• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 475 Views, 9 Comments

Frontlines - MlpHero

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Chapter 6: New Recruits and Transfers

Spearhead laid in his tent. It had a few weeks since the Hearth’s Moon Truce and some of the griffons joined their side. No doubt the news spread to the Eiserne Krone. He rolled out of bed and grabbed his rifle and walked towards the bonfire they’d lit. He sat on the logs and started cleaning his rifle. Shining walked over to him. “Hey Corporal.”

“Hey Captain, what do you need?”

Shining sat next to him, “today, we got some new soldiers moving in.”

Spearhead nodded, “what do you need me to do?”

“Well, today we’re attacking an airfield,” Shining said pulling out a map. He showed the map to Spearhead. “This is their final test.”

“Alright Captain.”

“Good, get ready. The recruiters will be here any minute. Get your rifle cleaned and your bayonet sharpened.”

“Hooah Captain.” Shining gave a salute and walked off. Spearhead looked at his journal “Hooah.”

January 4th
Corporal Spearhead
13th Equestrian Battalion

It has been a week or so since the Hearth’s Moon Truce, at least that’s what everybody’s calling it. I’m still kinda mad at Zeus, one of the griffons I met during the truce, for running away with the enemy griffons. As for new news, today we’re attacking an airfield with the help of some new recruits and some transferred Officers. Me and Winter are scouting ahead, then after we regroup with the others, then we attack.

Spearhead and Winter crawled through the grass and shrubbery. Winter held a suppressed pistol while Spearhead held a suppressed revolver. “What’s the plan?” Spearhead asked.

“Simple. We take out defenses, then we radio the others and destroy ammunition storages, and finally, communications.” The sniper looked at the pony. “Here, take this.” He handed Spearhead a small marksman scope. “Put it on your rifle.”

Spearhead nodded and put the scope on his rifle. The two crawled towards the base, which consisted of a giant building and a radio tower. Winter pulled out his binoculars and scouted the area. “Sniper on the tower.” He pulled out his iron sighted Kar98k. With one trigger pull, the sniper fell down dead. All attention turned to them. “Take’em out.”

Spearhead nodded and peered through his scope. He saw a couple of griffons hiding behind boxes. He took shots at them. He killed one with a headshot. He killed the other with two shots, one to his exposed leg and one to the chest.

Winter on the other hand was dropping griffons like he was shooting targets at Basic. Spearhead was impressed by the griffons skills. Spearhead continued firing at his opponents. One of the griffons tried to hit him. He ducked past the bullet and took a couple potshots at his assailant. Ping! “Cover me.”

“Gotcha covered.” Winter continued firing his rifle at enemy griffons. Spearhead another clip into his rifle. He looked through the scope. Then he saw a canon.

“Flak Cannon!”

“I see it.” Winter didn’t even seem phased by the threat. He took aim, then said, “the key is to aim at the ammo caches.” With one trigger pull, the cannon exploded in a fireball.

“Damn Winter.”

“I know.” He got up and whipped an MP-40 over his shoulder, “come on, let’s get down there.”


The two soldiers slid down the slope and landed on the ground. They charged at the base. Spearhead took off his saddlebags and pulled out the radio. “Sharpened Dagger, Sharpened Dagger, this is Pine Bark 4 6, you can move in when your ready.”

“Copy that Pine Bark, we’re moving in. Sharpened Dagger out.”

Winter loaded a new clip into his SMG. Spearhead raised his rifle and fired at his assailants. Ping! “Cover me.”

“Already on it.” Winter fired his SMG. Spearhead loaded another ammo clip into his rifle.

Click! “Cover me,” Winter said.

“Gotcha.” Spearhead started firing again. Winter loaded a clip, then raised up and fired. “Just gotta hold’em a little longer.”


The two held their guard for about five minutes. Then, “Pine Bark, Pink Bark, this is the Cloudsdale Air Force. We were sent by Captain Armor.”

Spearhead picked up the radio. “Weren’t expecting you. What happened to Captain Armor?”

“It’ll take some for him to get there, ETA, fifteen minutes. We’ll help you for now.”

“Alright, Corporal Spearhead at your service.”

“Lieutenant Soarin, great to meet you.”

“Alright, let’s talk more when you land. Also keep in mind I have a resistance griffon on the ground with me.”

“Alright, we’re gonna airstike’em first, then we will wait for Captain Armor.”

“Yes sir, over and out.”

A few seconds later, an airstrike came in. Then ponies dressed in blue landed next to the two ground soldiers. Two pegasi landed next to the NEA and resistance soldiers. One of them, a light blue pegasus, took off his goggles. “I’m Lieutenant Soarin. You must be Spearhead.”

“Loud and clear.” He turned to Winter, “this is Corporal Winter.”

“Glad to be here,” Winter said aiming his rifle at the base. “Nothing left of the defense.”

“I think we can see that,” the other pegasus said.

“Calm down Thunderlane,” Soarin said. He turned back to the NEA soldiers, “Sorry about Sarge here, he’s kinda a nuisance.”

