• Published 25th Oct 2019
  • 356 Views, 2 Comments

The last egg - PaladinponyT

This story tells the tale of how one pony act of bravery, could change Equestria forever.

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Chapter 5: Battle under the stars

Sunblade threw up a shield as fire burst from the dragon's mouth; the heat was incredible, but the magical bubble held. The flames stopped and Sunblade attacked. Dropping his shield, he performed a speed spell. He got behind the dragon and stabbed it in the back just below the wings. The beast let out a roar of pain and struck with his tail, Sunblade blinked, avoiding the blow. He appeared in front of the dragon and cut its stomach, the beast howled and leaped back glaring. He had clearly underestimated this pony; spreading out his wings, he flew into the air. The blood on the Alicorn blade steamed as Sunblade watched the dragon waiting for its next move.

It came down on him with tremendous speed, and a huge fireball shot from the beast's mouth. Sunblade fired magic at the flaming ball; it vanished in a flash of light. The dragon landed next to Sunblade and kicked him hard, his armor dented, and he hit a large rock. Nothing was broken, but his armor was badly damaged. Sunblade got up slowly, his sword hovered next to him. The dragon picked up a huge boulder and heaved it at Sunblade; the stallion once again used his magic causing the stone to explode into pieces.

The dragon flew down and punched the wall. In the nick of time, Sunblade had ducked. He thrust upward and his horn pierced the dragon's stomach, then he drove his sword into the beast's right foot. The dragon roared with fury, and unleashed his inner fire. Sunblade erupted in pain as he was bathed in fire, without thinking he teleported atop a pillar of stone, and quickly rolled on the ground. The flames were extinguished, but his armor and cloak still smoked.

The dragon appeared in the air above him; it still had the Alicorn blade in its foot. In his haste, Sunblade had forgotten the sword. The black dragon pulled the sword from his foot, and suddenly dropped it. He held his clawed hand, a look of great pain on his face. Despite his own pain, Sunblade smiled; no other creature, but him could touch the Alicorn blade. With great effort Sunblade rose, his armor had protected him from the worst of it. However, the pain was still terrible; the dragon landed in front of him again.

"Get up," he said angrily. When Sunblade didn't, the dragon kicked him to the edge of the pillar. "I said get up pony! What's wrong? Had enough?"

Sunblade took off his helmet, which turned to dust. He summoned his sword to him and caught it in his hooves. Leaning on the sword, Sunblade rose again. The dragon had all the advantages. If the pony was to win, he needed to change the game. A plan began to form in his mind; if he pulled it off the tide would turn.

He smiled and laughed at the dragon, who stood back with shock. "Have I had enough? You must be joking , if that is the best you have, then I have nothing to worry about."

Rage filled the dragon's eyes, and he charged forward, not knowing his peril. Sunblade focused his mind and magic, imagining the area in his memory. When the black beast was close enough, the brave pony teleported both of them high above the top of Mount Everhoof. The dragon's eyes were now widened in alarm; his wings were useless in this powerful wind. The two plummeted towards the ground.

Sunblade paused for a moment in his story, and he stared at the ceiling in silence. Celestia waited patiently for him to continue, since obviously the event still bothered him.

Sunblade looked at her and began again, "A long time we fell," he said. "I fell and he fell with me, he grabbed me by the throat as I cut him. His fire was all around us, I was burned and it became hard to breathe. I pierced him again and again; he let go and I got behind him. I bit down hard on one of his wings, and stabbed him in the back. He roared as I held on for dear life, finally we crashed into a frozen lake." Sunblade shivered from the memory, the shock of the cold had been horrible.

He blinked out of the water and struggled onto the shore. The dragon burst out of the water. His fire was gone. The cold and water had done its job.