• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 539 Views, 89 Comments

EoH Evolution: Season 6 - Bahamut0

The Elements of Heroism have been disbanded. And under the command of Blitz Surge, the Lancers now roam freely. However, all of Blitz's plans are about to burst apart. For Power has returned to restore hope!

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Episode 15: Justice Reigns

Within their headquarters, the Lancers sat about grumbling to themselves. Many times they'd been shown-up by the Elements of Heroism, the taste of defeat left them quite bitter. Garble was more bored than angered, and he made his current status vocal.

"Uuugh. This blows!" Garble groaned as he slumped down in the chair he'd been sitting in. A bowl of gems sitting lazily on his belly. "First Blitz Surge rounds us all up to become his crew, and then he has us do nothing after we get our butts handed to us?"

"Are you doubting our leader's wisdom, Garble?" Nova Flare asked with an insulted expression on her face. She was grateful to Blitz for putting her into his service after the defeat of Shining Dawn. Ever since the would-be ruler's destruction at the hands of Burst Stream, Nova had felt lost and without purpose. So when Blitz Surge made himself known to her and presented her with a purpose, it was an easy decision for the young woman to make. "Then again, leave it to a dragon to have no respect for anyone."

"Least I'm not a mindless follower." Garble snorted. "Besides, I don't have the guts to say that to Blitz Surge's face. He scares the crap out of me. He was able to K.O. an avatar with that weird magic in his sword. What chance do I got?!"

"Less of a chance than we've got against the Elements of Heroism." Lightning Dust added as she entered the lounge area. "First Rainbow Dash gets me barred from joining the Wonderbolts, and now she one-ups me by becoming a goddess?! I swear that girl is mocking me!"

"Have none of you considered that the issue lies not in others, but inside yourselves?" Ronin Strider said as he cracked open one of his eyes as he leaned against a wall. "Especially since some of our leader's actions could have very well be seen as a declaration of war. Perhaps this period of inactivity is for the best."

"Speak for yourself samurai." Lance Slayer growled as he vigorously polished his weapon. "If Blitz were to let us loose and we triumph over the Elements of Heroism, we would be hailed as the superior heroes! And nothing would bring me greater than to best Inferno Flare!"

". . . You are delusional and vengeful. Truly a toxic combination." Ronin stated disapprovingly. "Then again, perhaps that's exactly why Blitz Surge recruited you. He shares animosity towards Burst Stream in an equal magnitude to the anger you bear against Inferno."

"And what of you, Ronin?" Nova Flare asked. "Why did you decide to accept Blitz Surge's offer?"

"Because I feel the need to make up for past mistakes." Ronin answered simply. "But the idea of how I could put my skills to use is the only thing of value Blitz Surge has given to me. And I see no reason to remain here any longer. Because despite no matter how many times our leader calls himself a hero, he acts nothing like one."

"I take it you are all restless?" Blitz Surge asked as he strode into the lounge. "You needn't worry. We'll be seeing some action very soon."

"About damn time!" Lance snorted! "Ever since you recruited that creepy little shrimp Hax, you've been in his lab. Just what is that geek up to that's so important?"

"Hax has been constructing tools that will be of significant use to us." Blitz answered calmly before turning his attention to Ronin. "You disappoint me Ronin. I thought you were a loyal, committed warrior. You very much evoke the image of a samurai. And now, you seek to desert your lord and commander?"

"You haven't earned my respect or loyalty. Whatever presumptions you had about my membership, they were ultimately wrong." Ronin replied. "I was merely testing the waters to see if I found the right calling for my skills. I have, but I'm currently in the wrong company. I can't stand being led by a hypocrite."

"How dare you!" Nova shrieked as she bolted up from her seat! "You claim to be a warrior of honor! How can you show such disrespect to-!"

"I am one who follows their own code of honor." Ronin retorted with a steely glare aimed at Nova! "I am no mindless follower. If I see something that conflicts with what I feel is right, then I refuse to go along with it. No matter the outcome. And as I stated, none of you have shown you are deserving of my loyalty. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave."

"It's a shame you've decided to leave us." Blitz Surge called out as Ronin left with only the sword he carried at his side. "Your skills would have been a great service towards justice."

"For all your trumpeting of justice, you are hardly just." Ronin said firmly. "Actions are louder than words, Blitz Surge. And yours scream anything but heroic."

"I am doing what no one else is willing to." Blitz Surge said sternly as he narrowed his eyes. "You just don't see it yet. Those foolish Elements of Heroism, the previous bearers of the power of harmony, the people of this kingdom, the princesses, and. . . " Blitz Surge's entire being seemed to seethe with anger as he spat the last person's name like it was the most vile curse in the world! "Burst Stream, will all see that I am the world's true hero. And I will bring justice to this entire land!"

