• Published 28th Oct 2019
  • 1,186 Views, 9 Comments

A Cozy Childhood - LetsThinkPositive

Did Cozy Glow have a depressing, traumatic childhood? Well, she certainly doesn't think so.

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Cozy Glow stood in the throne room of Canterlot Castle, surrounded by guards on all sides.

Princess Celestia was studying her silently, her sister Luna by her side and doing the same. Cozy understood what they were doing. It was a power play. Showed who was in charge. Gave her time to squirm.

However, she would do no such thing. Cozy Glow was made of tougher stuff than this sorry excuse for an interrogation. They underestimated her, just as she wanted them to. These idiots probably thought she was just a stupid filly, a misguided fool who didn't know any better. All she had to do was flutter her eyes and put on a great big smile and say 'Golly!' and they would all become putty in her hooves. Let them underestimate her. They would regret it.

Oh, how she hated them.

A voice broke the silence.

“I just don’t understand.” It was Celestia.

“Understand what, dear sister?” Luna asked, her disdainful expression not changing. Did they have this planned? She had to laugh.

“What would drive a young filly to do what this one has?”

“A noble question, but one I fear we won’t be getting an answer to.”

There was another moment of silence. She could play the quiet game too.

“Well?” Celestia asked. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Cozy looked around the room. “Who are you talking to? Surely not little old me!”

Luna’s nostrils flared. “We have had enough-“

Celestia spread a wing in front of her sister. “Calm yourself. If she has nothing to say, then she has nothing to say.”

“Golly, Princess Luna! You should take some anger management classes!” Cozy smiled. “It’s no wonder you were banished for a thousand years!”

Luna’s glare burned into her.

“Well, if you still refuse to explain yourself, then we need to determine what we’re going to do with you. What do you think, Luna?”

It was Luna’s turn to smirk. “There is the possibility of Tartarus.”

Wait, Tartarus? Where Tirek was?

“But that doesn’t feel apt. Maybe a rehabilitation program?”

No! Go back to Tartarus!

“That sounds like an intriguing idea. I don’t think the School of Friendship would work just yet, but there are other options.”

No, no, no, no, no! She needed to go to Tartarus! These idiots were going to thrust her in some schmaltzy friendship lessons instead? The thought almost made her gag. What could she, with no power at the mercy of these gods, do to convince them otherwise?

No, that was the wrong way to think about this. She, even while surrounded by guards and being stared down by two of the most powerful beings in Equestria, had power here. She just had to remember where she came from, what she was capable of. And, just like that, an idea struck her. Perhaps it would be best if they didn't underestimate her. She fought the urge to smile.

“You want to know more about me?”

The two sisters stopped their deliberations and looked to her.

“…Yes, very much,” Celestia said.

“Then you two better get cozy!” She turned to the guards. “You guys, too. The story of my life isn’t short, after all.”

Celestia opened her mouth, but shut it before a word came out. She had them hook, line, and sinker.

“The story of my childhood is a-“ Crocodile tears formed. “I-It’s a terribly sad story! Golly, the only reason I haven’t told you already is because it pains me so!” She wiped her eyes and sniffled. “I’ll tell you, and then you can decide what to do. I… I hope you change your minds about me!”

If the Princesses bought it, they showed no sign. Still, it didn’t matter. They were letting her talk. If what they knew now wouldn’t get her in Tartarus, then this would for sure. Trying her hardest not to giggle, she began.

“Now, the tale begins at my birth, which my mommy told me all about…”

Author's Note:

This idea entered my head and refused to leave. This'll be going through Cozy's childhood, diving into her character, showing how she becomes who she is in the show. And, yes, this will get dark, and she won't be very sympathetic. Now, this isn't meant to be the be-all-end-all interpretation of Cozy. I've enjoyed stories that portray her more sympathetically, but I found this idea too interesting to pass up.

Also, I did not intend that word count until I finished writing this and saw it was 661 words. So, I tweaked some parts until I reached it lol