• Published 20th Nov 2019
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Unpleasant Correspondence 2 (My Little Pony: Reign of the Goddess-Queens) - StormLuna

Everything has come full circle and now it is Twilight who sends her protege to Ponyville. Needless to say, Luster isn't one bit happy about it.

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A Dream Come True (S2 E18)

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for getting me a spot in the Wonderbolt Academy and I'm so happy now that I'm in the Wonderbolt Reserves! This is something I've always dreamed of and now it is a reality! Clear up until now, I never imagined that I'd have a legitimate shot to be a Wonderbolt just like you! You've always been an inspiration and a hero to me and you'll continue to be one!

The Newest Wonderbolt Reserve,



Well you're welcome but if you're going to thank anypony, thank Bright Beam. She is the one who cast a spell to give you those wings. I know you're happy but you're going to have to work hard to become a full fledged Wonderbolt. Again Bright Beam is just as much to thank as me.

Rainbow Dash

Dear Bright Beam,

I just want to say thank you again for giving me those wings because I made it into the Wonderbolt Reserves! I never imagined I would and all those years of having those tiny wings made it impossible but thanks to you, it is a reality. Now I just have to work extra hard and I'll become a Wonderbolt just like my hero, Rainbow Dash! I will forever be grateful to you. It is obvious you didn't get your personality from the Two Sisters because you're so nice and generous!



Dear Scootaloo,

You have no idea how happy I am to hear this. I know you for so long couldn't fly but for you to now be one step away from being a Wonderbolt makes me incredibly happy. I know my mentor and her sister will likely be unhappy and come down on me in one way or another if they hear about this but I don't care. How about you and Rainbow Dash come over to the school and we can go to supper together tomorrow night. I'll take you two wherever you want and it will be on me.

Happy for You,

Bright Beam

Dear Bright Beam,

We have heard some interesting news and neither one of us is one bit happy. We have heard that because of your overly generous act a while back involving Scootaloo, that she is now in the Wonderbolt Reserves and is just one step away from following in her hero's hoofsteps.

This pisses us off because of what she did to not just Twilight in the past but how she slandered our mother with those embarrassing photographs in their rag school newspaper when she was young. Also, after some thought, we are displeased with how you helped the Apple Family with their apples because that aids another pony who has done the royal family wrong, Apple Bloom.

Now we can't help but wonder how you are going to go about helping the other hellion that soiled the royal family or took advantage of them in one way or another. You better not do much to help Sweetie Belle and we will say this, you better never aid Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. They are pond scum in our eyes and if you do help them, you'll wind up in Tartarus for betraying every good pony in this country. We would write more but we are too upset to do so.


Goddess-Queen Starlight Glimmer & Goddess-Queen Twilight Sparkle

Dear Starlight and Twilight,

I know you are mad because you have never signed a letter to me formally before. Look, I apologized for helping a pony who wronged the royal family in the past and it is not my fault so much that she achieved her dream somewhat. I know you're probably going to look down on me for saying this but I for one am happy for her. After the way she was treated, especially by Luster, I felt bad for her and I do hope she rubs it in her face.

You know what, I have done things to be nice because that is how I am. The primary reason I am such a bitch to Luster is because she has always been a bitch to everypony but what Scootaloo did was when she was just a filly! Holding a grudge against somepony for that long just doesn't make sense. It isn't like she did it just a few days ago and it isn't like it actually hurt the royal family any so no harm, no foul!

Well I suppose I will get going because I have papers to grade and then I need to feed Shadow, talk to you later.


Bright Beam

Dear Bright Beam,

Well we suppose we can forgive you and the cutie mark cult but this will sting both of us for a while. We both know you get along well with the Apple Family so we suppose you can continue to help them but there are some ponies you better never help if you value your job. We are both sure you know which ones those are. Now we shall get going, we are getting too irked to keep on writing.


Goddess-Queen Starlight Glimmer & Goddess-Queen Twilight Sparkle

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