• Published 16th Sep 2019
  • 382 Views, 3 Comments

Forward Unto Twilight - MerryMelancholy

Young, brilliant, adventurous and painfully honest; the naive Midnight Sparkle dreams of a life of endless possibilities. Though her sisters are supportive, she sees a life for herself beyond their cozy Golden Oaks Island. Beyond the distant sea.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Happy Ways, Golden Days.

"Even if you fail, try again. The fun is in the journey, so smile and remember... this is a story. Not a chapter."

It was that very same voice again, so kind, caring, gentle and warm. It seeped into her like a caressing melody and urged a sense of positivity. Tiny violet eyes with a luminescent blue where the white should be opened slowly. A childlike smile decored the face of the filly who bared it. She could feel the warmth of the sun upon her; another lovely day. Another day to smile, another day to study, another day to succeed. Without wasting another second, she leaned up from her sheets, hooves clutched at the edges of her blanket as she grinned.

But it was different this time. I finally saw her face... I finally saw the pony in my dreams!

A fairly weathered older adult mare, with a vibrant but shorter rainbow mane, sat in a chair, hunched over near a steaming cup of coffee, looking down at something. The window at her side revealed a shimmering sea, seemingly endless as the sun's light shined like diamonds upon its surface. She appeared tired, focused on her task at hoof. "Urgh... how'd she ever get used to this stuff?" She squinted, a further look of irritation appearing on her face. "Speaking of which... Midnight! Are you up yet!?" She called out casually, knowing her voice easily reached upstairs. No response, which only caused further irritation for the mare. "Midnight... Don't make me-"

"Come up there!" Screamed a youthful energetic voice from behind the mare.

Only a mere jolt escaped the rainbow maned mare as she eased up a second later. "One of these days Midnight..." she casually glanced back, absently now. She managed to poof behind me? She's gotten better.

The two were located within a polished cleanly diamond blue kitchen, complete with a small dining table.

Now circling around to the mare's side was the same young filly. Her mane stood up like fire, unmoving and locked into place, erratic, almost awkwardly. The colors consisted of dark sapphire, accompanied by streaks of purple and pink. A single black bang coursed down the middle. She was a unicorn filly, absent of any wings and any particularly unique features outside of her mane. She was also absent of a cutie mark... but that didn't stop her from smiling, and appearing radiant as ever. She bobbed her head to the left, focus latched onto the older mare. "So Sis! Guess what, guess what!" She began rocking left to right eagerly. "Come on, you'll love it!"

The rainbow maned mare raised a brow at the filly as she rose tiredly. "Yeesh, you eat some sugar cubes this morning before you came downstairs? You're extra bouncy." She trailed around her, going for the fridge as she placed her cup of coffee on the counter. "Well go on then Squirt, what's got you so excited. Fess up."

Midnight smirked, getting down into a prowling position as she rocked her body slowly to the left and right as if about to pounce on prey. "Get this, get this! I saw her face, the pony of my dreams! For the first time ever!"

The rainbow maned mare began digging around inside the fridge. "Oh right, the imaginary friend."

Midnight pounced about an inch forward, now standing straight. "It's true, it's true! She's not imaginary! She's very pretty! She's got kind eyes, a kind face, a kind smile! She seems really smart and tells me nice things!"

Hushed chuckles escaped the rainbow maned mare. "Tchffk. Does she tell you a bedtime story too?"

Midnight growled, and her nose wrinkled. "Well more than you! She's a lot like me! Purple too!"

The rainbow maned mare froze, dead still like a statue as she remained hunched over in the fridge.

Midnight huffed, as she turned her head away and upward. "She's special! I know she is! You're just jealous!"

The rainbow maned mare remained in that same position, unmoving and deathly silent.

Midnight eventually looked back, becoming more worried as each second passed by. "Big Sis?" As the silence continued, her eyes widened. "Big Sis? Are you okay?" She slowly crept forward towards her, soon her brows curling downward as concern laced her features. "Big Sis? Say something." She soon shouted, "Rainbow!"

The mare Rainbow, turned around swiftly, now with a fierce and devilish grin. "Boo!"

Midnight screeched, going into a prowled trembling position.

Rainbow burst into laughter, as she had tears in her eyes. "Got ya! How's that for some payback!?"

