• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 2,358 Views, 49 Comments

Arvak's new home - mild hotsauce

Arvak from Skyrim finds his hooves on new grounds

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Ch7: GSTA: pt3

Ch7: GSTA: pt3

Arvak shifted in his sleep, he was having a nightmare again. Ever since he first escaped the Soul Cairn he had dreams that reminded him of that horrid place, this one was no different. He was running down a purple tinted dirt path from what appeared a mass of black skeletons and a flying decomposing dragon. He ran down the path, but he was soon to run out of room to run, he had to find a way to escape.

A light was shining in the gloom of the dreaded place, shining brightly, giving the area in front of the portal it emanated from a life like look. A scream pierced his ears. He turned his head and saw a pony form being harassed by skeletons, and then he turned his head to the portal, which was slowly closing.

He dashed towards his target at his full speed, huffing from the effort. Time was of the essence; his target wasn’t going to last long. He quickly turned around, and delivered a mighty buck that shattered two of the skulls of the six skeletons surrounding the form. The others looked at their new prey in astonishment, no soul has resisted them so well before, well, except for the Dovahkin, but he had dragon powers. The skeletons backed off, and sunk into the ground, leaving the two alone.

Arvak turned to the prone figure that now looked exactly like Twilight Sparkle. Even though it was a dream, something was off; it felt somewhat real to him now. He turned to see the portal closing still, soon nopony will be able to get out. He picked up the unconscious form of his best friend and trotted to the portal, which was now only big enough for one of them to pass through, on the other side, was Ponyville.

Arvak wouldn’t wish a lifetime here on anypony, and he threw her through the closing portal. Once she passed through, the portal closed abruptly, and he turned around, and took a walk around his prison, head held high, his new attitude warding off any dark souls passing his was. The dragon from before landed in front of him, anger shining in its eyes. Arvak just glared back, an act of defiance, and got ready to charge.

As the two were about to attack each other, a white light enveloped Arvak’s vision, and his dream world disappeared.

Arvak awoke back in the library, only upside down hanging from a bookshelf. He shook himself from his odd sleeping perch and fell face first into the floor. ‘I really need to stop sleeping like that.’ He thought. It’s true, he would sometimes get up during the night to hang upside down like a possum, and it was more comfortable than it looked.

A light chuckle interrupted his thoughts. He tried to look at where it came from, but only saw a set of white hooves, with gold slippers. ‘I wonder where I remember that from.’ he got up on his hooves and saw a tall white alicorn… “Oh, that’s where I remember you from.” He said aloud. “You’re that princes pony… Celestia right?”

“Well nice to see you too Arvak, but may I ask, why were you hanging upside down?” she inquired.

Arvak thought for a moment, and then shrugged. “Not even I know why I do things.”

“Hmm, most curious. Well anyway, I came by to see how you are doing.”

“Great! Just yesterday I was doing a magic show!” he yelled happily.

“Really, how did it go?” she asked.

“Really well, afterwards everypony gave me compliments and Trixie even got a show scheduled in Canterlot next week!”

Now the princess was curious. “What day next week, and by whom did she get the request from?”

“She didn’t specify, but she said she would let me know… what day is today?” he asked.

“Friday.” She answered.

“Thanks, now I didn’t quite catch the pony she was talking to, but she got really excited and was smiling like I usually do after the pony left.” He said smiling, or what could pass as one for a skeleton.

“Well, I might have an idea who it was, and if it is that pony, then I don’t have to give you your own ticket to the gala on Monday.” She said.

“Really?” Celestia nodded. “Huh, how ‘bout that. Well, whoever you give it to is going to be a happy pony!” he chirped.

Celestia stared at him flatly. “You really don’t know why I'm not giving you the ticket?”


“You didn’t hear the context I just left wide open for you?”


Celestia just sighed. “You aren’t getting a ticket because the show you and your friend are going to be in will be in Canterlot on the same day as the Gala.” She explained.

“Oh now I get it…. wait, what am I getting?” Celestia face-hoofed. “I'm just kidding. That’s actually pretty cool, now I don’t have to stay here alone… or well, not really alone, just without the fun ponies.”

“What makes you think there are no other fun ponies here?”

