• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 2,144 Views, 89 Comments

Sombra's Recovery - MisterEdd

Hunted by the crown, Sombra tries to evade capture while rediscovering who he is.

  • ...

The New Sombra

I shouldn't have made him leave.

Twilight sniffled and, feeling a slight chill, wrapped herself tighter in Sombra's old cloak. His scent, a mixture of smoky black pepper and slightly burnt oakiness, still clung to the fabric and she took shelter in it like a life raft. Another whiff and Twilight lost herself to the comforting aroma of eau de Sombra. She laid curled up in Sombra's bed, his room remaining exactly as he left it and though it'd only been a day, it felt as though years passed by since his abrupt departure. The confrontation after the diamond dog fight should never have happened but it did, and Twilight felt immense regret for that.

I did what I had to do! ...Right?

Sombra's behavior was inexcusable, Twilight knew that much, yet she'd become stricken by a wave of remorse upon his egression. If it weren't for her intervention, she had no doubt in her mind that Sombra would've strangled Iron Tooth and nonchalantly went on with his life. She blamed herself; she was well aware of Sombra's background and of the less-than-morally sound choices he'd made but chose to ignore it all for the sake of her own personal feelings. She thought Sombra was getting better, that he was learning about friendship but when Twilight saw him trying to kill the diamond dog leader, she looked at his face and found a detached callousness that downright scared her. Oh, she didn't believe he'd try to hurt her or those closest to her but in that moment, she truly understood that Sombra, when subjected to strong external stimuli, was capable of anything, regardless of right or wrong.

"And nothing of value would be lost. He would've deserved it."

Over and over, Twilight replayed that instant in her mind. Sombra's response was so quick, so absolute that there left no doubt that it was his own view on the matter and that he stood by it.

"So, what, you give these low-lives a slap on the wrist and a scolding? They're bandits! Who knows how many innocent ponies they're harmed. You jail them, they get out, and just do the exact same thing again! I'm stopping that from happening!"

What was truly terrifying about that statement, aside from the cold-blooded, pragmatic way in which Sombra delivered it, was the fact that Twilight, in some small degree, actually found herself agreeing with the sentiment. Iron Tooth did deserve it. But just because someone deserves a terrible fate, that doesn't mean that Twilight, or any of her friends, possessed the right or authority to play judge, jury, and executioner. There were laws put in place for this very reason and not to mention the fact that it was morally reprehensible. Some lines should never be crossed, regardless of the situation.

Sombra came from a more barbaric time in Equestrian history, one where taking the law into one's own hooves was not only justified but encouraged. He's still trapped in that archaic mindset.

Twilight tried rationalizing the incident in her head, creating excuses for Sombra's behavior but she could no longer do that. Sombra knew what he was doing was wrong and simply just didn't care. No matter her own feelings on the matter, Twilight couldn't dispute the evidence any longer. What she'd done was the right thing to do. Then why did she feel so guilty after the fact?

I can still remember the heartbreak on his face, the look of fear in his eyes.

Twilight had never seen Sombra in so much pain before, not even when he finally revealed to her the tragic fate of his adoptive parents and sister. The way he looked and sounded when she screamed at him was like that of a berated colt. In some ways, she thought he was exactly that: a lost, confused child. She never wanted to hurt him but sometimes the truth was hurtful and had to be expressed no matter how much pain was involved. She just wished that duty fell onto somepony else's shoulders.

Her thoughts soon turned to Spike, the Element of Empathy. Just thinking it was still astounding. Spike, her number one assistant, closest friend, and little brother in all but blood, was now an Element of Harmony alongside her and the others. He was no longer just emotional support but their equal, a fellow protector of Equestria and its citizens. This made Twilight equal parts proud and frightened.

"You're not always going to be around to protect him. You can't treat him like a child forever."

Though Sombra hadn't meant it, the truth in his statement had impacted her more than he realized. She knew full-well that Spike wasn't a baby anymore...she just hated being reminded of that fact. He was growing up and their adventures since first arriving in Ponyville only accelerated the process, forcing him to endure things no child of his age should. It wasn't intentional that she tended to, well, patronize Spike but whenever she looked at him, all she could see was the eggshell-covered newborn she'd hatched. All Twilight wanted to do was to protect him and keep him safe.

