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Uplink Seventeen: Flight I


“Pegasi of Cloudsdale! Over these past few weeks a force of unknown invaders from the Everfree forest calling themselves ‘The Adeptus Mechanicus’ has been in the process of capturing town after town and kidnapping our brothers and sisters on the ground. The cities Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, and Ponyville have been protected by their respective princesses underneath bubble shields, however it is unknown how long the four princesses will be able to hold out. In over a thousand years Cloudsdale has never been conquered, largely thanks to our position, we have little reason to fear this war will be any different. However this does not mean we are abandoning our cousins on the ground. We have attempted to stall their advance with regular storms as fast as we can churn them out. However these efforts have had mixed results, despite being made mostly of metal they have little to no aversion to water, however this doesn’t mean they can not rust. Should our efforts continue I am confident—“

“Umm… Captain Spitfire?”

The captain of the Wonderbolts turned to her side prepared to reprimand someone for interrupting her. Only to find it was Soarin. Spitfire blinked, then looked back to the audience, they weren’t soldiers, they were civilians. Scared stallions and mares, likely with friends or in some cases family down on the ground. She didn’t need to go on that big long speech, they weren’t going into war. Just stick to the basics. She coughed then continued.

“I’ll cut this short. We need more water for the Cloud Factory so every pegasi is being drafted to form a tornado. A vanguard will be sent to protect you during this time. Admiral Storm Front will take over with further instructions. Dismissed, Altius Volantis

The two wonderbolts made their way down the white cloud hallways, the captain following behind her subordinate as they went. Soarin didn’t talk, he didn’t even bother to look at Spitfire.

“What’s on your mind Clipper?”

Soarin remained silent for a while before finally speaking.

“You are lying to them.” He said darkly.

Spitfire froze, surprised they the stations dark mood.

“Excuse me?”

“The invaders.” He continued walking, and soon Spitfire had to gallop a few steps to catch back up. “You’ve read the reports. They’re not from the Everfree. They come from far above.”

Spitfire let out a sigh.

“They don’t need to worry about what’s going on above their heads.” The captain continued “If they were sta—“

“It’s still a lie thought!” Soarin snapped whirling around on his commanding officer.

“If they panic then nothing will get done.” She tried to reason, even as she started shaking slightly. “They’ll all be too afraid to even—“

“How many? Hmmm?! How many do you think are dying right now on the surface not even sure as to why!?” The blue stallion pressed into Spitfire, he was clearly not in his right mind. “What do you think they want with us?! They sometimes take prisoners, and sometimes slaughter whole towns for no reason! Every one of their commanders in maddening to look at, with no way of knowing what goes on underneath those robes they all wear! They command terrible beasts that can kill at a glance!”

Soaring now started laughing hysterically “Some even look like us but snort fire and carry them around!”

Spitfire’s flank now pressed against the cloud wall, Soarin was so close now she could see the veins in his bloodshot eyes. Had he stayed up all week? She suddenly noticed how skinny he looked, his bones were jutting out of his skin tight uniform. When was the last time he ate?

“And that’s not the worst of it! Oh no! The worst is they keep coming!” Soarin twirled a hoof in the air. “Down and down from up above. Always coming, it won’t ever stop. Bringing bigger and bigger toys each time.” Again he started laughing. “Soon enough they’ll crush us like the ants we are!”

Just when Spitfire was beginning to fear for her safety, Soarin was tackled by three pegasi and dragged away kicking and screaming.

“Shame to see them snap like that.” A gruff stallions voice said behind her. Admiral Storm Front was one of the most decorated officers still in service today, a veteran of the forth Griffin War, everyone knew and respected him.

Captain Spitfire gave a quick salute which the admiral returned.

“Will um… will he be alright?”

He didn’t answer, and that was all she answer she needed.

“Any word from the griffins?” She asked.

He huffed, still a bit annoyed that we had to rely on ‘those feather brained back stabbers’ as he put it in the meeting.

“No word back yet.” He grumbled.

Spitfire nodded, then looked down the hall. She had known Soarin since they were foals. Seeing him like this…

“Are the civ’s ready?” Storm Front asked reminding the mare their were more pressing matters at hoof.

“Yes…” she said distantly.

The admiral straightened his uniform.

“If you ever need anything...”

Spitfire just shook her head.

“I just… I’m gonna get some air.”

He nodded and stepped out of her. Technically she had another meeting to attend, but he didn’t stop her.

Spitfire soared around the edge of Cloudsdale for a few laps trying to clear her mind. Her father had been her reason for joining the Wonderbolts. He always regaled her with stories of his time in service, now she was…

She noticed something odd, an all to familiar grey and blond pegasus was staring out over the edge with a set of binoculars. Spitfire landed next to her and approached cautiously.

“What are you do—“

The wall eyed mare shoved the binoculars into her hooves and pointed in the direction she was staring. Spitfire was confused, but interpreted her meaning.

Looking out she saw a few black specks with bat like wings headed their way. Straining her eyes she could almost make out what looked like… her blood suddenly ran cold with realization.

“Oh buck.”


Author's Note:

Once again this was taking me longer to write than I wanted. So I’m breaking it into parts to at least get something out.

As I keep saying we’re about in the middle of the story now, maybe around the end of the middle now. I’m getting less and less time to write with all the crazy things going on in my life.

FUN FACT: Originally the attack was going to interrupt Spitfire’s speech, however I decided against this while I was writing said speech, so that’s why this took so long.

Along with the fact I didn’t have any time to write anything for almost an entire month. And when I finally did get a chance to write I focused on another story I decided part way through wasn’t even worth it.

I wish this was finished, I’m really trying to get through this, but each time it gets harder.

Much like What if The Emperor had a Text to Speech though, I’m too invested to cancel after all this time.