventures. Rainbow would talk constantly about the Wonderbolts, while Rarity would bring up her fashion boutique and her sister, Sweetie Belle. Applejack would share her life stories of her family and working on the Apple Farm, something she found in common with Dorothy. In the meanwhile, Fluttershy spoke very fondly of all her animal friends and Pinkie… Well, she bounced around the room like a ball.

Once they were all settled, it was high time to get back to work as every pony made their way out the yard to help the farmhands. Even though Applejack did offer to help Auntie Em and Uncle Henry with the incubator, they insisted that Zeke needed help to herd the pigs. Fluttershy, the last pony out the door, was excited to help out with the chicks. But she soon noticed Dorothy trudging very slowly, a look of sadness on her face. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel concerned and surprisingly, she’s not the only pony who did notice.

“Poor little orphan, and her Miss Gulch troubles.”

Fluttershy turned to Uncle Henry, who was helping Auntie Em take the remaining chicks out of the incubator. His words did not go unnoticed.

“Dorothy Gale is an orphan?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’re the only family Dorothy has around these parts,” Uncle Henry added on. “Gosh all hemlock – you know, it’s a good thing you ponies came along while you did. She ought to have somebody to play with.”

“We all got to work out own problems, Henry,” Auntie Em chimed in. But the tone in her voice indicated that she knew it too.

“So Dorothy really has no parents?” Fluttershy asked again.

Uncle Henry shook his head sadly.

“No mother?”

No response. Henry just took out another handful of chicks, but the look on his face said it all.

“Oh… Oh, that’s awful.”

Understanding why it seemed her friend was so upset and unable to stand it, Fluttershy flew off after Dorothy, who turned to acknowledge her presence.

“I’m sorry to hear about this horrible mess with Toto, Dorothy,” Fluttershy spoke, flying alongside the farm girl. “I wish there was something we could do to help. At least… Something I could do.”

“I appreciate the kind offer, Fluttershy,” Dorothy said, with a small smile. “But I don’t want you to worry; this is my burden to bare, not yours.”

Nevertheless, Fltutershy placed a comforting hoof along Dorothy’s shoulder.

“We’re friends now, Dorothy. My friends and I will always be around to help you in time of need.”

Dorothy stopped walking for a moment, looking toward her yellow pink-maned Pegasus friend silent. Tears swelled in her big brown eyes, as she embraced the pony with a light hug, to which Fluttershy happily returned. Dorothy may not have said it, but she felt blessed to have friends like Fluttershy who’d listen to her, wanting to help no matter what. The two eventually broke the hug, as Dorothy dried her eyes.

“Thank you, Fluttershy. It means so much to hear you say that.”

The timid Pegasus nods to her friend, as they made their way passed the chicken coop towards the barn. It was there they saw Hunk, Hickory, Zeke, Twilight and Rainbow Dash working on an old wagon. The three farmhands and the cyan blue Pegasus held the heavy wagon up, while Twilight lifts its wheel with her magic before placing it on its axis. She levitates a hammer, pounding the wheel into place so it wouldn’t come off again.

“How’s she coming?” Zeke asked Twilight.

“It seems steady enough,” Twilight replied. “We can put the rest of it down.”

“Take it easy,” Hickory said.

Not knowing Hunk still had his hand along the frame, they accidentally set the wagon right on his finger.

“Ow! You got my finger!” He cried, shaking his sore hand.

“Well, why don’t you get your finger out of the way!” Zeke snarked.

Zeke and Hickory placed the bed of wagon into place with a loud bang as Fluttershy and Dorothy arrive. Hunk sat on the ground shaking his hand.

“Right on my finger!” Hunk muttered.

“It’s a lucky thing it wasn’t your head,” Zeke remarked.

“Don’t worry Hunk,” Twilight assured. “I’ll get a bandage to help with that.

“Thanks Twilight,” Hunk replied. “That’s mighty kind of you.”