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by a series of hollow, ringing thuds that echoed throughout the hallways. Wiping her face, Twilight rose to all fours and steadily made her way to the main entrance. She wasn't expecting any visitors and it seemed a bit late for the postal service to be delivering packages, putting Twilight on extra alert. Whoever was on the other side of the doors was quite possibly a threat or, hopefully, just one of her friends paying a late-night visit. She hoped for the latter but prepared for the former, horn humming to life.

One door creaked open and she found herself face-to-face with a tall, light gray unicorn stallion. He was wrapped in a stunningly familiar crimson cloak that hung around his shoulders, evidently being a little too big for him as it partially dragged on the ground. Twilight found herself shaking as she stared into his light green eyes, overwhelmed by her sudden recognition of the stallion's identity. Even with the physical alterations, there was no mistaking her coltfriend. The stallion smiled uneasily at her and cleared his throat.

"Hello...Twilight. I-..."


The magic that Twilight had been holding onto crashed into the stallion, knocking him backwards and into unconsciousness before he hit the ground.


There were voices, that much Sombra knew, though the ringing in his ears made it difficult to place their exact words or speakers. He could tell there were multiple ones, though they were all a big mumbly blur. Slowly, the darkness receded, replaced by a thin veil of fog that Sombra eventually blinked away, revealing the interior of the Castle of Friendship, specifically the Map Room. Something tightened against his forelegs and chest, constricting him hard enough to keep him in place without compromising his breathing and it became pretty clear that he was being tied to a chair. The irritating ringing too subsided and he was finally able to comprehend every word being spoken, as well as by whom.

"...-quite sure this is necessary, Darling?"

There was a grunt behind Sombra. "It don't-uh-hurt t' be on th' safe side."

"Applejack is right. Until we have more information-..."

"Look, he's awake!"

Everyone-Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy-followed the direction of Pinkie Pie's outstretched foreleg to find their visitor staring at them. Applejack entered the right of Sombra's vision, stopping to scratch a spot beneath her ever-present hat in a show of confusion. Sitting up slightly, Sombra felt the rope squeeze into his skin-his cloak hanging from a nearby hatstand-and found himself impressed by the farm-mare's rope-tying skills. However, he didn't believe it to be an issue, retaining a face of calmness as his eyes met Twilight's. He frowned at her in a semi-annoyed fashion.

"Is it safe to talk now or are you going to blast me again?"

Twilight looked at him guiltily. "S-sorry about that. You caught me a bit off-guard."

"What was your first clue-...ah!"

Sombra winced at the bright light that was abruptly shoved into his face.

"Where were you on the night of last night?"

"Pinkie, leave him be."

Flicking off the flashlight, Pinkie withdrew, though her gaze never left Sombra's.

Shaking her head at her friend's antics, Twilight turned to Sombra. "Anyway...ahem, you're in a magical truth barrier so it's impossible for you to lie. Your name is Sombra?"


"I checked and you're not a changeling. Are you some other kind of shapeshifter?"


"So how can you be Sombra?"

"Using a map provided to me by Primrose the Prescient, I tracked down an artifact known as the Scales of Taijitu, which extracted the dark half of my personality, thus resulting in the light half being left behind and a change in my overall appearance," Sombra replied without missing a beat.

Twilight gave him a long, hard stare. "Okay then. Applejack, you can untie..."

Sombra stood up, the coils of rope falling uselessly to the floor.


"How in th' blazes did ya do that?"

Sombra shrugged. "I spent time in Saddle Arabia and Chineigh learning how to escape from bondage."

"Really?" Rarity smiled at him suggestively. "Is that all you learned?"

"I'm not going to dignify that with a response."

"So you could've escaped this whole time?" Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

"Yes, but I needed to establish some trust between us."

Twilight took a couple of baby steps, hoof reaching for his face. "It's...it's really you, isn't it?"

Sombra allowed her hoof to make contact with his cheek and smiled warmly. "It's me."

"How do you feel?"

