• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 2,649 Views, 33 Comments

Luna Rising - AstonMartinLover

Adjustment is difficult for Princess Luna, as her sister begans to suspect she is reverting.

  • ...

A Better Time

Chapter 8: A Better Time

The morning. Such a beautiful and serene time. The sun flooded through Celestia's stain glass window. She rolled over, so as to face away from the blinding light. She had overslept. Considering that she had been up until two A.M the night before, trying and failing to teach Luna how to raise the moon, oversleeping would be tolerated.

Mother had already raised the sun. Nopony had angrily knocked on her door yet. And so, it would seem her slumber would be without consequence.

There was a low creaking as her door ever so swung open. Then the tapping of four little hooves on the floor. Celestia grimaced.

No. Not her.

She refused to open her eyes, certainly not willing to appear in any way awake.

She heard the clacking coming closer. Whatever it was, it was standing right next to the bed. She could feel the warmth of breath from the creature.

She tightened her eyelids over her eyes. She heard a familiar giggle.

Damnitt. She'd been had.

She hesitantly opened her eyes. Two big blue eyes stared back at her.


The purple filly leaped up onto the bed, landing rather roughly on Celestia's midsection.

The teenage alicorn let out a grunt, then glared daggers at her little sister.


"It's time to wake up Tia!" Luna said cheerfully.

Celestia let out a moan. "Are you serious? Did mother and father tell you to wake me up?"

The nerve. Sending a filly to do a god's work.

Luna shook her head. "Nope. Why?"

Celestia's glare intensified. "I spend all night trying to teach you how to raise the moon. Which, by the way, might've actually worked if you made even the slightest effort to pay attention to me. And now you won't even let me sleep?"

The filly's bubbly attitude was dampened a little. Her smile began to fade. She suddenly looked very guilty.

"I'm sorry. I just...I wanted to play with you..."

Celestia sighed. Damn, why did this kid have to look so unhappy? It made staying mad almost impossible.

"Isn't there anything else to do? What have you done all morning?"

Luna looked back up at her with those big eyes. "I've been,..just...waiting for you to get up..."

Celestia still felt a little angry. But damn it all, that little face made Celestia's heart melt.

"Alright, I'll get up." Celestia said, lifting off from her warm covers.

Luna's smile returned. "Huzzah!"

Celestia looked at the enthusiastic little filly and felt her heart melt again.

"However, sadly, you have also awakened..." Pause for dramatic effect: "THE TICKLE MONSTER!!"

Luna squealed with a mix of fear and delight as her sleep deprived sister lunged at her.

The little night princess leapt into the air, just within range of Celestia. She seized her with her magic, then lowered the struggling filly down on the bed.

"Hey! That's cheating!"

Celestia dove onto the little filly, and began the barrage of tickles. Luna giggled uncontrollably as Celestia mercilessly repaid her sister for the rude awakening.

"Stop! Stop, Tia please..." Luna said, barely making sense under the sound of her own laughter.

The two sisters rolled around the bed before falling roughly to the floor. Celestia managed to absorb the brunt of the impact.

They lay there, on the stone floor, panting heavily.

"Come here you..." Celestia said, reaching out and pulling the happy filly into a warm embrace.

"I love you Tia." Luna said, burrowing her little head into her sister's chest.

Celestia rolled her eyes. This kid was seriously trying to give her a cuteness heart attack.

"Alright. Enough hugs. Come on. Breakfast is waiting." She said, getting up on her hooves.

"Almost dinner actually." Luna said matter of factly.

Celestia's eyes widened. "Dinner? How long was I asleep?"

Of course, it didn't take long for little Luna's hijinks to grow tiresome. Six minutes later, the sibling rivalry had been renewed.

Celestia looked up from her soup. "Mom, she did it again."

The filly giggled in response. Her mother, the great Queen Ariadne, builder of day, shot her youngest daughter a look.

"What? I didn't do anything." She lied. If the giggling hadn't given her away, her confident smirk certainly did.

