• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 468 Views, 3 Comments

The Not So Exciting Adventures in Equestria - Matteoarts

You ever go from being on top of the world, to nothing? Sure you have, it's just this time you've also got a job at the Carousel Boutique, and have to answer to Rarity! I hope you have fun!

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Chapter 1: That Damn Doorbell

Chapter 1: That Damn Doorbell

Ring. Ring. Ring.

When I first took this job, I thought it'd be easy considering no one in this town really wears any clothes, and if they do it's usually a one time thing. Today though, for the first three hours all I could hear is that damn doorbell go off as some new stupid customer walks in and requests some monstrous piece of clothing to be made for some stupid event. Surprisingly though, Rarity, to her credit I may add, always pulls it off, delivering exactly what the customer ordered. So props to her I guess for having to put up with these moron's stupid requests. I'd give her more if she wasn't breathing down my neck every ten seconds, and would just chill the hell out.

"TOBIAS!!!!" Rarity shouted from the backroom. Whenever I heard this, I felt true, unadulterated fear. It usually meant one of two things. Either, I'd have to go back there to find out whatever it is I did wrong this time, or I'd have to dodge whatever she throws at me. As I slowly entered the backroom, I found it to be messier then usual, and Rarity absolutely fuming for whatever reason now.

"What do you need now Rarity?" I asked sarcastically

"What I need is for you to finally understand how to format these submission forms." Rarity explained. "You don't just let the customer write down whatever! You have to go through it with them, slowly and carefully. Take their measurements, ask what style, what patterns, just go through it correctly please." Rarity said firmly.

I could easily tell she was tired of my "antics," but she, surprisingly wouldn't fire me for whatever reason, which was a good thing as she paid well so maybe it was better to at least try.

"Alright Rarity. I'll try to be better next time. I promise." I said, and I was personally satisfied with my response, and turned around to go back to the front desk.

"TOBIAS!!!!" Rarity screeched.

My eyes went wide, and I immediately ducked as a pen flew above my head. I turned to see her, now back to her fuming state. I was about to speak when...


"Tobias! A customer! Go see what they want, please!" Rarity shouted. She was excited, as she always was with a customer. She saw them as a new challenge to take on. It made her feel complete when she eventually managed to tackle their monstrosity of an order.

I rushed back up to the front desk to find a young mint colored mare looking around at the racks holding clothes around the store.

"Hi there! Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, my name is Tobias, what can I do for you today?" I asked.

The young mare quickly looked towards me with the most terror filled eyes I've ever seen "Are you alright?" She stammered, and backed away slowly from the front desk. I looked at her puzzled, but I continued on.

"Do you require a submission form for a custom order?" I asked as I pull out a yellow form. The young mare backed away some more from the front desk. I was quickly beginning to lose my patience with this girl. I took a deep breath and tried once more.

"Ma'am, what can I for you." I said forcefully. The young mare simply turned, and ran back out the front door screaming. I simply blinked twice when suddenly....

"TOBIAS" Rarity shouted. I ducked once more as a whole jar of pens was thrown over my head. The sound of it smashing against a wall echoed through out the store.

"You just cost us a customer!!!" Rarity shouted. "You absolute failure of a...of a... WHATEVER IT IS YOU ARE!"

I was about to shout back when,


That damn doorbell.

Author's Note:

Yay. The first real chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. If you didn't please tell me why. I want to get better. I really do. I hope you all have a good morning/day/evening, and I wish you all the best. See you next time.