• Published 31st Aug 2019
  • 731 Views, 3 Comments

Godzilla: Raid on Equestria - Izumichan-995

After a giant monster attacks Equestria, it will take all of Equestria to stop it.

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Chapter 2: The First Attack

The small island of Song is in an uproar and near panic. Less than an hour ago, a gigantic creature just walk over all of the ponies and into the sea, headed towards Equestria. While most of the islands residents ran around in a panic, or ran to the shrine and began to pray, and ponies from the main land were running around trying to figure out what had just happened, only Summer Song, Dr. Peter Paleo, Prof. Robust Elements, Dr. Petri Dish and Superb Article remained calm and collected. They return to the destroyed village and to check out the area where Godzilla first came ashore. Superb, Petri, Robust and Paleo begin to study the pictures that were taken along with the footprint that is being casted. Summer walks around and studies the damaged caused to her village. She notes that the buildings were trampled as if a bear had walked over an ant hill. It was merciless and unforgiving yet also uncalculating. There was no precision in the attack, no qualms of fear, just a reckless attack on the village. Yet, while it seemed like it was more then just animalistic instinct that made the creature attack the village. Summer felt a cold, sharp, pain run up her spine as she surveyed the damage, a feeling full of malice and hatred. Thus a single question came to her mind: why did the creature feel hatred when it attacked? Summer notes everything down and heads back to the other ponies as they finish casting the footprint and then takes samples of the footprint to study on the way back as well as the trilobite they found earlier and had it placed in a special container since it was irradiated.

"Alright, we got everything that we need. Did you find anything out Ms. Song?" Robust said.

"Hmmmmm..........well......yes." Summer said.

"What is it? You seem hesitant to say it. Is it that bad?" Superb said.

"No no. Nothing like that. Its just...a bit farfetched is all." Summer said.

"How farfetched?" Petri said.

"Well...." Summer gathered the ponies in a group so others couldn't hear them. "What would you all say is i said that the attack on our village and, most likely, the ships as well were done out of hatred and malice?" Summer said.

"Hmmmm....an interesting analysis. What made you come to that conclusion?" Pertri asked.

"As i walked around the village, all i felt was this cold, sharp pain....as if someone with killing intent was watching me. Godzilla must have a ton of hatred for pony kind for some reason for it to linger for so long." Summer said.

"This is actual valuable knowledge. We now know that the creature has a degree of intelligence that it is sentient and has feelings of at least hatred. This could be big." Petri said.

"First things first. We take what we have gathered to the ship for analysis and then evacuate everyone off the island. At least until the threat is over." Superb said. Summer looks at him slightly hesitant but then nods.

"I'll.......I'll talk with the villagers. Get them ready to leave." Summer said as she left to calm all of the villagers. Petri, Paleo, Robust and Superb talk with the team members and get the ship ready to leave. After a few minutes the villagers begin to board the ship to leave. The ship leaves port and heads west towards Baltimare to avoid Godzilla, Superb calls for a airship to meet them at Baltimare then to Canterlot to set up a confrence to present their findings. Down in the hull the scientists examine all of the samples they have collected. Looking through microscopes, scanning the samples, everything they could do they did. They begin to learn so much about Godzilla. Where the radiation came from and what type it is. How old Godzilla is, where it came from, how big it is, everything. They work well into the night and morning. Early in the morning they enter Horseshoe Bay and dock at the Baltimare port. Superb, Summer Paleo, Petri, and Robust disembark. They head to the airship and board it. It takes off and heads towards Canterlot. As it flies over head the ponies review their information and prepare the final preparations for their presentation. At dusk the airship lands and reporter ponies once again swarm the team, only to be held back security guards. The team heads inside but instead of a maid greeting them, the Minister of the Foreign Bureau meets them.

"Welcome back everypony. I hope your test has been enlightening for you all to return so quickly and with much need." He says.

"It is. We have solved the puzzle. Now we only need solutions on what to do with the puzzle." Superb said.

"I hope so." The minister said as he turned and began to walk away, the ponies following him. "The public has grown restless, irritated, with little information. Foreign relationships with the seaponies also grow strained as we promised them help and a quick resolution to this situation. In fact just yesterday, Princess Seastar, the eldest daughter of Queen Starlennium, arrived."