"What did you do?" Mother asked.

Luna flashed her mother the big, innocent puppy dog eyes. Her mother's expression hardened.

"Okay, maybe I did add a little...sugar to her soup."

"Sugar in soup?" Mother asked incredulously. Her expression softened. "I wonder what that would taste like?"

Celestia rolled her eyes. Her mother had always been open minded, at times, to a ridiculous degree. She levitated the bowl with her magic, and put it down in front of the great queen. "Go ahead mother. Find out."

Her mother gingerly sipped some. "Hmm. Not bad."

Luna jumped up onto the table, jabbing her little hoof at her sister. "See Tia! I told you sugar makes everything taste better!"

Celestia leaned back in her chair. "That's turnip soup Luna. Turnip soup is disgusting with sugar."

Luna sat back in her chair. "Mother likes it."

Celestia's glare turned to her mother. "Mother, do you seriously like that?"

"It's rather good." She said, drying off her muzzle with a napkin. "You don't care for it Celestia?"

"It's disgusting." Celestia replied. She eyed the alicorn that had started the whole mess. "Well Luna, you made it. You should try it."

The little filly's confident smirk disappeared. "What? No. I made it for you, dear sister." She said, batting her big blue innocent eyes at Celestia.

"Oh no I agree." Mother said, levitating the bowl in front of Luna. "You made it. You should taste some of it yourself."

Celestia grinned. "Go on Lulu. Try it."

Luna looked horrified. She looked down at her creation, then at mother, then at Celestia.

"I don't like turnips."

"But don't worry. It has sugar too. That should make it...somewhat edible." Celestia reasoned, the grin of revenge not wavering from her face.

Luna courageously lifted the bowl up with her horn and held it before her muzzle. She ever so slowly edged towards it, and prepared to take a cautious sip.

Celestia's horn powered up. She took control of the bowl. A little push. The bowl rocked forward.

Instead of a little sip, Luna got a whole swig of the stuff. She gagged, then spit the soup across the table at her beloved sister.

Celestia's grin was long gone. She screamed at the horrible liquid that now covered her previously beautiful white coat. "Why you little..."

"Luna!" Mother shouted. "That is unacceptable behavior! Go to your room!"

"But mom..." Luna began.

"No buts. Room. Now."

Luna put her head down and stomped off to her room, her tiny royal shoes making a tiny click clack on the floor.

"Celestia, go take a bath. Wash that soup off."

Celestia glared at the tiny filly as she stomped off in the other direction, towards the bathroom.

Celestia was staring a hole through her spell book. She was supposed to be studying. But she was far too mad to study. The Luna situation was intolerable. She had been adorable to play with when she was a baby. But now she was a filly. And she was a pest.

There was a soft knock on Celestia's door. "Tia?"

"Go away!" Celestia shouted.

"Tia, I'm sorry about the soup." The voice said softly.

Celestia paid her apology no mind. "Be gone Luna."

"Are you mad at me Tia?"

Celestia glared at the door. "No! What gave you that idea?"

There was a silence. "Well will you let me in then?"

Celestia facehoofed. Luna was far too young to comprehend sarcasm.

"Twas kidding. I am EXTREMELY mad at you!" Celestia shouted.

There was more silence. A long silence. But she didn't here the sound of hoofsteps. She sighed. "You're still out there aren't you?"

"Yep." Luna's tiny voice replied. Celestia groaned. She trotted over to the door and opened it.


Luna smiled at the sight of her sister. "Hey! You wanna hang out?"

Celestia sank down to eye level with the filly. "No."

This didn't seem to bother Luna's chipper mood. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am quite certain." Celestia replied. "Do you know how long it took me to wash that soup out of my mane?" She showed the filly her flawless pink mane. "It took two hours. And it's your fault." She sharply pointed her hoof at the filly. "So leave me alone."

With that, she slammed her door in the filly's face.

Luna's face fell. "Come on Tia...Please?"

Celestia shook with anger. Studying was not going to happen. And this filly was damn sure not going to leave.

