• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 561 Views, 3 Comments

Ozma meets Elizabeth - After the End

Princess Ozma from the land of Oz meets a pony with a rather bizarre and horrifying background

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The Meeting

When Ozma was a young child, she had a fascination with ponies. Whenever she saw one, she became giddy with excitement. She longed to ride one and perhaps one day to become good friends with it. For in the land of Oz, all animals could speak. This created an interesting relationship between pet and owner as they could form deeper ties with one another. Their relationship is never limited by the inability to communicate, as would typically be the case in any normal land. In any case, she had always hoped that she would end up having a pony as a pet and she was sure it would be her best friend ever. She was so excited by the idea that any time she saw a pony in the wild, she would be unable to sleep well that night, as she would be up stirring and restless as she pondered how she might go about acquiring a pony. This went on for a few years, until her parents decided that they were tired of constantly hearing her tell them how much she liked ponies and how much she wanted one.
One day Ozma awoke to find a note in an envelope on her nightstand. It was sealed with the royal seal, so she knew that it must be from her parents. She promptly proceeded to open the letter, eager to discover what they felt was so important that they had to not only write her a letter, but seal it in an envelope with the royal seal. She was so excited and curious, she forgot all about the fact that it just happened to be her birthday. She obtained her letter opener and opened the letter with an extraordinary enthusiasm. As she pulled out and opened the letter, she saw that on it was written but two words: "GO OUTSIDE". This seemed very peculiar for her, as she went outside nearly every day, so why should this be any different? In either case, she ran down the stairs and headed out into the courtyard of the palace. She looked around eagerly, but saw nothing. She was confused, a mixture of dismay and irritation caused a variety of wild thoughts to enter her head. Why would her parents ask her to come outside to find nothing, and on her birthday, no less. She became rather disillusioned at this turn of events. As she was about to turn and head back in, she heard a rustling somewhere near her. She looked around to see if she could spot the probable origin of the sound. Unfortunately, to her dismay, she was unable to locate the source of the rustling sound, so she turned around and started to head back with her head down and her eyes beginning to well up with tears. She was stopped abruptly by something soft and furry. She heard a slight snort and as she looked up, she saw the most beautiful pony staring back at her. She was so excited she hugged the pony instantly in a warm and loving embrace.
Ozma looked at her new pony companion and inquired as to her name. The pony smiled and said her name was Elizabeth, although she could call her either Eliza, or simply Liza. "Not Beth?", Ozma asked with a somewhat malicious grin. "I'd rather you not...", Eliza retorted as she rolled her eyes and started walking off in the direction Ozma headed for originally. "Okay", said Ozma, "I will only call you Eliza, or Liza, as it seems to be what you prefer." Eliza smiled and thanked her new companion for her cordial welcome and understanding of her request to only be called the two names she was most familiar and comfortable with. Ozma and Elizabeth became close friends rather quickly. Every day they would go for walks, sometimes with Ozma riding upon Eliza, other times they would simply walk side-by-side.
Then one day, Ozma was talking with Eliza and she decided she wanted to know about Liza's origins. "You know...", mumbled Ozma silently, "I didn't mention this before, but ponies are very rare in Oz, because certain things from their bodies can be used in magical formulas." "In fact, there are so few ponies in Oz that I'm always surprised when I see one, but whenever I do, it's usually in a special environment where they can be monitored and protected." "However, you don't seem like those other ponies. I've never seen one as spectacular as you!" Eliza seemed to tense up a bit and started backing up slowly. "What's wrong?", Ozma asked gently, sensing the sudden change in her companion's mood. Liza started to frown a bit, then she got a little scared, and started to cry. She whispered something silently under her breath. Ozma couldn't understand her the first time and asked her to repeat it a little louder. Eliza trembled a bit and said a little bit louder, "I'm.... from...." Ozma could tell she was terrified. She told her that she was safe now and had nothing to fear, and to please continue what she was saying. "I'm... from... Canterlot...", she said with a petrified expression on her face. As soon as she said the last word, she looked around her quickly as though somebody wer chasing her. Ozma wondered what could be causing her to be so afraid.