"The princess of the seaponies is here? Why?" Superb said.

"Foremost because of the reason i just said. But also because this issue is now also the seaponies problem now as well, as the creature has been destroying many of the seaponies belongings as well as harming them in the processing." The minister said.

"Yes. That would complicate things." Superb said.

"Indeed. Yesterday you gave a call for all the ministers and her majesty to gather for a confrence correct? Well we have all gathered along with princess Seastar." The minister said.

"Excellent. We are ready to give our report and presentation." Superb said.

"Most excellent. Thats a bit of good news that i like to hear." The minister said as they reached the conference room. The guard ponies open the doors for them. All of the minister ponies, princess Seastar, in her hippogriff form, and princess Dawn are sat around a oval table argueing but they all go quiet when they see Super and his team.

"My fellow ministers. Your majesties, the team has returned." The minister said.

"With good news i pray." Princess Seastar said. Superb and Summer look at each other worringly then back to the ministers and royalty.

"Well. I guess you can say that, in a matter of perspective." Superb said a bit worriedly. The other ponies look at them confused.

"Hm. Well, please begin your presentation." Princess Dawn said. Nodding the team heads to the front of the confrence room, in front of a white board. Using his magic, Superb brings up a magical screen and first brings up the foot prints they discovered.

"Yesterday, upon arrival, we were shown these footprints. They started at the village of Song and worked their way into the interior of the island. They are large enough to fit two, maybe three ponies under its foot. We casted the foot and scientists asre srill studying it. We also observed a trilobite stuck and dead in one of the footprints." Superb said. He makes the image transition to the footprint with the trilobite stuck in it.

"A trilobite? But those creatures are supposed to be extinct." The minister of Archeology said.

"Indeed. But as impossible as it is, we found one." Paleo said. The ministers whisper amongst each other. Princess Dawn holds a hoof up and the ministers fall silent.

"Im sure these five ponies still have more to talk about." Princess Dawn said.

"Indeed we do. Thank you your majesty. Now, we followed the footprints into the islands interior. When we cam face to face with the creature we have dubbed, Godzilla." Superb said as he changed the image to Godzilla. The minister and princess Seastar gasp and look at it in awe. They whisper on its features and how huge it is.

"Using the pictures as refrences and the casting of the foot print, we have concluded that the creature is about fifty meters high and one hundred meters long. Using these rough estimates and calculating the density of a lizards skin, we think its weight comes in around twenty thousand metric tons. Mind this all theory however, the creature is real. After running some tests with Dr. Petri Dish, we have concluded that its origins lie with a rare species of ponysaurus. Ones that lived both an aquatic lif as well as a terrain life. However, a standard aquatic - terrain ponysaurus stood no more than a few dozen meters high. This doubles or triples that size." Paleo said.

"So. Something caused this to mutate and grow bigger then." The minister of education said.

"Indeed. The radiation found on the foot prints was Stronium-90, a highly radioactive substance found in the aftermath of Super Bomb explosions. And i have a theory." Superb said as he switches the image to a map of the Celestial Sea with dots on the map. "These dots represent the locations of attacks on the ships. The earliest attack was down south, here. Just on the border, of a highly classified, military territory. Equestrian military territory. A territory that is highly controversial since a year ago, i might add." All of the ponies look at Princess Dawn. She sighs.

"Indeed. Nearly a year ago, we got the permission of the Seaponies to test a single nuclear Super Bomb out at sea. The area was thought to be devoid of life and the water would scatter the radiation." Princess Dawn said.

"The Juliet November test." The minister of armaments said as he looked down.

"The bomb went off. Everything went off with out a hitch. Until the public heard about it and became concerned we would ever test a super bomb. Then the radition became a problem as well. It was a grave mistake on my behalf. While no one was harmed in the aftermath of the explosion, it still called for grave concern." Princess Dawn said somberly.

"The explosion must have awoken Godzilla from his sleep and the radiation must have mutated him to the creature we see now." Superb said.

"Indeed." Princess Dawn said as she leaned back in her seat and gave a huge sigh of frustration.

"What happened to the creature on the Island of Song?" The minister of Science asked.