She sighed. "Okay Luna. It's 8:00 anyway. You gotta go to bed soon." She opened the door. "So what do we do until then?"

"Let's go outside!" Luna said, the enthusiasm returning.

Luna practically dragged her sister out of the palace gates, and onto the grass.

"So what are we doing out here?" Celestia asked, irritated.

"I'm gonna get my cutie mark! Wanna watch?" Luna asked.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Oh this is gonna be fun."

Luna looked up at the sky. "Go ahead! Bring the sun down!"

Celestia hesitated. "We should ask father..."

"No. C'mon, just do it! If we ask father, he's gonna want to raise the moon instead."

"Father will want to do what?" A deep voice asked.

The two alicorn's jumped. They turned to face their father. The great King Nightfire. Creator of night and all which came with it.

He was a massive alicorn, dark blue, with a starry complexion. His eyes darted from one daughter to the other, wondering what sort of ner do well activity they were involved in.

Celestia immediately backed away. "Don't look at me, this is all Woona."

Luna glared at Celestia. She hated being called Woona.

Father turned his attention to his youngest daughter. "What do you wish to do Luna?"

Luna looked up at the sky, suddenly not nearly as confident in her abilities.

"Well...I wanted to see if I could raise the moon tonight."

Mother had come outside as well now. Along with a couple royal guards.

"What is this?"

"Luna wants to try and raise the moon tonight." Father replied.

Mother smiled her warm, loving smile. "Oh look at my little Luna! Growing up so fast!. Go ahead. Try."

Luna looked at them, and their encouraging faces, then at Celestia. There was no encouragement written on her face at all. Just impatience.

"Well get on with it." She said, looking away.

Luna's smile went away. "Oh well...okay." She looked up at the sky.

"Hold on a moment sweetheart." Ariadne said. She turned and glared daggers at Celestia. She leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"This could be the biggest moment in her life. When you first raised the sun, I was there to support you. Doth it not seem fitting now, for you to support her?"

Celestia groaned. "Fine." Deep down, she knew mom was right.

Ariadne backed away. Celestia managed a smile and trotted over next to Luna.

She leaned down next to the little filly. "Alright. You remember what I taught you yesterday? Just let your magic do the work. Once you have it in your grasp, fly up with it. Okay?"

Luna looked up at the sun, as it sat there, waiting to descend.

"Tia, I'm scared."

Celestia sighed. She hesitantly leaned down and gave her little sister a kiss on the forehead. "You can do it. I know you can. This is what you were born to do Luna."

Luna smiled. "Okay." She took a deep breath.

Celestia's horn powered up. The sun began to sink in the sky. Luna watched it go, and swallowed. This was her big moment. Time to prove she wasn't just a foal anymore.

She powered up her tiny horn. The sun was gone now. The sky was pitch black.

"Whenever you're ready sweetheart." Father said, patting Luna on the back.

Luna looked to Celestia, who responded with a wink. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes.

Sparks began flying immediately. Celestia dove down on the grass. "She's gonna blow!"

Her mother shot her a look. Celestia took a deep breath and watched as Luna began grunting under the strain. The others looked at each other worriedly. She extended her tiny wings.

She began to hover up off the ground. Celestia slowly moved under her, ready to catch the filly should she fail.

Then, the first signs of a moon appeared over the horizon. The bright white light. Celestia's mouth gaped. It grew bigger and bigger.

She was actually doing it.

The filly looked like she was moments from a heart attack. She gritted her teeth. Sweat poured from her brow. But the moon continued to rise.

Mother shouted up at Luna. "JUST A LITTLE MORE SWEETHEART!!"

The moon continued to rise. The stars came with it. Luna wasn't just raising the moon. Father's mouth gaped, along with those of the guards.

And there it was. The land was bathed in it's white, ghostly glow. Luna's tiny silhouette splayed out upon it.

Luna's horn powered down. She floated back to the ground, panting heavily.

Mother and Father ran to her. They picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"That is my daughter!" Nightmare declared proudly.

