• Published 18th Oct 2019
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The Beatle - CrackedInkWell

What would Ocellus do if everyone, except for her, forgot The Beatles?

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Chapter 2 - Forgotten Music

In truth, Ocellus had never stepped inside the walls of her headmare’s castle before. While it’s right next door to the school, there were times that she wondered what it must be like inside. She half expected it to be a grandiose, fancy, covered top to bottom in gold and jewels that would make the Crystal Empire jealous. She thought that maybe she would find rows of servants and guards to tend her every whim around the clock.

However, when she stepped inside that, while impressive of the purple crystal walls with a tree motif and massive hallways, the Changeling was taken aback how bare it seemed. Even the humble kitchen wasn’t as big as she expected it to be. Although well stocked, it was much smaller, and she noticed that there weren’t any staff ever since she was invited in. While she sat near the wooden table in the middle of the room where overhead pots and pan were hanging over, Twilight insisted that she make them tea.

“Forgive me if I come off as rude,” Ocellus began, “but don’t you have anyone to do that for you?”

“What makes you say that?” Her Headmare asked once she stuck in the tea leaves into the pot and put it over the stove.

“I mean… you are a princess, and I just assumed that you would have a, uh… servant staff to do this for you.”

She tilted her head a little. “Don’t you know that I don’t have servants?”

“What about Spike?”

“He’s my assistant. I never once saw him as a servant. He’s like family to me.” She sat down next to her. “So, what’s going on with you? Why did you decide to wake me up in the middle of the night?”

“It’s uh… It’s hard to put it into words.”

“But try anyway. The first step to address whatever problem is to address it. Something has clearly gotten under your skin – so to speak – and is bothering you.”

Ocellus fiddled with her hooves, looking down and not looking at Twilight. “You’re gonna think I’m crazy.”


“Because… something happened to me recently and I… I’ve no idea what to do. You remember when I asked you that question if you’ve heard of The Beatles?”

“That was a couple of minutes ago.”

She looked up. “Do you swear that you’ve never heard of any pop-rock group by that name?”

“Honestly? I thought you were referring to the bug, beetle.”

The Changeling sighed into her hooves. “It was like yesterday that everycreature has heard of them, knew the songs and were well respected. And now… I can’t find any trace that they existed. It’s like…” she looked up again, “for you, it’ll be the equivalent that when you wake up tomorrow morning, only to discover that nobody knows who Shakespur is. No one remembers the plays or his poetry, except for you. What exactly would you have done in something like that?”

“Oh…” Twilight tapped her chin. “Big question there. But I think what you’re saying is that you remember something that is culturally important, only no one else does.” Ocellus nodded. “Well… in theory, if I were in those horseshoes, and if I feel strongly that this is something worth sharing… I’d do what I can to preserve those ideas before they’re lost forever. I mean, with Shakespur alone, I can’t imagine a world without A Mid Summer’s Night Dream, or Roanio and Filliet, or even The Tempest. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to catch the genius of his writing style, but maybe I could bring back his stories.”

“Yeah, but music is different.” Ocellus said. “With music, it doesn’t work unless you know every note. With The Beatles, they’ve written about a hundred songs and I only know some of them.” She gasped, “Can I even remember the lyrics?! Uh…” she closed her eyes. At first, she tried to remember songs such as Come Together, Yellow Submarine, and even the song that Dawn Lemon wrote Imagine. Yet, regardless of how hard she tried to concentrate, the lyrics were muddied and mixed up. And Ocellus knew it. She banged her head on the table. “I’m forgetting! I can’t remember some of them!”

She felt a hoof on her back. “Ocellus, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not.” She shook her head. “I’m the only one in the world that remembers their songs… but I can’t even do that! I remember the melodies and a hoofful of songs but that’s about it. And I can only play one among the hundreds they’ve made.” Lifting her head, tears were streaming down from them. “I can’t do this… W-What am I going to do?”

Twilight had to spend the next couple of minutes trying to calm her down. Soon enough, the tea was finished and after pouring a couple of cups and drying her tears. Eventually, the Princess asked her, “So… do you remember anything from them?”