"Well......here comes the bad news." Superb said. All the ponies look at him. "Godzilla was last seen walking into the water on the north side of the island. We suspect that.....it's headed for Equestria." This statement causes the ministers to talk amongst each other. The fact that Godzilla is coming send panic into the room. Finally the minister of property speaks out.

"Fellow ministers. Please. Please. Calm down." The other ministers look at him. "First thing first, this information cannot be made public. Think of the backlash if we did."

"I disagree." The minister of disaster said. "The people will find out eventually. This problem is too big for us to conceal. It is better to tell the truth before were found out that we have lied." An argument between all of the ministers breaks out for a while. They only stop when Princess Dawn raises her hoof and the ponies go silent.

"My friends. Please. Calm yourselves. We will take a vote." Dawn said and passes out slips of paper. "Please write down what you wish to happen. Secret or reveal will be the words." The ministers begin to write down their opinions. They fold the papers up and pass them back to the princess. After a bit she reads through them all. "With a eighty five percent height, we will reveal the creature to the public. However, as to accommodate the last fifteen percent, we will only reveal the critical information. Is this agreeable?" The ministers nod in agreement.

"Now that we have all come to an agreement on what to do with the information, we must move onto the more important subject." The minister of disaster said.

"And that is?" Asked Superb.

"What our response should be to this creature." The minister said. The ponies agree.

"It is simple. Eradication is the only answer. Send the fleet. A few depth charges and torpedos should do the trick." The minister of disaster said. Paleo opens his mouth to speak but before he can say a word the ministers all begin to agree with overwhelming majority. Princess Dawn nods.

"Very well. We will release some of the information as well as prepare a anti-Godzilla fleet to lauch. We will require you five ponies tomhelp map the location of Godzilla." Princess Dawn said.

"Yes your majesty." Paleo, Robust, Superb, Summer, and Petei said.

"Very good. This counsel is hereby dismissed." Princess Dawn said. The ministers stand up and begin to leave. The team also leave but Paleo seems a little down.

In the morning Princess Dawn tells the reporters about Godzilla. Immediately the entirety of Equestria is sweeped away. Talk about this creature becomes the biggest topic. Other races living in Equestria, Changlings, Dragons, Yaks, Sea Ponies, Hippogriffs, Griffons, and crystal ponies send envoys, specialists and equipment for help in fighting Godzilla. The team of ponies help plot Godzillas course and his likely position. Meanwhile, Dr. Paleo watches on a bit sad. He returns home.

The fleet is assembled in a naval base near Fillydelphia. The ships loaded up with depth charges and torpedos. On the day the fleet sets out, a crowd gathers on the harbor to cheer them on. The fleet sounds their horns as they leave the harbor and plots a course to intercept Godzilla. At dusk, just as the sun is being lowered, the attack begins. Ponies watch at home as reporter pegasi stream the attack live. Ponies throw depth charges over board, set at various depths, while submarines, outside of the kill zone, launch torpedos that decend into the abyss. The spectators cheer for the fleet. After about half an hour the attack continues nonstop until the ships run out of depth charges and the submarines are out of torpedos. The fleet declares Godzilla dead. Every being in Equestria celebrates. Many hold parties. The fleet turns around to return to Fillydelphia.

The next morning, ponies are cleaning up the streets and preparing to welcome back the fleet. Ponies gather at the harbor to cheer and welcome the ships back. Just as the first ship crosses the horizon a strange groaning sound is heard in the harbor. The ponies look atound in confusion as another groan sounds. Suddenly the ground gives a violent shake and the ponies back off as large bubbles begin to form near the harbor dock. Suddenly a creature rises from the deep and gives a loud screeching roar. The ponies recognize it as Godzilla and panic as they run. As Godzilla rises, giant Trilobites fall off him and they chase the bystandards. Military ponies and guards rush to defend the spectators. Godzilla looks around then decends back into the water. The military and guard ponies kill the trilobites or push them back into the water. Godzilla was out of the water for less than a minute but it sends a wave of fear and panic across all of Equestria. The residents cry out in fear and for help to their leaders. That day the leaders of all the kingdoms of Equestria come together to find out what to do. Meanwhile the original research team is reassembled.