Ozma didn't mention the event again for a few months, until one day when Eliza was in an especially good mood, she decided to see if she could get some kind of an explanation out of her. They were in the middle of a normal, happy conversation when suddenly Ozma asked, "What's Canterlot?" As soon as Ozma mentioned the word 'Canterlot' Eliza's expression went from happy and excited to incredibly frightened. They sat there in silence for what seemed like an eternity when finally Liza was able to squeek out a tiny bit of information. "it's... a... different kingdom... far away from... here...", she said rather meekly as she started walking off slowly. Ozma had never heard of Canterlot before, but she took her word for it that it was a place and that it existed out there somewhere. Ozma's expression changed to a very concerned one. She hugged Eliza and told her that she needn't fear, and that she could tell her anything. "I know... but... ... okay...", Liza said with an expression of trepidation on her face.
"Canterlot is a kingdom of ponies and their brethren wherein night and day are managed by the rulers of the kingdom.", Eliza explained. Ozma looked rather puzzled. "A kingdom of ponies and their brethren?? I didn't even know such a thing was possible... Do they speak there too?" "Yes, we can speak in Canterlot, which is one of the reasons it feels natural to me to be able to speak to you while in other lands, we ponies cannot speak.", Liza said to Ozma with a sort of sense of disbelief. "So where is this Canterlot, and how did you come to be here?", Ozma asked her lovely comrade with a curious sort of tone. Liza stood pondering the question for a moment, "Hrm... as for where it's located relative to here, that I do not know. As for why I'm here, that I know all too well." "I am a sister to the rulers of Canterlot, Celestia and Luna." "I am the youngest of the three and I have always played a minimal role in the management of time in Equestria." "You see, Celestia is in charge of the day, while Luna is in charge of the night." "I, on the other hand, was only allowed to manage time on special occasions." "Usually this was in the threshold between day and night." "It wasn't on a regular basis, but whenever one of them was too busy to simply give time over to the other, I was called upon to manage the time that neither of them would be able to rule." "Both of my sisters are incredibly powerful. Neither of them have any problem managing time." "However, I only have mediocre powers so it is very difficult for me, even if it is only a few hours." "So I decided to seek an apprentice, somebody to whom I could teach my powers so that they may assist me in managing time when it was determined that I was to do so." "I searched around for a while until I came across a young soldier who said that he had a little sister that needed something to do during the day, so that he had time to focus on his duties." "I taught her well, and we became good friends. She was a very fast learner; the speed at which she learned magic was so amazing to me that it was no surprise whatsoever when her cutey mark turned out to be magic."
"What's a cutey mark?", Ozma asked in wonder. "Perhaps some day I'll explain it to you, but it's not important now and would merely interrupt my story.", Liza responded kindly, but somewhat sternly. "Anyway, since I was always hanging out with this young unicorn, I typically got a chance to talk with her brother often." "I started to fall for him after a while." "Unfortunately, this young unicorn was a bit of a jealous type and didn't like anybody trying to date her brother, lest that pony draw attention away from her." "So she hatched a plan to get rid of me." "One day we were managing time together and bonding. I told her that she was so good at managing the twilight hour that she made everything sparkle and gleam as the time was handed over to Celestia." "So I suggested that people should call her 'Twilight Sparkle' as it would be fitting for her." "She seemed to like the idea. She laughed, but as she did it sort of unintentionally turned into a bit of a cackle and I could see a look of evil on her face for a brief moment." "This terrified me as I know how powerful of a magician she had become." "One day I woke up and found her missing. One of my sisters told me that she had decided to pay a visit to Zecora." "I had no idea why she would do such a thing, but I was quite curious." "So I started out towards her place in search of Twilight." "I neared the hovel of Zecora and crept up slowly." "Suddenly I heard a rustle, I turned around and found Twilight staring at me with an evil look on her face." "I won't allow you to take my bbbff away from me! After I'm done with you, nobody, including myself, will even know you ever existed!" "Then before I could even react in any rational way, she cast a spell on me from a rather curious-looking book lying at her feet which she may or may not have acquired from Zecora." "I blacked out, and when I woke up, I saw your parents walking up to me, looking excited and mentioning something about how I was perfect for 'her'."