Ocellus nodded, “Apart from Yesterday, I remember how some of the tunes go. I wish I could play them, except I don’t know much how to write music, or even…” She paused, looking into the reflection of her teacup, an idea dawned on her. “…. Unless…”


“Suppose… The Beatles that I know were a popular band in the 60s, some of them were still alive. So, do you think that maybe… they could be still around. Headmare, even if I could remember every song, with every note and lyric, I don’t feel comfortable taking the credit for something that isn’t mine. I do feel that these songs shouldn’t be forgotten, but I don’t want my name attached to something that isn’t my work. This music needs to be put back where it belongs… but I can’t do this by myself.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m proud of you for taking up such a responsibility. However, I can’t help but think that if you can’t find them, would you still credit these songs as your own?”

“Like, if they don’t exist?” Twilight nodded. “I… I’m not sure. But I still need to find them, that is if they’re still alive. If there’s anyone in the whole world that could bring back what is stolen, it’s them.”

“But do you know what their names are? Even if this band exists, do you have an idea who they are or where they might be?”

She nodded, “All I know is that they came from Trottingham, and their names are Pull McCart, Dawn Lemon, Forge Hayson and Mango Star. They’re most likely be really old by now-”

“Mango Star?” Twilight blinked, “As in the comedian?”

Ocellus’s jaw dropped the second time that night. “Wait! You know him!?”

Twilight shrugged, “Not much really. When Spike and I were trying to return a library book, I remember seeing an old poster and when we got to the retirement place, I saw his face through a window. He’s most likely retired now.”

“Headmare, I need to go talk to him.”

“What?” She asked surprised, “Ocellus, you have school tomorrow-”

“If you have a chance to bring back Shakespur while he’s still around, would you?”

There was a pause between them. “You really believe in this?” She nodded. After a sigh, Twilight thought it over for a good solid minute. “I’ll tell you what,” she said, “I will take you to that retirement center first thing in the morning to find your missing band. But in exchange, you will have to do your schoolwork and I will keep an eye to make sure that you do that work. Deal?”

She shook her hoof. “Deal.”

It took all morning to reach Silver Stable Community, and on the train over, Ocellus had spent her time looking through her homework and textbooks while Twilight was nearby. However, making westward towards the coast, they’ve finally reached the retirement place. They entered the main building towards the reception desk.

“Now I can’t guarantee that he might be here or if he’s available,” Twilight told her as they walked in. “However, I can promise that I will do what I can to see if Mango is open to talking to us.”

“And make sure you ask for the others,” Ocellus insisted.

“I doubt that they would be here, but I’ll try.” She said, stopping at a row of chairs were a few ponies sat there waiting. “Stay right here, I’m gonna go check. But if I don’t find anypony that’s connected to that group, we’re going straight back to Ponyville.” With that, Twilight turned and walked towards the reception desk.

The blue Changeling took a seat next to a pony. A long-maned stallion who held onto a cardboard box, waiting. This wouldn’t catch much of her interest was that this pony’s cutie mark was a guitar, and his face bears a resemblance to- “Can I help you?”

Ocellus was caught off guard, if not a bit embarrassed that she was staring. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just…”


“You uh… reminded me of someone.”

“Oh?” He then took notice of Twilight talking to someone at the reception desk. “So, uh… You with the Princess?”

She nodded, “Yeah. We’re looking for someone. It’s… It’s really complicated, but we’re trying to find someone that used to be a musician and… I just really hope they’re around.”

“Yeah? Who are you trying to find, if you mind of me asking?”

“Chances are, you probably never heard of him. Someone name Mango Star.”

The stallion went quiet, “The Comedian?”

“I guess s-”

“Who used to be a drummer.”

Now it was Ocellus’s turn to be surprised. “How do you know?”

“Because I’m trying to get ahold of him myself.” He said, tapping the box. “My dad had used to be in a band, and he passed away some time ago. Recently I found this box that had some of his stuff and I thought that maybe I could at least give it to one dad’s friends.”

The Changeling went quiet for a solid minute, it became awkward to the point where he had to ask her if she’s okay. “Sir… what’s your name?” she finally asked.

“Hayson,” he replied. “Name’s Dandelion Hayson. I’m in a band myself and… seriously, are you okay?”

In truth, Ocellus was in a state of shock. “Oh, dear goddess… this is… I… c-could I shake your hoof?”

Dandelion blinked, “I guess so? I didn’t do anything special.”

“Actually, Mr. Hayson,” she said shaking his hoof, “your dad was one of the ponies I was looking for.”

“Really? Why’s that?”

She took a moment to think about her next words carefully. “It’s just… Let’s say that I might be one of the few that’s… aware of ponies like your dad. And I want to do what I can to uh… bring them to the limelight.”

Twilight returned to tell her that they could go ahead to meet Mango.