Twilight strolls back toward the house, waving to Dorothy as she passed by. The farm girl smiled toward her friend, before making her way over to the farmhands.

“Zeke, what am I going to do about Miss Gulch? Just because Toto chases her old cat—”

“Listen, honey, I got them hogs to get in,” Zeke interrupts, walking off.

Hunk soon walks up beside Dorothy.

“Now lookit, Dorothy, you ain’t using your head about Miss Gulch. Think you didn’t have any brains at all.”

“I have so got brains,” Dorothy complained.

“Well, why don’t you use them?” Hunk asked. “When you come home, don’t go by Miss Gulch’s place. Then Toto won’t get in her garden, and you won’t get in no trouble. See?”

“Oh, Hunk, you just won’t listen, that’s all.”

“Well, your head ain’t made of straw, you know?”

Just as Hunk said that, he swung his hammer hard upon the wagon right on his hand. He quickly wrenched it away, doing a little spin before kissing his sore hand. Unbeknownst to him, Twilight had just returned with a small roll of bandages when she witnesses the whole event. She looks at Zeke, then the small roll of bandage.

“I think I’m going to need more bandages for that hand.”

Hunk just turned heel and walked off. With the wagon done, Rainbow Dash made her way over to Hickory who was tinkering with some form of machine.

“Oh! Oh, it feels like my joints are rusted,” Hickory groaned, stretching his limbs.

“Poor kid,” Rainbow Dash observed. “All this fuss over that Miss Gulch woman.”

“Listen, Dash, don’t worry about that Miss Gulch,” Hickory advised. “She’s just a poor sour-faced old maid that – Well, she ain’t got no heart left. What Dorothy needs is to have a little more heart on herself.”

“Seems she’s trying to have a heart.”

“Now look, here’s something that really has a heart,” Hickory points toward the machine. “This is the best invention I ever invented.”

“This old thing?”

“Sure. It’s to break up winds, so we don’t have no more dust storms. Can you imagine what it’ll mean to this section of the country? I’ll show you.”

Hickory turns on the motor of the wind machine, which slowly sputters to life. The Pegasus and farmhand watch it as it rumbles.

“It works perfectly now,” Hickory states. “Here’s the principle. You see that fan – That sends up air currents into the sky. These air currents –”

Suddenly the machine starts sputtering oil into Hickory’s face. Rainbow Dash looked amused as she watched the farm hand struggle to turn off the machine. Dorothy was just passing through when she saw the calamity.

“Oh, stop it!” Hickory cried, trying to turn it off.

“Oh!” Dorothy gasped.

Eventually the wind machine was shut off, but Hickory was still a mess, oil covering his face as he smeared a handful off his eyes.

“Who did it?” Hickory asked, looking around. “Now wait a minute.”

“Hickory!” Dorothy called out, but Hickory passed her.

“Now what happened? I’ll bet Hunk did that.”

Sighing, Dorothy walked on as Rainbow Dash finally burst out laughing, rolling over and clutching her chest at the display.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Zeke worked together to move the hogs into the pen. Thankfully, if there’s one thing Applejack loved to do back in Sweet Apple Acres it’s herding. Like rassling up the critters with Winona faster than Big MacIntosh, her brother, she used her trademark lasso to wrangle up the hogs leading them into the pen.

“Come on, ya’ll,” Applejack cried. “Get on in there.”

Zeke held the pen’s gate open, allowing Applejack to lead all the hogs inside.

“Say! Get in there before I make a dime bank out of you!” Zeke shouts.

“Come on, Zeke, that ain’t really necessary is it?”

“Bah, their pigs! What are they gonna do?”

“Yah know, ya’ll should really treat these critters with more respect.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Applejack frowned angrily. In the short time outside Equestria, this new world was different. Whereas all animals in Equestria were given the upmost respect and treated as equals, here in Kansas the hogs are thought of as nothing more than a workforce with less respect. If Princess Celestia and Luna were here, they’d be disgusted with how things are run here. But Applejack had no time to retort, however, as Dorothy walks up to the pen. She climbed atop and began to balance herself, walking across the beam as Zeke poured the feed into the trough.

