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Twilight was in her room in bed. She couldn't stop thinking how disturbing that dvd was. After thinking about it for two hours she finally went to sleep.

-Twilight's Dream-

Twilight was still in her room sitting, when she thought she heard a voice. Twilight turned toward the door. "Hello? Is somepony there?" No reply. She decided to shrug it off & sat back down, but then the door shook. "Huh? Spike, is that you?" This time she heard giggling. Then the door opened slightly. Twilight watched, & after 5 seconds of silence a little wooden colt covered in blood walked into the room, followed by another, and another until there were about 20 in the room. Twilight gasped as they stared at her. Suddenly, one of the fillies jumped on Twilight causing her to scream. The other foals followed & started piling up on her. Their twisted forms grabbed her wings and pulled them off, followed by one of her legs, all while she heard that train laughing.


Twilight now wakes up sweating. She just had the worst nightmare of her life by far. She ended up telling Spike all about it. He felt very bad for Twilight & told her to forget about it because it never really happened. "You're right Spike. I just need to get over it" Twilight said. Suddenly, Twilight swore she could hear the sound of chuffing.

Author's Note:

hope you're enjoying the story so far