• Published 16th Nov 2019
  • 1,124 Views, 14 Comments

School Year Relief - nobody495

It's now Smolder's turn to melt at another's massaging digits

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Impressing the Dragon Lord

It was a momentary pause, but nothing too terribly taxing. Smolder and Spike had to take care of some things amongst themselves, and Twilight and Rarity, ahem, made sure they were safe while they did so. At least that’s as far as either of those two were willing to say. Either way, the group was still on the trail towards Ember, Spike on Twilight’s back while Ember walked between her and Rarity. They kept on their trail, and Smolder could swear that whenever she glanced over at Spike, she could still see the red on his cheeks. And on reflection on herself, she realized her own were burning up. And those two ponies seemed similar in condition, three guesses why.

Anyways, hearts were racing among the travelers, and it seemed to threaten to explode out of them the moment they tried to open their mouths. So, they’ve been quiet amongst each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, which only made the trip up much more unnerving and uncomfortable. Somehow, each member was stuck in the same boat, yet unwilling to expose such a detail to anypony else in the group.

Either way, it seemed like they were approaching Ember’s den, several dragons lying around in nearby pools of lava while Ember herself was surrounded by a few bury looking guys, her lounging against one of their backs. The group let what could be described as a non-verbal sigh as they approached, as in neither of them had the strength to say it, but still felt the relief of exhaling one. At this moment, Twilight decided she’d speak up.

“It looks like we’re here,” Twilight said. At that, Spike climbed off of Twilight’s back, and they as a group walked forwards, carefully side stepping resting dragons and nearing the dragon lord herself. Closer and closer they went, and they kept on sliding past sleeping dragon snouts and over dragon tails. They got closer to Ember, when the burly dragons around them tensed up, glowering at the group. Each member stumbled back as the dragons took a tense stance.

“Stand down, you guys,” Ember said, waving her hand with authority. Each of the dragons around her glanced at her. “They’re here on invite.” At that, the dragons nod in understanding, before they backed away, giving the quad room to approach. They sighed in relief before continuing forwards. “Nice to see you guys again. Although, I count three extra guests than my invitation.”

“Yeah, the two of us decided to follow Spike and make sure he’s safe,” Twilight said. Ember rose a brow at that, at which Twilight felt like she might’ve crossed a line. “N-not that there’s something wrong with the dragon lands. I-it’s just that he’s still kinda small, and the two of us want to be sure he doesn’t get lost or anything.” Spike crossed his arms at that and shot Twilight a look. Ember then glanced over at Rarity and Smolder.

“Ok. I mean no offense, but of your friends, why her?” Ember said. “And why’s Smolder here? Again, no offense.”

“I happened to be passing by when Twilight was heading out,” Rarity said. A little too quickly. Rarity even snapped into position a bit quickly, as if she were hiding something. “Y-yes, it’s just a matter of convenience. Ahem.” Ember’s brow was still raised as she looked over the white pony. Regardless of how long the two were watching each other, Rarity didn’t seem willing to divulge further. She let out another cough to fill the awkward pause.

“A-as for myself,” Smolder spoke up. “I happened to be coming here on holiday, when I saw these guys. So I decided to come join them while they were moving. I was curious about what was happening with you and Spike.” Ember seemed to nod in understanding.

“Fair enough, I guess,” Ember said. “In that case, Spike, will you follow my lead for a moment?”

“Yes ma’am,” Spike said with a bow. Then, he began walking over to her side. Twilight, Rarity, and Smolder started to approach, only for Ember hold her palm towards them to order them to stop.

“*Just* Spike,” Ember muttered. The trio rose a brow at that. “This is a very private matter.”

“What do you plan to do to Spikey-Wikey?” Rarity asked accusingly.

“Relax, it’s all safe,” Ember said. “At least safe among dragons. For some reason, any other species gets these weird reactions when we dragons have our private sessions.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked.

“Ok, now I’m only more curious, what the heck is this?” Smolder asked.

“I really wouldn’t be comfortable with any but Spike being involved.”

“What about from one dragon to another?” Ember glanced over at Smolder, and she began to see blush form on her.

“Wh-what makes you think that’ll help?” Ember asked. Spike, meanwhile, was wriggling his feet in slight worry as the conversation went on. It felt weird being the center of attention here.

“M-maybe she should come along,” Spike said. “This feels a little weird…” Ember glanced down at him when he said that, feeling slightly betrayed. Meanwhile, the ponies narrowed their gaze at her as she glanced down at Spike. Realizing everyone here was against her, Ember let out a defeated groan.

