• Published 13th Aug 2019
  • 377 Views, 8 Comments

An even Maud-er couple - Nightspawn

The Story of an amnesiac King Sombra, and his Marefriend, Maud Pie.

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Prisoner 24601

Once upon a time, There was a chapter called Sedimentary Sentiments, and it was very successful, and Like anything successful, the faceless Corporations decided to make a part two, but despite all its weirdness, this is a Family Film, and like every good family film, It starts out with a Grizzly Murder; Lion King, Bambi, Saw VII, Nemo, (Really anything from Disney), and by now you've realized I'm just copying the intro to Deadpool 2...

So, after Crystal Step's Trial, and Love Confession; He got Fired from his job at the Sombrero King, (They wanted to open a shop in the Crystal Empire, and after it was revealed one of their employees was, LITERALLY SOMBRA, the well-meaning yet overreacting, Society of Judgement with Well-Intentions (SJWs), from The Union of Meaning-well, But Leading to Ruin (TUMBLR), wouldn't stand for it, so the pressure forced them to fire him). He was getting with the times as well, he updated his vinyl collection (to cassette) and even got A cell Phone. Now he was working on planning his Wedding.

At the Moment He was Snuggled up with his Bride-to-be, as FETLOCK played on the TV, His mind was elsewhere, however... it was in MARIS, 1833

The Stench of sewers, combined with the scorcher of the Marisian summer, filled the air with Noxious odor, The rats squealing out warnings to the Stallion who dared to intrude on their Subterranean Kingdom, however, Crystal Step, wasn't running to get out of the sewers, it was to escape the stallion who had pursued him since his redemption, Inspector Armor. Inspector Armor was following him in hot pursuit, Step wished he didn't have to run, but in this case, if he let Armor catch Him, he'd be put to death, Nor could he Keep hiding in the sewers, The rivers of sludge had been rising drastically, it was now a wave of sludge.

Inspector Armor had chased the escaped convict all through Prance, and now, he had him, He would catch Prisoner 24601, (That was all he was in Armor's mind, he lost all rights to a name, when he escaped from his second prison sentence)
He had evaded him time and time again, but not today, he wouldn't fail, he couldn't fail...for Cadence's sake he couldn't fail... Unfortunately Inspector Armor was lost in his monologue, and he didn't notice the rock in his path (Somewhere Across the vast Multiverse, a Ylissian Knight coughed), he knew this was the end, he couldn't get up, his forehoof was sprained, The waters were getting closer and closer, he closed his eyes and he could feel somepony lifting him up to his back, this was it, he had died, but when he opened his eyes to see his angelic Valkyrie, he was instead greeted by the sight of him...Prisoner 24601

After carrying Inspector Armor out of the Sewers, to the doorstep of a doctor, knocking on the door, and then dashing to an alley, Crystal Step nearly fell over from exhaustion.

Out of nowhere a orange glowing Portal cut through the empty air, as a navy blue Alicorn stepped out. It wasn't Princess Luna, he knew this for two reasons, not-Luna was a Stallion, and he had a Brown Mane that Followed normal Physics. Not-Luna was wearing a pair of Purple Glasses, Blue Robes that were only Slightly darker than his coat, and a red cape that made Crystal Step Respect him as a Cape-Friend, around his neck was a strange looking necklace.

"What.. but Who..Where's Princess Luna?" Crystal Step stammered out.

"Well, I'm Doodle-Doo Faust Everfree...as for Why I'm here instead of Mom, well she decided I was going to be taking on the whole dream thing, because it has to be a blood relative. Well That and She's probably mad I used Her Credit Card at HumanCon in Baltimare, which In my defense, She said I could use, if I paid Her Back, and I didn't realize I was paying for that Movie, I thought it was Just a Preview... Of course I can't actually use magic, so that's why I got the Necklace... and I decided, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it my way...Care For Tea? I've Got Darjeeling, Rosehip, Orange Pekoe, and Assam..." he babbled quickly, though not at Pinkie Speed.

Crystal Step stared at him, eyebrow slightly raised. Ever the Gentle-colt though, he quickly regained his composure,
"No, thank you, good sir, but please why are you in such a rush?" he asked politely.

"Sorry, It's Examination Week in Cloudsdale, and as CEO of Alicorn Standard Weather, and new owner of the Rainbow Factory after the..um incident...I feel That it's my personal duty to deal with those nightmare's especially... Even though we are now going for a completely different image, and we have a new safer method.. I mean who could guess this whole time we could use Crayons, ... Its my duty and our new motto to make sure that 'Rainbows Will Make You Smile'... Man I gotta thank Lightning, down in Marketing for coming up with that... Anyway, Look Just Talk to Auntie Glim-Glam, you know, Maud's Friend Starlight, She's a lot better at this whole Guidance Counselor thing, and the whole Past Sins thing... In fact, I'm Pretty Sure I heard some famous author Pen something or other, is writing a Biography about her called just that, Past Sins... See Ya"

And Just as suddenly, and Strangely as he arrived, Doodle-Doo left...and Crystal Step was Left also...

Left Extremely Confused