• Published 20th Aug 2019
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Avatar x MLP // The Last Alicorn - LunaNote

In a land that has suffered in a hundred year war, the only hero is a young alicorn.... can she save the world?

  • ...

The Last Alicorn

It’s been over a hundred years, and our world still is suffering. When will this all end? Is it possible it never will, and our world will just slowly die off with nobody to remember it by?


About a hundred years ago


A young alicorn, Twilight, was sitting in her room reading. It was a nice sunny day, the birds and butterflies were flying outside. And Twilight's owl was perched on her head.

"This book is so great, this must be the tenth time I read it!" Twilight said as she continued reading a book about an ancient pony wizard. Her owl gave a tiny "who", and flapped his wings.

Knock Knock!!

Twilight looked up from her book, startled from the loud and unexpected noise. "C..c...come in!" she said, while putting her book away in the bookcase.

"Twilight, I need to tell you something important..." Celestia, Twilight's mentor, entered the room.

"Yes, Celestia?"

"...A danger is coming to our land soon. A dangerous creature who was banished a long time ago... is returning... We don't know how. But we need you to help us." Celestia looked down at the ground "Twilight...."


"Someday, you will be our new ruler. If something happens to us, you will have to take over for us. This is what we've been training you for all these years. To eventually take over when we can not anymore." Celestia sighed "You need to start training your abilities harder than before. We need your power to help us defeat them... before a full on war starts. I know it's a lot of responsibility, but I know you can handle it."

Twilight looked up at her mentor "It will take a long time... but I know I can help! At least, I hope I can."

Celestia nodded "Good. I need to leave now in order to prepare for a potential fight. I wish you luck." Celestia turned around to leave, but was stopped by Twilight.

"Wait! Celestia!" Twilight yelled "I'd just like to tell you... thank you... for everything....."

Celestia left her room, smiling, and Twilight looked out her window.. "Someday, I'll be the new ruler here. I'll try to make Celestia proud!"

(Twilight's point of view)

Everyone in the Alicorn kingdom is terrified. Everyone is being captured. Injured. Killed.
Creatures we've never seen before are attacking us. Timberwolves, Bugbears, Cockatrices, and many more I can't even name.
The mysterious being watching over the fight is laughing uncontrollably.
I'm there and all I can do is watch. I'm petrified. Probably even more so than everyone else. I can't go out and fight. I can't. The kingdom depends on me. If I get injured in the battle, I won't be there to watch over my kingdom. But... if I don't fight everyone might fail and nobody will be left.

I need to do something.

But what?

I'm going to run out there and do something. I need to. Now.

Celestia and her sister, Luna, are being cornered by two Timberwolves.

"CELESTIA! I'M COMING!! I scream, as I run towards them. But I trip....

I can't see anything.

Everything is blurring.

...Am I dying?

I can open my eyes now. I see Celestia fighting off the two Timberwolves. ...But where's Luna?

Another Timberwolf is running next to them... there's something sparkly in its mouth... It looks a lot like Luna's mane... Could it be?

I'm running. Fast. Trying to reach Celestia. One of the Timberwolves is about to scratch her. I scream "CELESTIA!!!"

Celestia shouted "Twilight! GO! Leave! It isn't -"

I don't know what she said then. I was scratched by a Timberwolf and fainted.


"Celestia? Luna? CELESTIA! LUNA! A...are... are yo..u here?" I'm walking around.... where are they?

The fight seems to have subsided. All the monsters are gone. But the forest has become a wasteland. Trees had fallen down
almost everywhere, the grass was scorched -most likely from Alicorns using fire magic against the monsters -, and some of the houses that were in the forest had become ruins.

"I should keep on walking, maybe I'll find them here" I sigh "Please... please... I need to find them..."

There's a huge leaf right there in front of me. "Maybe someone is unconscious under the leaf. I should look...." I move the leaf away with my unicorn levitation abilities. And under the leaf....

Was Celestia.

"She's... not... breathing.... did... sh...." I can't hold back tears. I can't stop it. "CELESTIA! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!! I KN..I KNO...I KNOW YOU'RE STILL IN THERE!!! PLEASE, JUST WAKE UP!!!!" I push her gently. She doesn't respond.

"...Celestia...." I keep on crying. It won't stop. "Is... is... ther...e anyo..ne el...lse... he...re?"

"Let's j..j..u...st... lo.oo..ook ar..rou..nd.... Mma..yb...ee.. L..l...u..nn...a... is...s..t...il... h..er...e" I can barely breathe. My mentor... the person who cared for me ever since I went here... is dead. Gone forever.

Then... as soon as I had even the slightest bit of hope that someone is still here...


I see Luna's body laying down a few feet away from Celestia's. She had scratches all over her body. Almost half of her hair was ripped off. "Please, please PLEASE!!! Let this all be a bad dream! Wake up now! WAKE UP!!!!! Pl...lea..se..."

I can't move.

The two Alicorn sisters are DEAD.

They said I'd take over as ruler if they couldn't anymore.

Am I ruler now...?


"What was that!" I shouted, and I managed to turn my head around a little to see a bunny was hopping around. And it had just jumped on a stick and cracked it.


It's not a stick.

It's.. a BONE!

"Another Alicorn... is... gone...." I manage yet again to move around a bit, and see that many more Alicorns are dead. "Is... everyone...here? Is... everyone... dead?"

I cry even more.

This can't be true.

My whole kingdom is dead.

Everyone I knew is gone.

My family. My friends. Even strangers.

Are gone.

I turn back to where Celestia is. "...I'll try to make you proud... somehow..." I lay down next to her body, just to have one last moment with her.

And I notice something shining on her neck.

"What is this?" I struggle to say, and I look at it closer "It's her necklace!" sighing, I take it off from her and put it around my neck.

"I suppose... if I am the new 'ruler'... I should have her magic necklace, a symbol of being important in our kingdom... Right?" I manage to wipe away my tears "Thank you... for everything...." I look over at Celestia "I will find a way to stop the war. I'll make you proud."

'With Celestia's necklace, I don't feel as sad and scared. It's like she's still with me...' I think as I walk off into the distance.

"Goodbye..." I turn around and look at the land I once lived in "Goodbye... forever... my home..."

"I will do what I need to do to bring peace to our land! I am Twilight! I am... The Last Alicorn"

Twilight's new form

Author's Note:

Thank you if you're reading this <3
I've wanted to make this crossover for so long, and I am so happy that I finally get to share it!!!

Something I'd like to note, in the town that this universe's Twilight is from everybody is an Alicorn. Most cities in this universe consist of mainly one pony species, though other pony species still may live there. But in Twilight's town, everyone was an alicorn.

Celestia and Luna aren’t referred to as ‘princesses’ in this because in this universe they’re not really ‘princesses’. More like guardians, or something else along those lines. Twilight isn’t known as ‘Sparkle’ either, but will possibly gain a new title later on.