• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 1,620 Views, 5 Comments

Trapped - AnonyMiss

Rainbow Dash and Twilight get stuck in a cave. Together.

  • ...


Rainbow and Twilight went deeper into the cave. It was a big one indeed. They hoped to find something, not sure exactly what it was that they were looking for. They figured they'd know it when they see it. "Race ya!" Rainbow called out and zoomed ahead of Twilight. "Rainbow, no! Wait!" Twilight sighed and started galloping after her. Rainbow flew a little too fast and, looking away only for a second, crashed into a wall of the cave. Twilight caught up to her. "Rainbow are you okay? I knew this would happen..you can be so careless sometimes. Does anything hurt? Did you break anything?" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Just my pride," she mumbled, clearly embarrassed. Soon the ground began shaking and the two ponies heard rocks and boulders tumbling. "That's...not good. Is it?" Rainbow said. Twilight rolled her eyes. The two ponies went to check out the source of the noise. A handful of massive boulders had blocked the only entrance. Which meant it was also the only exit. The two mares were officially trapped.

"I can't believe we're stuck in here," Rainbow said.

"We wouldn't be if you had just listened to me, for once," Twilight mumbled, as she searched the cave for a way out, the only light source being her horn.

Rainbow made no attempt to help her friend. She just stood there, staring at Twilight. Twilight seemed to notice and blushed a little. "Why don't you make yourself useful for once and help me find a way out of here?" She snarled.

"Sheesh Twi, what's up with you?" Rainbow replied.

"Excuse me?"

"What's up with you? You haven't been the nicest to me lately." Rainbow said.

Twilight just stayed silent.

"Now you're giving me the silent treatment? Fine! I won't talk to you either." Rainbow muttered.

The two mares started to venture deeper in the cave, with Twilight taking the lead. Twilight made sure to remember their every twist and turn, so they wouldn't get lost in the cave. It wasn't easy though. It was an enormous cave, with several tunnels leading this way and that. The mares walked in silence. Rainbow got tired of it.

"This is so boring," Rainbow complained.

"What happened to you not talking?" Twilight sighed.

"I got bored of that too," Rainbow smirked. Twilight just rolled her eyes. Twilight went back to work and spotted something. She went over to check what it could be. Turns out it was just a rat. It must've been taking shelter here since winter was approaching.

Rainbow decided to help Twilight. She figured it was only because she was bored and just wanted to get out of that cave.

"How about I go this way and you go that way?" Rainbow suggested, motioning towards two tunnels leading in different directions. "We'll cover more ground that way." Twilight didn't approve of Dash's idea.

Twilight replied with, "take a look at the size of this cave! We'd surely lose each other."

Rainbow gave a little smirk and a chuckle. "Oh so, you're worried about losing me, huh?" She responded.

Twilight's cheeks began to turn to a warm pink. "I just need to keep an eye on you, is all. Besides, we need all six elements to protect Equestria."

Rainbow gave her a look that said, "yeah, sure. Whatever you say."

Twilight and Rainbow walked in silence, Twilight keeping a close eye on Rainbow to make sure she doesn't wander off by herself and cause even more trouble.

"I'm hungry," Rainbow said.

Twilight just ignored her.

Rainbow decided to just annoy Twilight until she listened to her. "I'm so hungry." She repeated. Still nothing.

"Twilight, I'm hu-"

"Okay! If you promise to keep quiet I'll get you a hayburger or something when we get out of here." Twilight finally said. "If we get out of here.." She silently added.

The mares continued their journey, Rainbow chatting her head off and Twilight continuing to ingore her. It went like this for most of the time. Time passed by and Rainbow grew more and more worn out from walking for hours. Or at least, what felt like hours.

"Hey Twilight?" Rainbow called out.

"What is it now Rainbow?" Twilight grumbled.

"Can we take a break?"




"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"You sound like my mom."

"She must be a good mother, then." Twilight smirked.

"Speaking of mothers, I don't think I've ever met your parents." Rainbow recalled.

"I've never met yours either." Twilight responded.

"I'm pretty sure they'd like you. Your like..perfect."

Twilight blushed. Even though she new Rainbow meant perfect as in the perfect daughter, somehow those words still got to her. "Oh well..I don't know about perfect.." She said. "I mean, everypony's got their flaws."

"Think about it! You're like, super smart, organized, and mature. All things I can't really say about myself." Rainbow said.

"Alright, enough talk about perfection, let's focus on the task at hoof."

Rainbow noticed a change in Twilight's mood. She looked ..happier. Had Rainbow's compliment really affected her that much? She didn't think much of it, although was glad she could make Twilight feel better, but she still didn't know what made her so gloomy in the first place. At first she had thought is was because they were stuck in a cave, but now thinking about it, Twilight had been acting like this for weeks now. It always seemed to happen around Rainbow.

"Twilight? Did I...did I do something to upset you?" Rainbow asked.

This question had caught Twilight off guard. "Upset me?" Twilight answered.

"I don't know..It's just that..whenever I'm around you seem pretty ticked off."

"Rainbow, I'm not mad..It's just..um. You know what? Nevermind." Twilight avoided eye contact with Rainbow.

Okay, that was weird.

Rainbow decided to change the subject, searched her brain for a completely off-topic question to ask. "What's your type?"


"Your type. Like, in the romantic sense."

"Anypony but you," Twilight jokingly said.

"Hey! That's pretty rude don't ya think?" Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow looked into Twilight's eyes. The shine in them told Rainbow, "My type is nopony, but you."

Author's Note:

This is my second story, thanks for reading it!

I also must thank my editor, and close friend, Keira.

Comments ( 5 )

Not bad, you did pretty good :twilightsmile:

This is really nice :twilightsmile:

can I ask for a second chapter or a sequel qhere they get out of the cave after they at least kissed?

Hello,writer! I'm a Chinese.I want to translate these articles in Chinese.
Can I do this?

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