• Published 10th Jul 2019
  • 454 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls: Time To Duel - Midday Sun

Pinkie Pie, the self-proclaimed best duelist of Canterlot High, seems to keep getting herself and her friends into conflicts that can only be resolved by trading cards. So zip the lip and let the cards rip!

  • ...

Episode 2: Queen of Games!

Author's Note:
  • All duels are fictional and all decks are written to be 100% consistent. Don't try to play these decks without accepting some form of risks in a real duel, digital or otherwise.

"So what makes this card so special anyway?"

With the duel from before over and Pinkie and Twilight barely managing to make it to first period, the school day was mostly uneventful. Pinkie and Twilight shared the same classes together and as the school day winding down to lunch time, Pinkie was looking over Twilight 'Dark Magician Girl' card.

Once the card was handed back, Twilight held it protectively in hand. "Well, you see, it was my older brother's card."

"Oh..." Pinkie's hair practically deflated, getting Twilight to nearly jump from her desk. Pinkie put a hand to Twilight's shoulder and in a somber tone, "I'm so sorry for your lost, Twilight. I'm sure he was a good person and is in a much better-"

"He's not dead."

"Oh! Okay!" Pinkie's hair made a 'popping' noise as it returned to its usual, bouncy self, getting a small squeal from Twilight from just how absurd that was. "So, what, did he leave home or something?"

"Y-yeah..." Twilight adjusted her glasses and started to compose herself. "He left to become a Professional Duelist and he's been doing really well. He gave me his 'Dark Magician Girl' to help me on my own path to become a duelist myself." She mused, "actually, you might've heard of him. His name is Shining Armor."

"NO WAY!" Her sudden scream had enough force to knock Twilight over on the bench with a hard 'thud'. "Your older brother is Shining Armor?!"

"I guess you heard of him..."

"Heard of him?!" Pinkie pulled out her backpack and dug around before pulling out a large poster. Shining Armor had long blue and turquoise hair, deep blue eyes, and a well toned body with fair skin. He was in a dark purple suit with an undone black tie, the 'Buster Blader' monster standing over him. He was also standing next to a fair skinned woman with a buxom build, curly long hair with various purple shades and a hint of golden streaks, and purple eyes. She was in a red leotard that helped showed off her hips and breasts, with white frills that hovered just over her knees, with pink knee-high stockings and gloves. She had the 'Dark Magician' standing over her.

"He's totally awesome! He and Mi Amore Cadenza are my favorite Tag Team Duelist!" Pinkie was absolutely giddy as Twilight pulled herself up off the bench. "I can't believe he's actually your brother! You must have a super awesome deck to use!"

"Yeah, er...about that..." Twilight pulled out her deck, "I, well, don't really have a deck that's all that good..."

"Oh come on! If Shining Armor's your brother, I bet he sends you lots of cool cards like Dragon Rulers! Or Thunder Dragons! Or," Pinkie then went through Twilight's deck and her face contorted. "'M...Mushroom Man #2? 'Ancient Jar'? 'P-Poison of the Old Man'?!"

("It was honestly starting to hurt going through Twilight's deck. I mean, she had 'Watapon' in her deck! Who uses that?!")

Twilight was shyly twiddling her fingers as she mumbled, "w-well...ya see, when my brother started dueling, he didn't have any cards and had to build up his deck from scratch." She took off her glasses and stared somberly at the table. "So, when he and Cadence left for the Pro Leagues, I didn't wanna use the cards they tried to leave to me cause...cause I wanted to do it on my own like they did."

("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cue the flashback!")

A younger Twilight Sparkle, a Freshman in Middleschool, watched Shining Armor pack his bags, holding a small box in her hands. She was standing in the doorway, and when he turned to see her, he jumped a bit.

"Wh-whoa, Twily! Don't scare me like that!" He chuckled a bit, "jeez, you're gonna give me a heart attack!"

"S-sorry." Twilight giggled a bit, "I just...just wanted to give you these." She held the box up to him. Shining raised an eyebrow, walking over and looking inside the box. He was taken back to see cards; about 8 years worth of cards that he had given to Twilight. "You told me you were just loaning them to me, so I wanna give them back."

"I-I...well, I mean," Shining had said it so long ago that he didn't really remember. Even if he did say that, he only dd it cause it sounded cooler. "Twilight, you don't gotta give these back, ya know? I mean, I've got plenty of cards for my own deck."