“L-look, I’ll bring us towards a one way cavern,” Ember said. “If it’ll calm Spike down, Smolder can come too. When we get there, there’s no way out, so I can’t try anything without getting past either of you. Deal?” There was another pause as the ponies mulled over the option. They realized that she was going to be difficult about this, and neither of them want to cause any issue with the dragon lands.

“…Ok…” Twilight said with a firm nod. At that, Smolder stepped forwards to accompany Ember, who began walking. Twilight and Rarity followed her to make sure she doesn’t try anything. There is a notable tension among the group as they walk, until, after a long walk, they arrive at a cavern, the soft glow of magma within.

“This seems remote enough,” Ember said. “Yeah, I think we can do it here?”

“Hang on,” Twilight said. Ember paused. “5 minutes. That’ll be it. That should be all you need for whatever strange stuff you’re doing, right?”

“Yeah, that should work,” Ember said. She didn’t seem to have any moment to consider, suggesting that she was very legitimate about how her decision.

“You better stick to the time,” Twilight said.

“And you better come back with Spikey-Wikey and Smolder!” Rarity said.

“I will! I will!” Ember said defensively. She groaned in annoyance. “Alright, you two, come ‘ere.” Spike and Smolder nodded in understanding, before heading into the tunnel together. The two of them glanced over their shoulder in concern while they kept on following the dragon lord. And they were quiet for as long as Ember was sure the ponies were in ear shot. The blue dragon kept peeking behind her as they continued further and further.

“So, uh, what is this about-?” Smolder started to ask.

“Give it a little…” Ember said. They got deeper and deeper… Until she was sure they were a safe distance away. And so, Ember sighed. “Ok, I’ve got a confession. It’s a little weird what I want. And I approached Spike about it cause after some time together, I trust him more with this than any dragon.”

“Time together?” Smolder asked curiously.

“Is this about when I gave you the staff?” Spike asked.

“No no, not that,” Ember said, shaking her head. “Well… you remember when that Twilight girl got upset after that bubbly girl cheered about rubbing you down?”

“You what?!” Smolder gasped out. Spike, meanwhile, blushed deeply, realizing what Ember was talking about. He then turned to Smolder to try and wave her down.

“I-it’s a lot more innocent than she makes it sound!” Spike said. “I-It’s just… remember you said you were doing that stuff with your friends?”

“What the heck are you implying-!?” Smolder started out. However, she paused to mull over exactly what was being said, before her eyes widened in understanding. “O-ooooooooh… Ohhhhhhh! You guys are acting dumb over some kinda massage?”

“I-it’s not just that!” Spike muttered out. “There were some kinda weird feelings during that, and I thought we chose to keep that under wraps…”

“Well, that’s kind of why I wanted to bring you over here,” Ember said to Spike. “I tried getting my soreness massaged out recently. But I couldn’t help but think back to you during future sessions. I felt like I needed to see you or something. Maybe that’d sort out my mind? I don’t know. I can’t exactly tell another dragon about this, else I’d embarrass myself. We just need to complete a session together, and get this over with.” The two dragons watched her intently as she explained herself. Spike felt a blush come to his own face while Smolder seemed skeptical about the situation.

“So, you got some sort of massage guilt, and now want some sort of old flame to help you through it?” Smolder asked. Ember blushed a bit harder at that breakdown of her situation.

“Y-yeah, you see why I didn’t feel like talking about it?” Ember asked. “It sounds really stupid when you say it out loud!” She huffed with annoyance as the trio kept on walking. “Look, I’m not asking for a lot. I just need five minutes here, and it’ll be over. I just need a thorough foot massage. That’s it.”

“Foot massage?” Spike repeated with a feeling of direness in him. Smolder glanced at him in curiosity, unsure of what the young dragon was worried over.

“Yeah, that should just about do it,” Ember said. “Or were you hoping those hands’d be all over me?” Spike blushed deeper, and now Smolder was blushing too, a smile threatening to break her face as a small chuckle escaped her belly.

“L-let’s just stick to the feet!” Spike said in submission.

“I gotta see this,” Smolder laughed to herself. The trio got deeper and deeper, until they arrived at a closed off chamber, a pool of lava in the corner, and a bunch of marble smooth stone beside it. Ember then stretched out her limbs and extended her wings while she strode over towards said corner, before stepping in. She sighed at feeling the warmth surrounding her. She turned around to make sure she was facing the smaller dragons, before she sat down and leaned back, at which point she brought her feet out of the lava and leaned them up onto the shore.