"So. . . you say that you're gonna show everyone that you're the hero." Garble asked nervously, as he feared that the slightest misstep might result in his leader using him as a training dummy to vent his anger. "What're you gonna do?"

"As I said, you will all see soon enough." Blitz Surge answered with an unnaturally calm tone, and a secretive smile. "Rest well, for a new age begins tomorrow. I've arranged it so that the princesses will bear witness to it directly. Hax? What's the status of your project?"

"I thought you would never ask!" Hax exclaimed with glee as a monitor hovered into the room, with Hax's face on the screen. "I just finished the final checks on them, and they're all primed up for the big day! I can hardly wait to see my new toys in action!"

"Excellent." Blitz Surge smirked. "You and the other Lancers are relieved of duties for the day."

Castalot Castle, the next day
It had been a good while since the last time the princesses had been called together. The last time they had to gather, it was when Tirek had broken loose from Tartarus and was stealing magic from all over the kingdom. But since Tirek had been destroyed, he was now a permanent resident of Tartarus and was no longer a threat. So what reason could there be for all of them to be assembled?

"This doesn't make any sense." Twilight shook her head. "Moon, Discord and Sombra are reformed. Chrysalis is probably plotting something, but incursions from the changelings still loyal to her are pretty much nonexistent because we could easily wipe the floor with her forces. And last time I checked, Tirek was dead. So just what's so important that all of us need to be gathered here?"

"You have good questions Twilight." Celestia noted. "But what's most puzzling is who called for us to meet."

"It was Blitz Surge." Luna sighed. "While I may have stripped him of his title as my champion, he is still in charge of a protection unit for the kingdom. And so, if he believes a threat is credible, I should at the very least hear him out to determine its legitimacy."

"Well whatever he wants to waste our time on, it's clear he wants everyone to know about it." Nightmare Moon added as she noticed the broadcast equipment in the room. "Then again, I wouldn't pass up a chance to make a fool of the jerk in front of the whole kingdom."

"Honestly, I don't even want to be in the same room as that creep." Cadence frowned. "He threatened to harm Flurry Heart! That's not something I'm ever going to forgive him for, or let go of!"

"Calm yourself, Cadence." Celestia advised in a serene tone of voice. Her eyes locked on Blitz Surge approaching them. "You'll get to make your declaration to his face soon."

"I'm pleased that you all decided to answer my summons." Blitz Surge answered as he looked at each of the princesses, his gaze zeroing in on Luna. "Especially you, dear Luna."

"Spare us the pleasantries." Luna snapped. "Tell us, just what matter is so dire that requires the presence of all of us and broadcasting to the entire nation?"

"It's quite simple." Blitz Surge answered with a cold tone. "I've come to address the fact that you're all failures."

"Excuse me?" Celestia asked in disbelief!

"What are you talking about?!" Twilight snapped! "Me and my friends have defended this kingdom time and time again, and each time we've won!"

"Despite your victories, you have all still failed." Blitz Surge countered as he glared at each of the princesses! "Celestia. You were ignorant of your sister's feelings and neglected her. That neglect and time in your shadow fed Luna's jealousy, creating Nightmare Moon. You had to imprison your own sister on the moon for a millennium. How can you be fit to protect and rule this kingdom if you couldn't even save your own sister? And you, Luna, are just as guilty as your sister. You were pathetic and weak to give in to your darker desires. All these years, and you still acted like a child. Perhaps it's no wonder that Celestia was the one everyone flocked to. Cadence, you're pathetically soft. Your husband was manipulated by a vile witch that had wormed her way past our defenses and impersonated you. How could you allow yourself to be so easily incapacitated? What's more disgraceful is that you merely repulsed Queen Chrysalis instead of exterminating her like the parasite she is. As for Nightmare Moon, the very fact you even walk among us is disgusting. You've caused so much pain with your very existence. You don't deserve any love or acceptance! You are a monster with no hope of redemption! And the best for last, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia's 'perfect' student. Yet you're so quick to give in to your impulses and a need to be right. I know of how your blunder during Discord's return nearly cost Steel Edge his life. All because you assumed that you knew what Discord's riddle meant on the first, most obvious guess. And then there was when you discovered Queen Chrysalis in disguise. You rushed in without any proof but what you saw with your eyes. How foolish. Was it any mystery as to why everyone thought you were crazy?"

