• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Night Fang and Loki Stories - Rattlesnake316

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Bittersweet Reunion Part 1 (Enter The Sunset)

Standing in the school for the first time in years, Night Fang had a slight unease to him as he was stood outside the principal's office.

The reason he was there in the first place was that his uncle was in the room speaking to human world Celestia about restarting his nephew’s enrolment back into the school system.

Since being forced to flee his home dimension after nearly beating the tar out of his godmother followed by Discord dragging Night Fang and Loki through the mirror.

Night Fang’s head was all over the place.

He hadn’t had a decent nights sleep due to the nightmares that plagued him which ranged from his best friend being killed right in front of him by Princess Celestia which led to said beat down.

Then the kicker to his nightmares.

Having to block off the portal so no one could follow them and looking at the heartbroken stare of his now ex-girlfriend.

Man, he had some seriously shitty luck.

His thoughts are sidetracked when the door to the principal's office opened and out stepped Principal Celestia and Discord.

Once their slight conversation finished and the principal went back into her office, Discord looked at his nephew with a sigh.

Night Fang looked at his father figure expectedly before the older male spoke.

“She’ll take you on a probation period before fully accepting you back Night.”

Night Fang couldn’t help but slump in his seat with an irritated sigh.

Discord knew his teenage nephew's dilemma but all he could do was sit next to the seventeen-year-old and lightly rub his back.

Night Fang looked at his uncle before deciding to speak.

“Uncle Dizzy, do you think a monster like me can fit in here?”

For the first time in a long while, Discord couldn’t help but wince at the’ word before thinking carefully on his answer.

He didn’t need to speak as he and Night Fang caught sight of the one girl, no, THE girl, he’d never thought he’d see again.

It was only in passing but the two shared a glare between each other before she passed by as quick as she had walked near him.

Night Fang let a small smirk escape his lips at what he was seeing.

This would be an interesting time back at the school.


Once he had received his schedule and his card for the cafeteria, he made his way to Miss Cheerilee’s class in the east corridor.

When he arrives with the principal, Night Fang couldn’t help but gulp back the lump in his throat because the next thing he knew, the human version of his godmother is seen knocking on Cheerilee’s classroom door.

Inside The Classroom

The minute Night Fang walked into the room, the chatter began between the students the minute they saw the teen stand in front of the teacher's desk.

Once he was stood at the wooden desk, Celestia spoke.

“Students, could I please have your attention for just a minute.”

The minute all eyes were on him, Night Fang stood stoic and uncaring while the principal announced him to the class.

“I’d like to welcome our new student, Night Fang, to the student body, I hope you all will make his stay with this school a happy one.”

Night Fang stood looking at the classroom he was stood in while blanking Celestia and catching the eye of the girl he had seen in the corridor near the principal's office.

Red and Yellow hair, check, evil glare directed at him, check, plans to castrate him the minute she gets him alone, double-check.

No doubt, this is a now teenage Sunset Shimmer.

The minute Celestia had said who he was, the look from Sunset Shimmer spelt danger to him.

This was not the girl who had had a crush on him back in Equestria.

Once Night Fang took his seat, his first thought was to instantly open his book to whatever page he had been told to open it to.

His second, avoid the burning hole being burned into him by the female next to him.


Sat by himself was a blessing to the male who was sat on his cell phone that his uncle had bought him a week after being back in the human dimension.

With the odd bite of his fries, while looking at the screen, he never saw the female, who was glaring at him in class, walk into the cafeteria with her two flunkies and making everyone run away scared from her mere presence.

When they got to their target, Sunset gave her knuckles a crack before walking over to the male's table.

When she got there, however, she wasn’t expecting the male to be prepared for her.

“Piss off.”

Those two words from Night Fang caused Sunset to stop in her tracks and contemplate her next actions.

She didn’t want to lose face in front of her cronies, especially to this foul-mouthed male.

With a new resolve, she spoke.

“You didn’t even give me a chance to speak you wretch.”

Night Fang paused eating for a second to look at the female in front of him.

The minute the two eyes met properly, time stopped.

Even though his heart was doing somersaults at the beauty in front of him, he held his stoic expression while silently glaring daggers into his childhood friend.

Sunset, however, was trying to hold her expression despite her heart aching.

“You need to remember this, even though you were the big bad back home, the tables have turned, I run this school, got that! You and everyone else is dirt beneath my boots and If you cross me, I won’t be afraid to crush you.”

Sunset says threateningly to the male who is known plussed by the female's presence.

Deep inside, she was bricking it at the fact she was attempting to be a bully to her crush.

