• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 759 Views, 56 Comments

Movie Magic: the EM2 cut - The Blue EM2

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Locked In

Suddenly, a nervous production assistant appeared, with blue hair and pink skin as well as a blue shirt and khaki slacks. "T- there you are!" he exclaimed. "W- where are your costumes? We've got to hurry! I- I- I'm gonna be so fired if you aren't ready! The director wants to shoot in three minutes!" And he bundled the girls off before any of them could protest.

Minutes later, the girls were shoved onto the set, wearing a collection of odd costumes. Each wore a jumpsuit of a varying colour, with boots and heels to match. Twilight was in purple, combined with a face mask. Rarity was in dark blue. Applejack was dressed in red (with a face mask to boot), Rainbow Dash in black with lightning bolt patterns, Pinkie Pie in, well, you guessed it, pink, and Fluttershy in green and purple. Sunset had the strangest outfit on, which consisted of a purple bodysuit with black accents and gold stripes, as well as a hideous green wig. "Er," Applejack called, having no idea what was going on, "Ah think there's been some kind of mistake."

The director's attention was caught, and he suddenly looked a lot more closely; he was an older man with pale skin and orange hair, combined with an equally impressive orange beard and moustache. He wore the typical clothing complement of a pale blue T-shirt, a dark green jacket, blue jeans, and brown boots. "Wait, wait," he asked, looking at the careless production assistant in confusion. "Who are these girls?"

"They're the Power Ponies!" the production assistant replied.

The director facepalmed. "These aren't our actresses, you dummy!" he snapped. "I've never seen these girls before in my life! How did our costumes fit them perfectly, anyway?"

There was a moment of silence. "I'm fired, aren't I?"

The director nodded. "So fired," he said through gritted teeth. "Expect to receive your 90 day notice tonight."

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity. "Isn't this the Power Rangers knockoff?" she asked.

"I heard that!" shouted the director.

Suddenly, the mysterious figure, who seemed to have difficulty hiding when crossing through edges of sets, appeared at- you guessed it- the edge of the set. "Hey! There they are!" Applejack called. The girls ran over to the gap in the set- only to all get wedged in with one another.

Running after the figure in black proved to be hard work in those costumes (spandex does rather limit your movements), and the mysterious figure had a mysterious knowledge of the mysteries of the corridors. They raced well ahead of the girls, who could barely keep up as they were led from set to set. They sped through New York's Grand Central Station. They roared through the King's Chamber from The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers. They even ran through the set of Cars 2, Tokyo section, which was somewhat odd as that was an animated film. Pinkie even managed to set off a car alarm on one of the cars, which was even more confusing!

Then, for no reason at all, they found themselves running through a space corridor which bore more than a passing resemblance to the Umbillical in Aliens: Colonial Marines. "That... was.... a... terrible... game!" Sunset wheezed, by now very out of breath from the amount she was sweating and the distance she had run. You could say she had the Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner! OK, I'll stop now.

They then crashed through the doors of another soundstage (which for some reason were not only left unlocked, but opened inwards, thereby breaching safety rules), and surveyed the scene before them. Set before them were a set of buildings covered in what looked like mud.

"Uh, what's this place supposed to be?" Applejack asked.

"And slightly more importantly, where did they go?" Rainbow Dash asked as well.

Twilight paced about the room, glancing to the roof occasionally. "They must be around here somewhere. Wherever here is."

Pinkie had a moment of realisation. "Are you kidding?! This is the set of Stormy with a Side of Pudding!"

"Stormy with a side of what, now?" Applejack asked. "Ah'm pretty certain that Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was an animated film or somethin'."

"No, Stormy with a Side of Pudding!" Pinkie repeated, walking over to one of the buildings. It's only my all-time favorite movie! I've tried to get you all to watch it, like, a kazillion-billion times!" She walked over to one of the structures on set and wiped her finger on it. "I've heard they use real pudding!" she added, before licking it. "Oh, they do!"

Rarity facepalmed. "Darling, that is simply disgusting."

"Ugh!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in frustration. "We're running out of time! We're supposed to be hunting down the missing relics and catching the bad guy, not eating pudding!"

"Why are we all talking like Scooby Doo characters?" Fluttershy asked.

"We're trying, Rainbow Dash," Twilight replied. "Maybe we should make our way back to the Daring Do set. There might have been some clues we missed."

Suddenly, a net flew through the air, coming from nowhere, and trapping the girls underneath it! All the girls except Rainbow Dash, that is. "Don't worry! I've got this!" she cried, and sped off.

Sunset shook her head. "The last time we heard that," she sighed, "things went really badly. Speaking of which, how's Timber, Twi?"