"I've heard enough of this!" Celestia shouted as she flared out her wings! "None of us are perfect, we never claimed to be! Everyone stumbles, but what matters is that they learn from their mistakes! All of us have failed, yes, but we have learned and become stronger! Your blatant disrespect for us cements that you unfitting of your position! By my authority, the Lancers are disbanded!"

"Oh no, I'm afraid it's all of you who are to be dethroned!" Blitz unsheathed his katana! The rainbow glow of the power of harmony surrounding the blade! "Harmony's Bind!" Blitz stabbed his katana into the floor, and a wave of harmony surged through the entire room! Trapping the princesses in auras that bound them in place! "There's no need to be concerned. In time, I'll allow you to move, but you shall remain forever confined within this castle's walls. I refuse to have failures like you continue such a disgraceful rule and freely roam this land!"

"People of Unity!" Blitz announced as the entire kingdom looked on in shock at the events that had transpired mere moments ago! "Rejoice! For now, instead of the failures of princesses, a Son of Aether now reigns as the rule of Unity! Let the Era of Justice begin! Execute Liberation Protocol!"

Blitz snapped his fingers, and an army of robotic soldiers resembling knights marched forth onto the city from Lancer Headquarters! The Royal Guard immediately took up arms as soon as they'd seen the princesses get overthrown, and charged forth to meet their enemy! Unfortunately, the robotic knights soon unleashed a volley of blasts from their firearms! Thankfully, their weapons were set to stun as any guards hit fell unconscious.

"Do not fear." Blitz said to the princesses. "I don't wish to have blood on my hands from my takeover. Or rather, my liberation of Unity from your incapable hands."

"You won't get away with this." Twilight growled. "You really think that the people will follow someone like you? They saw you usurp us on live television! They've seen your forces attack the guards! If they gather up the courage to resist you, and my friends rally them, you don't stand a chance!"

"That's of no concern to me." Blitz smirked. "My standard troops, the Blades, are programmed to capture and detain any who raise a hand against them. As for your friends, I have a very particular message for a group of them. But before that," Blitz dialed up Hax on his phone. "Hax. Initiate Vigilance Protocol."

Within minutes, a swarm of drones departed from Lancer HQ! The people of the city cowered as the sky seemed to be blotted out by the drones! Before long, all of Castalot was occupied by the robotic army of the Lancers! Minutes later, Blitz once again addressed the public! At the same time, the Elements of Heroism had summoned their Duelist Arms! Each of them ready to raise their weapons against Blitz Surge! However, out of all of them, Burst Stream was the most enraged at the scene unfolding! Wasting no time, he donned his new coat given to him by Celestia and equipped his Duelist Arms! Spreading his dragon wings, Burst flew in front of the gigantic screen that broadcast Blitz to the entire city!

"Citizens of Unity." Blitz Surge began. "You have just been introduced to two of the new units that comprise our armed forces. The Blades, who you've seen engaging the Royal Guards, shall serve as the new standard unit. The drones that patrol our skies are the Scouts. They shall keep a watchful eye over all of our great kingdom. There will be more units that join our forces shortly. But until then, you can all rest knowing that your safety and security are ensured by my command!"

"Like hell anyone's going to feel safe like this. . . " Burst growled to himself as he glared at Blitz. His expression softening as he noticed the captured princesses behind Blitz. "Don't worry. Me and the guys are coming for all of you soon."

"However," Blitz Surge continued. "There is one more threat that lurks among us. One that has been allowed to roam free for too long! The Elements of Heroism!" Hearing this declaration rocked the Elements of Heroism to their core! "Ever since they formed, our kingdom has been attacked by threat after threat! The Nightmare Forces! The Changelings! The Chaos Kin! Paradox Truth! All of them only made themselves known after the Elements of Heroism came together! But one member in particular, is the greatest threat of all! Burst Stream! He was the first Element of Heroism to awaken, and the one responsible for gathering and uniting the others! So long as he walks free, we remain at risk! Hear this, Burst Stream! If you flee the kingdom, you will be declared a fugitive! If you and your team resist or raise your weapons against us, you will be declared enemies! And all enemies will be eliminated!"

Burst was about to scream his defiance, but was cut short as he dodged a hail of blaster fire from Blades and Scouts! Not wanting to cause collateral damage or risk getting captured, Burst made a desperate flight out of the city! But as he made his escape, Burst noticed an energy shield start to erect over the city! Pouring on as much speed as possible, Burst Stream narrowly escaped Castalot before the shield was fully raised! However, the Scouts pursuing him were relentless in their pursuit! Fortunately, a few well-placed blaster shots sent the drones to the scrap heap!