Something she knew would spell doom for her.

What caught her off guard was Night Fang getting to his feet with his shake in hand.

Taking a sip of the drink, Night says to the girl in front of him, while she was preparing for the worst.

“You done yakking yet?”

Sunset nods reluctantly before her look of silent backing off turned to rage.

Night Fang had tipped his shake on Sunset’s head before placing the cup on top of her head and whispering in her ear.

“If you remembered what I was like when we were kids darling, you’d know bullies don’t last long around me.”

Before he walked away and left the fuming female behind, he turned and said.

“Oh, and by the way, dinner’s on me tonight, my treat.”

Leaving a blushing and raging Sunset behind, Night Fang couldn’t help but hold his chest and say.

“Holy hell she is gorgeous, just hope she doesn’t kill me for that stunt.”

Back inside the Cafeteria, we see Sunset stood blushing and shaking in rage at the nerve of the male to show up the queen bee of CHS.

Though dinner with her crush did sound tempting.

Later Back At Night Fang’s Home

The minute Night Fang walked through the door after school let out, he wasn’t expecting to see his principal in her casual clothes and sat at the coffee table holding his uncle’s hand.

When Discord noticed him, his face lit up with a smile.

“Hey champ, how was your first day back at school, your human aunt told me you were involved in an altercation with Sunset Shimmer.”

Night Fang was about to speak but the minute he opened his mouth, his fourteen-year-old brother interjected.

“According to PonyBook, Uncle Dizzy, Sunset posted the following...”

Never been so humiliated in my life!
First my childhood crush comes to MY school and then proceeds to ruin my queen bee image by pouring strawberry milkshake all over me!’

“...So to answer your question uncle Dizzy, Sunset picked the wrong new kid to bully and my brother put her in her place.”

Night Fang closed his mouth, opened it again only to close it, point to his brother and say.

“What he said.”

Discord couldn’t help but shake his head with a smile, Celestia however, only had a few things to say.

“Just be careful Night Fang, even though Sunset is somewhat a model student in her own eyes, I don’t trust her one bit.”

Night Fang nods before heading upstairs to his room.

Night Fang’s Room

Dark blue walls greeted the male as he entered his bedroom, switched on the light and placed his rucksack next to the door before flopping down on his bed and pulling his cellphone from his jeans pocket and looking at the front of the screen.

It was a picture of him and Sunset when the two of them were best friends.

Night Fang couldn’t help but smile a sad smile towards the picture.

I made the mistake of losing you once Sunny, I don’t plan on losing you again.’

His thoughts are interrupted by his phone flashing with a notification and the following message appearing.

Just making sure this is the right number for you Night Fang.’

Being the ever-curious one, Night texted back.

‘Yea this is the right number, that you Sunset?’

After sending the text, his phone began ringing.

Without hesitation, he answered.

“Nice to hear from you outside of your normal school image Sunset.”

Well, you know me too well Night, we did grow up together, I just wish I had some warning before you showed up in my life again.”

Night Fang chuckles before continuing to speak.

“Sorry I showed you up darling, I knew you had this new image to protect but my stance on bullies still stands.”

I know Night, I still remember when you humiliated Rain Cloud to defend my honour back home.”

The mention of their homemade Night Fang sigh sadly, something Sunset caught onto.

Night, what’s wrong? You had a good life in Equestria didn’t you after you killed Predator right?”

Night didn’t want to tell Sunset the truth, but it was his obligation to his crush to spill the beans.

“Sunset, what I tell you now, stays between us, so here it goes...”

Once Night Fang had gone through the major details of going to his mother’s funeral, being accused of Predator’s murders, watching his best friend be killed in front of him, beating the crap out of Princess Celestia for said murder then fleeing Equestria with his uncle, baby brother and his brother’s girlfriend in tow as he left behind his ex-girlfriend and everything he knew behind.

Sunset had been stunned into silence.

“...And that is why I am back in Humansberg and making your queen bee image mean jack shit.”

Night Fang finished his story and waited on a reply from Sunset, which soon followed.

So, you’re now a single, falsely accused murderer who beat the crap out of the princess because she murdered your best friend while you escaped and left Twilight behind.”

Night Fang responded with.

“That’s the truth.”

Sunset didn’t know how to respond to that.

However, she did know how to respond when she could hear the male looking through his tablet before he spoke again.

“Is your address still the same Sunset?”

Yea it’s the same house from when you saved me from Predator when I was eleven.’

“Perfect, I’ll come to your house soon, just gonna get changed into something casual, then I’ll be around for you.”