Midnight growled in frustration. "I... I hope you lose out on your natural intelligence!"

Rainbow raised an amused brow at her. "Is that supposed to be an insult?"

Midnight flushed red in her cheeks, as she bit her lower lip. "Applejack is going to scold you!"

Rainbow rubbed the top of Midnight's head. "Better yet, how about you go grab Applejack for me?"

Midnight continued to protest, still upset with her prank. "Why should I do that for you!?"

Rainbow leaned against the counter now, smirking. "I guess you don't want us to talk about your dream?"

Midnight eyes widened profusely before a wide glittering smile formed upon her, and she poofed!

Rainbow continued to smile, as soft chuckles escaped her and she wiped more tears from her eyes. There was a slight tremble in her hoof as she hurriedly picked up her coffee cup, and began chugging it desperately.

Meanwhile, a magic book laid open on the table. The chapter read, Banishment Spell Class & Beyond.

Midnight poofed outside, revealing her home which stood atop a scaping hill that overlooked the sea. The grass was a healthy vibrant green that swayed with the sea breeze. Trees coursed down and around the area, creating a dense forest which hung on the edges of a neatly tiled path which led even further down to a beautiful nestled village at the coast of the sea. Midnight trailed towards the edge of the cliff near their house, in which she gazed down to take in the sight of a farmhouse, and some picket fencing to enclose it. Down there was another pony stacking piles of hay. She blinked a few times, before gasping with intrigue at a bright idea.

She scurried back. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" Then dashed forward, before leaping off the cliff's edge, wide-eyed and grinning with excitement as she nosedived straight down, eyes focused on a batch of hay.

Down below, Applejack continued to stack hay, while a batch hung in her background. She wore a rugged cowboy hat, with a red bandana loosely tied around her neck. As sweat coursed down her face and neck, she looked out towards the distant sea with at first a blank stare, then a smile. Yet despite that gentle smile, her eyes were laced with melancholy. She exhaled slowly, before wiping some sweat from her face. "Whew."

Poof, poof, poof, poof, poof... the sounds came consecutively, and gradually louder and louder.

Applejack's face changed at first with curiosity, then bewilderment, and soon... panic. She turned around and looked up hurriedly, before catching sight of the descending figure. She burst forward on all fours, racing and watching at the same time as Midnight's position would change and redirect with each poof, and her eyes scurried to keep up. However, in what was a mere moment that felt like forever, Midnight landed right within a batch of hay perfectly. This caused Applejack to fall and crumble to the ground, breathing with sudden relief.

Midnight popped from the batch of hay before cheering. "Bahaha! My analytical perception is flawless!"

Applejack rose up, face darkened as she kept her head lowered and trembled with each trot towards that batch of hay. With an undeniable urgency, she'd reached it and then only stood there in silence. "Midnight Sparkle... what, in the hay, ever crossed yer mind that that'd be an appropriate action ta take in front of me?"

Midnight tucked a cheek into her shoulder devilishly. "Hee... go on, admit it, you're impressed, Sis!"

Applejack snapped furiously. "You will wipe that gosh darn look off yer face and answer my question!"

Midnight flinched, before frowning and poofing from the hay and sluggishly making her way over.

Applejack glared down at her. "I never want ta see some stunt like that again, ya hear?"

Midnight kept her eyes on the ground grumpily, "Yes Ma'am."

Applejack snapped at her again. "That was terrible! Louder and better!"

Midnight huffed before her nose wrinkled some. "Yes Ma'am, I won't do it again!"

Applejack's demeanor changed rapidly, as she knelt down and smiled before placing a hoof atop Midnight's mane. "Now that's more like it daredevil. Now come here, give me a hug." She pulled her into a forceful one.

Midnight was reluctant at first, but the forceful nature of Applejack caused those negative feelings to melt away quite quickly. She eventually rubbed her cheek into that bandana of the mare's. "So touchy, so touchy."

Applejack soon leaned back, looking her in the eyes. "So what brings you out here Little Sis? Ya know I got a lot of work ta do for the farm. If it's ta play we'll have ta do it later." She paused, thinking. "Maybe tonight we can."

Midnight shook her head, smiling wide. "No, it's Dash. She wants to talk with ya." She grinned sheepishly, "It's very important. I'm sure you'll be so excited! Excited, excited." Devilish chuckles escaped her then.

