• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 656 Views, 3 Comments

War of Darkness - nala2624

When a new danger threatens Equestria, will the Elements of Harmony be enough to stop it?

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Chapter 2: Oh Wait, I Have A Book on That!

“It has to be around here somewhere!” Shelf by shelf, Twilight was turning the library into a war zone. Scrolls, books, and tomes littered the floor and tables as she desperately searched for the one text with the answer she desired. “Ugh, I can't find it! Spike!”

“Over here! I got it!” He appeared across the room from under a pile of books waiving the oldest one Twilight owned.

“Thanks Spike. I don't know what I'd do without you.” Twilight took the book and carried it with magic to the only bare spot in the room; her writing desk. She opened the book and began flipping through the pages, barely scanning the chapter titles, searching for the one thing that would confirm her theory.

“Is that the one, Twilight?” Princess Luna had appeared from the other room apparently bored with the interrogation her sister was still giving Rainbow Dash. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wondered if there was any thing I could do to help.”

“Well, thanks Luna, but it's alright. I found what I was looking for. I've only ever read it once, thinking the stories in it were just that, stories to frighten fillies and colts. I never believed them before.”

“Well, few ever believed the tale of the Mare in the Moon and that turned out to be true.” Luna drooped her head at this statement in remembrance of her time as the evil Nightmare Moon.

“Ah ha! Here is it.” Twilight stopped searching near the end of the book. Luna glanced at the chapter and noted the title.

“The Rending of Light? What is that?”

“Lets get the others before I start explaining.” In the other room, Twilight laid the book on a table near the fire and began reading.


The Rending of Light. Many thousands of years ago, a powerful alicorn, called Darkness Rising sought to rule over, not just Equestria, but the entire world.

“Captain! The beasts have breached the eastern wall and the fourth division can't hold out much longer.”

The midnight blue pony turned to face his second in command. In all his years of fighting along side her, not once has Animus taken his lieutenant for granted.

“I see. Redeploy the Third Airborne to their location. We must hold out for as long as we can.”

He would summon monstrous creatures to fight for him from the darkness. At the time, the only ones standing in his way were six powerful ponies controlling the Elements of Harmony and a seventh who led them.

“This is scout outpost 7-6-1, wraiths have been fielded. I repeat; wraiths have been fielded. The bridge has collapsed and the torch is lit. Please advise home base.”

General Animus turned to the device from which the voice was emanating. Something their top minds cooked up. A magical device that could transfer speech over long distances, this contraption has been proven invaluable in the war.

“Scout outpost 7-6-1, evac out of their ASAP. If wraiths are out and about, you won't stand a chance!”

A length of uncomfortable static and a few random sounds later, the soldier’s voice reappeared.

“That's a negative, home base! We still have refugees filing through. A few stragglers that didn’t make it to the caravan. We'll get out once they.... What's that noise?” A strange screeching flowed form the crystal atop the machine. Even through the distortion, the General recognized it immediately.

“Soldier, get out of there now!! Do you hear me?”

“AAAH. SOLARIS HELP US!!” Screams of pain and suffering drifted though to Animus' ears. Among the last words of dieing ponies were horrible screeches and the sound of breaking bodies and wood.

The elder pony could only stare at the now silent transceiver before him, a single tear rolled down his cheek.

“Damnit.” was all he could utter. “DAMNIT ALL!” He slammed his hoof onto the table completely shattering it.

“Sir, sir! We have a serious problem!” His lieutenant had just rushed into the command post, a look of pure terror in her eyes.

“What is it, Klinge?”

“It's...it's him. He's here.”

Animus could hardly believe his ears. Him? Here? Now? He never showed his face in battle, preferring to send his unholy creations to fight instead. If he was here today, that could only mean one thing.

“Klinge.” This simple word, a name, it held such power that the young unicorn couldn't help but stand a bit taller, a bit more proud of her commander. “I need you to gather the other Elements and send the civilians through the Rift.”

“But, sir. It's not ready, is it?” Losing her previous composure, the young soldier, barely a mare by any measures, looked in astonishment at her leader.

“Klinge, the city is lost, Darkness himself has arrived. It's this, or risk the lives of everypony here.” Animus looked his lieutenant in the eyes before continuing. “If ever you are to trust my judgment, let it be now. I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think it would work.”

“But what about you, sir?”

“I am going to confront Darkness and buy you some time.”

This group fought hoof and horn to prevent the world's total saturation of darkness, lest Darkness himself be victorious. The battles were gruesome and many ponies lost their lives fighting for their home, but Darkness Rising was relentless in his endeavor.

“Darkness!” Animus shouted into the night, the winds slapping across his face and wings as he struggled to stay aloft.

No reply came. The only sound was the rain, the wind, and the assorted effects of battle below him. Every now and then a light would shine up from the ground, a unicorn's spell. Animus called out again for his sole enemy, hoping to incite an appearance.

“DARKNESS! Come out and fight me you coward!”

“You dare call me a coward when you yourself hide behind those foals who call themselves your friends?” A dark presence descended around Animus as Darkness' voice could be heard from it. “Face it, old one. I have transcended mundanity. I have surpassed mortality. I have grown stronger than even you. The last of the Vindex line. Nothing will stand in my way. Not even your precious Elements of Harmony. Such artifacts are below me.”