Robust, Petri, Paleo, Summer and Superb gather at the Canterlot Castle. They gather in a confrence room with other specialists and Equestrian leaders. As soon as everyone quiets down the leader of the changlings, Barlynx, stands to speak first.

"So, how did this happen? We were all told that Godzilla was destroyed. So please, Princess Dawn, tell us how your navy failed so miserably to destroy Godzilla." Barlynx said.

"Please, calm yourself, King Barlynx. We have yet to find out the entire truth." Queen Starlennium said.

"Your right Queen Starlennium. Please forgive me Princess Dawn." Barlynx said.

"Thats ok. Everyone is on edge. But to answer your question, we dont know. We plotted the course correctly and it even arrived at the naval base near Baltimare just ahead of our fleet. There are only two possible reasons as to its survival. One: the torpedos and depth charges missed it and never hit it. Minister of armaments?" Princess Dawn said.

"That reason is a logical one but i say its invalid. We set the depth charges to the bottom and even one hundred meters above the bottom. Also, the torpedos should have picked it up with sonar and homed in on it. We spread the depth charges and torpedos over a one by one mile box. Theres little chance of it escaping that bombardment." The minister of armaments said.

"I see. Then the only other conclusion is that they hit but it wasnt killed." Princess Dawn said.

"We all saw the bombardment. Nothing should have survived that." Flame, the Dragon Lord, said.

"Which is the reason i have brought in the team that discovered Godzilla in." Princess Dawn said. All the participants look at the five ponies. "Do any of you know how Godzilla survived?" Summer, Superb, Petri, and Robust stay silent byt Paleo steps up.

"It should be quite obvious, normal weapons cannot harm Godzilla as it survived a Super Bomb explosion. Normal weapons cannot harm it." Paleo said. The leaders sigh in distress. The minister of armaments slams his hoof against the table, cracking it. He stands up and looks at Paleo angrily.

"Why did you not alert us to this earlier!?" He shouted. "We wasted all that time and resources for no reason!!"

"I TRIED TO BUT YOU MINISTERS CASTED THE VOTES BEFORE I COULD EVEN SAY A THING!!!" Paleo shouted back causing the minister the flinch and meekly sit down.

"Calm. Both of you. Please. Dr. Paleo. Please forgive us. We made a rash and hasty decision. We will now listen to you and any suggestions you have." Princess Dawn said.

"Yes. Apologies for my shouting your majesty." Paleo said. "As to a solution, instead of a explosive solution, we may want to go with something else."

"Like?" King Gridly, leader of the Griffons, said.

"All creatures are affected by electricity. I suggest the building of a power line defence grid along the sea board. Then the deployment of a military force of both magic units and vehicles." Petri said.

"Thats a tall order." The minister of power said.

"Ill have workers help." King Barlynx said.

"Ame here. Military as well." King Gridly said.

"Here here." Queen Starlennium said.

"The Yaks help too." Prince Yimirlm of the Yaks said.

"The dragons may not be good at building, but we have great fire power." Dragon Lord Flame said.

"The Crystal Empire can provide you many materials." Princess Liebe of the Crystal Empire said.

"The Hippogriffs will also help. This concerns all of Equestria." Queen Sweet Wind of the hippogriffs said.

"Thank you all. There is much work to be done." Princess Dawn said the the otber Equestrian leaders then looked to the pony research team. "Please ask your colleagues if they have any solutions to Godzilla."

"Yes Princess." The five ponies said. Princess Dawn has the Minister of Power and the minister of Building cooperate to set up the powerlines. The other Equestrian leaders call their subjects to have them come and help.

Meanwhile Petri heads to Ponyville, he has a scientist pony friend there, one of the smartest inventors that isnt publicly known. He arrives and knocks on the door but with no answer he opens it and peeks in.

"Hello!? Smart Flask?" Petri shputed.

"Yeah! Im down here! Come on down!" A voice came from the basement. Petri enters and closes the door then heads down. When he reaches the bottom he sees a unicorn staring into a flask.

"You know, I keep telling you to get a door bell or maybe a security camera to help you." Petri said.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Well. Ive been busy." Smart said.

"Hee. I bet. What are you doing?" Petri said.

"About to test my new invention." Smart said.