“I don’t know… the girls just have that aura around them, like something interesting can happen at any mome-”

“HI ARVAK!” Pinkie yelled from behind Arvak, making him jump. Now, Arvak was never good with loud surprising noises, so when he jumped, he jumped high. Both pinkie and Celestia looked up at the pony shaped hole in the ceiling that was made when Arvak jumped in fear. Cries of joy could be heard as he came crashing through the ceiling again, landing on top of Celestia.

“How is it you could jump that high and not be a Pegasus?” she asked in a dazed state, eyes derped from being hit by a falling pony.

Arvak put a hoof to his chin in thought, “I don’t know… oh hi Pinkie!” he said with a wave.

“Hi again Arvak.” Pinkie said enthusiastically.

“What brings you to the library?”

“Oh, the Twins turn one today and I came to invite you ant Twilight… is she here right now?” she asked.

“No, she’s in Canterlot. She might be back tomorrow though, but I’ll gladly attend the party though!”

“Great, it’s at twelve, see ya then! Oh hi Princess Celestia! Do you want to go too?” she asked the princess, who was still lying prone with an amused expression, Arvak was still sitting on her back.

“No thank you Pinkie, I have some royal business to attend to in Canterlot. Oh, and Arvak, before I forget, thank you for doing that in your dream.” Arvak stared at her confused as he dismounted the princess. “In your dream, you gave up your chance to leave that horrid place to allow somepony else to go, that really shows what kind of stallion you are.”

“Oh that. Why were you in my dreams in the first place?” he asked.

“I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t turn your back on my student, I wouldn’t let anypony make love to her you know.” She answered.

“You don’t have to worry about Arvak hurting Twilight, I read his Wiki, and nothing bad was said about him on it.” Pinkie interrupted.

Celestia looked at Pinkie confused, wondering how in Equestria she was able to procure that information, and what a ‘wiki,’ was. “Well, this was enlightening; I think I’ll be going back to Canterlot now.”

“Okay, bye princess.” Arvak said as she disappeared in a white flash.

“Hey Arvak, I still need to deliver a few invites to a couple ponies, could you give these out please?” Pinkie asked.

“Sure!” he chirped as he took a few invites in his mouth. “Ith Twixie invithed.” He asked.

“Let me check for a minute…” she started listing the names of ponies from the top of her head, “yep, I think I gave that on to you.”

“Whelp, I'm oth.” He said, mouth still holding the invites.

“Good luck Arvak.” She waved as he left the library.


“Where!” she yelled, ducking for cover behind a bush.

Arvak stared at her confused, but then shrugged and walked off.

He walked a bit and met a few familiar faces along the way… that’s when he remembered when he didn’t know where he was going. He looked at the invitations in his mouth, and found he couldn’t read upside down. He made some fire claws and read while walking.

“Okay, first stop, Rari- OW!” he exclaimed as he walked face first into the door of the Carousel Boutique. “I need to stop doing that; it’s not good for my skull.”

After he said that, Rarity opened the door. “Hello Arvak, I wondered who knocked on my door.” She glanced at the indent on her door, and then at, who was holding a bony hoof to his skull. “Did you just use your head to knock on my door?”

“Yes… I guess I did. I should really stop, hitting my head never did me any good.” He chuckled.

Rarity shared his mirth for a second. “Well, I guess so. Well, what brings you here?”

He picked up the invitations he dropped when he hit his head. He handed Rarity her designated envelope. “Welp, that’s it for now, I’ll see you at the party if you go!” he chirped.

“Most definitely darling!” she called as he walked away on three legs.

“Okay, this time pay attention. Next stop, Applejack, and then Fluttershy.” He spoke to himself.

“Howdy there pardner, what’s got you so focused?” Applejack asked.

Arvak looked to his right and saw her at a stand, selling apples to the populace of Ponyville. It took him a moment to remember what he was looking for her for, “oh!” he exclaimed as he passed an envelope to applejack. “Party is this afternoon. I’ll see you there!”

“Wouldn’t miss this one Arvak!” she said as she waved him off.

“Okay, Fluttershy and then to the party.” he said with determination.

*Bark Bark*

“Sweet merciful Mara help me!” Arvak screamed as he ran down the street, with a white and brown dog chasing after him. He must have taken a wrong turn, one moment he was in front of Sweet Apple Acres instead of his intended destination, and then the next some dog barrels out of the orchard after him with a hungry look in its eyes.

