• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 381 Views, 15 Comments

Spiritually Divided - Applefai

  • ...

An old friend comes back

Author's Note:

This is a free commission I'm doing for


Twilight was just getting home from school, her parents worked late so it'd just be her, well at least for awhile. When she got home she unlocked the door with her spare key and entered her house closing the door behind her and locking it, she goes up to her room to put up her things and she looks at her cork board adorned with notes and a drawing, she didn't have the heart to get rid of it, it was a simple drawing of a green boy in what appears to be a robe like garment that hippies wore, purple eyes, and wearing a headband that made him look like he had antlers. The picture was of Twilight's imaginary friend Thorax, his name right below his picture written in green crayon. It had been sometime since Twilight talked to him or even seen him after her therapy sessions her parents sent her to because of her claiming he was real.

Maybe it was for the best. Twilight thought while she took the picture down gingerly and placed it carefully in the front plastic cover of her binder, she took off her shoes and proceeded barefoot into the kitchen to make her something to eat before she left again; she had volunteered to help Applejack out with her afternoon chores and made her a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As she ate she glanced around the house, her family had gotten it for pretty cheap, they say something happened here to lower the price, but it wasn't anything like a murder, rumor has it the owner tried to kill herself for some reason, but it was just a rumor Twilight thought as she went back to eating.

After she ate she went back to her room, put on her shoes and grabbed her binder, she planned on taking notes on farming since this would be her first time. She petted Spike on the head as she left her room and went downstairs. She left a note for her parents just in case they came back while she was gone and placed it where they could see it.

Twilight got into her car and drove to Sweet Apple Acres, she turned on the radio to listen to some of her favorite tunes, but the station switched to one she liked, but didn't much care for. She tried turning it back, but it switched again, thinking it wasn't a big deal Twilight left it on that station concentrating on her destination.

Twilight arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack was patiently waiting for her along with Granny Smith, Twilight stepped out of her car and pulled out her binder holding it to her chest with the picture facing away from her; Granny Smith saw this picture and spoke.

"That's an interesting drawing there Twilight." Granny said looking at it.

"Thanks, Miss Smith, it's just a drawing of my imaginary friend I had as a kid." Twilight said with a blush and readjusting her glasses.

"Ah, forget the formalities, any friends of Applejack are family, you can just call me Granny Smith. And you're welcome." Granny Smith said patting Twilight on the back. "Well I'll be in the house if y'all need me, thanks for helpin' out Twilight." Granny Smith said before going into the house.

"Your grandma is really nice Applejack." Twilight said as Applejack and her got ready to work.

"Yeah she is, she was the only one who accepted mah parents marriage when they eloped, well after mah mother's father pretty much disowned her. After that mah ma and pa lived here helping out on the farm and taught Big Mac and I how to work hard." Applejack said as she began to tell the story. "I'm sorry I'm ramblin'." Applejack said as she blushed.

"Oh, it's alright." Twilight said readjusting her glasses. "I actually wanted to know about your family, but I thought it'd be too personal a question." Twilight said as she continued to talk.

"Ah, pony feathers, Twilight ya don't have to worry about that, we're friends feel free to ask me anything, I'll let ya know if it's too personal." Applejack said as she gave Twilight a gentle pat on the back knocking her slightly forward.

Twilight caught herself and blushed "ok, so what's first on the list?" She asked eagerly to help out.

"Well the chickens need feedin', the cows need milkin', we actually have too many things to count so I'm really glad ya wanted to help out." Applejack said while listing the chored until a young voice rang out.

"Alright, Applejack I'm coming." A voice said as the door swrung open and a young girl came running out, it was Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister. She ran out of the house excitedly and gave her big sister a hug, I'm done with mah homework so I thought I'd give you and Twilight a hand, like you say, more hands, less work.

Applejack just chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I did say that." Applejack said as she told her what she can do. Apple Bloom went to feed the chickens while Twilight helped Applejack gather the eggs.

"I'm sorry all that happened with your parents Applejack." Twilight said as she picked up the eggs from the nest a placed them in the basket.

"Oh, it's quite alright Twilight, in fact it's all water under the bridge now. We actually managed to get our grandfather and Granny Smith on speaking terms." Applejack said as she gathered eggs.

"Oh, that's nice to hear Applejack, if you don't mind me asking; why isn't your brother helping out?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Oh, Big Mac ran into town for some more supplies and and feed, he's also selling some of the harvest and goods that we gathered yesterday. he'll be back before supper. oh by the way I'd be honored if you stayed for supper Twilight, Granny is making fried chicken, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, green beans with bacon bits, and for dessert apple crisp." Applejack said as her mouth watered thinking of tonight's feast.

"Sounds nice Applejack, I'd love to stay, thank you for the invitation." Twilight said as she continued to help with the chores.

The sun was setting as Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Twilight were finishing up the chores painting the sky with hues of yellow, red, orange, and purple. Applejack was loading the apple barrels into the barn when Big Mac pulled up in his truck loaded with supplies for the farm, mainly fertilizer and some new gardening equipment to replace the broken or damaged ones. Big Mac stepped out of his truck clutching a wad of money secured with money clips and proceeded to hand some to Applejack.