“The Elements of Harmony aren't just items. It's the spirit of friendship that is within everypony. Something you wouldn't understand.” Animus shed his cloak and armor, keeping only the small pendant around his neck. “And it is that spirit that gives me my strength.” The stallion's eyes began to glow bright white, slicing through the dark like a razor. “Strength to stand up to you.” The light spread to envelop his entire body. “Strength to protect others.” A flash of light and a horn appeared upon his head, hidden by his own magic. “Strength to do what is right.”

“What magic is this? Where could you get this power?” Darkness' voice was fill with fear and dread, and for good reason.

Animus lowered his head and concentrated with all his might. His horn glowed brighter than the sun. A veil fell to surround him and the mist that was Darkness.

“I get my power form within, from my heart, as pure as it is.” Another flash of light and the dark mist dispersed leaving another alicorn in it's place.

Darkness was aptly named so. His fur was the deepest shade of black, but his mane was even more so. Deep, piercing red eyes adorned his face, sharing the real estate with a scowl of hatred. His flank was bare and showed no cutie mark.

“You have forgotten something, Darkness.” Animus groaned under the strain of his magic.

“And what would that be, dear brother?”

“I'm not the last of my line. There is another. My daughter lives on.”

“That is impossible. I have eliminated the entirety of our family. You are the last of our blood. I would have detected another.”

“That does little to change the fact that she lives on. If you want to see her, look to your left.”

Darkness did as such and risked a quick glance. There, not three feet outside the veil Animus created, was a young mare unicorn, floating in the air by magic; Animus' second in command. Atop her head was a tiara with a crystal in the center. The color and shade, Darkness couldn't determine. Noticing they were not the only ones there, he swept his eyes in a circle, taking in the other five pones arrayed around Animus and himself, each one wearing a necklace around their necks, each one adorned with a crystal that glittered in an entire spectrum of colors from Animus' horn.

“What are you doing, brother? Will you take the life of your own blood?”

“I will do what ever has to be done to stop you. No matter the cost to myself.” Upon this cue, the bearers of the elements of Harmony's eyes began to glow as did their jeweled accessories.

“Cost to yourself... NO!” Darkness made to attack Animus but the Elements connected their energy and captured Darkness at the edge a six sided star. Animus himself was within the star at the opposite side.

“You failed, dear brother, because you failed to understand friendship. And you can not beat that which you don't understand.” A silvery white substance drifted from Animus' eyes and mouth and gathered directly in front of his face.

“NO! You can't beat me! I won't die!” Darkness fought against his arcane bonds, desperately attempt to get free. The fine mist finished seeping form Animus and gathered into a point in front of him, aimed directly at Darkness.

“I'm sorry, my brother, but it must be this way.” As the spear of Animus' soul bolted toward Darkness, the last thing he saw and heard was his daughter's face and the cries of pain form his closest blood.

Back in the Ponyville Library, Twilight Sparkle was just finishing up her retelling of event of old.

“The six bearers of the Elements of Harmony combined their power, and with a willing sacrifice of life from the seventh, managed to defeat Darkness and bring light and happiness back to the land. The group mourned the loss of their valiant leader and erected a monument in his honor at the location of the final battle against Darkness Rising. To this day, this statue remains lost, along with the seventh pony's bloodline, outside the bounds of Equestria. Before falling to the group's magic, Darkness vowed to return once more, to submerge the world in eternal darkness and take his rightful place as it's ruler.”

“Ha ha ha haa. It is good to know that my great deeds have not completely dissolved into the dust of history.” A chilling laugh and deep booming voice filled the room. Fluttershy screamed once more and hid behind Twilight again.

“I do suppose this will put a dent in my plans. I must be careful so I don't underestimate any of you.”

“Who are you? Explain yourself!” Princess Celestia commanded stomping her right fore-hoof.

“Must I really? I mean, that kind purple unicorn just told you everything. What else is there to say?”

“So you must be this Darkness Rising feller?” Applejack inquired to the disembodied voice.

“Indeed. Allow me to introduce myself properly.” A dark miasmic aura materialized in the far corner of the room, swirling and pulsating much like a heart beat. It concentrated into a large hooded figure, nearly as tall as Princess Celestia. Twilight could feel the evil magic radiating off this pony.

“I am Darkness Rising. Duke of Dusk, Earl of the Eclipse, Shepard of the Shadows, and King of the Crushing Blackness. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Darkness Rising bowed his head in greeting as the others stood horrified at the newcomer. All light anywhere near him was gone, as if he was a black hole. The only thing that remained was darkness.

“Why are you doing this?” Luna asked him. “Covering the world in eternal night isn't worth it at all. Trust me, I know from experience.”

“Really? Aah. You must be Princess Luna. Or as I prefer, Nightmare Moon. I must say I am quite an admirer your work. Truly beautiful concept, however flawed in execution it was. Which means this other pony is your sister, Princess Celestia. It seems I am in the presence of royalty. How quaint.” This last statement was spoken with disdain and condescension.