Mother kissed her on the forehead. "Congratulations sweetheart."

Celestia just stood there, mouth still agape, as Luna displayed her new cutie mark: A crescent moon.

That night, Celestia stayed up late. One of the benefits of being a teenager, she was allowed to stay up far later than little Luna.

But tonight, something was weird. Her parents usually spent the evening going over their royal business. Instead, their offices were empty.

Celestia wandered around the palace aimlessly. She came across a guard she recognized.

"Cassio! Dear soldier, where are my parents?"

"Last I saw, they were in their quarters."

Celestia ran to the palace master bedroom. He arrived to a strange scene.

Emptiness. The room was completely bare. Not even a royal bed. Even the royal carpets had been rolled up and stowed away.

"Mother? Father?"

She looked out the window. Their they were, out in front of the castle. King Nightfire and Queen Ariadne, hoof in hoof, eyes closed, some sort of mystical energy swirling around them.

Celestia darted out onto the balcony and glided down to them.

"Mother? Father? What's going on?"

They looked at each other. Their faces were filled with a strange sadness.

Nightfire turned. "I'm...sorry Celestia. Our time has come."

Celestia frowned. "What? What are you talking about?"

Ariadne looked near tears. Nightfire simply looked broken.

"Our mission is over. This planet needed us in order to survive. It needed us for over two thousand years. Now we are needed no longer."

Celestia frowned. "What? Because Luna can raise the moon? No...you can stay! You have to!"

The small sparks of magic enveloped the two gods. Celestia's eyes pleaded with them.


"Other worlds need us now. To bright light to the darkness. Harmony, to the chaos. Goodbye Celestia. You will rule this world well. You both will. Take care of your sister." Ariadne said, holding back the tears.

With that, they were launched into the heavens. Celestia extended her mighty wings and took off after them.


They were moving far too fast. They were beyond the planet before she had even reached the clouds.

Celestia looked up at them one last time, her heart heavy. Then she slowly began the journey back to the palace.

The next morning was the loneliest Celestia had ever experienced.

Celestia was older now. Technically, she was no longer a teenager, but a young adult. Luna was but a child.

Still, mother and father had gone. Their mission on earth was finished. Teach one child to raise the sun, the other to raise the moon. Now they had to leave, for other galaxies, to bring light to other planets which required it.

And it was all Luna's fault.

Had she not raised the moon, the mission would not be complete. Mother and father would have had to stay. And now Celestia sat there. Waiting for Luna to come downstairs so she could get an earful. Luna was going to pay for driving mother and father away.

An hour later, Luna did come downstairs. She greeted her sister with that pleasant filly smile.

"Good morning Tia!" She said cheerfully.

Celestia sighed. Now was the moment. To break this filly. To let her know just how much she had screwed everything up by getting her cutie mark yesterday.

"Morning Lulu. We need to talk."

Luna hopped up on the stool next to her. Celestia's very serious face unnerved the filly a little.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked.

Celestia groaned. This was going to be difficult. "Mother and Father left last night."

"Yeah? Where'd they go?"

Celestia sighed. "Some...planets out in the galaxy somewhere."

The filly was undeterred, as she opened up a cabinet, looking for some bread. "When are they coming back?"

Celestia hung her head. This was far more difficult than she thought it was going to be. "They're not coming back, Luna."

Luna's face seemed frozen in her little smile for a moment. She slowly closed the cabinet.

"Are you trying to get me back for the soup, Tia?"

Celestia shook her head. "No, Luna. Mom and dad left. They're not coming back."

Luna's face seemed to deflate. Her smile disappeared, replaced by a blank expression.


Celestia nodded, sniffling. "Yeah."

Luna stared off into space. "Why?"

This was beyond any doubt the moment. And Celestia could not pull the trigger.

"I'll tell you later."

Luna nodded. Her expression did not change. She turned and trotted away. She could hear the filly's tiny hoofsteps as she went up the stairs. Celestia felt a tear running down her cheek.

