• Published 8th Jul 2019
  • 995 Views, 144 Comments

Five Summer Nights - Devious Dazzle

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Night Two : Pie Awry

“Are we there yet!?” Pinkie gave a loud cheerful squeal from the backseat.

Once dull-colored eyes now a vibrant ocean blue hue. Her large sneakers replaced by tiny orange sandals adorned with frilly pink ribbons. She bounced in place on her seat, happily accepting the changes as her skin began to take a soft pastel pink tint.

“No, for the hundredth time!” Tom groaned in a deflated tone of voice soft white freckles peppering both his cheeks cutely.

“I'm just super duper excited! I missed out last night, so I have like tons of memories to make up for!” Pinkie lifted her legs up giggling before kicking Tom's seat repeatedly.

Tom could feel waves of soft silky hair waterfall down past both of his shoulders, bangs cutely dashing over his eyes as he drove down the highway cautiously. Pinkie was starting to wear his nerves down and it wasn't even nightfall yet.

“Want to help out, Vignette?” Tom spoke in a flustered tone.

Vignette nodded silently soaking in a few sly yet humorous tweet's online. Giggling she flaunted a feminine hand over to Tom dismissively, the driver pouting in place from the lack of a reply.

“You're doing great! Keep going…” Vignette simply ignored Tom, letting her eyes fall to yet another tweet.

“I just can't wait for tonight, have you ever felt like popping!? Because I think I might just pop!!” Pinkie poked her head in between the front seats giggling, brunette hair suddenly exploding out in massive waves of bouncy pink curls.

“Oh my!” Tom groaned in utter defeat.

The outskirts of Brentwood was still a pretty fabulous place to be. A miniature city full of places perfect for the nightlife, such as hotels, clubs, and fancy restaurants. Tom pulling into the parking garage of the Hotel Magique.

Pinkie exploded out of the vehicle in uncontrollable excitement. Dressed in a cute pink and white one-piece swimsuit, decorated in flirty frill and of course feminine heart-shaped gold ribbons. A face full of grumpiness and hidden anger replaced by now sweet innocent features.

Large blue eyes, an upturned little nose, and full pouty lips. Pinkie skipped in circles around the beat-up rental, her tiny hands drumming over the surface playfully.

“C’ mon pokies! Let's get this PARTY STARTED!!” Pinkie screamed with a joyous attitude, darting off into the tall fancy Hotel in an electric blur of pink.

“At least somebody is excited?” Vignette spoke with a catty attitude towards Tom.

The young man struggled to lift the many trunks of clothes, there once three duffle bags transformed into. Glaring to the young millennial to offer some kind of help, yet unsurprisingly Vignette simply waltzed off after Pinkie, nose buried in her phone.

“Bunch of children, I swear!” Tom gave a rough tug on a large pink trunk, the handle snapping off before he went flying back to the ground with a thud.

Everything about Pinkie had finished changing. She was completely an over-hyper young woman, in every sense of the word. Proudly flaunting her curves wearing her swimsuit, leaned up against the front counter, talking the ear off the receptionist.

“What's it like to work here!?” Pinkie asked with a bubbly pop of her lips.

“Is this juice free!? Or simply added to your tab!?” Pinkie somehow appeared across the lobby instantly. Holding a plastic cup daintily beside a large Juice Bar, near the corner of the room.

“Has royalty ever played cards here!?” Pinkie popped up behind the desk with the receptionist, the older woman gasping in complete shock.

“No! Yes? Maybe…” The woman gave a confused reply.

Tom barely pulled the luggage into the lobby gasping for air. Dressed in an outfit of a mature young woman, with lovely brown flats adorned with sunflowers. Light green stockings stretching up his legs, complimented with a darker green knee-length skirt, golden trim decorating the hem.

His shirt now a very sophisticated brown mini vest and cotton blouse combo. Pinkie rushed over to his side with an amused smile, flaunting both hands in his direction.

“Did you know that royalty may or may not have stayed here!?” Pinkie whispered behind a lifted hand, her eyes shifting back and forth.

“I think that's everywhere!” Tom rolled his eyes.

Vignette giggled as she swayed wide hips to each side. Walking over with a look of superiority on her face, twirling her phone around her thin fingers slyly. Tom knew deep inside his heart that something was about to go awry, Vignette biting down softly on her lower lip.

“Guess who just made a lunch date with, Verte!” Vignette nearly jumped in place excitedly.

“Is it Tom? Or me!?” Pinkie lifted both hands up squealing.

“What!? No, it's me!” Vignette snapped in an annoyed tone, Pinkie scrunching her nose and stepping away.

“What about us?” Tom narrowed his eyes slightly.

“This place has room service. Besides Verte, needs to chit chat with the star, not her unique friends.” Vignette pointed behind Tom.

Tom turned around to catch Pinkie pressed up against the window of the hotel's dining restaurant. Her dark blue eyes as wide as the moon, watching a massive chocolate fountain being carried over to the open buffet.

“Chocolate fountain!” Pinkie felt drool drip down her chin.

“Ta-ta! Thank you for understanding!” Vignette was already out the door, Tom snapped himself back into reality just to see himself abandoned.

“Grrr, at least she paid for the room.” He scoffed in a sense of betrayal.

Pinkie skipped over to his side, a dark line of chocolate smeared around her lips cutely.

“Om-nom-nom! Vignette said you'd handle the check-in.” Pinkie smacked her lips loudly with a mouth full of bread.

“Of course!” Tom massaged her temples softly, speaking in a mature melodic voice of a young woman.

This night was proving to be nothing but trouble.