"I see. Well. Can i bug you just for a bit. Then ill let you get back to your experimentation." Petri asked.

"Yes. Of course." Smart said and trotted over to Petri.

"Im guessing you've heard about the Godzilla panic." Petri said.

"Yes of course. Isnt that one of the new fads with the watches fron Griffonstone?" Smart said.

"What? No. How long have you been down here?" Petri asked a bit shocked.

"Uuuhhhhhh.......whats the date again?" Smart said.

"Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh." Petri have a huge sigh and began to fill in Smart about what has happened the past few weeks.

"I see. A monster that can survive a super bomb. Thats one tenacious creature then." Smart said.

"Yeah. No kidding. The reason i came to you is that you know bio - chemical science better than any pony. Do you have any solutions to Godzilla?" Petri asked.

"Doubtful. Any creature that can survive a super bomb, means it has a super thick hide for protection. It would require a lot of energy to penetrate that hide." Smart said.

"Well, what about magic attacks?" Petri said.

"Magic could work. But as we both know, magic and radiation dont mix well. In fact a magic defects radiation and vice versa. If the creature is radioactive, that means it most likely has radiation spewing from its body which, if concentrated enough, could deflect magic attacks." Smart said.

"Buck. Your right." Petri said.

"I dont know what you can do. Only enough fire power or a high penetrating force can defeat him." Smart said.

"I guess your right. By the way, what was your experimentation? It sounded important if you dont know about Godzilla." Petri said.

"Hm....well i guess its better to show you than to explain it." Smart said. He walks over to a fish tank where dozens of fish are swimming in it and Petri follows.

"Are these your test subjects?" Petri asked. Smart pulls out a small metallic sphere. He looks at petri.

"Observe." Smart said and tosses the sphere into the water. It hits the glass bottom with a clunk then spits apart. Immediately the tank is filled with bubbles. To his horror, Petri watches as the fish begin to dissolve. The flesh on the fish disintergrates away leaving only the bones to sink to the bottom. Petri turns away in disgust, about ready to vomit. Smart walks over and helps him to a chair.

"Im sorry. I shouldn't have shown you that." Smart said somberly.

"Uh. Im. Im ok. But. What was that?" Petri said.

"Its called the Oxygen Destroyer. I stumbled upon it during my research into oxygen. It splits the water molecules from the oxygen molecules and then disintergrates them. As you saw, it does horrible things to living beings." Smart said sadly.

"Any living being?" Petri asked.

"Yes." Smart answered.

"Do you think it will have an effect on Godzilla?" Petri asked and looked at Smart. Horrified Smart stood up and turned around.

"Yes. And before you ask your next question, no. You cannot use it." Smart said and began to walk to a table. Petri got up and followed him.

"Smart. Please. Like you said, we may have no weapon that can hurt Godzilla. This device maybe our only hope." Petri said.

"No. Leave Petri." Smart said.

"I know what you made is horrifying, but it can be useful. It doesnt require magic and it bypasses any kind of armor. If you can just make a larger one-" Petri said but his cut off when Smart looks back at him angerly.

"If i reveal the Oxygen Destroyer to everyone, itll start an arms race for it! You saw the devastation it causdd in a small fish tank! Think about what would happen if released in a city or town! What would happen then! This is not a miracle pill! Is a destructive device! I will never allow it or the reaserch to leave this lab! Now leave!" Smart shouted angerly. Petri looked down and turned away.

"I. Im sorry. Your right. Im sorry for pressuring you like that. Ill talk to you later." Petri said as he walked up and out of the house leaving Smart in the basement alone.

Back in Canterlot Superb is brought in before Princess Dawn. Superb walks into the throne room and sees Princess Dawn on the throne. He walks to her and bows before her then looks up at her.

"You wished to see me your majesty?" Superb asked.

"Yes, Superb, I did. I wanted to tell you something important." Princess Dawn said.

"Yes your majesty?" Superb said.

"The Equestrian leaders and i have been talking and we decided to appoint you as the chief commander of the Anti-Godzilla force." Princess Dawn said.

"Me? As the chief commander of the Anti-Godzilla forces?" Superb said in surprisment.

