• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 1,689 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight’s Backstage Pass - Lonely Fanboy48

Human Twilight takes her Princess Counterpart to the Starswirl Festival for the whole weekend.

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B.Y.B.B Makeover! (ARV Style)

Author's Note:

After Sunset texted back where she’s staying in the Starswirl Festival along with Human Twilight, Snow Flower took Princess Twilight to one of the tents for people to relax in. Sunset and Human Twilight are sitting together on the ground by a really small table. When Snow Flower found her destination, she waved goodbye to the princess as she heads back to Wallflower and Derpy.

“Twilight!” Both Sunset and Human Twilight standing up from the ground.

“Did you talk to PostCrush?” Human Twilight asked.

“Yes I did.” Princess Twilight answered.

“Please tell me they know they’re going to see you in the crowd.” Sunset holding her excitement in herself.

“Yes and by the way, they know about the whole Twilight and other Twilight situation so we’re fine.”

Sunset and Human Twilight sighed in relief that they’re still out of the whole misunderstanding they’ve kept for so long. While they’re happy their secret hasn’t gone out in the open, they still need to keep it to themselves.

“So where do you want to go?”

“I have no idea.” Sunset replied. “There’s so many stands in this festival, it would take me ages to pick a stand.”

The Twilights and Sunset looked in their surroundings, with the amount of stands available. Even for the Princess Of Friendship, she won't be able to experience all the qualities of the Starswirl Festival. Reunions is one thing, but she wanted more involving music. Music she never witnessed after she left Canterlot High after the Battle Of The Bands.

“Wait!” Human Twilight coming up with an idea. “Microchips is going to do his MC Dex FX performance on stage! You gotta watch that!”

“You mean one of your friends in science class?” The princess asked.

“Yes. I’m sure you saw him before I transferred to Canterlot High.”

“Oh, I saw him when he helped in the school play and selling caramel apples in Equestria Land.” Sunset remembered. “I’m sure your might recognize him.”

Princess Twilight didn’t know what to expect from the offer her friends are giving her, but her plans are few and far between. Then again, she’s easier at making friends no matter if she didn’t talk to the person yet.

“Okay, we can go to Microchip’s MC Dex FX performance...what ever MC Dex FX means.” The princess made her decision. “So can you take me where he is?”

“Sure but his performance isn’t going to start for the next hour and a half.” Human Twilight said.

Just when Sunset and Princess Twilight is about to head to their next destination, they’re now back to rethinking their next activity in the festival.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rarity are spending time together as the third group splitting up this morning. Thirty minutes ago, they’ve encountered their friend and Rarity's boss from Equestria Land, Vignette Valencia. Even since the aftermath of the parade, she’s been really respectful to her friends she’s been making and made big changes in Equestria Land after hearing the criticism she caused.

Just when their about to do more activities, they saw the Twilights and Sunset Shimmer in the distance. As for Vignette Valencia, her eyes didn’t lie when she sees two Twilights instead of one. Her jaw dropped to see a much prettier Twilight then the other with the glasses.

“Girls!” Rarity and Applejack rushing up to Sunset and the Twilights.

“Applejack, Rarity, I haven’t seen you this morning.” The Princess giving Applejack a hug.

“Well we don’t have all the time in the festival darlings.” Rarity moving her hair out of her view.

“Guess that explains why you’re in a group of two.” Sunset crossing her arms smiling.

“Always.” Human Twilight rolling her eyes.

When the princess is still hugging her cowgirl friend, she noticed a girl with two mistletoes attached in her hair. From the way she’s looking at her made her confused. Out of all the people she missed when she was gone, no one, not even Sunset Shimmer told her about Rarity’s boss until last night.

“Applejack.” Princess Twilight breaking the hug while also pointing at Vignette. “Who’s that?”

“That’s Vignette Valencia, Rarity’s boss.” Applejack answered.

“She’s…still staring at me.”