Applejack raised a brow at her, skeptically. "Ah right, and I'll just pretend I didn't notice how conniving yer expression is. But I'll play along, but if it's another prank from you and Dash... don't expect any mercy."

Midnight shook her head, giving her a gentle poke. "Nope! I'm serious, it's just good news."

Applejack rubbed the top of her head, eyes closing halfway as she gave her a soft smile. "I'm sure it is." She rose, before tipping her hat down and then facing towards the village in the distance. She glanced back and down at Midnight casually. "Sugar Cube, head into Golden Oaks will ya? Grab me some additional string. Then go grab yourself something ta eat from Sugar Cube corner." Applejack dug into a satchel tied to her right thigh, pulling out a couple of gold coins. She turned to face Midnight, holding them down and out for her. "Here."

Midnight gasped, poofing consecutively six times, before reappearing right in front of Applejack. "Wicked wicked! Thank you Applejack! I promise I won't use them all at once!" She snatched up the coins, stuffing them in her mane. "I'll keep them safe, and if I have a little extra! I'll try to get you a snack too!" She chuckled.

Applejack closed her eyes with a nod. "Uh... ya sure that's a safe place ta keep them Sugar Cube?"

Midnight tilted her head to the right at her. "Why wouldn't it be? You know I store everything in my mane."

Applejack's eyes snapped wide with a look of bewilderment. "Wha? Uh, no! When did this become a thing?"

Midnight looked to Applejack blankly, before poofing past her. "A couple months now, duh!" She waved back at Applejack. "Well I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go hurry and do your chore Big Sis, then eat! Talk to ya later!"

Applejack kept that look for a moment longer, before smiling gently at her departure... fondly. "Have fun."

Midnight closed her eyes and smiled wide, before poofing further back then turning to sprint, as she did.

Applejack continued to smile at her. She's big... have the two of us really been away so long already?

It'd taken her a few minutes, but eventually, Applejack had reached the tip of their steep slope of a hill, and had arrived at their two-story home built atop. A house of vibrant diamond blue, adorned with a rainbow roof. She'd seen it so many times before, that even its beauty bored her. She exhaled heavily, turning the knob to the front door and proceeding inside. The lights were all still off, the house being lit by the brightness of the sun instead. "Dash, you there? Midnight told me ya had some 'exciting' news." She placed her hat upon a rack.

Rainbow called out casually to the mare, "I'm in the kitchen."

Applejack yawned, patting her muzzle as she proceeded towards the kitchen, then catching sight of Dash sitting at the table. She eyed her tiredly, almost dismissively as she made her way towards the fridge and opened it. "Ya okay? Ya seem a little mellow." She pulled out a carton of apple juice, then reached into a cupboard for a glass. "Also... ya won't believe what little stunt Midnight pulled earlier. Whooey, I was bout ta blow a gasket."

Dash sighed, rubbing at the back of her neck. "Is she not with you?"

Applejack shook her head, pouring the apple juice into the cup. "No, I sent her off into the village ta grab some materials for me. Gave her some extra ta grab some food for herself. Should keep her busy for a little while, cause I had the feeling this 'exciting news' might entail a little more." Applejack chugged half the glass then and there, before exhaling deeply again. "That hits the spot! Also, when did she get so good at teleporting?" She glanced over at Dash in surprise, before her eyes widened again. "Also! Speaking of that, I need ta tell ya-"

Dash interjected, calmly and tiredly. "I think she's speaking to Twilight...."

Applejack immediately dropped her glass of apple juice as it shattered upon the ground. "Huh?"

Dash closed her eyes, sighing. "It's in her dreams, but still... it sounds like Twilight."

Applejack trembled, before slowly encroaching upon Dash worriedly. "W-Wha? What do you mean? Dash, why're ya saying this so casually? Is she alright? Did she say anything else? Was it... s-serious?" She began to look steadily panicked, "I, I need ta go find her! Bring her back here. I can't believe I yelled at her earlier! Shoot!"

Dash, who still had herself another cup of coffee, sipped from it. "Calm down AJ, it wasn't serious."

Applejack paused, frowning at Dash in concern. "H-How did ya know?"

Dash glanced over at Applejack casually. "Well if you saw her, I'm sure you saw she was as oblivious as ever."