"Strange. I have all of my memories and I know I'm me and yet, it's as almost as though I'm a different pony altogether," Sombra elaborated. "It's hard to explain."

Suddenly, he found Twilight wrapped around his midsection.

"I'm just relieved to see you. I missed you."

He kissed her cheek and gently enfolded her in his forelegs.

"I missed you too."

"So Primrose the Prescient? What is she like?"

"She's...an interesting mare..."


Following the miniature interrogation and confirmation of his identity, Sombra brought the six mares up to speed on everything that'd happened before his visit to Ponyville and the events that led to this moment. Twilight, being her usual, bubbly inquisitive self, stopped every now and then to ask a question and then scribble down the answer in her notepad. Anyone else would've found the repetition of pausing and resuming their story irritating but Sombra fought this adorable and humored her. As it'd turned out, reading Primrose's book was what led to Twilight to discover Nightmare Moon's return and Celestia's decision to relocate her student to Ponyville in the first place. Given both Twilight's natural thirst for knowledge and the revelation that Sombra had met a famous and elusive figure, the fact that she possessed a desire to document his experiences was hardly groundbreaking and he told her what little he knew.

"So Primrose's precognitive abilities just...showed up one day out of the blue?"

Sombra nodded. "It happened exactly around the time you and your friends used that 'rainbow magic' and defeated Lord Tirek. That hardly seems like a coincidence."

"Hmm. Perhaps the sudden burst of magic that spread throughout Equestria somehow reactivated her powers?" Twilight speculated, tapping her quill against one cheek.

Rainbow Dash kicked her hind hooves up onto the table and leaned back. "So this Primrose the Whatever can really see the future? Like, all of it?"

"That's how it appeared to me. However, it seems as though her gaze is limited. She can only see up to certain moments and even then they are mere probabilities."

Applejack kicked Rainbow's hindlegs off the table and gave her a disapproving head-shake. "Right, so she gave ya th' map 'cause she knew th' incident wit' th' diamond dogs would happen an' tha' you'd use it t' find the Scales an' use 'em?"

"Apparently. She never actually said to use the Scales but told me that I'd need them."

Twilight flipped to the next page. "And this, 'rising darkness'?"

Sombra folded his front hooves on the table. "Primrose was talking about the end approaching and events being set into motion. Just before Midnight vanished, she said, 'He is coming.' Then there are the anomalies taking place: odd weather patterns, animals and creatures suddenly leaving their territories with no explanation."

"That's true. Birds have been migrating at the wrong time of year and far beyond their usual boundaries," Fluttershy noted, to which Sombra nodded.

"There's also the mounting tension and rise in magical disturbances. Both Luna and Celestia have felt it, as have I. Something, or rather, someone, is coming."

Pinkie hummed and stroked her chin. "Now that you mention it, I've been shivering a whole lot lately, even though it's been warm, and my knees have been extra pinchy. What do you think that means?"

Sombra had heard about her "Pinkie Sense" as she dubbed it but had yet to see it in action. Judging by what he'd seen of the oddball mare so far, he wouldn't be surprised if she one day spontaneously became an alicorn and turned Equestria into a land of chocolate and gumdrops. Perhaps she was somehow a spawn of Discord's or a secret draconequus that took pony form? That was a mystery that begged to be unraveled one day. It was a bit amazing how easily Sombra's mind wandered now that he was free of all of his spite and deep-seated self-loathing.

"I...couldn't tell you. All I know is that we're facing an unknown threat and only Primrose the Prescient has any idea as to what it is that we're up against."

Applejack peeked at him from beneath the brim of her hat. "Ah never would've pegged ya fer th' type t' care 'bout what happens t' Equestria."

Sombra bobbed his head in an odd sort of nod. "Normally I would tell you that the land itself is more important to me and not its inhabitants. After all, I live here so this concerns me too. Since my recent 'change,' I've found a new perspective. I want to help you, all of you."

He snuck a side-glance at Twilight. "If you'll allow me."

Twilight thought a moment, then consented. "If there is something coming for us, then we're going to need all the help we can get."