The dog snapped at his hind legs. “Ahhhhhh! I don’t want to die!” he yelled. The ponies in town stared at the scene, some in shock, some trying to suppress giggles, and then one who saw the scene and immediately jumped from her stall and chased after the dog.

“Consarn it Winona stop chasing Arvak this instant!” Applejack yelled.

*Bark Bark* the dog ignored her and continued chasing Arvak.

Arvak then tripped over his own hooves and fell face first into the ground. The dog ran up to him, bit onto his left hind leg, and ran off with it. “Hey!” he called after the dog, “I was still using that!”

“Sweet Celestia Arvak! Are you okay?” Applejack asked.

Arvak looked at where his leg used to be. “I will be as soon as I get my leg back… what do dogs do with bones anyway?”

A look of horror spread across the orange mare’s muzzle. “We gotta get ya leg back soon.” She said.

“I know that, but I asked what dogs do with bones… hey wait up!” he yelled after her as he tried to hobble his way through the town on two and a half legs, one still holding Fluttershy’s invitation. “Oh, duh.” He said as he placed the enveloped in his mouth and used three legs to maneuver.

Fluttershy was tending to her animals, humming a light tune to herself as she put feed out for the chickens. A loud barking interrupted her though, and Winona sped past her. This sudden interruption made her ‘eep’ and jump up in surprise. She slowly lowered herself down and was tackled by Applejack.

When Fluttershy regained her senses, and when the world stopped spinning, she looked up to see her friend laying on top of her in a very intimate fashion. “Applejack, we don’t have time for sex! Winona is getting away with my leg!” Arvak yelled, starting both ponies who now sat there with blushes on their faces. Winona barked again, only this time it was more distant, this put Applejack back into gear.

“Sorry ‘bout that ‘Shy, gotta catch Winona ‘fore she buries Arvak’s leg!” she ran off after saying that. Arvak tried to follow but forgot he was missing a part and fell to his side.

Fluttershy adopted a look of shock “Arvak, Winona has your leg?”

He nodded. “Yea, and what does she mean by burying it?”

“You do know that dogs will either chew on bones or burry them, they will only burry it for safe keeping and then go back to chew on it later.” She explained.

“Hmm, well, since she didn’t spit me out of her mouth, I must taste pretty good…” Fluttershy smacked his head as he went to try and nibble on his hoof.

“Come on, we have to go and get your leg back.”

Arvak watched in amusement as Applejack chased Winona in a circle around a tree with his leg still in her mouth. He gave a light chuckle as the dog outsmarted her pony owner and made Applejack crash into the tree. Seemingly oblivious to them, the dog ran away from Applejack and towards him and Fluttershy.

As the dog neared, Fluttershy stopped her with a hoof. “Hello Winona.” The dog gave a muffled bark in greeting. “Can I please have Arvak’s leg back?” The dog shook her head. “He really needs it… so… um… could you please give it back?” the dog shook her head again. “What if I gave you something else instead?” Winona’s ears perked up at this. “If you give Arvak his leg back, I’ll get you those treats you always like.” Winona weighed her options, and set the bone down in front of Fluttershy. “Thank you, just let Angel know and he’ll get it for you.” Winona gave a happy bark and trotted towards Fluttershy’s house.

“And ya couldn’t have done that before?” Applejack asked walking up to them, stumbling a bit every now and again. “Would the four o’ ya stop movin around, its gettin hard ta concentrate.” She tripped and Fluttershy caught her. “Thanks, but ah only need one o’ yalls help.”

Arvak walked over, picked up his leg, and placed it back where it belonged. “Thanks Fluttershy. Oh, before I forget…” he retrieved the envelope he wedged between his vertebrae before and handed it to the Pegasus. “It’s at twelve, so I’ll see you there.”

“Arvak, why didn’t ya tell me you had a twin?” he walked up to Applejack and snapped a fiery claw, instantly snapping her out of her dazed state. “Whoa, that’s better. Thank ya kindly.”

“Well, it will be noon in a few minutes, so we could go now.” Fluttershy said looking at the clock in town.

“Really? Well, let’s go!” Arvak said enthusiastically. They the three of them then started heading towards town.