'Dammit!' Burst thought to himself! 'First he captures our rulers, then he neutralizes our army, and now he's got the city on lockdown! Even if I went all out, I don't know any spells or techniques that can bust down barriers or breakthrough shields! And the worst part is. . . ' Burst looked back sadly towards Castalot. 'My home's been taken from me, and I couldn't do a thing about it. There's nothing I hate more than feeling powerless!'

"Inferno! Ty! Ice, Steel, anyone?!" Burst called out over his communicator! "Nightfall? Does anyone read me?!"

"Burst!" Inferno's voice came from over the line! "You saw what happened, right?!"

"Yeah. I was at ground zero." Burst nodded grimly. "A barrier just got put up around Castalot, and now we've been declared public enemies by Blitz Surge!"

"That's not the worst of it." Steel added as he joined the communication. "I got word from Akage that a platoon of Blades and Scouts are being shipped out from Castalot to Unityville. And from the broadcast, more are being shipped out to Dodge Junction and Manehattan and a new unit is being developed to be deployed in Cloudsdale! Blitz isn't just stopping at Castalot! He's extending his takeover to every branch of the kingdom!"

"By my estimates, it won't be long before the deployment to Unity arrives." Akage said as his hand hovered over his Duelist Arms' main weapon. "The only question is: what do we do when they get here?"

"We could take them no problem." Tyrannus stated, but he frowned. "But if they're being sent right into town. . . "

"Dammit!" Dark Ice growled! "Blitz can essentially use Unityville as gigantic shield! If we fight, we could risk innocent people getting hurt or being used as hostages!"

"And if we leave, we'll be on the run." Arctic Ace mentioned as his eyes narrowed in concentration. "No matter how I look at it, either outcome is a disadvantage."

"That bastard. . . he set up this board from the start!" Fang growled!

"I had my suspicions before, but this confirms it." Burst said in a grave tone. "I did some questioning with Princess Luna after I got ambushed in the forest that one evening. She said that the only other person who knew about my little quest was her champion. Blitz Surge. His style of fighting matches my attacker perfectly, and he sounded almost exactly the same."

"Guys, we're running out of time!" Nightfall cautioned as he began packing up any possessions and essentials he could carry alongside Spike! "Hax's new bots will be here any minute! We need to make a choice now!"

"It's all on you, Burst." Inferno said solemnly. Rarity was at his side with a worried look on her face. "What's our move."

". . . " Burst Stream was silent as he weighed the options. He knew that if all of them combined their forces, they could tear through the Lancers' forces with relative ease. However, is they did fight in such a manner, it was inevitable that civilians would be put caught in the crossfire. Even if it meant they could easily turn the tide, it wouldn't be worth risking innocent people's lives. With anguish evident in his voice, Burst gave a command that made his stomach twist. "Everyone pack what you can, and get out of town. We're leaving, and we're leaving alone. To any of you who have someone special. . . say goodbye while you can. We'll meet up in the Everfree Forest. Guys. . . I'm sorry."

"Roger that." Inferno said sadly as he switched off his communicator before kissing Rarity goodbye. "Looks like our big day's going to be a bit farther off. Sorry."

"I'll be waiting for you, darling." Rarity said as she locked hands with her fiance. Here gaze overflowing with sadness. "Farewell for now."

The other Elements of Heroism exchanged their own goodbyes, and left as soon as they could towards the Everfree Forest. It wasn't long before the Scouts and Blades touched down in Unityville and began to assert the Lancers' control over the town. The Scouts just barely catching glimpses of the Elements of Heroism making a break for it. Blitz was reviewing the footage taken by the Scouts back at Castalot Castle with a satisfied grin on his face.

"So what are your orders, leader?" Nova Flare asked as she bowed. "You now have the throne, and your enemies have fled. What would you have us do?"

"Consider yourselves promoted." Blitz Surge replied with a chuckle. "I'm going to need commanders who can maintain order in their territories. You will all be given your command post locations soon enough."

"Hey, Blitz. The 'heroes' are on the run now." Lance said with a savage grin. "How about we bring them to a dead end?"

"No." Blitz shook his head. "We needn't waste resources pursuing Burst Stream and his friends. I have a feeling they'll come to us soon." He smirked at Celestia and Nightmare Moon before addressing all the princesses. "The power of harmony is one that even the gods themselves cannot hope to match. It's a power not even my father Aether could obtain."

"And it's a power you're misusing." Twilight snapped in defiance! "Maybe me and the girls can't use the Rainbow Power, but you've just made a very dangerous enemy! Besides, you have to release Celestia and Luna so that the sun and moon can be moved!"