“You can thay that again!” somepony from the back yelled.

“Shut up Fleetfoot!” Thunderlane yelled back.

“Those names…” Spearhead looked down, trying to remember where he’d heard those names, “you’re the Wonderbolts!”

“Got that right kid,” Thunderlane said.

“Cut it out Sarge.”

Spearhead looked at them, “we waiting on somepony?”

“Yeah, we’re waiting Captain Spitfire. She’s doing reconnaissance around the base.”


A couple of bushes started rustling. A grey unicorn stepped out, followed Shining and the other soldiers, and the new recruits and transfers.

“Captain,” Spearhead said.

“Corporal,” he turned to Soarin, “Captain Soarin, Sergeant Thunderlane.” Shining looked around, “where’s Spitfire?”

“Right here,” somepony said. A yellow pegasus mare landed in front of Shining. “Sorry ‘bout the wait, I was just doin’ some recon around the base.” She lifted her goggles up.

“Well what’s it like?” Halberd asked.

“No one around the base, so their probably all holed up inside.”

“Alright,” Shining turned to the brown unicorn, “Lever, I need you to take a small platoon and go to the rear of the base. That way you’ll be flanking them.”

“Yes sir,” Lever said. He picked a small group of soldiers, Spearhead and Boltaction included. They started their walk to the back of the base.

Spearhead looked over to Boltaction, “hey Bolt, who’s Lever?”

“He’s our new Sergeant…

and my big brother.”

Spearhead looked at him, “really?”


“That’s great. Maybe he’ll go easy on us.”


The group approached the base. They moved around to the rear entrance, where cargo was supposed to be moved to. Lever looked over to a green earth pony, “Sandbar, I need you, Table Turner, Spearhead, Boltaction, Smolder, and Spike to move into the ammunition storage, rest of us are gonna help Captain Armor with communications.”

“Yes sir,” Sandbar replied.

“Spearhead, Boltaction, you two have had the most combat experience, you two will lead.”

“Yes Sergeant,” Spearhead said, “come on guys, let’s move.”

The small platoon of six soldiers moved to the base. Spearhead looked at the soldiers, “suppressors on.” He looked at Smolder, “Smolder, you’re a heavy gunner, right?”


“Alright, you stay behind us in case things go loud,” he looked at her pistol, “and keep your silenced pistol out too.” He turned to Spike, “do you operate HMG’s too?”

“Nah, I’m normal infantry.”

“Alright, use your suppressed weapon.” Then he turned towards Table Turner. “What about you?”

“Same thing as Spike, normal infantry.”

“Alright,” he said. He looked at Sandbar, “here, take these,” he said handing Sandbar the charges.

The soldiers moved in through the storage room. Spearhead pointed to to griffons. Boltaction made quick work of them by putting two bullets into each of their skulls. They moved towards a hallway. Spearhead motioned for them to wait as a patrol walked past. He looked at Sandbar. “Put’em down.”

Sandbar moved up, then fired all seven shots from his pistol. The griffons fell down dead. He loaded a new clip into his gun. Spearhead moved up. “Good job, know let’s move, ammo deposit is this way.” He looked over to Sandbar, “I hope those charges are ready.” Sandbar nodded. The squad moved towards the deposit. They stopped at a door. Spearhead read the sign that was over it.


Nur autorisierte Soldaten!

“This has to be it.” Spearhead cracked the door a bit. Bingo. He motioned for everyone to move in. There laid a lot of guns and ammunition. Sandbar started planting the charges. He handed the detonator to Boltaction. Spearhead peeked out of the door. A griffon was headed towards them. “Hurry up.”

“We’re almost done, aaanndd done.” Sandbar rose up.

Spearhead flew the door open and shot the griffon dead. “Come on, so we can blow the charges.”

The squad left the room. When everyone was out, Spearhead looked over to Boltaction, “do it.”

Boltaction smiled, “with pleasure.”



An alarm started blaring. The soldiers looked up. Spearhead turned his attention to Smolder, “that MG ready?”

“Always.” She picked up her Bren LMG and waited for her targets to appear. Boltaction loaded his incendiary shells into his shotgun. Sandbar, Spike, and Table Turner lifted their guns. The door was broken down and the griffon's charged in. Smolder cut them all down with her Bren. “Nie masz szans!” she yelled.

“Achten Sie auf das Maschinengewehr!” one griffon yelled from behind cover.

Spearhead took a grenade and threw it. The griffons screamed in panic just before it exploded. The soldiers moved up to the hanger. There stood Shining and the rest of the platoon. They six soldiers moved towards their Captain. “Captain!”

“Spearhead, come on!”

The soldiers dove behind cover. Spearhead looked at Shining “what now?”

“The communications relay is this way, we gotta keep pushing.”

Spearhead rose up and fired his rifle. Five out of eight of his bullets found targets. Ping! He loaded clip into his rifle.

“MG42!” Table Turner yelled.

A hail of bullets rained down on them, cutting down a few soldiers. Spearhead and Sandbar raised up to fire.