He tried to give them back, but Twilight pushed them back. "Still, I don't want to use a bunch of hand-me-down cards. I...I wanna be a duelist who stands on her own two feet. With my own deck. I wanna do it just like you did." She smiled at him, "I wanna catch up to you in the Pro Leagues with my own deck!"

Her smile was wiped away when Shining looked down at his little sister, flowing a waterfall of tears and had snot running out of his nose. "O-oh Faust, that's so precious..."

"Shining, stop looking at me like that! It's weird!" He pounded lightly at his chest, getting a small laugh from both of them. "My BBBF is suppose to be super cool!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Shining began to sniffle and clean his face with a nearby rag. "But...here. At least let me help you get started on your new collection." He dug into his coat pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to Twilight. She stared at it, unsure if she should take it. "Hey, don't thnk of this as a loan. Think of this as...a gift. A 'good luck in Middle School' gift."

("St-stupid onion-cutting ninjas...")

"And that's why the 'Dark Magician Girl is so important to me." Twilight said, "because it's the card I took to remember my brother from."

When she put them back on, she was stunned to see Pinkie with tears flowing like a waterfall and snot running down her face. "TH-THAT'S SO TOUCHING!"


After quickly cleaning her face with a bunch of napkins, Pinkie smiled. "Say, I wanna make it to the Pro Leagues too! So why not let me help you and we both can make it together!"

Twilight fidgeted with her glasses, "well, I mean, I want to do it on-"

"Oh come on, nobody can make it on their own!" Pinkie giggled, "I mean, Shining has a Tag Duel partner, doesn't he?"

"I-I mean...I guess so..."

Pinkie put an arm around her shoulder. "And if it's a pride thing, then why not just pay me to build you a deck? It's not a handout; it's business." She watched Twilight's face twist n uncertainty. "Lots of Pro Duelists have professional Deck Builders to look over their cards. Smash Fortune does. Daring Do does. I heard that Songbird Serenade has an entire team of scientist just to do maintenance on her deck!"

Twilight slowly began to nod, "I...guess that makes sense."

Pinkie was beaming as she let go of Twilight. "Good. I'm available Mondays-Fridays and I only accept payment in cupcakes!"

"C-cupcakes..." Twilight was pretty confused, but she didn't push on it. "You sure that you can do something like that?"

"You mean charge with food or build a deck."

"...Uh, the second one?"

Pinkie smiled, "well, trust me! I'll make you an amazing deck to play with! After all, I'm going to be the next Duel Queen, so I gotta prove I can rock and build a deck!"

"Duel Queen?"

Twilight and Pinkie shared a glance before looking behind them to the source of the new voice. She had long, rainbow-colored hair tied into a long ponytail, goggles resting atop her head. She was about 5'4, just a bit taller then Twilight's own 5'3 and wore the same uniform as the two girls did. Magenta eyes leered at Pinkie Pie, the student having a rather well endowed build of her own, even if her own C-Cups were overshadowed by Pinkie's Ds.

"Oh, hey Rainbow Dash." Pinkie smiled, waving at her, even if Twilight was scooting away nervously from Dash's intimidating glare.

"Don't play dumb, party girl."

"Play dumb? How do you do that?"

Rainbow Dash slammed her hand onto the desk, "you just said you would be the next 'Duel Queen'."

"Oh, that?" Twilight watched Pinkie's metamorphosis again, seeing her smirk with almost shark-like teeth, and Dash was sharing that look. "Yeah, I guess I did say that; cause I'm pretty sure I'm the best duelist in this school."

Dash gave a small chuckle, "that's a pretty bold statement when you know I'm here." Dash pulled out a pair of navy, fingerless gloves and began pulling them over her tanned flesh. "Care to prove that?"

Pinkie shot out of her bench, "oh, I'm always ready if you are."

Then the bell rang.

"...Er, let's do this after school." Pinkie said.

"Y-yeah." Dash had pulled her gloves off. "I'll see you then."

"So, what's the big deal about this whole 'Duel Queen' thing anyway?" Twilight walked besides Pinkie as she dug around inside of her backpack. "I mean, it doesn't really mean anything; it's just a nickname that some female duelists get when they're popular. It's not like an actual title or anything."