The lava pool seemed deep enough for her to lay everything above her thighs in, and she took that opportunity. She was up to her shoulders in the warm liquid while her legs were stretched out towards the dragons. And in the meantime, she brought her arms up and crossed them behind her head, and shut her eyes as the warm pool wrapped around her.

“Mmm~ Please do hurry~” Ember moaned out. Spike’s already red face was even moreso after that, and even Smolder felt a shudder to her heart. She wrung her hands defensively and pondered about what was going on. Meanwhile, Spike took some careful steps towards the lounging dragon lord, before he knelt down in front of them. And there, he held his arms out and looked down carefully, as if contemplating whether to do this or not. And then, after a few breaths to build confidence, Spike’s hands went down and wrapped around Ember’s feet.

He’d started by simply holding them tightly, and Smolder could practically see the gears turning in his head as he thought about what to do. She saw his eyes roll back as he thought on his actions. And then, he brought his thumbs up, before jabbing them into the middle of her feet. And at that, Ember’s toes curled and she shut her eyes.

“N-nng~” she moaned out. Spike and Smolder each felt their legs shake at her noises, Smolder holding her hands together as if trying to find just something to squeeze her frustration into. Spike’d frozen up, and Smolder could see his chest heaving. “Nm? D-don’t stop.”

“U-uh, right,” Spike muttered. He decided to continue his efforts. He pressed his thumb back in, and then began rubbing up and down her sole, at which he shut her eyes and leaned her head back.

“Ah~ Keep on~ Get those heels~” Ember muttered. Spike was blushing harder, so he adjusted his hands such that he could place his thumb tips upon said heels. There, he’d rub circles into it, which got her to let out a pleasured gasp. Now, Smolder’s thighs were rubbing against each other. Was this what her friends must’ve felt?

“Y-you know, Spike,” Smolder spoke up. “If this is weird to you, I can probably lend a hand. I was an the receiving end of a few of this stuff.”

“Really?” Ember asked. Spike, meanwhile, glanced back curiously. “Well, if you really think that you can do something, I suppose you and Spike can do something.”

“U-uh, ok…” Spike muttered. He then scooted over and released Ember’s left foot, and was now holding onto her other one with both hands. And so, Smolder came forwards and knelt down next to him, now holding onto the remaining foot. She simply held it like Spike did at first, and so she thought back to Silverstream, how she poked and prodded at just right. As she was contemplating, she realized that Spike was still.

So, she decided to initiate. First, both thumbs went up to just behind Ember’s toes, before pressing into them. And at that, the dragon lord’s eyes fluttered and she grunted. Smolder felt her tense up and her foot try to pull away as her leg pulled. Smolder looked up towards Ember’s face to see her clenching her eyes shut while gritting her teeth. Smolder saw her chest heaving and could hear her huffing and puffing, at which she’d swear her heart skipped a beat. Smolder bit her lip as she kneaded at that area right there.

She saw Ember’s toes curl, but she pressed upwards, forcing her toes open so that she could rub at their bottoms and in between. Ember let out an “oogh~” of bliss at that feeling, which got Smolder panting now. She was half lidded and her cheeks were burning up while she rubbed those little digits. Then, in a single stroking motion, she went from pressing up to the tips, before rubbing down her sole and around her heel.

“Ah~” Ember grunted at that motion. Smolder could see her arms move out towards her side, and she could practically feel her claws scrape against the lava floor. Meanwhile, Spike seemed to be even worse for wear than Smolder did, maybe due to being smaller than her. He’d practically squeezed the sole into his torso as he embraced it, seeming intent on holding it like he would fall into some abyss if he released.

Smolder felt like she might follow suit, but if he wasn’t willing to go through with this, then someone had to. So she kept on pressing into the heel, practically digging her claws into it. She heard Ember let out a sligh yelp of pain, only to sigh out once she felt how deep into her muscles Smolder’s thumbs were going. And that sigh only grew into a howl as Smolder rubbed her thumb in circles, scratching all the while.

“Y-you gotta do something, Spike,” Smolder said. “I can’t do this by myself!”

“I-I-I…” Spike muttered. His eyes were wide and his pupils pin-prick sharp, seeming to be in distress.

“Spike?” Ember pondered.

“I-I…” he again muttered. He held her tighter, his arms quaking now. His purple face appeared to’ve gone tomato red by now.

“C-c’mon, I’m putting my neck on the line here,” Smolder said.