After a few more bits of conversation, Night Fang eventually hangs up the phone before going to the wardrobe to decide on his ensemble for the night.


The minute Night Fang chanced upon Sunset’s house on his walk, his first course of action was to walk over to the door and give it three knocks before hearing Sunset say ‘Come In’ and heading inside.

In The Hallway

“Sunset? it’s me, Night Fang.”

The minute the female heard the males voice she shouted to him.

“I’m in the living room!”

That’s all Night Fang needed to hear before taking his sneakers off and heading to the lounge area where Sunset was waiting on him.

Living Room

“You took your sweet ass time Night, thought you were gonna stand me up as you did back home.”

Sunset says with a smirk but noticed the serious look on her old friend’s face, her smile dropped and her look turned to that of concern.

“Too soon?”

Sunset says apologetically, earning a nod from Night Fang before the two sat down on the couch.

Awkwardness soon set in between the two.

The last time these two saw each other was when Night Fang’s mother was killed and Night went berserk and killed Predator.

But there was something, something that was said that day that still stuck with Sunset after she came back to the human world.


With the new voice, Predator looked at his opponent who had weakly got to his hooves before the young horse shouted.

End of Flashback

Does he still feel that way? even when he was with Twilight, he called me ‘His’ when he tore into Predator.’

Noticing Sunset looking at him, Night Fang turned to face her, only for her to turn her head away with a bright red blush adorned on her face.

Night Fang enjoyed tormenting Sunset, it could be the slightest look her way and her face would turn bright red.

The torment soon stopped when Night Fang pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time before speaking.

“Welp, I best phone the oriental takeaway then, really fancy a chow mien.”

Night Fang says with a smirk to the female before unlocking his phone and ringing the takeaway for delivery.

Once the orders were placed, Night Fang found a new topic to take his mind off the awkward silence that would soon follow if no one spoke up.

“Oh, by the way, to answer your earlier question on the phone Sunset, I'm willing to date you, well if you still want to despite the image you need to maintain.”

The blush on Sunset’s face said it all, her friend had just boldly asked her out and she was shell shocked.

When she did recover long enough to speak, her first thought came to light.

“What about Twilight?”

“What about her Sunset?”

Sunset had to collect herself and not screw up her second chance at admitting her feelings, this time, without Loki to ruin it all.

“Well when you and Twilight were thirteen, you two were inseparable, obviously not now, but I felt that I had blown my chance when Loki pushed you towards Twilight.”

Night Fang sighed before boldly pulling Sunset in for a kiss.

Before Sunset could deepen the kiss, Night Fang pulled away, leaving the female breathless.

“You never blew your chance, I felt guilty breaking your heart and letting Loki help me towards Twilight, I thought I'd never see you again until I saw you in the school corridor today.”

Sunset sighs knowingly before the male continued.

“I wanted to reciprocate your feelings but my mother, Celestia rest her soul, had other ideas when she came to get me to go shopping for my Winter Ball suit.

Sunset nods before hugging her best friend and now boyfriend Night Fang before the doorbell rang, announcing their take out had arrived.

As the two reunited friends shared jokes, food, kisses and laughter into the night, the male was blissfully unaware of what Sunset was planning to do at the dance.

But for now, Night Fang was to remain blissfully unaware.

Next Day At CHS

News spread like wildfire of the teen who was Sunset Shimmer’s proverbial kryptonite.

Teens no longer had to worry once Night Fang was around to scare off Sunset, Snips and Snails.

Something they didn’t know.

Night Fang is now dating said Queen Bee of Canterlot High in secret.

Times couldn’t be better for the male.

Cheerilee's Class

“Now remember class, fall formal is a couple of days away and since no one is opposing Sunset Shimmer this year, it looks like another victory for her.”

Sunset sits in her seat and smirks cockily before Cheerilee continues what she is saying.

“To make sure no shenanigans happens this year, Principal Celestia has requested there be a fall formal monitor to make sure the voting process goes smoothly.”

Sunset’s cocky smirk dropped at the monitor part before Cheerilee continued.

“Principal Celestia has appointed Night Fang as the Fall Formal Monitor.”

The whole classroom cheered but Sunset hid her face in her hands in mock disappointment.

She was looking and smiling lovingly at the sleeping male at the desk next to her.

He has no idea what has just gone on.’

Sunset says in her thoughts before giving the male a nudge causing him to shout after jolting awake.



Pinkie says earning a laugh from the class while Night Fang is coming around from his slumber before slowly saying while yawning.