"Yeah, well, at Canterlot High," Pinkie pulled out a duel box and began to load her deck into her duel disk, "calling yourself a 'Duel Queen' is like calling yourself the best duelist at the school. Cause only pros ever get called 'Duel Queen'. So calling yourself one of those is like calling yourself a professional-the best of the best. The cream of the crop. The Queen Bee in a hive of drones. The Alpha over all the Omegas. The majestic unicorn around a field of draft horses. The-"

"SHE GETS THE POINT, AIRHEAD!" Rainbow Dash shouted from across the field, her fingerless gloves back on. "Now hurry it up!"

"Oh, sorry!"


Rainbow Dash: 8000
Hand: 5

Pinkie Pie: 8000
Hand: 5

"I'm going first." Dash told her as she picked up her opening hand along with Pinkie. "And I'll start with Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus in attack mode!" Appearing on Rainbow Dash's field was a white, winged horse with a sapphire horn, neighing proudly as it flew around its master before landing in front of her.

ATK/1800 DEF/1200

"C-Crystal Beasts?!" Twilight gasped, "those cards are impossibly rare! Only a handful of people in the world play them."

Rainbow Dash smirked, throwing out the 'v' sign with her hands. "Damn right they are! These cards have been in my family for generations! And now I'm their new master!"

"But if they're family heirlooms, why are you playing them?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head.

"...When Sapphire Pegasus is summoned onto the field, I can add a Crystal Beast monster from my deck to my backrow. I choose Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle!" Sapphire Pegasus's horn gave a blue glow as a red chunk of stone appeared behind it.

("I can't believe she just ignored me!")

"I set two cards and end my turn." Dash smirked at Pinkie Pie, "beat that!"

Dash's Hand: 2

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie shrugged as she drew her next card. "Hmm, let's see...oh, I know! Watch carefully now, cause this trick has a lot of steps to it! First, I play Double Summon! This lets me make two Normal summons this turn. And my first one will be Peformapal Secondonkey!" A donkey appeared on Pinkie's field, light brown in color and with a red bowtie with yellow polkadots.

ATK/1000 DEF/2000

"P-Performapals?" Twilight scratched at her head, "you've got another deck?"

"Yeah! I've got, like, a lot of them!" Pinkie smiled, "and now Secondonkey's effect activates; it lets me take a 'Performapal' from my deck and send it to the graveyard." Pinkie then sent a card from her deck to the graveyard. "Next, with my second Normal Summon, I summon Performapal Friendonkey!" Another, light-blue, donkey appeared next to Secondonkey, having a mischievous look on his face and a tiny hat on his head. It also had a pink saddle and saddlebag.

ATK/1600 DEF/800

"I'm sorry, but is there a pitstop between now and the fucking point?" Dash asked, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, no swearing! We don't have the profanity tag!"


("Oops, I was suppose to put that here.")

"Never mind. Anywho, Friendonkey lets me Special Summon one Level 4 or below 'Performapal' from my hand or graveyard. So from my graveyard, I'm calling my good buddy Performapal Longphone Bull!" Friendonkey began chuckling as his saddlebag opened up and a blue bull in a vest and pants popped out and landed in the middle of the donkeys, with a phone on his head.

ATK/1600 DEF/1000

"That's real cute, Pinkie, but in case you flunked math or something, none of these cards can take on Sapphire Pegasus." Dash said bluntly.

"Good thing I'm not done!" Pinkie smiled as the phone on Longphone's head began to ring. "Cause now, I can add a 'Performapal' from my deck to my hand, as long as it's not a Pendulum monster." A card popped from her deck and added it to her hand. "And lookie here! The card I added was Performapal Elephammer to my hand. And since if I've got 2 or more Performapals on my field, and I count 3, I can Special Summon him to the field!" A lime-green elephant with a hammer in his trunk then lept from behind Pinkie, but instead of landing on the field, it fell into a hole and was sent falling before a loud 'thud' was heard.

ATK/2600 DEF/1800

"Uh...h-hey! That's not suppose to happen!" Pinkie yelped

Dash rolled her eyes, "yeah, I bet not. Cause I activated my Trap Card; Bottomless Trap Hole! When a monster with 1500 attack or more is summoned, I can banish it from the game."

"Oh..." Pinkie pouted, "that's no fun."

"Oh, whatever! Is that all you got?"

"No!" Pinkie huffed as she looked through her hand, "I still got...I can still...well, er, I guess I do end my turn."

Pinkie's Hand: 3

"All that set up and that was all you could manage?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well...that was just my first trick."

