• Published 26th Sep 2019
  • 281 Views, 0 Comments

Threads and Connections! - Shadow_lulamoon

Eventide spends her time exploring the astral plane.

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Threads and Connections!

The astal plane was dotted with stars blinking in and out, gradual pulsating auras reminescent of the ebb and flow of the ocean. Eventide Lulamoon gleefully danced among the celestial bodies. Each of the fuschia coated unicorn's hoof falls created a rippling effect. Eventide paused her frolicking as she approached a star. "Star visions," aptly named by Eventide were her favorite past time in the astral plane. Eventide didn't know if the images she saw were dreams, possible futures, the present or even the past. All she knew was that she was the only one able see them. When Starswirl astral projcted all he saw were blazing stars and twinkling lights.

Eventide gazed into the star's radiance as a vision appeared. A field of orange and violet flowers were portrayed in the vivid image. Bees flittered from flower to flower polinating a new generation of plants. The sun's warm light refracted off their delicate undulating wings, casting a rainbow of colors across the petals of each flower the bees flew to.

Eventide smiling, let out a soft melodious giggle as she slowy backed away from the peaceful image. "On to the next one," sang the young mare prancing to the next star.

The second star vision Eventide viewed, depicted a frozen tundra with bodies strewn around.
Floating above the landscape wings out stretched was a pink alicorn with a purle mane streaked with pink and blue, and a matching tail. The alicorn's face was masked with fury, her eyes ablaze with a pink aura. Flaming comets pierced the dusk covered sky crashing into black insect like creatures. The ground exploded with clouds of dust as the creatures flew battered and lifeless through the air.

Eventide reared back from the gruesome scene. Not all of Eventide's star visions displayed pleasant images. This was one of those times. The young mare focused on the vision; somehow knowing that it was important.

The third star vison depicted images of two creatures one male one female of a speicies not native to Eventide's world. Eventide watched in in wonder as the pair of creatures argued. A slight twinge of pain rippled across the unicorn's heart. At that moment Eventide knew their names. "Shadow; Trixe stop fighting this instant." Eventide blinked trying to discern how these two could be her twins, but some how she knew the aguing pair were her children.

The image quickly faded into obscurity and was replaced by a scene that Eventide some how recognized but was unable to place a hoof on it. The new star vision was another grim scene. In a darkend corner of the room was a younger version of herself; unconcius and dying. Standing in the middle of the room was an orange unicorn levitating a blood soaked knife. There was a shift in the light and in the front entrance stood a much younger stallion she recognized. It was her old friend and mentor Starswirl. The scene shifted so quickly that Eventide was unable to see the outcome but heard a single word rip through the fabric of the vision.


Normally Eventide would follow her silvery astral cord back to her body and slowy wake up in her physical body. This time though the raw emotions washed against Eventide like a wave in a hurricane. The unicorn was forcefully expelled from the starry void as her astral form crashed into her phyisical body. Tears dotted Eventide's cheeks as her chest heaved with saddness.


"STARSWIRL!" shouted Eventide pounding her right front hoof on the wizard's cottage door.

Starswirl woke up from his book with a snort recognizing the voice of his frantic adopted daughter.

"I'm coming don't get your mane in a tangle," grumbled Starswirl.

Starswirl feeling the anger infused atmosphere, hesitantly opened the wooden door. The door cracked open just a bit and then flew open as Eventide used her unicorn magic to force it the rest of the way.

"Eventide, my dear how may I be of service this evening?"

"Stow the pleasantries Starswirl! Who is Stella?" said Eventide her sea green eyes ablaze with a magenta glow.

Starswirl stood frozen in time as he felt a heart wrenching pain stab through his heart.

S...t...e...l...l...a... Stella... The name does not ring any bells," said the wizard stammering over his words.

"I know what I saw wizard! My star visions never lie. So start talking or I will ring your bells," said Eventide glaring.

With a defeated sigh Starswirl recounted the time before he raised Eventide. Starswirl ended with Stella's transformation leaving out the part about the legendary six and the sealing of the monster Stella had become.

