• Published 13th Aug 2019
  • 337 Views, 5 Comments

Diary of Candy Pie - Frosty_Rainbow

Candy is a sweet, smart and funny high school girl, but one day she gets a diary, and her life changed forever

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Banquets and questions

I can't believe this happened to me!

I'm in the girls bathroom totally freaking out!

There's no way I'm going to survive middle school. I just made a complete fool of myself in front of my secret crush, Winter.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I'm stuck with a locker right next to Rose Baker's.
Who BTW, is the most popular girl at WCD (Westchester Country Day) and a total snob!
Calling her a "mean girl" is an understatement. She's like a killer shark in sparkly nail polish, designer jeans and platform sketchers.

But for some reason, everyone ADORES her.

Rose and I do not get along, probably due to the fact she hates my guts!
She is forever gossiping behind my back saying mean things like I have no fashion sense whatsoever, and that out school mascot, Larry the Lizard wears cuter clothes than I do.

Which might actually be true. But still!

I do not appreciate that girl blabbing about my personal business.

This morning she was even more vicious than usual.

She was all like, "OMG! Candy, could you go write in your ugly diary somewhere else?! Your hideous purple shirt is clashing with my fabulous new lip gloss flavor and it's giving me a migraine!"

I could not believe she said that.

I mean, how can a colour clash with a flavour!?
They're like, two totally different, uhm THINGS!

That's when Ir really lost it and yelled, "Sorry Rose! But I'm really busy right now so can I just ignore you some other time?!"

Then she just looked at me like I was something that come out of her dogs butt and sashayed away.
I hate it when Rose sashay's!

And if all that torture isn't enough, the annual WCD Halloween dance is in three weeks!
It's the biggest event of the fall, and everyone is already gossiping about who's going with who.

I would totally die if my crush


asked me to go.

Yesterday he actually asked me to be his lab partner for biology class!
I was so excited that I did my snoopy happy dance, well at home though.

And today I had a sneaking suspicion Winter was going to "pop the question" about the Halloween dance dance.

The school day seemed to drag on forever!

By the time I got to biology class, I was a nervous wreck.

Suddenly, a very troubling question popped into my head and I started to panic: what if Winter only thought of me as a friend and nothing more?!
That's when I decided to impress him with my charm, wit and intelligence.

I gave him a big smile and went right to work drawing all these teeny-tiny lint-looking thingies I saw under the microscope.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Winter staring at me with this urgent, yet very perplexed look on his face.
It was obvious he wanted to talk to me about something SUPER serious...!

"Um, Candy can I ask you a really important question.." He asked me "That'll you know, probably impact our immediate future?"

"YES WINTER?! Please ask me!" I immediately responded.

"Do you think we need to plug in this thing?" He asked holding up a plug.

So those thing I saw under the microscope, were just LINT?!
I was super embarrassed!

I knew right then and there I had a pretty much blown any chance of Winter asking me to the dance.

But the good news was, I had made a starling scientific discovery about the bio genetics of my intelligence and even reduced it to a working formula.

MY IQ< Dirty gym sock

Then things got even worse!

I was in the girls bathroom when I overheard Rose bragging to her friends that she practically was almost 99.9% sure she and Winter were going to the dance together as Edward and Bella from Twilight.

I was very disappointed, but not the least bit surprised. I mean, why would Winter ask a total DORK like me when he could go with a CCP (cute, cool and popular) girl like Rose?

And get this, just as they were leaving Rose giggled and said she was buying a new lip gloss JUST for Winter. I knew what that meant. I was so frustrated and angry at myself, I waited till the bathroom was empty and then had a really good scream! Which for some reason always makes me feel a lot better.

Middle school can be very traumatizing, that's for sure.

But the most important thing to remember is this:
always remain calm and try handle your personal problems in a private and mature manner


Saturday 12 October

Today has been the most exciting day EVER!
I still can't believe I won 1st place and $500 cash prize in our school's art avant -garde art competition! Last week, without even telling me, my new friends Cocoa and Crystal entered photo's of the tattoo design I had drawn for the kids at school. So I totally freaked out when I found out I had beaten Rose won! Who would have thought I'd beat Rose's fashion illustrations?

And boy, was she ticked! Especially after bragging to everyone that she was going to win.

I can't wait to get my hands on all that money. I had originally planed to use the money to buy myself a phone. But I decided it would be more prudent to save it for art camp next summer.

I'm investing in my dream of becoming an artist so I can spend all day curled up in my bed in my fave pj's drawing in my sketchbook. and actually getting paid for it. SWEET!