"Here ya go sis, put this somewhere safe and here's some for your personal use. Just don't forget to stick some back if we need it." Big Mac said as he handed Applejack some money.

"I know, ya don't have to keep remindin' me, I'm not a kid anymore." Applejack said with a hint of blush of embarrassment.

"I know, but no matter how old ya get, you're always gonna be mah little sister." Big Mac said ruffling Applejack's exposed hair causing her to blush more.

''Alright, we should get inside, dinner should be done." Applejack said trying to hide her blush as they all walked thorough the door frame connecting two doors only shutting the screen door to enjoy the outside view. Twilight walked into the kitchen as the aroma of the feast wafted thorough the air entering Twilight's nostrils as the heat fogged up her glasses. "smells pretty good, don't it Twilight?" Applejack said as she offered her a seat before the rest of the family sat down.

When Twilight sat at the table they all joined hands and said grace with each one thanking God for what he's blessed them with before digging in to the meal. While they ate, Granny Smith spoke up "I was actually wondering who exactly was your imaginary friend there, sugar?" Granny Smith asked causing Twilight to blush a bit.

before Twilight could answer Apple Bloom said "You had an imaginary friend?" shocked that Twilight, of all the people she knew, she was the last one she'd think had an imaginary friend.

Twilight with a small smile just ruffled her hair and answered. "Yes, his name was Thorax and he was the only friend I had for a while. As a kid I had trouble making actual friends and one day Thorax came into my life, we played, we made each other laugh, he was even there for me when I was scared of the thunder and lightning outside my window.

Apple Bloom with tears in her eyes listened to the story intensely as Twilight went on explaining how they got their house and how Thorax disappeared after therapy. When she finished Granny Smith spoke up.

"Hold up, sugar. Did ya say that yer imaginary friend was named Thorax?" Granny Smith asked questioningly as if she remembered something.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Twilight wondering why Granny Smith would ask while thinking she didn't quite hear.

"Just wanted to make sure because i actually knew a Thorax when I was younger. Let's see now it had to be about 1962, yeah, that's it and Bright Mac had just turned sixteen and dating Pear Butter, he had a friend by the name of Thorax, but they were torn apart. ya see Pear Butter was going to college before she got hitched to Bright Mac, Bright Mac and Thorax got drafted to fight in Vietnam." Granny Smith said about ready to tell a story before stopping. "But y'all probably don't want to hear all of this." Granny Smith said before the others started insisting that she tell the tale.

"Well, alrighty. let's see now let's see, oh yes, Pear Butter was devastated that Bright Mac had gotten drafted, but there was little she could do, on the day of his and Thorax's departure Bright Mac made a promise to come back alive and Pear Butter made a promise to wait for him. It wasn't but one month after they left for Vietnam that I got the call that Bright Mac was injured and in the veteran's hospital so I high tailed it over there as soon as I could only to glance over at the house you called home Twilight. That home was where he lived with his mother Chrysalis, she was a single mother with two sons, Thorax and Pharynx, but I'll tell you more about that later. When I glanced over at their house as I was leaving I saw two service men approach the door and I knew the worse has happened to Thorax. As the service man left I went to comfort the grieving miss Chrysalis, I held her in a hug, that's all I could have done, I invited her to come with me to see Bright Mac, but she refused, I told her Bright Mac and I would attend the funeral and left to see my son.

Everyone listened to Granny Smith's story with bated breath, listening to every word as she continued. "When I arrived at the hospital I was taken to Bright Mac's room where he was asleep peacefully. When he awoke he turned and saw me and smiled."

"Hey mom." Bright Mac said in a raspy voice due to the trauma.

"Oh, Bright Mac" Granny Smith said as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm so glad you're okay.

"I am to, I can't wait to see Thorax, he got injured to." Bright Mac said unaware that Thorax is actually dead.

A passing doctor came into Bright Mac's room. "Pardon me, but I hear you can't wait to see Thorax?" the doctor asked inciting a nod from Bright Mac. "I'm sorry to tell you this private Bright Mac, but Thorax is dead, one of the members of your platoon said he heard him yell "GET DOWN" right before he saw him jump on a grenade that fell near you." the doctor said as he checked Bright Mac's vitals as tears began to form in his eyes.

"Bright Mac quickly recovered, we attended Thorax's funeral, and some other things happened, Pharynx ended up in the wrong crowd and upon hearing the news that he was found dead by cops, Chrysalis tried to take her own life, she lived for a few days, but shortly died in the hospital." Granny Smith finished the story as everyone listened.

"Well, that was an interesting story Granny Smith, but I better get home." Twilight said as she got up waving good bye to everyone.

"Okay, drop by any time." Granny Smith said as Twilight shut the door.

When Twilight got home she greeted her parents, but to each of them having a long day they went to bed with out saying any more to each other except "I love you."

Twilight entered her room where she took off her shoes. a voice from some where said "Welcome home, Twilight."