• Published 7th Mar 2020
  • 763 Views, 3 Comments

Infinity War: My Version. - Adamverse

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Chapter 6

The nano-tech finished covering Adam's body, forming the Iron-Spider suit.

Demolisher reached the boy and tried to crush him under his fist, but Spidey summoned a web shield of his arm, blocking the attack. Four metal spider-legs sprung from Adam's back and started swiping at the Decepticon; Spiderman shot webs at a car and pulled it towards Demolisher, it bashed him into the building beside them.

Daniel looked as his friend encased in the suit, he asked, "Where'd that come from?"

"It's nano-tech, you like it?" the boy replied.

Suddenly, Adam was knocked far away, he was hit with a piece of rubble that the Fallen had thrown at him; using his telekinesis. Spidey was flung all the way to the park, the one down the road.

Strange turned to Daniel and said, "Dr Sandy, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us." he used his magic and pushed Danny through a portal, the science boy landed in the park where Adam was.

Daniel fell to his knees and started slapping himself, "Come on Lizard, what are you doing? Come on. Come on!"

"No!" Daniel suddenly said, but in the Lizard's voice. He fell back on the ground and started asking, "What do you mean, 'no'."


Back in the streets, Doctor Strange and Bill were using magic to try and fend of Fallen. The Decepticon warlock continued to lift pieces of the street with his power, and throw them at his enemies. Strange would use portals to avoid the attacks, while Bill used shields to bash the building chunks away.

Suddenly, The Fallen used a more deadly attack. He lifted brick into the air, crumbled them into spike and made them fly through the air like missiles.

Strange saw the spikes coming; he opened a portal and allowed the spike to enter. Then Bill opened another portal, the brick spikes flew out again. This time, the were heading for The Fallen. He try to avoid them; unfortunately, one of the spike struck him in the eye. He cried in pain, and pulled the spike from his eye; Strange could the energon leaking from where an eye used to be.

The Fallen threw another piece of rubble, Bill was it's target, it knocked him away. This left Strange to fend for himself, so he summoned magic shields and readied himself for the next attack.

What he didn't expect, was Demolisher knocking into a build wall; Fallen used his power to trap him under the bricks. Demolisher then runs for the park, to finish off the other two.

Fallen floats up to Strange and says, "Shame, you put up a good fight." But when he tried to grab the stone, his hand burn like it touched acid.

"Simple spell, but quite unbreakable." Strange said.

"Then I'll take it off your corpse!"

The Decepticon threw the wizard to the ground, pipes sprung from the street and wrapped themselves around Strange's body and neck; Strange couldn't breath. So he fell on the ground and passed.

The Fallen lifted the chunk of the street Strange was lying on, the street chunk followed the Fallen as they went to where the ship was going to pick them up.


Back at the park, Demolisher found Adam and began swing his mace at him. Until, with one swing, Spidey was knocked into a tree.

Daniel ran to his friend and asked, "Hey Adam, how we doing?"

"Fine, are you planning on helping any time soon?"

"I'm trying, he won't come out."

Spiderman then pushed Daniel out of the way when Demolisher's mace came at them. The Decepticon picked it up and got ready to fight again. He dropped the mace onto Adam, but someone caught it before it crushed the hero.

"Hey everyone." Ivan said as he looked up at the giant robot.

"Ivan, what you doing here?" Adam asked.

"Just passing by."

The two spider began crawling all over the Decepticon brute, wrapping him in webs. During the wrap up, Ivan asked, "Uh Adam, what is this guys problem?"

"Uh, he's from space, he came to steal a necklace from our English teacher."

The two of them saw The Fallen float passed, Strange's cloak freed him from the pipes and carried him through air. Adam saw the wizard escape and then looked at Ivan.

"Ivan, that's the guy, get on that."

Kid Arachnid then swung after Strange, the Fallen had no choice but to follow them. Adam was about to follow to, but he got caught. Demolisher's mace opened up and grabbed Spiderman in it's clutches, the Decepticon threw the mace to the ground.

Adam was trapped, he knew he was done for when Demolisher marched towards him.

That is, until the Decepticon fell through a hole in the ground. Bill had arrived and opened a portal, Demolisher fell through it and ended up in the desert. When he turned back to the portal, he jumped up, trying to get back through. However, Bill closed the portal before he reached it.

Some of him got through, when the portal closed, it cut off Demolisher's hand. When it rolled across the grass, it stopped by Daniel's feet, he was disgusted and kick it away.

Spiderman broke free from the mace and joked, "Bill your invited to my Birthday." he then swung after Ivan and Strange.


Ivan was still following Strange, with The Fallen following them.

Suddenly, a beam from the ship above, shot down to the street. Strange was caught in the beam, so he was pulled up to the ship; Ivan shot a web-line at him, but ended up being pulled up as well. So he contacted Adam over the comm-link, for some assistance.

"Adam, I'm being beamed up." Ivan explained into his communicator.

"Hold on kid, I 'm coming." Adam responded.

However, when Adam got there, the ship was already taking off. Ivan was holding onto the side of the craft, Strange and the Fallen were on board the ship. Spiderman jumped next to Ivan on the ship, and says, "Ivan, let go. I got this."

"But you said save the wizard." Ivan replied.

Adam speaks into and device and says, "Activate Kid Arachnid parachute." The back piece in Ivan's suit springs open and a parachute flies out, sending him flying to the ground.

Before he was gone, Adam heard Ivan yell, "Oh come on!"

Spiderman broke into the ship through a hatch, he crawled into the ship.


Once inside, he got a call from his mask. It was Fluttershy, so he muttered, "Blasted Time-lord tech." But he answered it anyway, knowing how she was going to react.

"Adam, are you there, what's happening?"

"I'm fine, there was just an alien spaceship hovering over the city. I'm taking care of it." he explained.

"Please tell me your not on that ship."

"I am."

"No. Adam, please no. Come back. Please come b...."

Adam lost the transmission as the ship started to fly into deep space.

Little did Adam know, Ivan was still on the ship. Before he was pulled away, he webbed onto the ship again and crawled in through another vent. But when he realized the situation, he muttered, "I should have stayed on the bus."