“N-Ng…” he muttered. Then, with wobbly arms, he pried himself free of her, and scooted away. There, he seemed to scoot further away. “M-maybe if I’m a bit further away…” While back away, he lifted up one of his own feet… before shoving it against Ember’s sole. Ember’s eyes widened at him trying that.

“W-wait, do you really think that’ll-? O-oh. Ooooooh~” Ember moaned out. Spike was pressing deep into her sole, using his arms as a good counterweight as he leaned forwards into her, to the point where he was grinding against her foot. It was sort of like how his horse friends would rub him down with their hooves back when he was subjected to that stuff. And it did little to assuage Spike’s reservations, unfortunately. He was still blushing.

Smolder was alarmed by that technique. She could’ve never imagined something like that could ever work. Now she was curious. So, she leaned back and got back, before lifting up a foot, and she began pressing against Ember’s sole herself. And that got Ember panting more. The two could swear steam exhale from her nose as she did. Her tongue’d lulled out and her toes were curling, her entire body constricting as the two dragons squeezed her pour muscles into submission.

“W-wow~ I underestimated blunt surfaces~” Ember moaned out. “This is greaaaaat~” The two’s chests were heaving as they kept on squeezing and rubbed their foot up and down. They scrubbed into Ember’s heel, before going up and rubbing just below her toes. They’d alternating from pushing their feet into her sole, to grinding into it. Ember was burning up with pleasure.

The dragon lord was shaking her hips forwards and back in response to their movement. She felt extremely vulnerable to each of them, and could swear her hardened muscles were submitting to their technique. It was like she was getting physically softer against their technique, and not just because they were loosening her muscles. She felt physically vulnerable, like they could easily dig into her and gore her if she let them. And despite that thought creeping up, she was more than happy to lay back and let them do whatever they wanted.

“Hrng… This is getting pretty tough on my foot,” Smolder said.

“Y-yeah,” Spike said. “I feel like I’m trying to mold a slate of barely wet cement.” At that, the two dragons got their feet off of her, before climbing up into a sitting position. Ember, meanwhile, groans with a sense of longing.

“You can’t just stop like that,” she whined.

“Don’t get your wings in a twist,” Smolder said. “This is far from over. Right Spike?” Smolder asked.

“R-right,” Spike muttered. He looked around, before noticing the rocks. He took them up and held them before them, weighing them a little. And then, he breathed upon them, lighting the smooth rocks up. Soon, they glowed up, but after last time, Spike decided to do this more carefully, making sure he didn’t burn his hands. Now, they were nice and warm, to the point where he can feel the slight warmth of his labor in his palms. Smolder, meanwhile, was on her knees again, and she carefully held the dragon lord’s foot.

The heat seeped into her sole, which got the dragon lord to sigh. She lied back and extended her toes in response to the pleasant burn of the instruments. Seeing that, Smolder herself felt like following the trend herself. She took up a couple of those stones herself, before burning them with her flame. She held them against her respective sole, them a little hotter than Spike’s. And upon contact, Ember’s eyes widened.

“A-ah!” she sighed out, her toes squeezing tight upon the touch. Both smaller dragons blushed furiously at her sound. They glanced down at the ground, as if trying to evade some sort of eye contact at the blissful dragon lord, or each other. They each panted as they held their stones, Ember continuing to moan. They could each feel her feet shudder under their stones, which only added to their embarrassment. They felt like they were holding down a writhing lady as she moaned to their touch…

“Keep that up~ Keep that up~!” Ember practically squealed. “It’s doing wonders~!” At that, the pair of small dragons carefully glance at each other, feeling slight worry. They exchanged a contemplative glance as they tried to think on what they should do.

“W-well, she did ask…” Smolder muttered. Spike sighed in response and tried to face the foot his stone was upon. With that, he began making brushing motions, rubbing it from the sole up behind the toes, before going back down to her heel. Smolder repeated the motion herself, though with the pace she was going, she and Spike were pretty much alternating their positions, as in whenever Spike was at her heel, Smolder would be at her toes, and vice versa. They repeated this motion, which kept the dragon lord moaning and squeezing her toes tight.

They kept on rubbing and rubbing. And as they did, they could feel the heat in their stones giveaway. Smolder feels like it’ll be about time for her to go back to pleasuring her without any of these stones. She looked over at Spike, who seemed to share a similar look towards her. The two dragons nodded in a sort of understanding, and turned their attention back to the dragon lord’s feet, which were still tensing up at the stones. Eventually, the stones were starting to cool down, and Ember let out an almost defeated sigh.

