• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 594 Views, 6 Comments

Doctor Whooves and The Lone Dalek - Whooves235

When Ponies start to disappear all across Equestria The Main 6 are asked by Celestia to go to and investigate, however soon they to disappear. So now its up to The Doctor and Zap Apple to find them before Equestria loses its only protectors

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Chapter 5: The Good, The Bad, And The Discorded


As Derpy hung on the wall, she tried to make out a plan. While this was not the first time she was captured, she usually had company with her, so for now she was on her own.

"Think Derpy, what would The Doctor do?" Derpy thought to herself, as she wiggled her chains around she tried to feel for any kind of weakness in the wall, perhaps she could pull the chains out if they got enough momentum from flying in one direction. As she began to tug on the chain she could hear something coming down the hall, it was a loud clanking noise, it had to be made of metal by the sound of it alone. The door then opens and her Ceptor came in followed by two Silver Robotic Ponies with glowing blue eyes

"Well well, looks like Mrs. Doo is trying to escape" The Pony said, his voice brash yet, somehow familiar

"What do you want with me!" Derpy shouted

"Nothing, as of yet" The Pony said "Your merely a piece to a large puzzle in the works"

"What do you mean?" Derpy said

"All will be revealed in time Mrs. Doo" The Pony said "But for now I need something of yours"

"And what exactly would that be?" Derpy said, nervously questioning her captor

The Pony then held his hoof out and reached to Derpy's neck, he then grabbed the gold necklace she was wearing "Such a nice piece of jewelry" The Pony said, he then took something from out of his pocket, when some light hit the room, Derpy was surprised to see what looked like The Doctors own Sonic Screwdriver, only it looked like it had been burnt in a fire, as the silver was more black, and the blue tip had a crack in it

"What do you want with my Necklace?" Derpy said

"Oh it's not the necklace itself, rather the jewel in the center of it" The Pony said, he then pointed the Sonic at the Necklaces Gem and turned it on, causing the necklace to pulse green

"What did you do?!" Derpy said

"I merely just called an old friend" The Pony said, he then walked away and the two Robotic Ponies followed him, yet again leaving Derpy alone.


As Zap and The Doctor walked down the street, The Doctor kept thinking back to Celestia. She was never this assertive to Luna or Him in the past, furthermore she had never directly told somepony to kill another. Something was definitely up with her, however he hadn't the slightest of what it was.

¨Doctor I have a question¨ Zap asked

¨Yes, what is it?¨ The Doctor said, snapping out of his thoughts

¨Why have we not gone back in time and rescued my parents¨ Zap asked, his tone a mix of sadness and anger

¨Well, you see its quite complicated¨ The Doctor said, trying to move away from the topic

¨Doctor, I want to know¨ Zap said, his tone becoming more stern¨

The Doctor sighed and he grabbed his screwdriver to fidget with ¨You see Zap, time is like one big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey wimey...stuff¨ The Doctor explained ¨When the Weeping Angel sent your Twilight and your Parents back in time, they indirectly made them a part of history, somehow in some way your parents have become a part of history, and if they were still stuck in the past until they passed then we would know about it. After all we don't see any gravestones of them, which means that they came back somehow. However according to Twilight in her letter, they ran into a version of myself from the future and my future self told them that they could not come back until the time is right.¨

¨So what you're saying is that until the future version of yourself brings my parents and Twilight back, they are stuck in the past¨ Zap said, disappointment in his face

¨Don't worry Zap, if my future self is with them then they are safe¨ The Doctor said ¨Now, we should probably head back to the Tardis to let flurry heart know that we found Celestia and Luna..¨

But before The Doctor could finish his sentence, his sonic began to pulse blue. He held up the screwdriver and began to smirk ¨Its working!¨ he shouted

¨Uh, what's working Doctor?¨ Zap said

¨Derpy's tracker, it just came online!¨ The Doctor shouted in excitement

¨Well then where is she?¨ Zap asked

¨Well you see it's not like that, the Screwdriver is like a beacon. The brighter it glows means we are going in the right direction¨ The Doctor explained, he then looked at his screwdriver to observe the glow of the light ¨By the looks of thing she is in Canterlot, however she is not close to our location¨

¨Well then what are we waiting for?! let's go!!¨ Zap said

¨I'm liking you more and more Zap Apple¨ The Doctor smirked ¨Alonz-y!!¨

Canterlot Warehouse District

¨Why is it that all my adversaries insist on making there secret headquarters in Warehouses, it's so cleshay¨ The Doctor said ¨Why not make it more exciting, like a Spaceship over the planet! Or hell, another planet!¨

"Doctor, focus" Zap said "What does your Screwdriver say now?"