“Listen, kid, are you going to let that old Gulch heifer try and buffalo you?” Zeke asked, feeding the hogs.

“Ah agree there, Dorothy,” Applejack added. “Back home, we faced many monsters and creatures scarier than this Gulch. Why, we once fought against an evil pony king who tried to take control of Equestria and we beat him like an old rug.”

Dorothy paused briefly, as she and Zeke both turned toward the orange cow pony. They were both clearly confused wondering, ‘What the hay is she talking about?’.

“Mah point is: Ya’ll ain’t ever gonna get nowhere unless yah stand up and fight for it.”

“The pony’s right, kiddo,” Zeke replied. “She ain’t nothing to be afraid of. Have a little courage, that’s all.”

“I’m not afraid of her,” Dorothy replied, crossing the railing between pig pens.

“Then the next time she squawks, walk right up to her and spit in her eye,” Zeke advised. “That’s what I’d do!”

Applejack turned to Zeke with disgust. Just as she was about to say something, she heard a loud
‘Oh!’ and turned just as Dorothy lost her balance and fell right into the pig pen.

“Oh, Zeke! Help! Help me, Zeke!” Dorothy screamed. “Get me out of here! Help!”

Zeke and Applejack hopped over the fence, rushing as fast as they could toward Dorothy. Zeke works to get Dorothy’s foot out of the wire, as Applejack held all the hogs back.

“Come on ya’ll, back!” Applejack shouts. “Get back!”

Zeke lifts Dorothy out of the pen, as Applejack hopped over the fence with a single bound. The rest of the ponies, along with Spike, galloped quickly after hearing the chaos. They stopped and stared at Dorothy with concern, as the other farmhands arrived.

“Are you all right, Dorothy?” Hickory asked.

“You’re not hurt are you, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I’m all right,” Dorothy assured. “Oh – I fell in and – And Zeke and Applejack rescued me!”

“Ah shucks,” Applejack replied, with a slight blush. “It was nothing, really.”

Zeke, meanwhile, breathed heavily and started sweating profusely. He pats himself down with a cloth from his shirt pocket, looking as if he were about to pass out. The ponies looked concerned while the other farmhands, even Dorothy, started laughing.

“Why, Zeke,” Dorothy chuckled. “You’re just as scared as I am!”

“What’s the matter?” Hunk mocked. “Gonna let a little old pig make a coward out of you?”

At this point, they all laughed so hard even the ponies started to get in on the humor. Even Twilight, who hardly laughed at any pony’s misfortunes, started to giggle. They didn’t notice Auntie Em walk up behind them with a plate of crullers, a deep fried pastry popular in the south.

“Look at you, Zeke,” Hickory points out. “You’re just as white—”

“Here, here, what’s all this jabber-wapping when there’s work to be done?” Auntie Em interrupts, drawing everyone’s attention. “I know three shiftless farm hands that’ll be out of a job before they know it!”

“Well, Dorothy was walking along the—” Hickory began.

“I saw you tinkering with that contraption, Hickory. Now, you and Hunk get back to that wagon!”

“All right, Mrs. Gale.”

Hickory and Hunk began to walk away, before Hickory turned and struck a pose.

“But some day they’re going to erect a statue of me in this town, and –”

“Well, don’t start posing for it now.”

Hunk couldn’t help but laugh as Hickory’s face fell. Then, Em offered everyone and every pony some snacks.

“Here, here – Can’t work on an empty stomach. Have some crullers.”

“Gosh, Mrs. Gale,” Hunk replied.

“Just fried,” Auntie Em said, sweetly.

Hickory and Hunk grabbed a few crullers, saying ‘Thanks’ and ‘Swell’ before heading back to work. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie pops out of nowhere.

“Did somepony say cruellers?!” Pinkie smiled.

Pinkie’s presence nearly scared poor Auntie Em to death. Breathing heavily, the elderly woman faced the other ponies.

