• Published 27th Oct 2019
  • 184 Views, 3 Comments

Fallout Equestria Main Objective: Saving Everyone - Darkstory

near Rambling Rock Ridge the stable 83 have been open 2 time. The first person get out for explore and the other for save his daughter.

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Chapter 2: Discover the fallen world

I was out since only some few hours and I was already encountered a pony. He was like burn and very aggressive so I have kill it with a shot of my revolver in the head. After this meet I was more careful and I was listening to all the sound around me when I was following the track of my daughter.

But it have not prevent me to find a big ossuary with a lot of bone and dead poney. this place was very silencious and bothered me a lot cause of the phenomal numbers of pony dead here. In the ossuary there was also some carts full of supplies and even a military convoy with probably some ammo and equipments like grenades or heavy guns. it could be a good thing to grab the most of what I can when I will come back for increase the armory of Stable-83 who have only some IF-38 police revolver, IF-64 Assault rifles and IF-80 Pump shotgun and some riot stick.

I have see pretty away from me something like a flying boat, like we have see on books when I was looking the books my daughter was studying, but with 4 big cannon under it and on each side and he was way more bigger. On the back there was painted the mark of the Equestrian Flight Army.

I was walking to go check the military truck the most near from me for verify the states of the suplies when suddenly I have crush a bone who have break the quiets. At this moments a leg next to me have tried to catch me by surprise but I have dodge him. This sudden sound have been follow by a lot of creatures trying to get out of a piles of bones. Understanding I was in dangers I have start running to find a way out of this frightening place when I was follow by a number of dead poney who was increasing each time I was in this place of horrors. The dead ponies were breaking down and their skin was ugly with a lot of missing part and some have no legs or jaws.

When I have found a way to get out of the ossuary I was followed by at least 1000 dead poney and they were pretty fast for a person who was supposed to be dead 150 ago. After running since 5 minutes my endurence was low and I already be catch up by the pack right behind me. A bridge have appear to me the saffest way to get out of here. the bridge was making a really unsure noise when I was walking on it and he start to crack under me and the giant horde behind me. When I finally travel to the other way the bridge have collapsed and the dead ponies have falling down in the ravine. And I have seen a pictures that will forever be graved in my head of the destruction of at least 1000 of dead ponies. At the deep of the ravine it was a real carnage of bone, rotten flesh and blood. The smells of dead was disgusting me and I almost threw up my dinner.

- Well I will have to find a new way to return home. And if someone listen to me can he say what the hay was that!

After I have recup my mind of the recents events with the group of dead pony I was bothered of what I could see in this lands of devastation. I was only here since 5 hours and I have already been close to die 2 time.

The mark of my daughter was South so this mean I have to continue to a place call Dodge Junction by my Pipbuck. This place was supposed to be a city specialise on the cherry now the cherry tree are probably dead like all the trees I see around me. The city was again to 5 hours of my position, the night was near and I would not take the risk to be outside when the night will rise. I could see a building at the horizon that I was planning can be in at the sunset.

More I was near to the building and more I was finding him strange. The complex was really big even if he was not high. On the front door a logo of a new enterprise called Cyber Tek. I don't know what they were doing in the complex but it should be precious cause at the front there's 2 line of sandbags with 10 heavy machine guns behind and some rockets launchers. Fortunaly the doors was open even if it was from a big explosion evidences by the traces of soot around the holes. But when I come in the buildings I have been spot by a dizaines of dead ponies. They have all turned their heads for faced me and they have cried by running to me. I have fastly take my weapon to shoots their heads but they were too many. My loader have also be empty fastly and the dead ponies were really close so instinctively I take one of the heavy machine gu next to me and I have literaly destroy the heads of the dead ponies in front of me.

-Well I think I will keeps you my little darling. I think I will named you Pony Tomb.

After the lobby was cleaned of all the deads ponies I have started to check for see where could be the most importants zones with like the weapons or other importants stuff to keep in the wasteland and maybe a zone for sleep safely, cause after all these event in simply one days I was starting to become sleepy. The best thing I have found for sleep was a sofa in the rest room and it was just perfect after all these dead ponies.

After I have wake up I put a markers on this place to visit her a other time cause It was urgent for me to find my daughter after I have find all this danger in the wastelands. hopefully or not she was still at the same point at Dodge Junction at only 5 hours of here and if I walk fastly I could get to this point before noon. After make's a breakfast of apple in can and drinks a water in bottle I have quit this grim complex. The road for the city was damage and obstruct so I have arrive to the iconic cherry field approximately around at noon.

Even if It would be supposed we are in summer today the day's was fresh with a big cloud layer likes the pegasus was not apperently doing again this job or they were holding the cloud layer expres. Well I think I will know soon this information. But this was questionning me what have became the pegasus after the fall.

My questions have been ended by the wailing of a pony near of me and the sound of someone beating a other ponies. I have fastly go see what was happenings to see a unicorn beating to death a others poney down to the ground with a strange collars with some cable in and a box and a red and green button attached to it.

" Hey you stop right now or I'm gonna shot you down with this!" And while I was talkng I have get out my Heavy machine gun "Pony Tomb" and have threat him with.

"You are not in position to negociate because if you threating me my friends will hunt you down." The unicorn have respond.

"Well I don't see your friends and it's me who threaten you so if you want to survive you should probably go". At this moments a bullet have whistle to my ear and have obligate me to go covering and the collar of the slave have explodes with the heads. Knowing I was now in position of weakness I have killed the unicorn with my Pony Tomb and makes a cover shoots with my heavy machine gun for escape from the slavers. I was running with approximately 5 slavers well armed followings me on my hooves. Suddenly like a Deus Ex Machina a rocket have pass near of me and have makes explodes the majorities of the slavers and makes the rest run away. When I have getting out of the cherry fields I have seen my saviors, a earth pony with the famous rocket launcher and a pegasus with a IF-33 rifle.

"Hey thanks for having save me."

"Well now can we know who are you and why were you going to Dodge Junction."

"My name is Rainy Time and I was going to see my daughter for save her. Can I know what is you're name and why you are here, now please."

"My name is Ashes Rain," have reply the pegasus", and here it's Steel Plated." by talking about the earth pony."We try to save all the slaves we can from these slavers but it's hard cause they have these explosives collars and it's hard to remove them without being treath or even killed. We will not trust you until we know by certitude your story but if you help us it could change some things.

" I understand why you can't trust me but I can help you cause I know a place called Cyber Tek with a lot of ammunitions for your friend and probably a lot of loots in the complex if we go check."

"Well Rainy Times if it's a ambush you're dead but I think it could be a good place to start checking equipments, so when do we go."

"Now if you agree."