"Oh right" The Doctor said, he then looked at his screwdriver and moved around, making sure the direction in which he was going, the light got brighter. Then, the blue light started to glow brighter when he held it at a Warehouse marked N5 "I think we just found the area."

"Warehouse N5" Zap said "Why would Derpy be here?"

"Well think Zap, derpy would not consciously come here for no reason, obviously she has been captured, I'm surprised you did not catch on before hoof" The Doctor said "Anyway, whoever took Derpy obviously wanted to meet here so, that's why we are here."

"This is definitely a trap" Zap said "I can feel it."

"Oh most definitely it is a trap" The Doctor said.

"So...what do we do?" Zap said.

"We spring the trap" The Doctor said, smirking a bit. He then walked up to the Warehouse and pushed on the giant wooden door, as he looked inside he could see that this Warehouse was clearly bigger than he thought it was, he could see multiple doorways, leading to many different rooms, of which Derpy could be located in.

"This is one big Warehouse" Zap said

"For some reason...this place feels...familiar" The Doctor said.

"Familiar in a good way?" Zap asked.

"I dont know, I can't put my hoof on it" The Doctor said. As they looked around the room, more of the details could be seen. The walls and floor of the Warehouse were made of a type of metal, and the lights in the room were dimly lit, suggesting no one has been in here for quite some time.

"Doctor, this place looks huge, how are we going to find Derpy?" Zap said.

The Doctor looked at his Sonic, it was not pulsing blue, which meant they could not rely on the necklace anymore, he then looked around the room, taking note of each doorway "Well I'm afraid to say I don't exactly know what to do" The Doctor said "At most, we just have to look around and hopefully whatever or whoever took derpy will show itself."

"What makes you so certain that will happen?" Zap asked.

"Because knowing my enemies, they would want to make sure I know who did the thing they are planning on doing" The Doctor said.

"You have a lot of enemies that think highly of themselves" Zap said bluntly.

"You have no idea" The Doctor said. As the two ponies looked around the room more, Zap then saw what appeared to be a control panel, it was round in structure and it seemed to have a tube coming from the middle of it, the tube was covered in cracks and the glass was all dirty. He looked down at the control panel and saw that the panel was in no better shape, buttons were missing and levers were broken.

"Hay Doctor" Zap said "I think I found something."

As The Doctor traveled over to Zap he started to slow down, noticing the same things Zap did he quickly searched the area, looking at the room. He then went over to the control panel and lightly caressed it, his eyes slightly drooping, and his mouth frowning a bit.

"What have they done to you" The Doctor said.

"Doctor?" Zap said "What's wrong."

"Don't you see?" The Doctor said, his voice getting slightly angry "This was a TARDIS, not just any TARDIS" The Doctor stopped, he then went over to a hole in the control panel, he then took out his Sonic Screwdriver and placed it in there, sliding in almost perfectly "This was My TARDIS" The Doctor said.

"That it was....your TARDIS" A voice came out from behind the two ponies, The Doctor and Zap turned over to see a Grey Pegasus before them, he had a black mane, and his eyes were a dark blue, with wrinkles under them, suggesting stress or anger. He was wearing a green bow tie and had the same cutie mark as The Doctor "Or should I say, our TARDIS" The Pony said.

"Doctor?" Zap said "Why does he look like...."

"Why do I look like him?" The Pony replied "Well dear Zap, it's because I am him" He then walked over to the Doctor and held up his Sonic Screwdriver, The Doctor then pulled out his, they were the same device.

"You can't be..." The Doctor said.

"Allow me to introduce myself" The Pony said "Hello, I am The Doctor" he said, with an evil, malicious-like grin.

As the two Doctors stood across from one another, millions of questions rolled through Zap's mind. How can there be two Doctors? How are they in The TARDIS, it does not look like it. "I don't understand" Zap finally spoke "How can you be The Doctor, you don't even look like him"

"Oh trust me, I am The Doctor," he said "I'm just not the one you are with right now"

"That still does not answer my question," Zap said

"Zap, when Time Lords die, we regenerate our bodies, it like a way of cheating death. However in the process of Regeneration, we change bodies, personalities, and faces" The Doctor said "Only this version of me, is not right"

"Oh trust me when I say, it is in fact you who are not right my dear Doctor" The Other Doctor stated

"Why would we do this to ourselves?!" The Doctor demanded "You kidnap our companion, gut the TARDIS for scraps!?"