"Yes. You were one of the ones who discovered Godzilla. As well as one of the few who have seen and have extensive knowledge of Godzilla. You also helped in the stabilization of the dragon-changling border years ago when you had command of a changling squad and directed them through the dragon lands with out them getting noticed. Your overqualified. All of the Equestrian leaders have agreed that you are to lead the forces." Princess Dawn said with a smile.

"Thank you. This is.....well.....a great honor. Ill do my best." Superb said with a smile.

On the east coast of Equestria, all the kingdoms of Equestria have their workers busy setting up power line towers and a power station. Fleets of ships are patrolling up and down the coast in search of Godzilla. Days go by and the power line towers stand tall and strong at last. The power lines run through them. Finally after many tests the switch is thrown and three hundred thousand volts of electricity flows through the power lines, and just in the nick of time as Godzilla was detected heading north towards Manehatten. The city is immediately evacuated and the electricity is turned off. The military and armed forces of all the kingdoms rush to Manehatten in hopes to intercept Godzilla. Summer, Superb, Petri, Robust, and Paleo watch from a tower across the water on the mainland and through high tech binoculars. That night after the sun is set and the moon is risen, search lights are light up as the navy says that Godzilla is near Manehatten. Summer, Superb, Petri, Robust and Paleo watch out of the window of the tower they are in. Suddenly the fleet appears and a bulge of water moves near the harbor but it stops and decends. A huge wave crashes into the harbor wall, sending a wave of sea water across the land. The fleet and army keeps their weapons trained on where the bulge hd disappeared.

The water begins to bubble again as the water rose and broke as Godzilla stood up. It gave a loud roar and took a step on land and began to walk onto land. The navies cannons open fire on Godzilla but with little effect Godzilla kept walking. The world leaders watch on a monitor back in Canterlot. Superb picks up a microphone and talks to the ships over the radio.

"All ships. Hold your fire." Superb said. The navies stop firing and Godzilla keep walking, right towards the power lines. "Power station, this is base. Power the lines on my mark." Godzilla keeps walking towards the power lines. As Godzilla nears the lines the power station ponies have their hooves on the lever to initiate the power transfer. "Hold. Hold."

"How long do they have to hold out?" Summer asked.

"Just watch." Superb said. Godzilla keep getting near and then gets tangled in the lines. "NOW!!"

The power station ponies flip the lever and and three hundred thousand volts of electricity flow through the power lines. Sparks shoot out as the electricity electrocutes Godzilla. It gives a high pitched roar of pain and flails about.

"Yes! We got it!" Superb yelled in excitement. All the ponies around him cheer. Godzilla keeps flailing as its electrocuted but breaks free and stumbles backward. The ponies stop cheering and look out.

"It broke free? Buck!" Summer said.

"Calm yourself. At least we now know electricity effects it." Superb said. This piqued Petri's intrest as he began to think. "If we cant kill it, we can at least defend against it. Maybe even make a fence around the sea."

The ponies look out the window towards Godzilla. It stares at the power lines and it gives a loud ear piercing roar. Ponies near by cover their ears with their hooves. Then the dorsal fins on Godzillas back begin to glow. Suddenly Godzilla fires a white, mist-like beam from his mouth and targets the power line towers. The towers instantly turn red and orange from the heat. The power lines do the same but they snap and the towers lean to one side. Closing his mouth Godzilla continues on, entering Manehatten. All the ponies look on, completely slack hjawed at what they had just witnessed.

"W-what was that?" Superb said completely astonished.

"It seemed to be a breath of some sort. Of super hot air that super heated the power towers." Robust said.

"Well thats as far as it goes. Land wave one. Move in. Tanks open fire and magical artillery, fire." Superb said as he regains his composure. Tanks roll out all around Godzilla and open fire. The Sabot rounds do very little against Godzilla. Unicorns open fore with their magic but they too dont even aze Godzilla but they dont let up, hoping to find a chink in his armor they keep going. While the bravery of the ponies is commendable, Godzilla slowly keeps advancing.

