• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 532 Views, 5 Comments

A Horror Filled Night at 13 Dead End Drive - Brian Sheil

The Rainbooms prepare a performance at a creepy mansion full of traps and creepy characters

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3. More Characters Appear

Later, the seven friends got back together and discussed their meetings with some of the staff.

“Seems like the people we met had their own plans for Agatha’s fortune.” Twilight figured.

“At least some have worthy causes.” Fluttershy added.

Rarity noticed that Pinkie Pie was a bit nervous. “Are you worried about what that fortune teller told you?”

“I sure was!” Pinkie answered. “I sure hope she was wrong.”

Rainbow Dash gave a devilish look to Sunset Shimmer. “Sounds like YOU, Sunset, have a crush on the maid.”

“Come on, Dashie.” Sunset replied. “I just said that Dusty was beautiful. And, she appreciated the comment.”

“Hi, guys. I’m back!” Julie calls out as she enters the room.

The girls noticed a slender woman wearing an elegant outfit and has short black hair joining Julie.

“Did you find what you’re looking for, dear?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I did.” Julie answered. “I’ll show it to you later.”

“So, who’s this tall lady with ya?” Applejack wondered.

“Girls, this is.....”

“Allow me.” The tall woman interrupted. “My name is Parker. For five years, I drove Miss Agatha to her favorite stores when she’s in a spending mood.”

“Now, your serving Julie and her family.” Twilight added.

“That’s right. This young lady and her parents are very grateful to me.” Parker turns to Julie. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to wash the car. It looks dirty.”

“Good idea.” Julie replied. “Got to keep our vehicles clean and representable.”

As Parker leaves, Applejack had and idea. “Where do y’all keep the cars?”

“There’s a garage area near the backyard.” Julie answered. “Why?”

“Maybe that chauffeur can use some help.”

Minutes later, Applejack went to the garage area. She sees Parker in a different outfit. Parker wore a lime green T shirt and blue bib overalls with the pant cuffs rolled up. The farm girl was surprised.

“I never expected to see someone like you dress like this.” Applejack said. “I love it!”

“You do?” Parker replied. “Thank you. There’s something about bib overalls that appeals to me. What brings you here anyway?”

“I wonder if you need help washing the car.”

“I usually handle it myself. But, I do appreciate the help. I already have a bucket filled with warm soapy water. Grab a sponge and let’s get to it.”

The two started washing down a deep blue SUV.

“Do you dress like this whenever you wash any of these cars?” Applejack asked.

“You bet, Applejack.” Parker replied as she wrings out a sponge. “This way, my uniform won’t get ruined.”

Minutes later, the vehicle shines brilliantly. Parker was very grateful to the farm girl.

“Thanks for your help.” Parker said gratefully.

“My pleasure, Parker.” Applejack replied. “By the way, all the people we met told us what they would do with Miss Agatha’s kitty litter fortune. You have any plans?"

Parker gave her an interesting answer. “You know, Applejack, if I inherited that money, I would finance my dream to enter the Indianapolis 500.”

Applejack was shocked. “You want to be a race car driver?”

“Yes. I would like to prove that my driving skills should not be restricted to driving people to places.”

Inside the house, Julie and the other girls were talking to an old lady wearing a magenta hat, and a yellow flowery outfit.

“I heard many stories about you Rainbooms.” The lady said, adjusting her glasses. “Tell me about yourselves. And, don’t leave out any details!”

“Don’t you have anything better to do than gossip?” Julie asked angrily.

“Not if I can help it, Julie.”

Applejack comes into the room as the old lady spots her.

“Applejack, the bass player.” The lady said with glee. “Nice to meet you. My name is Lulu. I was Agatha’s best friend.”

“Best friend?” Applejack yelped.

“That’s right. Agatha and I spent a lot of time together, having tea and talking gossip.”

All the girls shook their heads with disbelief. Fluttershy was concerned. “She looks scary.”

“Lulu make look scary, Fluttershy.” Julie explained. “But, she is funny with her stories.”

“She’s right, girls.” Lulu replied. “In fact, if I inherited the fortune Julie received, I would start my own tabloid newspaper.”

“Just what the supermarkets don’t need.” Sunset Shimmer said. “More rag mags.”

Everybody laughed. Except Lulu. She made her way to the door as she gives a departing remark. “You’d be surprised what people are into these days. So long, Rainbooms. Come visit me for tea next time you’re in the neighborhood. Bye.”

As Lulu left, everyone felt a sigh of relief.

“That Lulu can be annoying.” Rarity stated.

“I agree.” Twilight replied. “But, she is unique. Just like the rest of the people we met.”

Smothers entered the room to make an announcement. “Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, Smothers.” Julie responded. “Did you tell the chef specifics of each girl?”

“I certainly did, Miss Julie.”

Outside the mansion, four strange looking characters look on. A witch, a female vampire, a haunted geisha, and a female werewolf.

“So, this is 13 Dead End Drive.” The witch said. “The Rainbooms are inside. Later tonight, we’ll sneak in, capture those seven girls, then destroy them.”

“What if they try to fight us?” The geisha asked.

“They won’t know what hit them.” The vampire replied. “Why do you think we have these disguises for?”