“Sorry Miss...” Yawn “I didn’t sleep much last night with half of the school population sharing the video of me tipping milkshake on Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset flushes in anger at the male before someone catches him up.

Once all caught up, he speaks.

“I’ll do my best, I'll make sure SOMEONE doesn’t sabotage the formal...”

Night Fang turns and faces Sunset and whispers the last part so only she could hear.

“Even if it’s the girl I love.”

Sunset blushes before the bell spares her any further embarrassment.

Outside of Class

Standing with his locker door wide open and placing his books into the storage unit, he noticed something was up.

“How long have you been standing there Sunset Shimmer.”

Just like that, he was correct, it was Sunset Shimmer, but something was troubling his beloved.

Causing him to say.

“OK, I’ll bite, what’s troubling you, babe?”

Sunset sighs before looking at her boyfriend in the eyes.

“There is something I need to do tonight, but I'm worried it’ll cause a rift between us.”

Sunset says as she motions a finger between herself and Night Fang.

Night Fang sighs before closing his locker door.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be worse than what I'm wanted for Sunset, just as long as no one gets hurt, go for it.”

The look of relief on the female’s face told Night Fang all he needed to see before he received a kiss before she jogs away.

Leaving the male wonder what all the hubbub was all about.

Later That Night

1:53am, Wednesday Morning

Sleep was impossible that night for the male as he tossed and turned before deciding to just sit bolt upright, relaxing and playing on his phone.

Only for his game to be interrupted by a text on his phone.

Groaning at his late-night game being interrupted, he opened the text before looking wide-eyed at what it read.

Not too late to join me on this ride home babe, we can stick it to your ex-girlfriend if you help me on my task.’

A sudden but dull thump on the window by a stone announced that Sunset was stood outside the house with a balaclava in hand for Night Fang to wear over his head when they returned to Equestria.

Jumping down from the window sill of the second storey window and landing with his knees bent before standing fully.

Night Fang looks at Sunset comprehensively before accepting the face mask.

Portal To Equestria

The uneasiness the male felt was only coupled with the fact Sunset was stood beside him and holding his hand right in front of the horse statue that held the portal home.

She could feel her boyfriend’s rage and sadness mixing to create a shaking wreck.

A wreck ready to fight the first chance he got.

To Sunset, this was the only sight that worried her that Night Fang was going to mess this up for her, only to see him pull on the face mask and turn to her and saying.

“Lord, I'm coming home to you.”

Before diving in headfirst, soon followed by Sunset.

The Crystal Empire (Night Fang’s P.O.V.)

With eight sets of hooves landing softly on the crystallised floor, Sunset knew she was in the Crystal Empire, me, however…

“What the hell did I just land on?!”

Sunset quickly shushed me before helping me to stand again from my prone position.

Once she knew I was upright and that everything worked, we made our way into the hallway thanks to my speciality silencing spell.

Avoiding guards was the easy task, except when I decided to knock a stallion guard out with a hoof across the neck before quickly disguising myself as said guard before using my horn and hiding the guard in the broom closet and following behind Sunset.

Outside a Bedroom

“She’s here.”

I say nonplussed at the fact my ex, was in this room right in front of me.

My task was that, I was here to help Sunset and damn it, I would help her in any way I could!

“I’ll keep watch, you go get what you’re after.”

Sunset nods before sneaking into the room where her target was while I stood to watch outside the door.

“Come on Sunset, times ticking.”

I mutter to myself as I see Sunset get closer to her target on the nightstand.

A few minutes later and Sunset had done it, the job is done, except for one thing.

She didn’t see a tail on the floor and had tripped up over it making me cringe before my heart rate picked up when Twilight slowly awoke and saw us both with her crown.


Twilight’s voice sounded making me panic before I began dragging Sunset out of there before we were soon being followed by Twilight.


What we weren’t expecting was Twilight to teleport right in front of us.

“Sorry Twilight.”

I say regretfully before me and Sunset used teleportation spells and dropped what we were wearing.

Once we were on the other side, my yellow eyes glowed in the dark before me and Sunset bolted it back to the mirror room.

Only for Twilight to tackle Sunset into the mirror room before I had to close the doors on the other five mares before I turned my attention to the two.


I couldn’t help but cringe before I turned to face Twilight.

“Sorry, it had to be this way Twily.”

I say before I ram Twilight in the side of her ribs, effectively letting Sunset loose with the crown as she jumped through the portal.

“Why are you doing this Night Fang?”

I sigh before I walk towards the portal, once in front of it, I sigh again before turning to face Twilight and saying.

“Strictly business.”

Before I jump through into the portal back to the human world.

End of P.O.V.