The meeting was soon concluded and everyone else went back to their homes, leaving Sombra and Twilight alone. He watched her light her horn and a previously barely-perceptible energy field retreated back into her appendage. Sombra couldn't help but smirk.

"I see you finally deactivated the truth field."

Turning towards him, Twilight rubbed a foreleg. "Yeah...I was curious about what you had to say and wanted to make sure you were being honest with us."

"Did you expect me to lie?"

"No, no, no! Well, maybe a little. You have to admit, it was quite a story."

He gently placed his hoof over her own, breathing a small sigh at the fact that she didn't pull away.

"I know. Trust me, I would've found it ludicrous had I been in your place."


She stared deeply into his eyes.

"You didn't have to do this for me."

"I know." Sombra softly caressed her cheek with his frog. "It was partly for you. The rest, well...I was tired of it all. The pain, the constant running. I wanted a normal life. With you."

"I want that too." Twilight placed her head on his shoulder, pressing herself against him and basking in his warmth. "I'm so sorry I sent you away. What you did was wrong but I felt so bad that I made you leave."

Sombra inhaled, filling his nostrils with the scent of lavender and wild berries.

"Don't be. I deserved it, and I regret what I did. Truly. I was only doing what I thought was right. As were you."

Regrettably, Twilight withdrew and stifled a yawn. "I'm going to go to bed. Are you staying over?"

Sombra bit his lip. "Only if you want me here."

"Of course I do." Twilight pecked him on the lips. "Good night, Sombra. I love you."

"Good night. I love you too."

Twilight's hoofsteps receded. Sombra faced the map, finding a miniature full-scale holographic replica of Equestria. Whatever the Tree of Harmony's origins, it was clear that it is a considerably powerful object if it could manifest such a device. His eyes explored the map's surface, following the various trails and landmarks to Ponyville before stopping to inspect a particular feature. Right where the Castle of Friendship stood, there was a symbol floating above the castle that resembled a white tetragonal crystal. Sombra sidestepped and the crystal gently bobbed to the right as well.

That must be me. Since I lack a cutie mark, it chose this to indicate my presence. It makes sense but why-

A sharp screeching filled Sombra's ears, followed shortly by a sharp, vice-like pain in the front and sides of his skull. Clamping his hooves over his temples, he bit back a yelp, instead making a series of quiet grunts. At least two minutes passed by before the pain finally subsided, though it remained there in a throbbing sort of way. Panting heavily, Sombra watched the floating crystal, noticing that it had stopped flickering and was now back to its semi-solid state. Whatever had happened to him also affected the crystal logo, or perhaps the logo was merely reflecting his own state.

It was probably just a migraine, he reasoned. I've had a trying couple of days. It's only stress.

Shutting the door behind him, Sombra strolled to his room. Inside the Map Room, the hologram remained on and the intangible crystal marker had begun to flicker once more before settling.


Once the last mare was but a blip in the darkness, the inky mass slithered down from the open window, down the crystalline branch and trunk before soundlessly dropping to the ground to resume its normal pony shape. The stallion glared in the direction of the white unicorn before directing his gaze back towards the castle. His opposite was no doubt inside having a friendly, possibly intimate chat with her. The Princess of Friendship. His blood boiled at the thought.

No matter. When he had what he needed, it would cease to be an issue. What his predecessor failed to do, he would accomplish in a matter of days. A prickly sensation ran down his neck, his head pounding like a hammer upon a railroad spike. This was not the first time such a feeling had bothered him; earlier it'd hit him hard enough to send him sprawling on the ground in a worm-like fashion.

Whatever it was, it was trivial. He would have his prize and his revenge. That was all that mattered. What Sombra failed to realize was that darkness was omnipresent, a force of nature that followed you wherever you went. Darkness was there in full view of the sun as well as the murkiness of night, it was there when one closed their eyes to sleep, and dwelt deep in the heart of the young and old alike. It could not be eliminated, he could not be eliminated.

"I am your eternal shadow," he chuckled darkly, withdrawing the Scales from his saddlebags. His cruel-looking face was reflected off of the gold of the ox statue, his eyes filled with a malevolent green glow.

"Your reflection. And I refuse to be ignored."