"And your last." Dash drew her next card. "Cause now, I'm summoning Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger!" A yellow-ish tiger, covered in spikes on its legs and forehead, and a yellow stone on both sides of his neck. He purred a bit as he nuzzled up next to Rainbow Dash.

ATK/1600 DEF/1000

"Aw, it's a kitty!" Pinkie cooed, but then Topaz Tiger growled at her and got her to flinch. "Nevermind! He's a really big cat!"

"You got that right!" Dash smirked, "Topaz Tiger, attack Secondonkey! Topaz Slash!" The tiger's claw began to give off a topaz sheen, leaping into the air and mauled at the screaming donkey before it exploded in a puff of smoke.

Pinkie's Lifepoints: 7000

"Wait, why did my lifepoints go down to 7000?!"

"Cause when Topaz Tiger attacks," Dash smirked, as the tiger returned to her and his claws returned to Normal, "he gains 400 points for the damage phase. So his attack became 2000."

Pinkie pouted, "I guess that tiger's got some serious claws.

"And now, Sapphire Pegasus, take out Longphone Bull! Sapphire Beam!" Sapphire Pegasus flew into the air, his horn glowing a sapphire color before firing a beam from said horn, hitting the bull and destroying it.

Pinkie's Lifepoints: 6800

"And that's my turn, Pinkie."

Dash's Hand: 3

"Draw!" Pinkie had a giddy grin, "alright, for my next trick, I'll tribute Friendonkey to Special Summon Performapal Sleight Hand Magician!" A red curtain came down upon the donkey before a tall man in clown makeup and a a jester-like outfit took his place, holding a scepter with a theater mask on the end.

ATK/2500 DEF/2000

"And now I activate his effect: I can send a card from my hand to the graveyard and destroy one card on your field. And I choose...Ruby Carbuncle in your backrow!"

"Oh no you don't!" Dash shouted, "I reveal my trap: Fiendish Chains!" When the trap card flipped face up, chains fired out and entangled the ever-smiling mage. "This will prevent your Magician from attacking AND negates his effects! So he's not going anywhere."

Pinkie giggled, "silly Dashie, don't you know that he's...an escape artist?"


"But he needs help from his little friend! By returning my Sleight Hand Magician to my hand," The Magician disappeared in a puff of pink smoke, "I can Special Summon Performapal Sky Pupil!" A little boy appeared with a white mask and a red and blue jester hat appeared out of the smoke, holding two golden rings.

ATK/800 DEF/800

"I'm getting really tired of you clowning around, Pinkie..." Dash growled.

"Oh, then you're gonna REALLY hate this." Pinkie smirked, "cause now, I also summon Performapal Skullcrobat Joker!" Another clown in a pink and black suit, with a tophat, fell from the sky. Sky Pupil held up a ring as the magician grabbed and flipped through it before landing next to the kid and bowed.

ATK 1800/DEF 100
Scale: 8

"I'm not impressed." Dash said coldly, Skullcrobat joker looking dejected before falling over and sobbing.

("Jeez, tough crowd...")

"Well, you might be impressed with this! Skullcrobat lets me add a 'Performapal' from my deck to my hand. And I choose my 'Performapal Sky Magician'." Skullcrobat took off his hat as the card went flying to his master.

("Spoiler Alert: He'll come up later.")

"Thanks, pal! Now, attack Topaz Tiger with Skull Surprise!" Skullcrobat joker then took off his hat, a giant, cartoony skull on a spring went flying right at Topaz Tiger and struck him dead on.

"When Topaz Tiger is destroyed, instead of sending him to the graveyard, he can go to the backrow!" Dash smiled as a huge chunk of yellow stone appeared besides the ruby.

Dash's Lifepoints: 7800

"And now, Sky Pupil, attack Sapphire Pegasus!" The child then threw his large rings at the winged horse.

"Uh, why? Pegasus'll just crush him."

"Cause Sky Pupil has another effect: when he attacks and I have another 'Performapal' on the field, I can choose to just destroy your card!" Pinkie smiled as Sky Pupil flipped threw the rings and just...poked Pegasus on the nose as a puff of pink smoke came around him. Flying out of the smoke was a hunk of sapphire landing next to the topaz. "And now, my turn ends."

Pinkie's hand: 2

"About time." Dash grunted as she drew her next card. "I play Pot of Greed!"

"Ooh, what does that do?!" Pinkie looked excited, but Twilight just scratched the back of her head.