The two ducked down, “we can’t hit it!” Sandbar yelled.

Smolder looked over the oil barrel she was behind. The bullets turned to her, “d*mnit!” she yells ducking down. She looked over to Shining. “Can’t get a clear shot!”

Winter looked over towards a couple boxes. “Spearhead.”


He pointed towards the boxes, “that’s a good flanking position.”

“But we can’t reach it.”

“I got this,” Gallus said, “Schlagen Sie mich nicht, ich kann ihn flankieren!”


“Alright go Winter.”

Winter took off and ran. The MG guard thankfully didn’t shoot at him. Winter dove behind the boxes. He unslung his rifle and looked through the iron sights. He looked at the MG guards nest. “Möge deine Seele Frieden finden.” Bang! It was a clean headshot. “We can move up now!”

The soldiers moved up the stairs where the MG guard had been. As they walked past Winters kill, Sandbar tried to take a peek. Winter grabbed him and said, “Einige Geheimnisse sollten nicht gefunden werden.” That dialect was enough to scare the young GI from the dead griffon.

The soldiers moved towards the communications room. The door was reinforced. Sandbar walked up and more charges on the door. “3 2 1.”


The soldiers charged in and blind fired their guns in every direction. Pings and clicks came from every direction. The smoke cleared and everyone looked around. Five griffons laid dead, others where on the ground begging for their lives. Halberd looked up, “why don’t we just kill’em now?”

“We need’em Sarge,” Shining said, “Spearhead, Boltaction, and Table Turner, you guys clear this place out, then meet us outside.”

“Yes sir!”



“Alright, come on guys.” The other soldiers left, leaving the three NEA ponies in the communications center.

“Well let’s get to work you mooks,” Spearhead said. They all moved towards cabinets and radios, looking for orders and classified intel. Spearhead opened a small cabinet with red Griffish writing on it. He opened the cabinet and found two papers.


Maybe. He slipped the files into his saddlebags. He looked over to the others, “anything else?”



“Alright, let’s move back.”

The three soldiers moved back to the others. While passing by the MG nest, Table Turner looked at the griffon Winter killed. A clean bullet through the eye. “It impressive when you know Winter uses iron sights,” Spearhead said. The soldiers walked out of the base. Shining looked over to them.

“Alright, a large griffon force is headed our way,” he said, “the princesses have ordered us to retrea—

Sccss, hello?! Anyone?!

Shining picked up the radio, “hello?”

Finally! Who is this?!

“Captain Armor of the 13th Equestrian Battalion.”

Captain Armor! I need help! This is Captain Emerald! Me and my squad are pinned down! We need backup!

“But we were ordered to retreat.”

Pleas— Scck!

Shining looked down, “we’re helping them.”

Halberd looked up, “but we were ordered to retreat, and we have prisoners.”

Shining took note of this, “alright, Halberd, you and Dice Roller will stay here and watch them.”

“Yes sir.”

“Of course.”

“Alright everyone else, let’s move.”

Spearhead looked up. He liked that Shining was willing to disobey orders to save a couple of soldiers. Then he looked towards some nearby trees. A black figure with light yellow eyes. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing stuff. The figure was still there. Then it started moving towards him. “You guys see that?”

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing at. “What are you looking Corporal?” Halberd asked.

“You seriously don’t see that?”

Everyone looked over to the direction, then back to him. They disagreed. Spearhead took his helmet off and hit himself in the head. He slipped his helmet on. He looked at the figure. It was still there, and it was approaching him now. He took off his helmet and threw it at the figure. Everyone flinched.

“Are you high?!” Boltaction yelled.

“No! I ain’t!” He drew his revolver, “don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot!”

Everyone flinched again. “Calm down Spearhead,” Shining said.

“I warned you!” He tried to pull the trigger, but couldn’t. “What the?” He couldn’t pull the trigger. He popped the cylinder out. The bullets were still in. “I should be ever to shoot.” He looked up. The figure grabbed him.

Ahh! Ahhhhh!—

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A stamina drained Spearhead opened his eyes. He looked down to a device on his mouth. He took the breathing mask off. He looked around the room. Shining was sitting next to him. “Spearhead! You’re awake!”

“‘Course I am Captain.”

“What happened Spear?”

He rubbed his head, “well Cap, last thing I remember was that figure grabbing me.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay Captain.”

Shining looked down, “please, don’t call me Captain.”



Author's Note:


Munitionsdepot= Ammo Depot (German)

Nur autorisierte Soldaten=
Authorized soldiers only (German)

Nie masz szans= You have no chance (Polish)

Achten Sie auf das Maschinengewehr= Watch out for the machine gun (German)

Schlagen Sie mich nicht, ich kann ihn flankieren= Don't hit me, I can flank him (German)

Jawohl= Yes sir (German)

Möge deine Seele Frieden finden= May your soul find peace (German)

Einige Geheimnisse sollten nicht gefunden werden= Some secrets shouldn't be found (German)

Eingestuft= Classified (German)