When the girls put their attention on Vignette, they notice she’s not moving a muscle. Rarity, out of all the people who knew Vignette personally, can see what is going on. In order to keep Princess Twilight out of total exposure, she decides to fill in for her boss.

“Vignette,” Rarity wrapping her arm around the Princess’s shoulder. “This is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess Of Friendship.”

Princess Twilight looked at Rarity in confusion after she told her boss that she’s a princess. Then a sudden squeal came from Vignette as she rushes up to the Rainbooms.

“Oh my gosh!” She squeal again while her eyes are glued to Princess Twilight. “You look perfect, just like a princess in a fabulous fairytale movie!”

“Well...if you put it that way...you're right.” Princess Twilight making an awkward giggle. “It’s nice to meet you.” She lifted her hand for a handshake but due to Vignette’s high interest, she gave the Princess Of Friendship a hug.

“Come on! How about a selfie princess?” Vignette took out her phone while she poses with Twilight by her side. She pressed the button on her phone which causes a flash, taking a picture much to Twilight and her friends surprised while Rarity is making a smirk.

Princess Twilight is blinded from the flash from Vignette’s phone, once Rarity’s boss let go of her, Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer stopped her from falling to the ground. “Rarity, what is going on?” She asked.

“Sorry darling.” Rarity laugh. “My boss always feel this way when she meets a famous celebrity.”

“But I’m not a-” Rarity covered Princess Twilight’s mouth just when Vignette almost became suspicious.

“Just go with it. Vignette isn’t like the other people you met.”

“She’s not wrong, you know.” Sunset whispered.

Princess Twilight never had an encounter so weird and so unexpected. Even from last year, she knew one of the girls she met wouldn’t do something like this. She walked up to Vignette and tried to be a bit serious with her.

“Vignette, I know you’re...really in to me but me and my friends are going to Microchips MC Dex FX in the next hour.” Twilight trying to be nice.

“Oh, don’t mention it.” Vignette said in her sassy attitude. “Even celebrities like us need some time for ourselves.”

“Yyyeeeaaahhh…celebrities like us...sort of.”

Applejack remain silent during the whole ordeal. After agreeing with her friend to spend some time with Vignette a few days after the parade, she is slowly getting used to it, but this isn’t the first time she saw Rarity’s boss doing this.

“So, what are you three going to do?” Human Twilight wondered.

“Not really, we’re on the same boat.” Rarity answered.

“Looks like we’re all on a stop here.” Applejack added.

“<sigh> If only we all had something to do right now.” Princess Twilight lowered her head in disappointment.

The six girls didn’t know what to do next. Performances being prepared, so many options to choose from, and the fact it will take them forever to find their friends. Then Rarity remembered something she was going to do before she and the Rainbooms arrived.

“Twilight.” Rarity replied which got the attention from the Princess. “I was going to make an outfit for you but when Sunset texted me when I was packing up, it was too late.”

Princess Twilight saw her friends and others in their festival outfits. “Rarity, I appreciate the offer but there’s not going to be a lot of time. Sorry for not being in the spirit of this festival.”

Then Vignette came up with an idea as she wraps her arm around Princess Twilight’s shoulder. “Actually there is time for that. I’m also a good fashion designer and a make up artist. Don’t worry Rarity, I’ll help you and still do it your way.”

Rarity agreed with Vignette that she’s making the right choice. However Rarity isn’t going to leave because she’s missing one person. She turned to Applejack while lifting her hand up.

“And you’re going to join us.” Rarity smirked. “I’m sure Twilight needs more help with a country talented cowgirl like you.”

“It’s true, since you gave me lessons in fashion clothing.” Applejack rolled her eyes smiling. The cowgirl, the Fashionista and her boss take the Princess Of Friendship to the girls bathroom to give her a full makeover in their combined styles. Princess Twilight felt off with the idea of getting an outfit and a makeover from the Rainbooms and especially Vignette. With so little time she has, she can only hope her friends get her done before Microchips performance happens.