“P-please tell me there’s more…” she moaned out. The two dragons glanced at each other yet again.

“I-is there more?” Spike asked.

“Well, I think I know a few more tricks,” Smolder said. “I’ll see if I can put a little more elbow grease in here!” The orange dragon lowered the stone she was holding, before clasping Ember’s foot once more. Her sole was warm from the previous assault, and felt… looser? Previously her feet felt hard and coarse and hard to rub out. But now, seemingly with the new heat applied to them, it felt like she could actually squeeze into those things. She now made it a point to squeeze deep into her with her thumbs, jabbing into it with her dagger-like claws.

“A-ah!” Ember gasped out. She stirred in the lava, kicking up flecks of the warm liquid in a blissful flail. “Oh my-! Oh yes! Yes!!!” Both dragons shuddered at her bellows of joy. They each felt their legs quake and they each held tightly to her feet, their fingers clasping tightly onto those like they were some sort of handhold to save themselves. Their hands shook around her feet, which got her to squeeze her toes tightly yet again.

Both dragons needed to take a few breaths to themselves to try and calm down, else fear… whatever their hearts were telling them to fear. They couldn’t quite understand what the strange feeling was… guilt? Was that it? Whatever it was, they needed to fight through this feeling and give Ember what she wanted. So, they tried to get back upright, and went back to rubbing. Spike was rubbing with the smooth edge of his thumb, while Smolder was scratching into her with her fingertips. Smolder peeked past her feet, and spied her blushing cheeks with her tongue lulling past her lips.

The duo kept on pressing into her, Spike merely rubbing into it with the smooth edges of his fingers, while Smolder poked and prodded her sole. She remembered the light bite she’d taken during her massages, and figured that she would be able to make the dragon lord feel nice with the slight edge to the pleasure. And, judging by the pants and squeals from her, she was succeeding. The indigo dragon was practically a prisoner before the two of them.

Smolder might’ve felt guilty, but she couldn’t help but admire how powerful she felt. She orchestrated this moaning dragon’s pleasure. She was thrashing around and panting and breathing, and it was all thanks to her and Spike. The two kept on rubbing and rubbing, biting into her more and more. From her thumbs to her fingers to even her shoulder, she’d squeeze into Ember’s foot, squeezing out any and every part that felt tense. And each one was greeted by an ear-melting moan. All present blushed more and more and more, Ember’s eyes rolled firmly back in her head.

But of course, all things will have to come to an end.

“Blehhhhhh~” she moaned. She’d almost lulled into an almost sleep-like state, before shaking her head and regaining her mental faculties. “W-wait. What time is it?” At that, the two dragons stopped for a moment.

“Wh—what do you mean?” Smolder asked.

“We were on a time limit,” Ember said. She stirred about and sat up. “Oh, it must be way more than 5 minutes!” She quickly yanked free from the duo’s grip, before rushing out towards the cavern they’d just walked down. The two smaller dragons stood up and ran after her. After a couple of feet, the two stopped when they found Ember had come to a screeching halt just before Twilight and Rarity, who’d apparently wandered deep into the cave. Instead of any anger on either of the ponies, the two mares were… blushing? And the two seemed to be exchanging almost guilty glances between Ember and themselves.

“…Uh…” Twilight started.

“Uh… was I late?” Ember asked.

“N-no, you’re fine,” Rarity said. The two blushed and kept exchanging looks among all present. However, there was a distinct air to the general conversation, making each of them worry about breaking the silence and sticking out.

“…I-I suppose we’re done?” Smolder asked.

“O-oh no! No no no!” Twilight suddenly muttered out as she waved down the question with a hoof. “B-by all means, you can go back and do… that totally innocent and only beneficial stuff the three of you were doing…”

“Really?” Ember asked.

“Y-yes, of course!” Rarity chimed in. “I-in fact, you might want to work out whatever’s left right about now. Like, right now!” Once more, there was a pause.

“O… ok,” Ember said. She began to step away. “I-I guess we’ll see you in five?”

“Five may be ok,” Twilight said.

“O-or ten. Maybe even fifteen!” Rarity suddenly piped in, albeit a little too enthusiastically. Ember and Smolder were tempted to snicker, though held tightly for fear of piercing what felt like a tense atmosphere. Either way, Ember, Spike, and Smolder began to head back to the lava pool deeper in the cave. As they did, Smolder kept mulling over more stuff she could use for Ember.

After being left a writhing mess to so many hooves and claws before, she couldn’t help but get a little excited at getting one at her mercy.

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It's like they get off on this!

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