"It lets me draw two." Dash said, the pot coming and going as Dash drew. "Next, I summon Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat!" A pink furred cat was summoned in front of Dash, looking more like a panther then a house cat. It had a gold collar with a solid amethyst embedded into it.

ATK 1200/DEF 400

"Aw, what a cute ki-" Pinkie was cut off by the cat growling at her. "Okay, okay, I get it!"

"Good." Dash nodded, "And now, with Amethyst Cat's effect, she attacks...you directly!"

"...Say what?" Pinkie blinked as she watched Amethyst Cat jump over her clowns and swipe at her face with her claws. "OWOWOWOWIE!" Pinkie whined, holding her face in agony.

Pinkie's Lifepoints: 6200

"Oh calm down, it was only for half her attack." Dash rolled her eyes.

"It...still hurt."

"Oh whatever. My turn ends."

Dash's Hand: 3

"Draw." Pinkie sniffled a bit, "okay, I summon Performapal Silver Claw in attack mode!" A violet wolf with an orange star on his cheek appeared on Pinkie's feet, growling at Amethyst Cat.

ATK/1800 DEF/700
Scale: 5

"And now, I attack with Sky Pupil and play his ability again on Amethyst Cat." Sky Pupil performed his little ring trick again, booping Amethyst Cat on the snout as it disappeared into smoke and reappeared as a purple gem with the rest on Dash's field.

"And now, Silver Claw attacks!" Silver Claw's claws became silver and he charged at Dash. "Oh, and when he attacks, he and all Performapals on my field gain 300 attack points until my turn ends!" Dash visibily cringed as she covered her face, guarding against the incoming attack.

Silver Claw's ATK: 2100

Skullcrobat Joker's ATK: 2100

Sky Pupil: 1100

Dash's Lifepoints: 5700

"And Skullcrobat attacks too!" The acrobat jumped into the air, doing a flip before coming down and kicking Dash right in the stomach, knocking her over.


Dash's Lifepoints: 3600

"Oops, that was a bit much." Pinkie cringed, "you okay?"

"I'm," she gave a few coughs as she got back up, "I'm fine. Just end your turn."

"Uh, okay. My turn's over."

Pinkie's Hand: 2

"Good." Dash drew, "cause you're right where I want you!"

"You mean 'winning'?"

"Ha. Ha ha, that's funny." Dash rolled her eyes, "but no. I play Crystal Abundance! First, the four gems in my backrow are sent to the graveyard!" The four gems all began to rise into the air before circling around Pinkie's field. "And now, it destroys your entire field!"


With a loud explosion, all the cards on the field were destroyed. Pinkie cringed as she said, "wh-when Pendulm Monsters like Skullcrobat Joker and Silver Claw are destroyed, they go to my extra deck instead!"

"Like it matters. Cause now, I get to special summon as many Crystal Beasts from my graveyard. So let's welcome back Topaz Tiger, Sapphire Pegasus, and Amethyst Cat!" The three gems reappeared on Dash's field before, in a flash of light, the 3 of them reappeared. "Oh, and I get to activate Pegasus's effect again, so I put Emerald Tortoise back there!" A large emerald stone appeared in Dash's backrow.

"Oh, this is gonna hurt..." Pinkie whimpered.

"Oh yeah it is!" Dash smirked, "all my Crystal Beasts; attack directly!" The three monsters all started to stalk around Pinkie Pie.

"N-now hang on a second!" Pinkie cried, "y-you can just...tap me on the leg and we'll call that an attack." She smiled sweetly at the three monsters.




"Owie..." Pinkie whimpered, face in the ground and butt up in the air as her lifepoints dropped.

Pinkie's Lifepoints: 1200

Dash laughed as loud as she could, slapping her knee and everything as her monsters came back to her. "Oh man, you look like shit!"

"Dash, no, the rating..." Pinkie said weakly as she got back onto the field.

"Oh whatever." She rolled her eyes, "my turn is over. So play your last card already."

Dash's Hand: 3

Pinkie drew as she looked over her hand. "I...guess I'll just set a card and end my turn."

Pinkie's Hand: 2

Dash chuckled as she drew, "aw, not laughing now? Gonna be a sad clown, now?"

Pinkie pouted, putting her cards in her duel-disk hand and rubbing her butt. "It's a little hard to smile after your horse literally kicked my butt."

"Big baby." Dash snickered, "alright, I'll put you out of your misery. I summon Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth." A woolly mammoth with twisted tusks and a large, orange-like gem on his forehead appeared on her field.