"Your last point holds some truth." Blitz Surge snorted. "But who is this enemy you speak of? Burst Stream and his pathetic band of pretend heroes? I have taken their home. Separated them their loved ones. It's only a matter of time before they cave-in and surrender themselves due to separation anxiety. I know how they think. Especially my brother. Do you honestly think he'd raise his arms against me now?"

"Don't make me laugh." Nightmare Moon smirked. "For as much as you claim to know Burst Stream, you have no idea what he'll do."

"What?" Blitz Surge chuckled. "For you? A disgusting fallen goddess and princess?"

"Not for me." Moon spat defiantly. "For everyone."

"You honestly believe that a fool like him can stand against me?" Blitz scoffed. "Let me assure you, that's a possibility that only exists in your dreams. Enjoy them, for they'll be the only domain where my brother ever triumphs against me."

"It's funny." Celestia chuckled. "Shining Dawn thought Burst Stream was defeated when he forced me to break up with him. Twilight was right when she said you made a dangerous enemy, Blitz Surge. No matter how grand or thought out your plans are, Burst WILL bring them all crashing down. You've just provoked a dragon. And we couldn't save you from his anger even if we wanted to."

"I've had enough chatter with your failures." Blitz grumbled as his sword glowed with the power of Harmony. "I'll restore your ability to move within these walls, but your power save for raising the sun and moon will be kept sealed. Remove them from my sight, but leave Luna with me for a moment longer."

The Lancers complied, and escorted the now dethroned princess with the exception of Luna to their quarters. The pair now locking eyes as a smile spread across Blitz's face.

"You say that you didn't give me a Hearth's Warming present." Blitz began as he strode up to Luna. "But in truth, you gave me the greatest gift imaginable. The means to not only carry out my plans, but improve upon them. Your search for a champion provided me with an opportunity I couldn't afford to pass up."

"What are you saying?!" Luna snapped as she glared at Blitz!

"Are you familiar with the name Shining Dawn?" Blitz asked. A frown on his face as he recalled the memory of his "siblings." "He, Burst Stream and I are all sons of Aether, Unity's greatest hero. Shining Dawn and I were aware of each other since our teenage years, and we both decided there was only room for one of us. But then, HE came along and ruined the grand destiny that awaited me! Burst was an anomaly, a third son of Aether who was completely unaware of either of us! Shining Dawn was so worried his claim to godhood and power would be disrupted, so he had me try and dispatch Burst so that our clash could occur unimpeded. However, you know how well that went."

"I'm pleased to see you both failed." Luna spat as she narrowed her eyes. "So just what do I have to do with this? You merely dropped in on the contest to decide my champion on a whim."

"Oh, dear Luna. How very wrong you are." Blitz smirked as he began to circle Luna. "I was aiming for you since the very instant you returned from your lunar exile. I knew you were emotionally vulnerable, and sought forgiveness and atonement for your past mistakes. And when Nightmare Moon soon made her own return, that guilt was compounded tenfold. You also wanted what Celestia had. A champion who doubled as your lover."

"No. . . " Luna said as her eyes shrank to pinpricks. "From the very beginning. . . "

"I had planned to take the title of being your champion in order to elevate myself. From there, I would find a way to eliminate the anomaly of Burst Stream. But then I realized, he had numbers on his side. So, I made use of my best available resource." Blitz stopped when he was in front of Luna, and leaned in. "And then, as luck would have it, the disgraceful false son seemingly got himself killed. All his friends were in a period of grieving, I thought it would be easy enough to gain command of the Elements of Heroism and claim my rightful place. Unfortunately, my mere relation to that defect was not enough for them to accept me. Once again, I had to alter my plans. But it was for the best, I suppose. It granted me quite the boon in the form of Harmony's power. With that kind of power, I would need merely a few bodies to throw so I could keep the Elements of Heroism busy."

"And guess who approved all of those requests?" Luna was completely silent as Blitz Surge leaned into her ear. "That's right Luna. You made this all possible. I owe how far I've come all to you. And would love nothing more than to have you at my side. A hero needs his princess after a-"

"NEVER!" Luna screamed as she slapped Blitz away from her! "I will NEVER stand by you!"

". . . Then you will spend your life under me." Blitz frowned. "Move her so that she may lower the sun and raise the moon. After that, confine her to her quarters." Blitz turned to the view of Castalot as Luna was escorted away by the returning Lancers. He grinned as he saw Blades and Scouts patrolling the city streets as the sun slowly fell over the horizon. A starless night sky taking hold of the heavens. "And so, the sun sets on the beginning of justice's reign."

While Blitz reveled in his successful coup, Luna wept uncontrollably at her window. A single sentence encapsulating her grief, sorrow, regret, and feelings of betrayal as tears fell unimpeded from her eyes.

"This is all my fault. . . "