“Sorry, Mrs. Gale,” Twilight shrugged. “You get used to it.”

Auntie Em nodded understandably, offering the others a few crullers and each pony thanks her. Dorothy grabs one as well, leaving the last for Zeke, who managed to catch his breath.

“You see, Dorothy topped in with the big Duroc…” Zeke explained.

“It’s no place for Dorothy about a pig sty!” Auntie Em interrupts, pointing. “Now you go feed those hogs before they worry themselves into anemia!”


“Auntie Em, really,” Dorothy began. “You know what Miss Gulch said she was gonna do to Toto? She said she was gonna –”

“Now, Dorothy, dear, stop imagining things,” Auntie Em interrupts. “You always get yourself into a fret over nothing.”

“No –”

“Now, you just help us out today, and find yourself a place where you won’t get into any trouble.”

As Em ran off back to the house, Dorothy looks after her in shock. Never before had her aunt said anything like this before. It broke Dorothy’s heart, as the ponies could see the hurt in their friend’s eyes.

“Don’t worry about it, Dorothy,” Twilight said, comforting her. “I’m sure she’s just under a lot of pressure.”

“She’s right, sugar cube,” Applejack approached. “Ah can’t even begin to tell yah the times Granny Smith said something like that tah me, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom. But she means well all the same.”

“It’s true Darling,” Rarity spoke up. “Even the amount of times I’ve yelled at Sweetie Belle would put any pony to shame. But in the end, she’s still my little sister and I love her just as your aunt loves you.”

Though Dorothy was touched by her friends comforting words, she still pondered the last thing Auntie Em said.

“Some place where there isn’t any trouble,” She said. “Do you suppose there is such a place?”

“I should certainly think so,” Spike said.

“There must be… Like this Equestria you mentioned. It sounds absolutely perfect.”

“Well, our home still has it’s share of problems too,” Applejack said, honestly. “Aside from the occasional Monster of the Week, we have our share of Friendship Problems. Even our friends and family back home have their share of troubles.”

“Still… It must be beautiful, all the same,” Dorothy pondered. “It’s not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It’s far, far away – Behind the moon – Beyond the rain –”


After finishing the song, she turns to Toto who listened and watched giving him a big hug as the ponies and dragon approach her, smiling and drying the tears off their eyes.

“That was a lovely song, Dorothy,” Fluttershy complimented.

“I’m not one for all the sappy-mushy-gushy-stuff,” Rainbow replied, then smiled. “But, even I can’t deny that’s pretty.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie started shaking uncontrollably. Every pony faced her in confusion, especially Dorothy.

“What’s she doing now?” Dorothy asked.

“My Pinkie Sense is tingling!” Pinkie replied, shakily.

“Whenever Pinkie Pie does that, it usually means there’s a doozy coming and…” Twilight explained.

Before Twilight could finish, Pinkie soon stopped shaking and noticed something pointing with her tail. The group turns and looks out toward the horizon. Riding toward the house on a bicycle, a tall, lanky woman with a hook nose rode down the country road. She wore a dark grey dress, long striped stockings, pointy shoes, and a hat. They watch her stop toward the front of Gale’s house, getting off as Uncle Henry came forward.

“Dorothy, who’s that scary looking woman?” Pinkie asked.

Dorothy looked towards Pinkie’s direction and immediately her face went from happy to terrified. She gestures every pony, and Spike, to follow her behind the house. Confused, the group follows her quietly.

“Wut in tarnation is going on?” Applejack asked.

“Remember when I spoke about Ms. Gulch earlier?” Dorothy asked.

Every pony nodded.

“That’s her,” Dorothy points out.

Immediately every pony went silent and looked back at the mean woman talking to Uncle Henry at the gate.

“Mr. Gale!” Ms. Gulch called out.

“Howdy, Miss Gulch,” Uncle Henry greeted.

“I want to see you and your wife right away about Dorothy.”

“Dorothy? Well, what has Dorothy done?”