She was technically an adult. But she didn't feel like one. She felt like a child, fending for herself for the first time. Surrounded by strange ponies who she knew were loyal to her, and protected only her, but were strangers nevertheless.

She heard Luna's bedroom door slam. That was okay. She needed some time alone with her thoughts.

"Princess Celestia?" A familiar voice called.

Celestia turned to come face to face with the white pegasus by the name of Cassio.

"Ah. Good morning. What word have you for me, dear soldier?"

Cassio sighed. She could tell that he was not exactly loving the situation either. "Well, to put it bluntly, Equestria is yours now. There is much business to be done."

The day was long and brutal. Celestia had to go deal with all the business that had kept her parents busy for the last thousand years. Running a nation had been described to her as a great job, but it was still, very much, a job.

With only a few perks. The ability to live in a palace. The ability to have subjects bow before you. And Celestia was already getting sick of that.

And Luna had only been seen a couple times, playing with her toys. She didn't smile. She didn't cry. She didn't seem to show any emotion.

Around lunch time, Celestia went down to the royal kitchen to make herself something to eat.

Her ears became aware of a commotion coming from the royal dining room.

A small, grey, fearful looking earth pony galloped towards her. "Oh, dear princess, I'm trying everything, she just won't cooperate..."

Celestia frowned. "What? What is the matter?"

"Tis your sister your highness. She refuses to eat."


The grey mare sighed. "She...she simply refuses to drink her soup, my princess."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll have a little talk with her."

She trotted into the royal dining room. Luna had her hooves up on the table, staring at a steaming bowl of soup that stood before her. She looked up at Tia.

"I don't like turnip soup."

"Apologies madame." The grey earth pony said to Celestia. "We have nothing else, until the supply ponies arrive tomorrow."

Celestia shook her head. "No need to apologize. It's quite alright." She turned her attention back to Luna. "You're eating that."

Luna glared at her. "No I'm not."

Celestia trotted up to Luna. "You have to eat, Luna. You don't have to like it. We're getting new food tomorrow. So eat up."

Luna eyed the bowl, then Celestia.


Celestia gritted her teeth. "Look. I'm in charge now. It's time you started respecting my authority. I said eat the soup..."

"You're not my mom! You can't make me!" Luna shouted. She pushed the soup away.

Celestia slammed her hoof down on the table. "Oh yes I can! EAT IT!!" She pushed the bowl back towards Luna.

Luna picked it up and threw it at her sister.

Celestia ducked, missing most of it. But for the second day in a row, she had turnip soup on her face.

Luna sat there for a moment, shocked at her own act. There was a moment of terrified silence as both sisters stood in shock.

Then Celestia let out a low growl.

"BED!! NOW!! YOU ARE SO GROUNDED!!! TEN MONTHS!!" Her hoof shot out in the direction of her room.

Luna backed away, partially angry, partially fearing for her life. She stomped off towards her room.

Celestia turned to a couple of her guards. "Make sure she gets there." They bowed, then followed the tiny night princess.

The grey earth pony looked up at the turnip soup faced Celestia, her eyes wide.

"Uh...looking...glorious as always, your highness."

Celestia growled again, then stomped off towards the bathroom.

At the end of the long day, Celestia had to give her little sister a bath.

She knocked on the door. Luna, surprisingly, had not locked herself in her room. The two sisters silently trotted towards the bathroom.

As they walked in, and Celestia started the bath, the two remained silent, betraying little emotion other than the occasional glare.

And for the first time in the history of history, Luna did not struggle, and did not resist, as her older sister scrubbed her down. Not even the application of soap caused the filly to fight back.

Afterwards, Celestia wrapped her up in a towel to dry her off. She looked into her eyes.

"Ready to apologize?" Celestia asked. She still considered how she could drop the fact that their parent's departure was Luna's fault. She would bide her time.

Luna looked up at her with those big, empty eyes. Then, the first signs of emotion began.

