• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 868 Views, 22 Comments

A Rush of Blood to the Hooves - LittleBoyBlue

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Jonny and Guy's Dilemma

Jonny could hear soft breathing next to him. He thought he was back at home, sleeping with his wife. He managed to wrap his arms around "her" and started cuddling. That was until he heard a familiar voice.
"Jonny....what are you doing?" Jonny literally jumped back after finding out the source of the voice was none other than Guy. Their vision came back as they stared at each other.
"I know I'm your mate, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take that next step...."
"Oh shut up," said Jonny in a annoyed tone. "I just mistook you for my wife, now let's please try to figure out where in the world are we?"
"Sure thing......honey." Guy started chuckling after saying this. Jonny just gave a slightly annoyed sigh as he proceeded to get up.......then fall on his face.
"Wait, are you in my dream?" Asked Guy.
"What, dream?" Grunted Jonny in response.
"You look like a pony!!"
Jonny then went to check himself out. Guy was right. He was a tan pony with the Fair Trade sign on his flanks. His tail was blonde. He checked his head.
"Cap's still there. Thank goodness." He thought to himself.
"I guess this is MY dream." Said Jonny.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because YOU'RE a unicorn!!!"
"Wha?!" Guy then went to check his head. Lo and behold, there it was. A horn. On his head. He turned to see his body. He saw a light brown body with the same Fair Trade sign as Jonny. He had a black tail, and thankfully, the same black hair.
"Well.....you're a unicorn too!"
"I am?"
Jonny raised a hoof to his forehead. Yep. That horn is there.
"This is weird dream........what are we doing here?" Asked Jonny.
They looked around the area to see themselves in some sort of library. There were some telescopes around, scrolls on a desk, and one big open book on that desk. Seeing this big book, Guy took advantage of the situation.
"We must dig.........deeper." said Guy, as he tried to do that BWOM that everybody knows.
"Ha ha. You're hilarious." After that sarcastic response from Jonny, they tried getting up. After multiple tries, they finally got up. They now had to learn how to walk. They stumbled at first, but then they figured it out. They made their way to the desk, towards the book. It was open on a page.
"Finding the best band ever?"
"That's us!" Jonny said, with enthusiasm.
"I know that Jonny......are we dealing with a strange Harry Potter like menace?"
Guy put his hoof on his chin to think.
"No.......pretty sure if we were in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I would be in Slytherin already."
They both chuckled slightly at that joke. Then they heard a small noise from under the desk. They leaned over to see a lavender unicorn with a dark blue mane and a pink stripe running through it. She had purple eyes and a strange assortment of stars on her flank. Next to her, a small creature, apperantly a purple dragon, was shaking next to her.
Their eyes met.
No words.
Then Twilight gave a slight smile.
Jonny looked at Guy and saw....well Guy was distracted by something. He then punched him in the front leg.
"Oww!!! What was that for?!"
"She said hi!"
"Yeah. So?"
"Say hello Guy."
"Right, right." By now, Twilight came out from under the desk.
"You guys are unicorns too?"
Jonny and Guy stopped talking and looked at her.
Jonny nodded.
"We sure are. Hello, my name is Jonny. Pleasure to meet you miss....miss...."
"Twilight, Twilight Sparkle."
"Miss Twilight Sparkle." He then extended a hoof, and then shook hooves with her. He walked back to Guy.
"that's a weird name" whispered Guy. Jonny gave him a frustrated look and shoved him foward.
"Whoa!" Guy was directly in front of her.....a bit too close for comfort.
"Ummmmmm.......hello! My name is Guy! Pleasure to meet you Miss Sparkle!" He extended a hoof like Jonny did. He felt somone tugging him back though. Jonny. Pulled him out of Twilight's bubble and brought him in a more respectable distance.
"Please...call me Twilight." She shook his hoof and began to try and comprehend what just happened with him so close to her.
"Sooooo.....you guys wanna know what you all are doing here?"
They nodded.
"Well, have a seat. It's a long story......"