ATK/1700 DEF/1600

"And now, Amber Mammoth, give the finishing blow!" Amber Mammoth gave a loud blow of his trunk before charging at Pinkie Pie.

And then, she smirked.

"I activate Pinpoint Guard!" The trap flipped as a tombstone appeared in Pinkie's backrow. "This card lets me special summon a monster from my graveyard, as long as they're Level 4 or below! And I choose...Performapal Hip Hippo in defense mode!" A pink hippo appeared on Pinkie's field, standing on his hind legs and holding up his hands to guard his face. It had a red vest, orange bowtie, and a tophat.

"Where'd THAT even come from?!" Dash asked.

"Don't you remember, silly?" Pinkie smiled, "he was sent to the graveyard for the effect of Sleight Hand Magician!"

Dash sucked her teeth, "yeah, well, my attack continues!" Amber Mammoth then raised a leg and stomped on the hippo. But instead of of the monster disappearing into pixels, it was completely fine. "H-hey! What gives?!"

"Oh, I know this!" Twilight spoke up, "Pinpoint Guard prevents the monster from being destroyed this turn!"

The rainbow-haired girl groaned as she said, "fine, my turn ends."

Dash's Hand: 3

Pinkie smirked, "alright, time to turn this duel around! I draw!" Pinkie drew her next card, "alright, now, I play Pot of Desires!" The green pot returned, with a pink, disgusting face on the other side. "this card lets me banish the top ten cards facedown and lets me draw two cards!"

"Isn't that a bit excessive?" Twilight asked.

"Course not!" Pinkie declared, "now, zip the lip and let the cards rip!" She ditched the first ten cards on her deck and then drew two. "And what cards I found! First, thanks to Hip Hippo's effect, I can use him for a double sacrifice! So I tribute him to summon the star of my deck: Performapal Sky Magician!" A magician flew overhead with a golden ring before he let go, flipping around and landing onto the field. He wore all white, with four golden rings all linked together.

ATK/2500 DEF/2000

"And now, I activate the Continuous Spell: Magician's Restage!" A box then appeared on the field, "this let's me special summon a Level 3 or below Spellcaster onto the field. So re-introducing Sky Pupil!" The little boy popped back out of the box, giving a small wave to Rainbow Dash, who wasn't so pleased. "Oh, and when I activate a Continuous Spell, Sky Magician gains 300 attack."

Sky Magician's ATK: 2800

"And now, Sky Pupil attacks Amber Mammoth! And with his effect, a monster is automatically destroyed!" Sky Pupil poked Amber Mammoth and a slab of amber slid to Dash's backrow.

"Next, Sky Magician, attack Amethyst Cat!" Sky Magician chain of rings were tossed at Amethyst, getting smaller before they crushed the cat.

Dash's Lifepoints: 1000

Dash sucked her teeth as Pinkie moved to her mainphase 2. "And now, I tribute Sky Pupil to special summon Sleight of Hand Magician again!" The jester-looking mage popped back onto the field. "And now, my turn ends. Oh, and Sky Magician returns to normal."

Pinkie's Hand: 1

Dash growled, "don't think you're the only one who can pull off big moves like that!" Dash drew her next card and a smirk appeared on her face. "I play Dark World Dealings! This forces us to both draw a card, then ditch one." Both girls did as instructed.

"Okie dokie lokie, Dash. So what no-" Pinkie was cut off by the rainbow glow that came around Dash. "Uh, what's going on here?"

"With the Sapphire Pegasus and Topaz Tiger in my frontrow," The two monsters began to glow blue and yellow, "Amber Mammoth, Emerald Tortoise, and Amethyst Cat in my backrow," the three gems began to glow orange, green and purple, "and the Ruby Carbuncle and Cobalt Eagle sleeping in my graveyard," her graveyard then began to give off an indigo and red glow, "I special summon the Ultimate Crystal: Rainbow Dragon!"

A large dragon appeared behind Rainbow Dash, its serpent-like dragon covered in white scales and adorned with white feathers. It gave a mighty roar as the gems adorning its neck gave a vibrant glow.

ATK/4000 DEF/0

"...Hot fudge, that's SO COOL!" Pinkie had stars in her eyes as she marveled at the giant dragon. "I want a dragon like that!"

Dash rubbed her nose, "yeah, he's pretty cool. This is the ace of my deck."

"I can see why!"