Her lip began to quiver. Her face scrunched up. Then came the waterworks. She began shaking, a loud, agonizing sadness echoing from her little lungs, tears streaming down her face.

Celestia's big sister instincts kicked in. The events at lunch were quickly forgotten. She pulled the filly close to her chest, and rubbed her back gently.

"I know. I know. It's gonna be okay..."

Luna moaned something in response, but she was crying too hard to make sense.

"Shh. It's okay. It's okay Luna. Calm down." Celestia didn't know what else to say. Her own eyes were beginning to water.

Luna looked into her eyes. "I-It's my fault isn't it? It's m-my fault mother and f-father left!"

Celestia ran her hoof through the filly's mane gently. This was her chance. She had been looking forward to this moment all day. And instead, she told a lie.

"No Luna. It had nothing to do with you."

Luna continued sobbing. "Really?"

Celestia nodded. "I talked to them before they left. They told me it was just their time. It had nothing to do with you sweetheart. I promise."

Luna looked up at Celestia and managed something resembling a smile. And Celestia could see how much peace that brought the little filly. How much of a weight was lifted off of her shoulders in that moment. And she knew, this filly did not deserve to hear the truth.

Celestia nuzzled her gently. The filly buried her head in her big sister's chest. "I miss them so much, Tia!"

Celestia nodded. "I know sweetheart. I do too. But it's okay. We have each other now. Alright?"

Luna looked up at Celestia and nodded. "Okay." It was barely a whisper.

Celestia looked down at her bed. She was so exhausted. She had been awake the entire night before, reeling from her parents sudden departure.

And after another day of dealing with royal business for the first time, she was ready for a good night's sleep.

As she lay down and drew the covers up over herself, she took in the warmth of the cotton sheets.

It took a good thirty minutes for her to realize that sleep was impossible. She had been awake for so long now, and yet, though she was tired, she couldn't sleep.

This massive palace felt so empty now. And this bedroom no longer felt the same.

She groaned, then got up, and, dragging her blanket with her, trotted downstairs.

The living room. That's what they called it. And it did have all the necessities of a living room. Sofas. Comfortable chairs. A fireplace. Then there were the stain glass windows. The high ceiling. The columns. The epitome of upper class.

Celestia trotted onto the carpet in front of the fireplace. A little magic tinkering from her horn and the flame began to burn, bringing some warmth to the cold palace.

So large. So decadent. Yet so empty.

Celestia stared into the flames. Sleep was threatening now. Good. She moved the flat sofa closer to her, with some magical assistance, but remained on the floor, staring into the flames, the blanket wrapped around her body.

Her ears perked up as she heard the tapping of four little hooves on stone.


Celestia turned to see her little sister, standing at the foot of the stairs, looking just as bereft of sleep.

"Can't sleep, huh?"

Luna shook her head.

Celestia sighed. "This place...it just doesn't feel like home anymore. You know?"

Luna nodded half heartedly. "Yeah."

She trotted closer, staring into the magnificent fire. Watching it dance, and create shadows around the great room.

Her face began to quiver again. "Tia, I'm really sorry about the soup. I didn't mean to...throw it at you. I just...I was so mad about mother and father..."

Celestia sighed. "I know. We should've had a serious talk about them. How about tomorrow? First thing?"

Luna smiled. "Sure." She moved closer to her sister, still watching the fire. They shared some silence as they watched the dancing flames.

Celestia looked at the cutie mark adorning her sister's flank. "I know I didn't tell you yesterday, but I'm so proud of you."

Luna frowned. "Why?"

Celestia chuckled. "You raised the moon, silly!"

"Oh. Yeah, I guess I did..." Luna smiled. That feat had been lost in the drama of the past day.

The fire crackled, and Celestia watched as it slowly began to die out. Soon, it would be cold in the room again.

"I guess...I'll just go back to my room now..." Luna said, rather uncertainly.

"You sure?" Celestia lifted up a part of the blanket and gestured to her sister.

Luna arched an eyebrow, contemplating her big sister's offer. "Aren't you mad at me?"