“Quaint? I'll show you quaint!” Forgetting her previous exhaustion, Rainbow Dash sprung at Darkness, wings flared and teeth bared. However, just as she would have connected with the alicorn, he dissolved into dust and Rainbow flew right through him and collided with the wall. In a moment, he had regained his shape.

“Please, don't do that again. I am short on time and I am here to deliver a message you would do well to heed.” Turning to the others he continued. “Now, in two weeks time, my shadow will have spread across this entire world. Not just your silly little Equestria. At this moment, I am feeling generous. Stand down and do nothing to impede my progress and I will spare your lives. Resist me and fight, as I am sure you shall, and you will all die. Quite honestly there is no hope at all to stopping me and no point in trying.”

“Monstrous beast!!” Princess Celestia shouted at Darkness. Loosing her temper completely, she lowered her head at the pony and, horn glowing bright white, fired a beam of pure magical energy at him, entirely enveloping his being. When she ended the magic, the others looked at Darkness only to see his robe gone, but he was otherwise untouched.

The girls could finally see Darkness for what he truly was. His body was as black as a moonless night and, somehow, his mane even more so. Red pupils within pure white eyes adorned his face and his flank was without a cutie mark.

“Tisk tisk. A leader must have better control over themselves. As I have said before, there is nothing you can do to stop me. Especially with blood as tainted as yours is.”

“Tainted blood? Why you!!” Dash screamed once more and attempted to tackle Darkness. This second attempt was met with identical results as the first.

“Now really, you're just wasting time you could be spending pursuing other pointless endeavors in an attempt to defeat me. Now as I was saying. The Elements of Harmony, you may posses, but there is still something quite critical that you lack. And the only reason I am telling you this is because it won't matter one way or the other whether you know this information or not. You are still short a willing sacrifice of pony life. But not just any life. You require a blood decedent of the seventh pony in the legends of old. And, since that blood-line has died out, there is no hope what-so-ever.”

“No, you're lying. There still has to be some pony kin to that seventh pony.” Applejack said, glaring at Darkness.

“I am afraid not. I watch from the shadows as the last of the line died. I witnessed it myself.”

“Ooh. We could find them, it'll be like a game! Hide-and-seek.” Pinkie pie declared, jumping with giddiness once more.

“What did you say?” Darkness spit these words through bared teeth, his body shaking slightly.

“It'll be a fun game. Find the lost descendent. We can all play!”

“You think this is a game? A stupid GAME! Do you think I am out for some silly laugh watching you all flounder about searching for some obscure method to bring about my end, when we all know that any hope you had of stopping me died years ago with the last of the seventh pony's bloodline?!” Now screaming at the top of his voice, Darkness advanced on Pinkie Pie who began cringing in fear from him, her hair lank and dull.

“Now listen here you miscreant, all of you listen to me.” He turned to face each other pony in the room. “The last blood relative of that seventh pony died six hundred ago, and with him, and chance of preventing my return. Now that the line has died out, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, standing in my way. Not you, not the Elements of Harmony, not some stupid game, not even that tainted-blood princess. NOTHING!! Nothing will stop me now. I've won. You've lost. ACCEPT IT!!!”

With his last word, a crack of thunder sounded once more and the lights within the home were extinguished. The ponies were thrust into darkness for a few seconds before Princess Celestia re-lit the lights with magic. Darkness Rising was gone.

“I never thought I would see this day.” confessed Celestia, dropping her head. “Our father once told us of this. Luna, do you remember?”

“Yes, he said there would come a time when Equestria would be threatened by a great evil and that we wouldn't be able to stop it. Back then, I thought he meant that it would be after our time, but now I know he meant that others would be destined to save the world.”

“Others controlling magic more powerful than either of us. Maybe more powerful than both of us combined.” She look at the six other ponies in the room. “Magic such as the Elements of Harmony.” She turned and approached the ponies who lowered their heads at Celestia's proximity.

“My little ponies. You have each and together done so much for Equestria already. Removing the sleeping dragon, defeating Discord, and stopping Nightmare Moon and saving my sister. These are no mean feats for even the bravest and strongest of ponies, yet you six stood against insurmountable odds to do what was right, not for yourselves, but for the land. And now it seams Equestria is facing it's darkest days yet, and all pony-kind will be looking to you six as beacons of light within the darkness. After everything you have done so far, I must still ask this of you. Will you six, once more, take up the Elements of Harmony to protect all ponydom, stop Darkness Rising, and save Equestria and beyond?”

“Sounds like fun!” Shouted Pinkie Pie.

“You can count on us, your majesty!” Rainbow Dash sounded off, snapping a salute.

“In the name of all that is beautiful and fabulous, we shall fight.” Rarity said whipping her hair.

“We'll buck this Darkness feller right outa' this world! Yee-Haw!” Applejack added with a buck.

“Well, I suppose we could do it for the creatures. They need the sun too.” Fluttershy peeped from behind Twilight.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. On behalf of all Equestria, we would be honored to take up the Elements of Harmony again to fight for ponies everywhere.” Twilight said, sealing the group's fate.

“Then go, my little ponies, and may the power of all that is good keep you safe.”