"Yeah...hey! Don't distract me when I'm about to win!" Dash shouted at her, "and now, Rainbow Dragon! Attack Sky Magician with Over the-"


Both girls stopped dead in their tracks, slowly turning their heads to see a cyan-colored hatchback. A woman with walnut-skin poked from the window, with reddish-orange hair and a yellowish-orange streak running through it was waving her hand over at the three girls, but noticeably at Rainbow Dash.

"Dashie-Honey! Yoo-hoo!"

"'Dashie'?" Pinkie asked, holding back a giggle as Twilight tried to peer on at the woman.

"Rainbow Dash, is that...your-"

"MOOOOOM!" Dash turned around to face her mother and the car. "I told you guys to stop picking me up at school!"

"Aw, but Dashie, you didn't call us to check in." She added, "you know we love you, but if you're not gonna check in at home, then you gotta call us to make sure you're okay."

"MOM! I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF A DUEL HERE!" Dash whined, "can't this wait?! I'm a senior for Faust's sake!"

"Sorry, honey, but you promised to house sit right after school and you know how important promises are~" Windy Whistles giggled, "you know it's game night for your father and I."

"On a Monday...?" Twilight mumbled, looking at Pinkie who just shrugged.

Dash groaned, grumbling something about 'being too old for this', "look, let's call this a draw, okay?" The holograms suddenly turned off as Dash disconnected her duel disk.

As Rainbow Dash started to run off, Pinkie called out to her, "whatever you say, Dashie~"

Rainbow Dash stopped, slowly turned to glare at Pinkie, "do. NOT. Call me that." Pinkie giggled innocently as Dash ran to the car. Once she drove off, Twilight gave a small sigh.

"Well, that's a shame...I was really looking forward to seeing more of Rainbow Dragon."

"Yeah, me too." Pinkie nodded, "I was so close to winning."

"...Pardon?" Twilight raised an eyebrow as Pinkie turned around and showed the last card in her hand. "...You had THAT in your hand?!"

"Yup." Pinkie smiled, proudly holding Rainbow Kuriboh. "If Rainbow Dash attacked, Rainbow Kuriboh would equip himself to Rainbow Dragon and stop the attack."

"Then...next turn, you'd draw, use Sleight Hand Magician's effect and..." Twilight's eyes widened, "oh my Faust, Pinkie! You would've won!"

"Well, I at least could've stopped Rainbow Dragon," Pinkie shrugged, "there was still a chance that Dash could've brought it back somehow." She then started to put her deck back in its box. "It was REALLY close, though. I hope we can duel again! It was so fun!" She began to bounce away with Twilight walking beside her.

("How cute. Girls still fighting over the right to be called 'Duel Queen'.")


A tall woman stood in a nearby window, having watched the duel between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. She was observing them with her long hair flowing with blues, greens, and pinks. Sharp, magenta eyes looked quite pleased as the tanned, buxom woman put a hand to her face.

"It's been such a long time since I've seen duelists with such passion. Since, well, my days in the Pro League." Principal Celestia smiled faintly from her perch.

"Sister, you're being a stalker again." Vice Principal Luna approached her. 6 inches shorter than the 6'5 Celestia and had much paler skin, but still had a body that rivaled her older sister's. Midnight blue hair was taken out of its ponytail and allowed to flow.

"I'm not stalking! I'm observing." Celestia giggled, "I remember back in my Pro Days when I was called a Duel Queen."

"Yes, back when we used to play cards with stone slabs." Luna chuckled a bit, getting a pout from Celestia. "Oh come on, sister, we're not exactly getting any younger."

"You don't need to make us sound ancient." Celestia huffed, "and those two duelists have real potential. I think they could go pro." She then looked back out the window. "I especially got a good feeling about her."

"...Her?" Luna raised an eyebrow, "but she wasn't even dueling. And besides, she just started today and from what I saw, she couldn't tell a Trap Card from a Link Monster."

"Have faith in me, Luna. I have a talent for spotting talent." Celestia smirked, "I have a good feeling about the senior class this year..." She then walked over to her desk and opened a drawer. "Maybe I'll be able to bust out this old baby..."


"Oh come on, Luna! It wouldn't be my REAL deck! I would have my kid gloves on!"

"That you probably made from REAL kids..."

"You make me sound like some kind of monster!"

"You were called the 'One Turn Killer' for a reason, Celestia. You're the reason 'OTK's are even a thing!"

Celestia pouted, crossing her arms, "you're no fun."