Celestia shrugged. "Eh...not really. Come. You don't want to sleep alone tonight, do you? I know I don't."

.Luna hesitated, then proceeded to curl up next to her sister. Celestia wrapped the blanket tightly around the two of them.

"Oh, you just wuv your big sis, don't you widdle Woona?" Celestia asked, giggling.

Luna opened her mouth to protest, then remembered that this probably meant Celestia wasn't thinking about avenging the soup incident.


They watched together as the fire died out.

Celestia realized at that moment, that for once, the siblings were eye to eye. They had both never been in a situation like this before. And in a way, they were both children now.



"Am I still grounded?"

Celestia giggled. She wrapped her arms around her sister. "Of course you are Luna. Though ten months...probably a little excessive...maybe a week or two..."

Luna sighed, defeated.

"You did spray soup in my face." Celestia pointed out, trying to give a stern expression, while simultaneously trying not to laugh.

"I said I was sorry..." Luna mumbled.

Celestia once again had to steel herself against the adorableness train that was her little sister. She devised a punishment. She opened her mouth for her declaration.

"Your punishment is to be by my side, while I attend to all my royal business tomorrow."

Luna's eyes lit up. "Yay!"

Celestia smirked. This kid had no idea what kind of boredom awaited her the next day. But hey, she'd probably liven up the proceedings at least a little.

Celestia felt the little filly dig her head into her chest again. Luna smiled.

"You're the best big pillow ever."

Celestia couldn't help but laugh at this. "Well you're the best little pillow ever." She pulled the filly in closer.

"Tia? Are you scared?" Luna asked.

Celestia sighed. "Yeah. Actually, I am. Why?"

Luna hesitated. "I'm...I'm really scared Tia."

"Aww, widdle Woona is scared?" Celestia teased.

Luna turned red. "No...not like really scared just...kinda."

Celestia picked Luna up and laid her down gently on the sofa. She laid the blanket down, then flopped down next to her.

Luna immediately crawled onto her big sister's chest for warmth. Celestia wondered how long Luna's clingy phase would last. Oh well. She'd just lost her parents. And Celestia had to admit, it felt kinda good having somepony to snuggle up with. Even if that somepony was an obnoxious pest more than half the time.



"Promise you'll never leave me?"

Celestia looked down at those giant filly eyes, still wet with tears. She craned her neck down and gave the purple lump of fur a kiss on the head.

"I promise I'll never leave you."

The two lay there talking for another hour or so. Luna was the first to doze off.

Celestia lay there, watching the little purple creature sleep on her chest. She hoped to whatever deity there was that her sister didn't drool in her sleep.

And she hated herself for even considering telling Luna about the reason for their parent's departure.

She was so young. And she so needed care and attention. And love. But she didn't need the burden of truth. Not this truth, anyway.

And it was with these thoughts, and with a feeling of renewed comfort, that the sun princess finally dozed off.

Celestia awakened with tears in her eyes. She had dozed off underneath a snow capped tree. Her breathing was heavy.

"Luna!" She called out. She looked around. Nothing.

Of course. Luna was on the run. Again.

She stretched herself out. Her anger flooded through her again. Luna was no cooperating with her. She was running.

Perhaps she was afraid. It didn't matter. The Equestrian Justice Department deadline had run down hours ago.

Luna had to be brought in. After that, it was up to Equestria.

And Celestia thanked herself for having abolished the death penalty eons ago. Because these ponies would not think twice about executing somepony as disliked, and feared as her sister.

And she remembered what they had been talking about the night Luna escaped for the second time. Building a trust. Ceasing to lie to one another. And Celestia thought of her own centuries old lie.

In a way, Luna had been directly responsible for mother and father leaving to explore other planets. That was the painful truth.

But did Luna deserve to have that on her conscience? Considering everything else she carried on her shoulders?

Celestia shook off the question. If this was to come up, it would have to come up after this was over. For now, Luna was somewhere in these woods, threatening to regress into Nightmare Moon.

It was time to end this nightmare.