• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 1,089 Views, 2 Comments

From Lands Apart (FiM / Dragon Tales) - Yosh-E-O

Spike's magical fire breath conjures up a dragon scale that accidentally brings Cassie from Dragon Land to Equestria

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A Land Apart

Cassie, a pink-scaled dragon who had yellow feather-like hairs from the top of her head and down to her back, was patiently waiting for her friends to arrive.
“Looks like I got here first,” she said nervously upon noticing nobody else was around. “I’m sure Ord and zak & Wheezie will be here soon.”


“What the?” panicked Cassie as she felt something lift her above the ground. “What’s happening?”


Colored streams of light formed around the young dragon along with numerous magical sparkles.

“Help!” cried Cassie as the appearance of sparkles grew faster along with the speed of the, now moving, colored streams…


…And then she was gone.



Cassie had her eyes closed as she felt herself land on something soft. She was quite scared and didn’t know if she even wanted to open her eyes. However she knew she had to in order to truly understand what had just happened.
“Ord?” she asked nervously. “Zak … Wheezie…?”

The young dragon opened up her blue eyes and caught notice of something purple and green.
“What happened?” wondered Cassie as she looked towards what she thought was Zak & Wheezie. “Where’s Ord?”

The two-headed dragon look-a-like moved enough to show it was a but a single dragon that was neither Zak nor Wheezie.
“Hha-hi,” it greeted upon hearing the gentle voice of Cassie and seeing how she looked more like a plush toy than a threat. “You friend?”

Cassie started to feel very anxious. Her current view was that she was in a giant crib with a baby dragon that may, or may not, be friendly.
“Uh, hello…,” she nervously replied while reaching into her belly-pouch. She always had a few baby toys on hand in case she needed to help calm one of her younger siblings.

“I Spike!” the purple-colored dragon greeted. “Please can have gem?”

“Gem?” wondered Cassie as the baby dragon crawled towards her.


“Hey!” she panicked upon feeling her necklace being yanked upon. “That’s my dragon badge!”

“Candy!” gleed Spike as he continued to pull upon the round, blue jewel that was attached to Cassie’s necklace. “Want candy!”

The pink dragon wanted to give a firm ‘No!’ to the baby dragon. However she didn’t know if that would be the right thing to do. What if she hurt his feelings? What if someone was watching from outside the crib?


“Huh?” wondered Spike as the gem shrunk in size along with Cassie herself. It wasn’t long before she was about the same size as Spike.
“Oh, no!” she cried. “I ca-could really you-use some ha-help.”

Spike noticed how the ‘smaller’ dragon looked afraid. He never liked to feel scared and decided he should give the surprise guest a comforting hug.
“It’s okay,” he assured while wrapping himself around the pink dragon. “It’s okay.”


Cassie’s felt less worried by the gentle patting she was receiving upon her back by Spike. It seemed like he was a nice dragon and not one to be worried about.
“Thanks,” she said while trying to get out of the hug. “I’m sorry but I want to know if you know where this is?”

Spike put his tail into his mouth and sucked upon it as he thought about what he was being asked.

“Well,” deduced Cassie. “You’re a baby dragon, right?”

Spike nodded his head to say ‘Yes’.

Cassie looked outside of the crib bars to see a room much like those her youngest brothers and sisters had.
“Is this your room?” she asked.

The purple dragon nodded again.


Spike stopped playing with his tail as he noticed his guest trip over the pretty rock that had fallen into his crib. He then also noticed that the smaller dragon wasn’t wearing a diaper.
“Uh-oh,” he said with a giggle. “New friend no dipper.”

Cassie sat herself up.
“Huh?” she wondered while watching the baby dragon start to climb up-and-over his crib. “Wait!”

Cassie’s motherly instincts kicked in as her feather-like wings started to give off ethereal sparks while she took to the air.


“Whoa!” she cried after catching Spike by the tail and doing everything in her power to slow their descent towards the floor.

Spike, out of instinct, worked to position himself so his padded bottom would hit the ground first. Unfortunately this motion caused Cassie to lose her balance as she fell with a solid ‘THUD’ to the ground.

“Ow!” she moaned. “I just want to go home.”

Spike smiled upon safely reaching the floor of his room. He then eagerly scampered off to get a diaper for Cassie.

“Okay,” she told herself while scanning the room. “You can handle this, Cassie. You can handle this. Everything is going to be okay…”


“…A dragon scale?” she wondered with amazement upon spotting the very object she must have tripped over while still in the crib. “I can use that to go home!”

Cassie started to search within her ‘hoard’ for the notebook she kept for taking important notes. Two of which were the poem for how to go to Dragon Land and return back.


“Ah!” Cassie gasped with surprise upon having a diaper flopped over her face.

“For you,” Spike beamed. “No fall and go boom.”

Cassie blushed at the thought of wearing the garment she was all too familiar with thanks to all the younger siblings she had been a part of helping to raise.
“Umm,” she hummed nervously. “No thank you.”

Spike remembered what Twilight did when he was stubborn and moved to push the pink dragon on her tummy so she’d lie down on her back.

“No!” she protested. “No means no!”

Spike’s eyes started to fill with tears before crying uncontrollably.

Cassie panicked. This technique worked with her siblings but this little dragon wasn’t one of her brothers nor sisters. He had different feelings, routines, etc. Now whomever looked out for the baby dragon was sure to come and find her.

“Twili!” a voice called out from the other side of the door. “Your little brother needs you!”

“What?” another voice replied from further away.


Cassie started to fidget nervously with her dragon badge. She had also started to rock herself while wondering what the blue aura around the opening doorknob meant.


Cassie shrank more in size for how her worries of how to handle this situation made her extremely uncomfortable. However, to her surprise, her shrinking made the baby dragon stop crying.


The head of a Unicorn colt popped into a small opening made into the room.
“Hmm,” he said.


“Never mind, Twili!” the colt called out. “False alarm.”

“False alarm?” the other replied. “Can’t you see I’m studying?”

“Loosen up, Twi,” the colt replied while trotting away from the room. “Where’s Cadence when you really need her?”

Cassie heard a slight argument start before a far older voice made a statement that caused it to come to an abrupt end.

“Tada!” cheered Spike as he successfully diapered the notably smaller pink dragon.

“Oh, my!” she gasped while being helped up by the baby dragon.

“Play with me?” he asked politely.

Given her current state, Cassie felt she did not have much choice. However she had a plan that, if this baby dragon was like Kiki or Finn, would have her back in Dragon Land in no time.