“Is it me or does Rarity has a fashion supply emergency kit with her?” Human Twilight asked.

“Pretty much, she always has a mobile hobby. Typical Rarity.” Sunset smiled as she crossed her arms.

Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight are waiting outside of the girl’s restroom where Rarity and her friends are helping Princess Twilight with her outfit and makeup. It’s been an hour and Microchips MC Dex FX performance is going to happen in the next fifteen minutes.

“Rarity…” Sunset opened the restroom until Rarity rushed to the door.

“Hey! Stay out! Your ruining the surprise!” Rarity pushed her away.

“But we don’t have much time left!” Human Twilight retorted.

“We’re almost done!” Applejack yelled. “Vignette is putting the makeup on Twilight and she’s almost finished!”

Rarity closed the door, leaving Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight waiting again. After another minute has passed, Rarity, Applejack and Vignette came out of the restroom while Princess Twilight is waiting inside after what her friends did.

“No offense, but don’t tell us you put too much makeup on her.” Sunset biting her lip until Vignette gets into her face.

“Hey, we all know the difference between too much and the proper amount!” Vignette retorted until Rarity placed her hand on her boss’s shoulder.

“Our Princess is not going to be embarrassed.” Rarity replied. “You’ll see it yourself.”

“Twilight, come out!” Applejack called. As the three girls got out of the way, Princess Twilight opened the restroom door to expose herself.

When she came out, Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer couldn’t believe what they were seeing from their princess friend. Twilight is wearing a purple shining shirt with stars on the front and back. She has black gloves with her cutie mark behind the palms. Applejack was in charge of doing the skirt as what Twilight is wearing a long golden but not sparking skirt with pockets.

Then finally is the makeup Vignette put on. Twilight has pink eyeshadow on her eyelids just like Fluttershy and Rarity have. It’s the only thing she has on because Vignette’s vision of the Princess Of Friendship says that she doesn't need lipstick in any color. When she looked at her for the first time, she learns her decision making so much more than before. The eyeshadow she put on Twilight is one of the most expensive tools she used during her auditions as a famous actress. She only kept the make up to herself since she never had any friends whatsoever. And to make things better, after the Princess Of Friendship saw her reflection in the mirror, she approved of it.

“Oh my gosh!” Human Twilight said with her eyes wide.

“You look like someone who can fit in like the rest of us in this festival.” Sunset placing her hand on her hip, being impressed.

“Trust me girls, even if it took us an hour, I’m like everyone here.” Princess Twilight giggled as she turned to Rarity, Applejack and Vignette. “Thanks for helping me, I’ll think of something to owning you back.”

“Take the time you need, we have today and tomorrow sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

Just when the princess is about to leave, she didn’t forget the third girl who put on her pink eyeshadow. “Vignette, that includes you. I’m owing too.”

“Thank you very much Twilight.” Vignette blinked with a smile. “After all, that’s how me, Rarity and Applejack do it, ARV Style.”

“ARV Style?” The girls responded.

“That stands for Applejack, Rarity and Vignette B.Y.B.B teamwork. I decide to put Applejack in the front.” She gave Applejack a wink which made the cowgirl took notice.

“Well, looks like you two darlings are really getting along fast.” Rarity smiled.

This made Applejack blushed while scratching on the back of her head. “Well shucks, my cheeks are turning into tomatoes.”

“That’s what I love to see from you.” Rarity pinching on Applejack’s cheek.

The Twilights, Sunset and Vignette are adoring yet another moment between Applejack and Rarity. “Did these two became close to each other when I was gone?” Princess Twilight asked.

“Pretty much, you missed one of the best friendships in recent times too.” Sunset replied.

“Come on girls, we don’t want to be late to see Microchips.” Human Twilight grabbing both Sunset and her princess counterpart’s arm to get to their destination. They’ve wave goodbye to Applejack, Rarity and Vignette as they go to a different place in the Starswirl Festival.