“What’s she done? I’m all but lame from the bite on my leg!”

“You mean she bit you?”

“No, her dog!”

“Oh, she bit her dog, eh?”

Uncle Henry lets go of the gate, which hit Ms. Gulch. She keeps a straight face while facing Henry.

“NO!” She replies, before walking ahead.

The group, spying on the pair, watch as Uncle Henry lead Miss Gulch into the house. If this woman was as bad as Dorothy described her, this was not going well at all.

“What should we do?” Rarity asked.

“She can’t see any of you,” Dorothy warned. “Who knows what’ll happen? You girls and Spike sneak through the window to my room. Wait there until she leaves.”

Every pony nodded, as Dorothy led them around the house to her bedroom window. One by one, she helped each of them through the window till every pony is inside.

“I’m gonna go in and see what’s going on,” Dorothy explained. “You all just stay here and keep quiet.”

The group silent nods, as Dorothy picks up Toto and heads into the house. But after a while, the ponies grew curious about what was going on. As quiet as possible, they leaned against the door, Pinkie taking a glass out of her mane and holds it between the door and her ear, hoping to hear what they are saying. By the sounds of it, a heated argument began between the Gales and Gulch.
“That dog is a menace to the community,” Miss Gulch said, through the door. “I’m taking him to the sheriff and make sure he’s destroyed.”

Every pony nearly gasped hearing her threat. To think, this woman is so vile that she’d threaten harm on a poor, sweet innocent dog. Their anger started to boil, as they kept listening.

“Destroyed? Toto?” Dorothy cried. “Oh, you can’t! You mustn’t!”

Clearly by the tone of Dorothy’s voice, she was becoming very upset.

“Auntie Em! Uncle Henry! You won’t let her, will you?” She begged.

“Of course we won’t,” Henry assured. “Will we, Em?”

“Please, Aunt Em, Toto didn’t mean to,” Dorothy reasoned. “He didn’t know he was doing anything wrong. I’m the one that ought to be punished. I let him go in her garden. You can send me to bed without supper –”

“If you don’t hand over that dog, I’ll bring a damage suit that’ll take your whole farm!” Ms. Gulch threatened, impatiently. “There’s a law protecting folks against dogs that bite!”

“That’s it! I’ve heard enough!” Rainbow Dash said, angrily.

Dash flapped her wings hard and was about to open the door. Suddenly, her friends held her back as best as they could.

“Dashie, no!” Pinkie plead.

“You go out there, we’ll cause more trouble than we’ll solve!” Twilight reasoned.

“If that evil witch thinks she can take Toto away from Dorothy, she’s got another thing coming!” Dash growled, struggling. “I’ll give her the old one-two!”

Rainbow Dash tried to push past her friends out the door, but they held her down trying to calm her. Meanwhile, Spike kept listening through the door as Auntie Em herself tried to reason with Ms. Gulch.

“How would it be if she keeps him tied up? He’s really gentle – With gentle people, that is.”

“Well, that’s for the Sheriff to decide,” Ms. Gulch replied, pulling out a piece of paper. “Here’s his order allowing me to take him. Unless you want to go against the law.”

She hands the sheriff’s order to Aunt Em, who hands it to Uncle Henry. Neither one sounded very pleased.

“Uhh – Yeah –” Henry grimaced.

“Now we can’t go against the law, Dorothy,” Aunt Em relents. “I’m afraid poor Toto will have to go.”

“Now you’re seeing reason,” Ms. Gulch approved.

“No…” Dorothy cried.

“Here’s what I’m taking him in,” Ms. Gulch states, opening a basket. So he can’t attack me again.”

Suddenly Spike grimaced at some yelling, as if Dorothy finally heard enough of this nonsense.

“Oh, no, no! I won’t let you take him! You go away, you…! Or I’ll bite you myself!”

“Dorothy!” Aunt Em scolds.

“You wicked old witch! Uncle Heny, Auntie Em, don’t let ‘em take Toto! Don’t let her take him – Please!”