Applejack slowly smiled, but her eyes still showed doubt. "Did ya give her her medicine?"

Dash ran a hoof through her mane with a groan. "Yes AJ, I wouldn't forget something so simple."

Applejack sighed before turning around and beginning to pick up the glass shards. "Listen Dash ya know I can get worried easily." She paused momentarily, "Are ya thinking about it?... Going back home again?"

Dash sipped from her cup of coffee. "Nope." She slunk down into her seat, "Golden Oaks suits me just fine."

Applejack's eyes saddened yet she looked relieved. "I agree, but ya know it ain't that simple for me."

Dash looked up towards the ceiling. "If it makes you feel better, we'll be found out eventually."

Applejack burst into tired laughter, "Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Ya think? Hahahaha!"

Dash smirked, then closed her eyes and burst into laughter as well. "Riiiiight! You've never been a liar."

The two laughed together for what felt like a long while, before gradually coming to a halt.

Dash was the first to speak afterward, "Aaaand that's enough of that." She rose to stretch her wings and legs, "But in all seriousness." She looked out the window seriously, "I've masked the perfect storm beyond the horizon. Far past where the eye can see. If you need any favors AJ, ya know... all ya gotta do is ask." She glanced over at her blankly, tiredly. "I may be older, but I can still carry you." She smirked, "If you're chicken."

Applejack glared back at her, smirking as well. "Jealous of all the attention I've been getting?"

Dash scoffed, laughing softly. "Hah! Right... I'm the favorite sister and you know it. You don't threaten me."

Applejack continued to pick up glass shards before shrugging. "Somepony's ego has been bruised."

Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you keep spoiling her with coins. I'll be giving her something she actually needs... which is training." She began making her way towards the staircase, "Speaking of which, I'll be taking her out tomorrow, deeper into the forests." She yawned, "We need to get back on her training."

Applejack nodded but frowned with slight concern, "Alright, but don't work her too hard Dash."

Dash began making her way up the stairs. "Ugh, last time I went only 20% speed. That's pitiful."

Applejack glared over at Dash sternly, "I don't care if it's pitiful ta ya, nothing above 20%!"

Dash was now practically at the top of the stairs, "Fiiiiiiiine." Then, she'd disappeared from sight.

Applejack shook her head with a sigh, finishing picking up the glass shards from her cup. She rose and trotted on over to a garbage can by the window, in which she saw Rainbow Dash's book. "Banishment spells?"

"Well if it isn't Golden Oaks' own filly. What brings you here today Midnight?" A younger mare inquired.

Standing below and looking up towards this mare was Midnight, smiling brightly. "Heya Petunia! Can I get some string by chance? The thick kind? Applejack really loves that stuff. I guess she's running out or something!"

"Of course," Petunia mentioned. She winked slyly, "I hope you don't expect it's for free or anything?"

Midnight smirked, "What do you take me for, a cheapskate?" She dug a hoof into her mane before pulling out a single gold coin and standing on her hind legs to put it on the counter. "Big Sis made sure I'm... well, eheh... properly equipped." She brushed herself off a few times before standing tall and proud, smirking wider.

Petunia giggled. "Well isn't that something? You're rich now Midnight." She smiled fondly at the filly. "Alright, I'll get you some of the 'thicker' string. For a discount too, in celebration of your newfound payment plan."

Midnight rubbed her hooves together. "Excellent, hehehe." As she dropped down to all fours, Midnight glanced around the shop, taking notice of all the variety of objects. Vases, skulls, compasses, amongst other things. She glanced back up at the mare behind the counter, who was now turned around and rummaging through boxes. "Petunia! Where do you get all these things? Golden Oaks isn't that big of an island. Do you travel a lot?"

Petunia's eyes widened as she had a bone in her muzzle, before spitting it out and glancing back. "Oh right, I forget that you've never been off Golden Oaks before, have you Midnight? Yeesh; your sisters are so overprotective." She smiled, turning to face the filly now before leaning atop the counter. "Golden Oaks is a convenient getaway for me, the harbor here is so gorgeous, it's cozy, and Dash always knows how to advise us to avoid the storm. So it's tempting for me to stay from time to time, but my home and family are in the mainland. That's also where I get all this stuff too. I can make a lot of bits here, so it's nice. A hidden paradise."