"You will do the same in time Doctor!" The Other Doctor shouted "I am not just you, but the you from the future, a future in which all of this will happen"

"I would never become something as vile as you," The Doctor said

"You say that now" The Other Doctor said "But in time, you will become me, and when you do everything will make sense"

"Make sense?!" The Doctor shouted "You decided to bring back not only The Daleks, but The Weeping Angels, and The Cybermen all to make a bloody point?!"

"I'm doing all of this to prevent a catastrophe Doctor!" The Other Doctor said "I saw the truth! the truth that was hidden from all of us for centuries!"

"What truth?" The Doctor said

"The Truth about us Doctor, why we are here in this place" The Other Doctor said "An ancient evil is at works in this land, and it's unlike anything we have ever faced before, I am doing what you cant! ending all of it before it can even begin!"

"What do you mean ending all of it?" Zap said

"Oh, I'm glad you asked" The Other Doctor said, he then activated his sonic, and the entire building began to shake, as the floor then began to open revealing a giant red and black machine covered in wires and alien crystals. In the center of the machine was a strange Dark Blue item, in the center of it was a depiction of an eye.

"No, it can't be" The Doctor said

"Oh so you do recognize it!" The Other Doctor said

"Doctor what is that thing?!" Zap said

"It's a paradox machine" The Doctor said

"I borrowed the idea from our good friend The Master" The Other Doctor said "Oh you remember that day, giant rips through dimensions, one-third of the population of the earth being destroyed, such a lovely day"

"What's it for? What does a paradox machine do?" Zap said "More important, can you stop it?"

"Not till I know what it's doing. Touch the wrong bit, blow up the solar system." The Doctor said

"But you said you have dealt with this before, so why not do the same thing as last time!" Zap asked

"Because last time it was not me who made the machine, different mind, different purpose" The Doctor said

"Oh, we are so clever" The Other Doctor said "I might as well just say my entire plan, allowing you to figure out a way to stop me"

"Look at what you are doing!" The Doctor said "This is not us! we took an oath, never to become something like this!"

"Screw the oath, and screw the Time Lords!" The Other Doctor said "Compared to us Doctor, they are like ants, and we are a boot"

"I'm warning you!" The Doctor said

"Oh and I'm warning you Doctor!" The Other Doctor said "Don't mess with me, I'm not like The master, or any of our other adversaries, I'm so much more" He then pointed to one of the doorways, coming out of the doorway was Two Cyber Ponies holding Derpy by the hooves, not letting her go

"Doctor!" Derpy said "Doctor listen don't worry about me, deal with the problem at hand. I can handle myself!¨

¨No don't please!¨ The Doctor shouted ¨She has nothing to do with this leave her out of it!¨

¨There he goes again, with the saving and the life is precious speech¨ The Other Doctor said ¨Doesn't it ever get old saying the same bloody thing over and over again!¨

¨Let her go!¨ The Doctor shouted

“No I don't think I will” The other doctor said “Now doctor, allow me to demonstrate what my new and improved paradox machine can do!” The Other Doctor then looked at a Cyber Pony “You! Step over here, now!”

The Cyberpony then stepped forward and stood on what looked like a red circle marked next to the Tardis Control Module

“You see Doctor, I realized that if I want to stop the future from happening, I merely need to stop the future entirely! So using some Z-neutrino energy, as well as the magic within this world as a Single string Z-neutrinos compression”

“No!! you can't! You can't! No!” The Doctor who cried out

“Oh yes...I was able to create….a reality bomb...using the TARDIS as a power source.” The Other Doctor said

“But...I don't understand, what does he mean by Reality Bomb?!” Zap said”

“Electrical energy, Zap. Every atom in existence is bound by an electrical field. The Reality bomb cancels it out. The structure falls apart” The Other Doctor said, then he flipped a lever on the Tardis counsel “Allow me to demonstrate...”

As soon as the lever was flipped, the Cyberpony began to slowly disappear, as his entire body floated in the air, and his feet, body, and finally head completely turned to nothing “You see Zap? And with this Reality Bomb, Ponies all across Equestria will bein to turn to dust!”

“The Missing Ponies! You're behind them?!” The Doctor said

“Yes, after all I needed some way to test this machine out” The Other Doctor said with a wicked smile “And soon after that? I will use the machine on planets and stars! And they will become dust, and the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become nothing. And the wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade into every dimension, every parallel, every single corner of creation. This is my plan, Doctor! The destruction of reality itself!”

“Your mad!!” The Doctor said

“You mean, we..Doctor” The Other Doctor said

¨Doctor we have to do something!!¨ Zap shouted

¨Yes doctor! do something after all, you always save the day¨ The Other Doctor shouted

The Doctor thought a million things at once, so many things but he could not think of anything. Nothing came to mind he was out of ideas, for once he may not win this battle.