"Is she dead?" asked Eventide through wracking sobs.

Starswirl thought for a moment before answering; choosing his response carefully he replied.


Eventide instantly picked up on the wizard's hesitation and without another word, giving a kurt nod; stepped out into the starless night.


For several days Eventide stayed away from the astral plane. Instead she enjoyed her time with her twin colts. Trixie the older of the twins by two minutes had her brother Shadow's mane in her teeth as she led him around. Shadow followed his sister without complaint until the little filly tripped over her own left most rear hoof. The twins tumbled and rolled crashing into the extinguished fireplace. A cloud of ash and soot billowed into the air as the twins sneezed. Eventide just giggled as she cleaned off her little ones. When the twins were spotless Eventide sang a soft song a she gently rocked them to sleep.

Sleep little ones sleep,
Not a word or a peep,
Momma's here with you,
Never fear things that go boo,
Foever by your side,
Never lose your stride,
I will be here,
Right by your side...

With Trixie and Shadow fast asleep and tucked in for the night Eventide felt the pull of the astral plane. Just like a hypnotized sailor drawn by a siren's song Eventide traveled forth.


Eventide's astral form phased into existence, once again amongst the familiar surroundings.
Slowly Eveventide gazed around her eyes locking onto a dim star off in the distance. Negative emotions seeped into the young mare's mind as she was drawn to the fading star. Eventide, chest heavy with dread hesitantly cantered over to the dim star. Eventide peered into the star's faded depths. At first nothing happened but ever so slowly mirriored surfaces blinked into existance. For every star the unicorn could see there was a matching pair of mirrors that reflected her children back at her. The right mirrors depicted Trixie while the left ones showed Shadow. The reflections displayed the twins in all forms some pony others more insect like, and some even as the creatures she saw the last time she traveled to the astral plane. Silently the mirrors floated around Eventide refracting the dim light of the fading star. The eerie blue light danced across Eventide covering her cutie mark which depicted a silver moon over an ocean wave.

Off to her right Eventide stared in horror as an image of Trixie appeared. This Trixie was of the unknown spiecies. Instead of hooves Trixie had feet and hands and what looked like a mane of hair but lacking a tail. Trixie stared blankly into the void her eyes were an eerie emptyness devoid of all emotion. Eventide stepped back as fear washed over her. Then the vision did something that never happened before; it spoke.

"You must vanish so that I may flourish!"

Trixie appeared to be looking at Eventide, but that wasn't the case. Inky black and violet tendrils exploded from Trixie lashing out at the floating mirrors. The mirrors with Trixie were left unharmed while the ones depicting Shadow shattered into infinitesimal sparkling shards befor disappearing into the aether. Somehow Eventide knew that if she didn't do something fast Shadow would cease to exist.


Eventide followed her silver cord back to her physical body. Without any hesitation the unicorn cast a spell. Eventide's fuschia horn emitted a soft magenta glow as two tiny red threads appeared connecting her horn to the horns of her sleeping children. With a sombre expression on her face Eventide lowered her head an soflty kissed Trixie. Just as she kissed Shadow inky tendrils ripped through the fabric of reality reaching for the twins.

"Nooooooooo!" shrieked Eventide.

Eventide's horn flared with a magenta aura exuding power she had never had before. The tendrils paused and instead focused on Eventide. The young mother fought back blasting the inky appendages into aether but there was to many of them and eventually they had completely ensnared her. With one final burst of strength Eventide untangled her horn from the mass of tendrils. A soft magenta ball escaped Her horn encompassing her twins. Like the mirrors the twins became tiny sparkling motes speading out across time and space.

Only you my little Shadow... only you..." whispered Eventide as she vanished, leaving nothing but a single tear splashing against the cottage floor.


Some say that fate is a cruel misstress, but if you look hard enough you might find that tiny red thread of hope and if you do... don't ever let it go.

Author's Note:

Just another quick short story. I promise the next chapter to Fate's shadow will be next. This one was very hard for me to write I got a bit emotional at the end. Please feel free to leave coments.

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