Midnight's eyes widened exponentially. "I hope to visit the mainland someday!"

Petunia smirked, "I'm sure you will Midnight!" Her eyes saddened worriedly for her. "But the seas are very dangerous in this region that most ponies don't even try, and Dash probably just wants to keep you safe. Just be patient about it." She chuckled, tilting her head to the right. "Be grateful, it's not often you find a place like Golden Oaks. It's an island filled only with individuals from all walks of life, a nice little getaway from wherever they came from. I feel privileged to be one of the few who was willing to take the chance to get here."

Midnight rolled her eyes, "But I know all that about Golden Oaks already! I wanna know more about the mainland!" She rose onto her hind legs again, placing her forehooves atop the counter. "Could you tell me more about it Petunia? My sisters always tell me vague and boring stuff, but I bet you think differently!"

Petunia turned back around and began rummaging through her boxes again. She smiled gently while doing so, "Well it's not much different from Golden Oaks, just a lot bigger with more structure. You have the four primary kingdoms, which are each a sight to behold, each with their own established rulers. The three princesses rule their respective kingdoms, whereas the three pillars of friendship rule a single one. They're all unique."

Midnight's expression was only filled with more excitement. "H-Have you ever met the princesses?"

Petunia shook her head, chuckling as she'd grabbed a large package of 'thick' string. "No, they're very private. I'd heard they used to be more public, but I was too young to meet them around that time. They mainly keep to themselves now, and no not everything is perfect... but the mainland has been at peace for a long while. The Pillars of Friendship, however, are very kind and open rulers. I've seen some of their open gatherings."

Midnight became giddy as she swayed left to right, "Wow! So mysterious! So adventurous! I want to go so bad!"

Petunia snickered as she placed the package atop the counter. "Focus on growing a little first Midnight. The world is a very big place, even outside the mainland. There's so much to see, it's easy to get lost."

Midnight dropped back down to all fours, "Then I'll continue to train hard, so I'm ready for the adventure!"

Petunia circled around the counter, "Now that's the spirit! Though it's not like you're going to battle... so urgh, not sure about the training. But! To each their own I guess?" She grabbed the package and placed it atop Midnight's back, before fastening it around her torso to keep it in place, in similarity to a backpack. "There you go Midnight." She closed her eyes, "Now it shouldn't fall off. Where you off to for your next pitstop?"

Midnight closed her eyes and began swaying left to right, bouncing while remaining stationary. She grinned in eagerness, "Sugarcube Corner! Sugarcube Corner! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I could just explode!"

Petunia rubbed at the back of her neck, before slowly grabbing Midnight's sides and turning her in the direction of the door. "I'm sure you are Midnight! You definitely look it! N-Now don't explode..." Like that one time... "Hurry and go get yourself some tasty treats will you? Talk to me after you're satisfied and full, and uh... calm."

Midnight blinked, staring blankly before appearing greatly determined. "Right! Gotta fly! I mean dash! Gotta dash!" She did a casual twirl on one hind hoof to wave at Petunia, "Talk to you later Petunia!" Then she poofed.

Petunia held up a hoof, eyes closed now and smiling nervously. She is about to get some sugar in her system... maybe I should uh, lock up shop a little early today. Eheh, better safe than sorry I suppose? Sorry Midnight.

"Hey there Midnight! Where you off to?" A cheery griffon tossed a wave at the filly.

Midnight who was still in route to Sugarcube Corner tossed a wave back, "Sugarcube Corner!"

The griffon responded back as he continued on his way, "Tell Kettle Korn I said hi!"

Midnight nodded promptly, "I'll pass along the message with utmost assurance!"

"Miiiidnight! Looking pretty stacked!" Another individual passed quickly, this time it being a dragon.

Midnight casually trotting with an upbeat rhythm to her hoof steps. Beyond the sea it's all waiting for me! The excitement, the mainland, the answers to the world's mysteries! Like a closed book, I'll start at the very first chapter. Like a startling main character I'm destined for discovery! For a plethora of memories! This is my prologue! She stood between other stores upon a beautiful white tiled path before turning around and gazing off towards the distant crystalline harbor. She smiled wide, feeling fulfilled and wholesome. These will be my golden days!

Author's Note:

Hello, thank you for reading my story. I hope to do at least 2 chapters a week maybe? :twilightsmile: