• Published 19th Sep 2019
  • 257 Views, 2 Comments

Cold Winds and Frozen Wings - Tiabirb

Equestria has settled into an era of peace and happiness. But when a griffon's past comes knocking, can she gather the courage to face her past, and the demons that are bound to come with it?

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Chapter 3


Larentia's gasp echoed loudly in the dimly lit throne room. The figure chuckled and pulled down the hood of the cloak. A pretty head emerged. Dark eyes glittered with swirling pools of blue so deep, you feel like you would drown in them if you gazed too long. Her mother's grey heart shaped face was accentuated by the black feathers that looked like a wicked hood. Her crest feathers looked similar to that of a black crested titmouse, and her beak was long and hooked, perfect for tearing flesh.

Larentia's wings went limp, and she began to back away as her mother's cold eyes lingered on her. "Yes, it is I, dear. I have searched for you."

Seeing that Larentia was looking ready to flee, Princess Twilight cleared her throat. "I'm sorry if this is a surprise, Larentia. Lilith came to Canterlot last week, and asked if there was a griffon of your description living here. So we arranged a way to get you two together,"

"You tricked me?" Larentia couldn't hide the hurt in her voice. She felt betrayed. Every fiber in her body was screaming to get away from that other griffon. She looked to Dagmar for help, but her friend was silent and in deep thought. Larentia looked back at Lilith, and she squared herself. "What do you want?"

Lilith's eyes widened. She was thoroughly surprised by how quick Larentia got over her fear. But the expression was wiped away within seconds, replaced by a sweet, motherly one. "Oh, Tia," She purred and removed the cloak entirely. She discarded it with an air of disgust. Her body was the same grey as her face and neck, but the black feathers made up the rest of her feathered neck and wings. The rest of her was grey. "Why, I wanted to know if it was true! I wanted to know if my precious child was alive! I had mourned for you, my sweet." She approached Larentia, a wing reaching out. "And here you are! A guard no less! For the royalty of Equestria! My...what an honorable career. I can't express how proud I am!"

"You..are?" Larentia flinched as the wing touched her, but before she knew it, she was wrapped in a warm, tender hug.

"Oh absolutely! Name one other Northern Griffon who has accomplished what you have?" Lilith smiled down at her daughter. Larentia's fear ebbed away into a cautious wariness. When she didn't respond, Lilith laughed, "Exactly! We're practically cave-birds compared to this land! Let me have a look at you!" The dark griffon released Larentia and quite abruptly cupped her cheeks, making the white griffon flinch again. Those talons could nick far too easily.

"You grew up very well. Pretty, just like your mother too." Lilith complimented. She released Larentia and smiled, but there was no warmth in the gesture. "Quite impressive. Do you eat enough? You look thin,"

"I-I get plenty of food," Larentia stammered, twisted her neck to watch as Lilith circled her, looking her over thoroughly.

"Hm," Lilith paused behind Larentia. She pulled the griffon's tail up and examined the bits that Larentia kept hidden away. Larentia squawked, but Lilith didn't pay her any mind. "You haven't had any children. How disappointing. I was hoping I would have grandbabies." Lilith sounded as unhappy as she felt and looked. She released Larentia's tail and shrugged. "It's not too late though,"

Larentia hid her face in her talons, thoroughly embarrassed now. Even the Princess and her friends were appalled by the sudden and perverted intrusion. Rarity looked disgusted, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked furious, Fluttershy was hiding in her wings, and Pinkie Pie was covering her filly's eyes with a look of horror. Only Princess Twilight seemed collected, but she was deeply unhappy.

"Lilith, I don't think that's the part that matters." Twilight walked over to the two griffons, frowning hard. "You shouldn't be invading her space like this. Can't you see she's overwhelmed?" She put her wing around Larentia, who was huddled on the floor. The griffon flinched, but upon seeing who it was, she relaxed visibly. "Your daughter seems very uncomfortable right now. I am sorry, but I feel we should call it a night." Lilith looked ready to argue, but she didn't dare.

"Very well, Princess." Lilith agreed with some level of contempt in her tone.

"Thank you. Spike," Princess Twilight called out. A purple and green dragon showed up, smiling wide and waiting for his orders. "Will you please show Lilith to her living quarters? She will be a guest here at the palace for the night." Spike the Dragon nodded and gestured for Lilith to follow him. Lilith didn't budge.

"Only for the night? I didn't think my visit would be so short." It sounded like a challenge. One that Twilight heard and recognized well. She was already growing tired of this bird.

"It is the most generous offer I can give you. If you plan to stay in Canterlot, there is wonderful inn that I can have set up for you." Twilight didn't wait for any further protests. She nodded to Spike, who prodded the large griffon in the side. Lilith seethed, but she did as she was told. Larentia watched as the large black and grey griffon left the throne room, leaving a chilly feeling in her wake.

With Lilith removed, Princess Twilight looked down at the griffon under her wing. "I am very sorry. From the way Lilith spoke about you, I thought you two were close."

"That's...my mother for you," Larentia swallowed. "She may act all charming and nice, but she's a viper, with twice as much venom." Larentia shuddered and sat up, her gaze sweeping the room. She noticed that Dagmar wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Where's Dagmar?"

"Dagmar? You mean your friend?" Twilight turned her head to sweep the room as well. "She must have left."

"Must have," Larentia sighed. "Dagmar would have ripped my mother's wings off for what she did."

Princess Twilight chuckled, "Well I am very glad she did leave. I certainly wouldn't have wanted that to happen in my throne room." Larentia laughed with her, but she stood up and brushed off her armor. "I should get back to my work."

"Actually," Princess Twilight replied, "I think you should go home."

"Really? Why?" Larentia blinked. Twilight frowned. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here, at least for tonight." Her eyes flicked to the throne room's doors, where Lilith and Spike had left. Larentia followed her gaze, and then nodded. "I understand. Thank you, Princess." Larentia bowed and left.

Princess Twilight watched the sweet griffon leave. After she was gone, she turned to her friends. "I know how it might seem, but I don't think we should trust Lilith...Not yet."

"Yer darn tootin'!" Applejack burst out. Her green eyes blazed. "That there griffon was spewing lies from the very beginnin'! If ya were ta trust 'er, yer a darn fool!"

"I'm with Applejack," Rainbow Dash nodded, her hooves crossed over her chest. "Lilith totally made Larentia feel uncomfortable."

"Did you see the way Tia would flinch or shrink away from her? I can't imagine Tia being afraid of anything...but to be scared of her own mother?" Fluttershy whispered, petting her pet bunny Angel between the ears.

"You're right Fluttershy. There's a deeper problem between them, but I don't think it's up to us to try and fix it." Twilight sighed and sat down on her throne with a flop. "I just can't figure out why Lilith decided to show up now. Or why she's so interested in Larentia."

"I can't believe she would do that to poor Larentia," Rarity exclaimed. "She...she just lifted her tail and...basically poked her! What does it matter that she hasn't had any children?" The white unicorn looked absolutely miffed by the intrusive behavior.

Pinkie Pie was silent, which was odd for her. Twilight looked at her usually hyperactive friend. "Pinkie?"

Pinkie looked up, startled. Her daughter was snoozing. It had been a long night. "Hm! Oh sorry!" Pinkie whispered. "I think it's time I head home. Cheese is going to be worried," She murmured. Pinkie Pie picked up her daughter and carried her out. Twilight and her friends noticed that she seemed subdued by the events.

One by one, the others began to file out, until Princess Twilight was alone in the room. She sighed out and rubbed her temple with a hoof. "What have you gotten yourself into this time, Twilight?..."

Author's Note:

And there we have it! Our first impression of Lilith, the mother of Larentia!

Comments ( 1 )

maybe you could leave out the F-word?
Other than that great opening chapters. it really draws the reader in.

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