“Here! I’ve got an order!” Ms. Gulch argued. “Let me have…”

“Stop her!”

“Put him in the basket, Henry,” Aunt Em said defeated.

All the commotion drew the attention of the silent group of friends. Shocked, they could hear Dorothy crying and the sound of a dog moaning, a basket shutting. Suddenly, Spike heard running toward the bedroom door and backed away as Dorothy entered, slamming the door behind her. The pile of ponies, with Rainbow Dash in their clutches, instantly froze as the young girl fell onto the bed in tears. The ponies slowly stood from the ground and approached Dorothy’s bed, as she continues to weep.

“Oh you poor thing,” Fluttershy whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

She climbed along Dorothy’s bed, placing her hoof gently on the girl’s back. Dorothy looks up at the Pegasus with huge tears rolling down her face pulling the Pegasus into a tight hug as they both bawled.

“Oh, I can’t stand to see you two… Cry…” Rarity cried herself.

“It’s so sad and heartbreaking!” Pinkie cried.

The two joined Fluttershy and Dorothy in a group hug, crying in unison. Applejack just bowed her head and removed her hat, for every pony knew she cries on the inside… Mostly. This display of misery only made Rainbow Dash angrier.

“Why that miserable old…” She growled. “I have half a mind to go after that hag and give her a piece of my mind!”

“Rainbow, stop!” Twilight shouts, glaring. “You’ll make things a thousand times worse!”

Rainbow, in that moment, wanted desperately to make a retort and insist they take immediate action. But she knew Twilight was right. Doing anything to Ms. Gulch result in greater consequences not just for them, but for Gale as well. She just shrugged and stomped toward a corner, sat on the floor with a huff and folds her hooves.

For a while, they all just sat around doing nothing. Dorothy, along with Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity cried; Rainbow Dash sat in the corner in anger; while Twilight, Applejack and Spike sat in the middle of the floor trying not to look sad. Just then, a dog’s bark caused them to face the window and they see Toto crawl through the window walking toward Dorothy. Dorothy and the ponies, Spike included, all smile widely.

“Toto, darling!” Dorothy cried happily. “Oh, I got you back! You came back! Oh, I’m so glad! Toto!”

As Dorothy hugged her dog closely, all the ponies and the little dragon cheered happily for the dog’s return. Each of them hugged Dorothy and Toto in one group hug, as if all was right in the world. But then, a sudden realization occurred to Applejack, her eyes widening.

“Wait one apple pickin’ minute! If he ain’t with Ms. Gulch by now, she probably already knows he ain’t there. I reckon she’s goin’ tah get the sheriff and will be comin’ back!”

The shock and realization soon dawned on every pony, realizing Applejack was right. Any moment, Ms. Gulch would be back at the farmhouse only this time she’d bring the sheriff. And if they were to come across six talking ponies and a baby dragon… What would happen to them? What would happen to Dorothy’s family?

“You’re right, Applejack!” Dorothy exclaimed. “Oh, they’ll be coming back in a minute. We’ve got to get away! We’ve got to run away – Quick!”

“Whoa, hold on!” Twilight said. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yeah, where are we gonna go?” Spike asked. “Where will we live?”

“What other choice do we have?” Fluttershy asked. “If we sit here and wait, Ms. Gulch and the Sheriff will surely come knocking down the door and take Toto by force. Once they find out the Gale’s have been keeping us, they’ll not only take us away, but they’ll force her family to give up the farm!”

“She’s right darling,” Rarity agreed. “We must leave immediately!”

Dorothy takes out a suitcase from under her bed and began packing everything she’d need. Twilight peeks out the door to make sure no one’s around. Once she gave the all clear, Dorothy, Toto, the ponies and Spike slowly crept their way out the front door. Onto the open road outside the gates, they walk off to parts unknown. They may not know where they were going, but they just knew they couldn’t go back.

But little did they know, Ms. Gulch would be the last thing they’d need to worry about