Rainbow Dash skidded to a stop in an atrium. "I saw you come in here. Where are you?" She jumped as the figure suddenly flew past her and into a nearby storage room. When she stepped inside, nobody else was around. Every sound and every shadow was spooky. Sparks showered from a malfunctioning air conditioning unit overhead. Rainbow Dash was beginning to feel very scared. This reminded her of an episode of Thomas and Friends that had given her nightmares when she was four. "Alright, where are you?" she demanded. "Who's there?"

She walked towards an old storage locker, and then came face to face with an old prop. Jumping back in fright, she soon realised her error, and laughed it off. She stepped out to the old storage locker, and suddenly saw something she recognised from the Daring Do books.

"Hey!" she asked. "This is just like the outfit Daring Do wears in the nightclub scene. What's it doing in here?"

Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind her, and a loud clunk confirmed a key had been turned in the tumbler mechanism, locking the door completely. "Hey!" she shouted. "Hello? Anybody out there?" She paused. "No problem! I'll just call my friends and let them know-" she paused, and groaned. "Except I can't because security took all our phones when we got here." She began to hammer on the door, and in doing so set off an old prop- of all things, a steam whistle. "HELP!" she cried, competing for sheer volume with the whistle. "I'm trapped in here!"

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others had successfully extricated themselves from the net. "We have to find Rainbow Dash." Applejack said grimly. "Ah always thought she was too impulsive."

"Says the girl who assumed Apple Bloom was behind Anon-a-Miss based on NO EVIDENCE," Sunset reminded her.

"Besides," Rarity interrupted, "I don't see how we can find Rainbow Dash. She moves so fast, she could be anywhere on the lot by now. Why she felt it necessary to wear the geode that gives her super speed to a movie set, I'll never know."

"I wish I'd brought mine," Sunset sighed. "One touch and I'd be able to see Juniper's memories and get to the bottom of this whole thing."

"Are you absolutely certain that doesn't breach the 4th Amendment?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie had been oddly quiet up to this point, but suddenly spoke, causing everybody to jump. "I know how to find Rainbow Dash! Follow the pudding! See?" Running away from them was a long, thick, sticky trail of chocolate desert, which started at a bucket that Rainbow Dash had knocked over.

"Follow me!" Spike called, and set off.

"You're a genius, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight called.

Pinkie shrugged, and picked up the bucket. "I know! Eh, for the road!"

"Come on, this way!" Sunset called.

A few moments later, Spike had finished sniffing, which meant only one thing, a state of affairs that Pinkie voiced seconds later. "There's no more pudding. Which means she must be here somewhere."

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Twilight called.

"Rainbow Dash? Where are ya?" Applejack called. Just then the sound of a steam whistle stopped abruptly, and a muffled voice could be heard.

"Help! Somebody! I'm trapped in here!"

"Hello?" Fluttershy asked. "Rainbow Dash? Are you in there?" She went right up to the door, and pressed her ear against it.

"Yes! Help! I'm locked in!"

"It's okay, Dashie. We're here," Fluttershy reassured her.

"I'll go find somebody with a key," Sunset added. When who should suddenly arrive on the scene, but-

"Did somebody say they needed a key?"

The girls all looked over in surprise. "Juniper Montage?" they asked.

"What are you doing here?" Rarity asked.

"I was dropping off some scripts for one of the other directors on set when I heard a commotion here, and that steam whistle we used in the filming of Old Iron." Juniper walked over to the door, pushed a key into it, and rotated it in the lock. The tumbler clunked back, and Rainbow Dash flew through the door and into her.

"Boy, am I happy to see you!" she cried, having no idea who she was talking to. "How did you find me? I gave up banging on the door five minutes ago."

"Pudding never lies." Pinkie grinned, and licked some off her finger.

"Eww," Rainbow Dash replied. "Pinkie, that's disgusting." She held out the costume she had found inside, and Sunset looked in astonishment.

"Hey, is that the costume that went missing when we first got here?"

"Yep," Dash answered. "But I didn't see the person who locked me in, and there's still no sign of the relics. We're at a dead end."

"Huh. Ah say we head back to the scene of the crime." Applejack paused for a moment. "Maybe there's somethin' there that could lead us to the relics."

Juniper put a hand to her chin. "The box with the relics in was locked with a key. And from what I remember, only two people here have every single key. I'm one of them, but I'm not too sure who the other is."

"Well, I think we can rule you out," Twilight replied. "But we can still let the culprit lead us to the stolen props. We need to set a trap. And for that, we need Canter's help."

Author's Note:

This was the main issue I had with this special; it was so predictable. The moment Juniper was introduced, it was obvious she was the one causing all the mayhem on set. And her motives were only slightly less stupid than the CMC in the holiday special.

Who do you think the thief is? Find out tomorrow!