• Published 20th Feb 2020
  • 343 Views, 16 Comments

The Mechanist - OceanBytez

Blazing Comet, having recently taken the biggest delivery contract in his life, leaves for his destination eager to claim a rather lavish pay. Things get complicated when his convoy is attacked and he is badly wounded.

  • ...

The further I fall (morbid injury warning)

The first thing my mind notices as it slowly wakes is agony. I can not even figure out where it hurts. Just that I am in so much pain that I cannot think straight. I howl in pain instinctively. My eyes shoot open as I raise my head. I feel a wave of nausea as my disorientation makes itself very well known. I pause briefly so my nausea can pass so I can get my bearings.

I try to stand and immediately stumble as something just is not right. By this point, the searing pain has isolated itself in my rear legs. I look back to see what I can do and... Ohhh my... Panic surges through me as I realize that both of my rear legs are gone. My breathing is heavy and ragged and, my heart feels like it is resting in my throat. There is no bleeding however as whatever energy blast hit me burned the remaining nubs severely. I could swear I can still feel my legs.

I try to force my mind through the fog of pain. I cannot move well now that I have been crippled. I need help soon or I could die. I inspect my body further and note that my fur is burned but, not too badly. I wrack my brain for answers to why only my rear legs would have suffered so much in the blast. At a loss, I chalk it up as lucky that I was not totally turned to dust.

I scan the area for anything or anypony that could help me. All I see are the bodies of the fallen from the previous battle. Most of them were far enough away to escape the blast but, one unfortunate guard was impaled by a large chunk of wood. I try to call out to him but, in my haze, it just comes out as an unintelligible yell. I toss a charred rock at him and nail him right in the head. He doesn't move... Besides him, everypony else in sight seems clearly dead.

The trees in the local area had been blown down. Bits and chunks of wood are everywhere and lodged in every place. There is a fire burning somewhere nearby putting off a sickly smell I cannot identify. Nightfall is approaching fast now and, it should have been dark by now but, the fire puts off enough light to keep the area well lit. I spot the path and see a massive blacked crater where, presumably, the cart used to be. Now all that remained was smoldering wreckage.

There is no goal except survival. I cannot die... I don't want to die yet. There is still so much left for me to see and do. Defeated and with no other choice, I begin trying to drag myself along. It is torturous work as each and every bit of debris scrapes brutally against my already painful injuries. This goes on for a fair bit before a branch catches one of my stumps and jabs sharply in. The spike of pain caused my vision to flash red as I held my breath bracing myself until the suffering can subside.

I reach back uncomfortably and remove the branch from my tender wound. This only achieves yet more pain though, not as severe as before. Everything that has happened today has left me utterly exhausted. Even moving feels as if invisible weights have been placed over every part of me. I conclude that I should take a brief rest and get what little respite that might offer. I lay my head down for what feels like hours.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stir as I hear the snap of a nearby twig. I search around wildly looking for the source should it be a threat. It crosses my mind that even if I do spot a threat what could I do to defend myself in this state. I cannot flee or fight. I am doomed. Part of me just wants the suffering to end even if that meant death.

I spot the source fairly quickly all things considered. A light blue unicorn dressed in a dark cloak seems to be searching the battlefield but, he does not seem interested in items of value. He does not look like the bandits and, there is a trained caution in his step. He searches various remains but, never takes anything.

Nervous about the new potential threat in the area I lay my head down, perhaps too fast, and pretend to duck. Twigs crunch under my chin. I hear steps as he comes closer and before I could really prepare myself he was upon me. He circled around me gauging my appearance. He clears his throat as I prepare myself for whatever his demands may be.

"I know you are alive." He says as he stands over me looking at me. I figure playing dead is pointless now. I raise my head to face him. I must look like a complete mess in this shape. He acknowledges me with a nod before speaking "There we go. That is better. I want you to know I am here to help." After finishing he fumbles around in his cloak. His magic levitates a single vial to me. It is filled with a yellow-greenish fluid that is semi-viscous.

I try to read him as I respond. "What is the catch. Are you with the bandits who attacked us? Why should I trust you?" The last question cut his calm demeanor just a bit. He glared a bit before responding.

"There is nothing I hope to gain out of this. No, I am not with those bumbling fools who dabble in the dark arts. As far as trusting I have nothing to prove I am worthy. To that end though, I am your only hope. I can dull your senses and patch you up. That or, I can leave you here to rot. Your choice." He seemed very serious about the last part. He was right. There were likely more bandits out there and there is no sign of a living guard. He may be my only option left at surviving. I choose to trust him. Not like it can get much worse than it already is.

My poker face has long since failed me as the pain has overpowered me long ago. I wearily respond. "Fine, I see your point. Can we skip to the numbing? This really hurts." He passes me the bottle and motions for me to drink it. I pop open the vial and sniff the contents. It smells awful. Like someone took compost and mixed it with sweaty fur. I drink it anyway hoping for any respite from my agony.

It tastes even worse than it smelled. The texture was thick and the flavor invaded my mouth and nostrils. The flavor was intense. I swallowed it while fighting the urge to gag. Almost as soon as it started it began receding. I lost all feeling to my face first. The feeling began washing over my whole body soothing all of the irritating wounds. Everything felt tingly as if tiny pricks of pressure covered my whole body.

I went to say my thanks but, once again speaking seemed beyond me. I just could not form words with a mouth I could no longer feel. The world began to show a mix of spinning colors as gravity began increasing. Darkness began creeping into my vision as I fought to stay awake. Unconsciousness overtakes me once more.

Author's Note:

Bet I threw you with the expected saying huh. The twin chapter titles are supposed to imply that the bigger the explosive cart is, the further Comet falls when blasted forcefully away from it as was the case here.

A cookie for whoever can guess who this mystery character is and what he does.

Do not worry, the next chapter in works at least sometime this week.