• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 1,696 Views, 16 Comments

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Roundabout Friendship - TenTa

A new threat arrises in Equestria. No darkness, evil, sin nor villain could match something so... Bizzare.

  • ...

Prologue: The Second Coming

Lunas' moon was at it's peak that night. With its glow being a witness to all that slept on or worked through the hours.
However, tonight was a night a fate.
Not for ten. Not for a thousand. But rather, for two.

Somewhere, in the darkest alleyway of Canterlot, a conversation bellowed on...
Between a common citizen, innocent under the shadow that censored her, and a homeless fortune teller struck by age...

Things weren't fairing well. And they wouldn't get any better. That was unreached truth of it.

"A day of good luck? Seriously?? You went through all that flashy voodoo-like *meditation* or whatever just to tell me I'd probably find some random bit in the street?"

Awaiting silence ensued for a second,

"Ugh... Geez, talk about underwhelming..." The cyan bystander turned her head off, muttering with about as much enthusiasm as a fillie getting a lame, cheap amulet for her birthday.
The old, wrinkly miser of a mare shook her bone-thin head in as much vigour as she could muster. "Oh but on the contrary... A day of luck could be all that's needed to turn your life around forever...!" Her crackling voice reassured, "lest you doubt me and my prophecies, all the best shall open up unto you and you will find quite the delight! Even if it is for a day..." She backed up a weak yet sweet smile.

The opposing mare simply shrugged, "Right... I guess any luck is better than no luck. But why were you so hoppy about bringing me here for something so... mundane?"
"I could see it...!" The hag retorted as if stating the obvious, "The pattern of which your coat waves gave it all away, it signifies that something wonderful will change your life in one random day yet to come. I may be old and broken down, but my vision is as great as it's always been! I never fail to miss such details!"

"Uh-huh..." The bystander nodded with slight disbelief, "Well, it's been nice, *knowing the future* and all, but I'm gonna have to go now. It's already late and, besides, I've already been through too much this week..." True to her word, the mare trotted away under the looming embrace of the buildings moonlit shadow covering her face, taking away a more weirded mindset despite the fortunate shortcomings heading her way.
Enya, the street bound 'fortune teller', sighed at the end usual business. 'Right, have a good night now...'
is what she was about to say.

...Key word being "was".

Because in the moment, as if staged by destiny itself, a streak of a stray pale moonlight heavenly struck the bystanders ear. Revealing to the now jaw dropped old hag widened her eyes with an odd mix of wonder and terror...

The bystanders' ear had Three Black Dots lined up on the edge.

Enya, with her breath being taken away, processed the sheer magnitude of the sight she witnessed.
Till she recovered her resolve and acted.
She knew what must be done

"No! WAIT!" Enya cried in desperation as she got up and rushed to the mare as fast as possible, still managing to blindside tackle her.
In a grunt and thump, Enya had the unsuspecting mare pinned to the floor.
"H-hey! What the heck- Let me go!" She fought Enya's' measly grasp, struggling and shaking her off until she nearly broke free. But before she had that chance, a strong presence overwhelmed her limbs, forcing her back into the ground. Almost as if another pony was keeping her down...
"Huh!? W-what gives!? Why. can't. I. Move!

"Oh, lord... So ever-loving..." Enya's' tone of voice changed to a praying calm as she reached beneath her rags to pull out a concealed weapon: an arrow to be specific.
"Please grant this holy being your legacy... and carry on through her...Please, accept this gift."
Enya cocked the arrow above her head.

"Whoa whoa whoa! W-what are you-?
S-some pony help! SOME PONY HEL-!!"

The arrow struck down the second the mare cried out, thrusting it straight into her mouth an impaling her right through to the crisp air now stained with the metallic taste of blood being gargled everywhere.
If the night had not covered the bystanders' face, you would see the absolute dread take over her as the immanent fear of death began to choke her, she continued to shriek bloody murder through the overflow of rosy blood filled her mouth.
After ages of unadulterated terror, the pinned mares movements began to slow. More... and more... and more.
Until she stopped.

Over the body of a now motionless mare, Enya stood.
A warm smile infected her sagging face.
The kind of smile you'd make when you knew things were going to be OK, like escaping your bedroom after a horrifying nightmare to then go and sleep with your parent(s). And with the same calm that followed after it, right as she yanked the arrow out. Slashing a stripe of blood on the wall

She slowly hassled the seemingly lifeless body away as it limped and twitched.
Was she dead?

She was being reborn.

|To Be Continued==>

Author's Note:

...And with this short intro, the Adventure has now kicked off!

Heya! Glad you could make it to the end...! This was, of course, ment to kick off the story for future chapters.
Now allow me to clear a few things off...

I have NOT watch mlp in a loooooong time. Or rather, the more later episodes past season 5. Maybe 6... So if you see that things aren't really as they should be in the show, that's my reason why.
Secondly, The following story, through based solely on the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure story, will NOT be entirely linked to the main canon, of course. Though I may drop a references or two...
If you have never heard of the JJBA anime, I highly recommend you go watch the 1st, 2nd or 3rd telling of the story to get the minimal amount of what this story has to offer.
You don't have to if you don't want to... I sure as hell ain't gonna force you.

But for avid fans of the anime or manga, buckle up. Things get more menacing from here on out but, eh, you know the drill...

And for those of you who are interested so far but haven't seen the latter,
Welcome, to the true man's world...

Hope you enjoy!