"All tanks and ponies, back up. Do not get underfoot. Understand?" Superb said. On cue the front tanks back up slowly as to avoid getting stepped on. The other tanks keep pace with Godzilla while still firing. The ponies use their magic to teleport themselves bit by bit to stay ahead of the destruction. Each step that Godzilla takes, causes a building to be destroyed or damaged. Godzilla lets out a roar as it trashes a tower and topples it on a tank colum. The base ponies listen to the screams of the ponies in the tanks as they are destroyed. Superb closes his eyes in frustration and sadness. The others look away. Godzilla lets out a roar and his dorsal plates glow as he lets out his breath again, setting the surrounding buildings on fire. The cries of the other divisions begin to flood the radio. The pony general looks at Superb.

"Chief Commander. The forces need leadership." The pony said. Superb opens his eye and nods.

"Right." He picks up the radio's microphone. "Land waves two and three. Attack from long range. Aerial waves one and two attack. Attack with bombs. Drop them on weak point like the joints, vitals and dorsal fins. Land wave one fall back. Join up with land wave two." Superb ordered.

As ordered, the first wave of tanks and magic artillery ponies immediately fall back towards the others. The second and third waves attack at long range targeting the joint and vital areas of Godzilla. Meanwhile Pegasi, Changlings, Dragons, Griffons and Hippogriffs take off carrying bombs. The tanks and magical artillery ponies keep up the fire as the aerial waves fly over. Some cheer as they do. As the flyers get close Godzilla looks up and roars at them. As he roars the first wave drop their bombs and does a U-turn up to return to the base. The bombs hit Godzilla in all sort of places and some even miss and impact the ground. Godzilla roars and his dorsal fins light up again.

"BREATH INCOMING! EVADE EVADE!" The second aerial wave commander called out. Immediately the flyers all broke formation as Godzilla fired his breath. The flyers manage to dodge the breath and drop their bombs. But because they broke formation, the most of the bombs miss Godzilla completely while the few that do hit hit him in non-target areas. As the second aerial wave retreats the ground forvces are having zero luck, their weapons dont even tickle Godzilla. Superb slams his hoof against the wall.

"BUCK! Nothing. Nothing is working." Superb said angirly. The ponies look at him and summer sets a hoof on his sholder.

"Dont lose faith just yet." Summer said trying to comfort Superb.

"Thank you Summer." Superb said and pulls up his binoculars once again. "Send all the ground forces. Surround Godzilla. If we cant defeat him, hopefully we can at least drive him away. All tank waves, surround Godzilla and do not stop firing. See if you can get him to leave."

Obeying the orders the rest of the land forces move in and open fire from a distance. They move to surround Godzilla. The increased tank fire finally catches Godzilla's attention as it begins to annoy him. Godzilla lets out a loud roar and again the dorsal fins glow and fires the breath.

"GET OUT OF THERE!!" Superb yells through the radio. But its too late for many as the breath hits a portion of the tanks, immediately melting them and killing the crews inside. Godzilla then begins to drag the breath to his right, across the tanks, destroying them. This stuns the ponies at the headquarters building. The tanks behind Godzilla immediately begin to retreat back to escape Godzilla. With no opposition to him, Godzilla once agains fires his breath into the buildings, setting them ablaze. Superb watches on in disappointment.

"No weapons can harm it. Nothing. We cant beat it." Superb said sadly. The ponies watch on as Godzilla burns the city. The general then turns to the aerial commander.

"Tell all of the flyers to arm with missiles. They will attack on my signal." The general looks at Superb then nods and leaves to contact the flyers. Meanwhile, Godzilla keeps destroying Manehatten. He topples skyscarpers, burns its surroundings, throws trains and other vehicles, and finally destroys the bridge that connects Manehatten to the mainland, trapping the ponies that couldn't get away in time. Godzilla roars triumphantly and begins to head back into the sea, leaving the city to burn and the ponies to cry out.

"Now." The general tells the air commander.

Immediately the all of the flyers take off again. As Godzilla is half submerged the flyers attack. They use a targetting software in their helmets to lock on and fire the missiles. The missiles impact Godzilla causing him to stop. In retaliation he swings around and fires his breath again vaporizing most of the flyers. Those that survive crash into the city, some of the unfortunate flyers crash into a burning building and die. The General and Air Commander watch on in horror at the huge mistake they have made. Godzilla, satisfied with its destruction, returns to the sea. Behind him, he leaves a city burning, a tanks melted, ponies and their allies crying for help or in pain, and the city cut off from mainland.