Although, it would be kinda cool to use the money to fix my very drab locker.
Adding a little bling would guarantee me a spot in the CCP clique. Anyway, practically the entire school was at the avant-garde art awards banquet today.

And I was very shocked when Rose came up to me and gave me a big hug. I think she only did it to make a good impression, because what she said to me was not very sportsmanlike at all.

"Candy! Congratulations on winning first place, hon! If I had know the judges wanted talentless junk, I would have framed my poodle's vomit stains and entered it as abstract art."

I couldn't believe she said that to my face, like who does that?

She should have just scribbled

Across her face with a black marker. That would have been less obvious.

I just rolled my eyes at her and said: "You know Rose, if you're jealous you should say so."

She just looked at me and sashayed away.
I hate it when she sashays!
Cocoa and Crystal sat next to me at the dinner. And as usual we were acting super silly and having random giggle attacks. Then Winter came over to take a picture of me for the school newspaper and yearbook. He suggested that we go to the atrium across the hall, where the lighting was better.

At first I was happy that Crystal and Cocoa wanted to tag along, cause I was super nervous. But the entire time he was taking pictures, they were standing behind him making kissy faces at me and acting at lovesick.


I was so angry I wanted to grab them both my the neck and squeeze until their heads explode.
But instead, I just gritted my teeth and prayed Winter didn't notice them goofing around behind him. Cocoa and Crystal are really nice and sweet friends, but sometimes I feel more like their babysitter than their BFF. Lucky for me, when they heard dessert was being served, they rushed back to the banquet to pig out some more.

Which meant me and Winter were all alone!

Only it was kind of uncomfortable and a little embarrassing because instead of talking, we were just staring at the floor then each other, then the floor then each other and it seemed to go on for a while.

Then FINALLY he brushed his shaggy bangs out of his eyes and smile at me kind of shylike.
"I told you , you were going to win. Congratulations!"

I gazed into his eyes, and my heart started to pound so loudly my toes were actually vibrating.
Kind of like standing near a car blasting your favorite song, but with the windows rolled up. And you can't really hear the melody part, but your innermost soul can feel the vibrations from the bass part going Thumpity-Thump Thumpity-Thump Thumpity-Thump

And my stomach felt all fluttery, like it was being attacked by a huge swarm of very...ferocious ..yet fragile...butterflies.

I immediately realized I was suffering from a relapse of RCS (Roller-Coaster-Syndrome).

I clenched my teeth and mustered every ounce of strength in my entire body to keep myself from gleefully shouting, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

But instead I uttered something far, far worse.

"Thanks Winter. Um. . .have you tried those cute little barbecued wing-dings? They're actually quiet delicious."

"Did you just say ...wing-dings" Winter asked surprised.

"Yep. They're at the front table right near the punch. They also have honey glazed and hot 'n' spicy sauce, but the barbecued at my favorite." I rambled. Right then I felt I had no con to over my mouth

"Um...no actually no, I haven't tried them." He replied, kicking some invisible dirt away with his foot, the stared at me.

"Well... you really should." I said nervously looking back at him

Well, I wanted to ask you something." He said

"About wing-dings?" I stupidly asked

Winter's face was intensely serious. "No, Actually, I want to know if you would...."

I was holding my breath and hanging on to his every word.

"......I mean, it would be totally cool if you would-"

"WINTER!! There you are!! OMG! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Rose barged into the room and lunged straight for Winter like an NFL linebacker trying to recover a fumbled ball.

"As the official school photographer, you really need to get a picture of me with my fab-4-ever fashion illustrations. They're about to take down my display!" She whined. Then she just stood there smiling at Winter all GOOGLY-EYED, twirling her hair around her finger.
Which was obviously a desperate attempt to hypnotize him into doing her evil bidding.

"Winter, please hurry! Before it's too late!" She whined some more, while glaring at me in total disgust like I was this huge pimple that had suddenly popped out on her nose. or something. Winter rolled his eyes, sighed and gave me this goofy but cute smile.

"So...we'll talk later Candy. Okay?"

"Sure, cya" I said, trying to hide the fact I was disappointed. As I walked back to the awards banquet, I felt a little light headed and a little nauseous.
But in a very good way! More than anything, I was now consumed with burning curiosity. Winter had been about to ask me something about really important, when Rose rudely interrupted him.
Which left me with one very obvious and compelling question:


Wing-dings?! I could not believe I had rambled on and on about the variety of delicious wing-ding flavors! No wonder Winter didn't ask me to the dance. At least my picture came out ok.
Winter is such an awesome photographer!

Author's Note:

Well, this was harder than I thought.
Anyway, thank you all so much for 100 followers I love you all so much! (as friends)

P.S. I know that's not how an artist's job is.