• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 1,085 Views, 6 Comments

Mistakes I've made - Jumunkin

Sometimes when you mess up there's no going back

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I'm sad there's not too many Gabby x Human stories so I decided to try my hand in it please enjoy.

I am a piece of shit, I really am, I didn't mean to break her heart. Even now while I'm writing this it's taking me everything within my power not to break down into sobs. My name is Jack Miller. I'm a twenty-seven-year-old man who lives in a world of magical talking ponies. Sounds crazy, right? I wouldn't even believe myself if I didn't see it first hand. I've been living here a little over a year and it's still so much to take in. I almost have to remind myself every day this isn't a dream.

My first week in Equestria was awful. I had to go into hiding as the ponies didn't understand what I was. They would either run away screaming or try to attack me. I don’t really blame them. After all, If I saw them back on earth I would probably have the same reaction. After a while of hiding, I was finally caught.

I was brought in front of two large ponies, who looked pretty important. One had a white coat and a multi-colored mane that seemed to be constantly moving. The smaller one had a deep blue fur coat, with a shimmering dark blue mane. They told me their names were Celestia and Luna, I believe they're princesses. This confuses me. Their parents died years ago, so wouldn't that make them queens? Anyways, after a long talk, they decided that I was not a threat and let me stay in Equestria.

It was hard not being able to see my family and friends, but eventually, I came to terms. I was very antisocial back on earth, I was usually the person who would always stay on my phone, instead of talking to anyone or would rather stay inside, instead of hanging out with friends. So being teleported to a world with no technology was a hard adjustment.

Getting a job was difficult since nobody wanted to hire a strange alien from another planet. So I got into doing odd jobs for a zebra. I think her name is Zecora. One thing that stood out to me about her was she wasn't afraid of me at all. She also rhymed every time she spoke. It's a lot harder than it looks, and the fact she's able to do it all the time still impresses me.

Eventually, I decided to stay in Ponyville living at the edge of town so I wouldn't scare anybody. I would occasionally go into town for supplies, like food and stuff like that. I noticed that with every trip that I made, more and more ponies grew accustomed to me. Some of them even talked to me! A couple of weeks later I made some friends.

I guess you could say I became a little popular. There was one mare in particular who really seemed to be interested in me. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. She wanted to do many experiments and tests on me. At first, I declined, because the thought of being strapped to a table and being poked and prodded sends shivers up my spine, but then she used the pony eyes.

Those goddamn pony eyes. She practically begged me for a week before I relented. After a week of testing, and many conversations about my home and family, Twilight and I became good friends. A few months later, I decided to go to a bar with some of my friends. Winston, a middle-aged earth pony with a brown coat and a gray mane, whose cutie mark was a book. And Willam, a young pegasus in his early twenties. He has a white coat and a long blonde mane, his cutie mark is a sword.

We sat at the front of the tavern, laughing as we recalled stories of our childhood. I took another sip from my apple cider, it was my fifth glass and I was noticeably drunk "I remember the time I accidentally spilled grape juice on my sister's dress, she was pissed," I said between laughs, but my laughter soon died down when I remembered where I was. Winston and William took notice of this, and also stopped laughing.

I let out a small sigh as I took another sip from my mug. "I never got to say goodbye," I muttered to myself bitterly, it was then I felt Winston nudge me.

"Listen, kid, do you think your mother and father would want you to constantly worry about them all day?" I glanced over at Winston, remaining silent, "No, they would want you to keep pushing forward and be the best person you can be." Even though I'm twenty-seven, when Winston speaks to me, I feel like a child still learning about life.

"Yeah, you're right," I replied, taking another sip from my mug, William chuckled nudging my shoulder.

"Hey, Jack, you should go talk to her." The pegasus pointed his hoof to a female griffon in the far corner of the tavern.

I blushed, shaking my head. "No thanks, I'm not trying to date right now."

William let out an annoyed sigh, "Come on, Jack, you've been here for almost a year and still haven't dated. You need to put yourself out there."

I sighed, glancing over at Winston, who gave me a reassuring nod, "Fine..." I replied, grabbing my mug of cider. I chugged the rest of it down before slamming it down onto the bar. "Fuck it," I muttered, glancing back at the griffon who still sat in the corner of the tavern, her gaze fixated on the ground, she appeared to be deep in thought, with a lone mug of cider in her talon. She had turquoise eyes and a slightly green coat. The feathers on her head were neatly tied up in a bun, her wings were a darker shade of gray, under her chin was a little white patch of feathers, she looked stunning I thought to myself as I continued to approach.

Taking quick glances behind myself to make sure my friends didn't leave their spot, they both smiled at me, Willam gives me a hoof up, a hoof up is when a pony outstretches there foreleg and flexes it up, it's the pony equivalent to a thumbs up. The Griffon at the table turned to me, making me freeze. "Hey..." I said awkwardly, she cracked a smile, I don't know why, but her smile made me feel completely comfortable.

"Hey," she replied. I asked if it was all right to sit next to her, she nodded. That night we hit it off. We talked for hours until the bar closed. My friends were long gone, and so was everyone else. I asked her if she'd like me to walk her home, she obliged and we were off. After fifteen minutes of walking, we stopped in front of a hotel.

"Oh, you're just visiting?" I asked, slightly disappointed.

"Yeah, don't worry, I visit Ponyville often," she said.

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would like that."

I froze momentarily before speaking, "Oh, I never got your name." She smiled, giggling. "It's Gabby, what's yours?"

I smiled in return, "Jack."

Gabby began walking towards the hotel. "See you tomorrow, Jack."

"Back at the bar?" I asked.

She let out a laugh."Where else?"

Gabby and I got along pretty well, actually. We went back to the bar and talked some more, telling stories of our childhoods, dreams, and goals. Gabby's behavior was really unexpected for a griffon, who were usually more serious, and liked to keep to themselves. Gabby, on the other hand, was completely different. She even told me she was somewhat of an outcast because of her behavior. It's so crazy that someone can be an outcast for being too nice.

By the end of the second week, I could barely keep the griffon off my mind. I would shower, eat, sleep, but all I could think about was the next time I could speak to her. I also felt a small pit of despair, knowing that this is her final week in Ponyville before returning to the Griffin Kingdom.

But for the past couple of days, every time I'd talk to her I would feel butterflies in my stomach, her touching me in any way would cause my heart to skyrocket. I thought that I'd fallen in love. I had to tell her before she left. I had to confess my feelings towards her, but what if she didn't feel the same? What if she thought dating another species was weird? On that final night, I couldn't sleep or eat.

Knots in my stomach formed as I thought of multiple ways she might reject me. I really suck at these kinds of situations. I mean, I've had girlfriends in the past, but it usually never ends well. I sighed, sitting at the end of my bed rubbing my temples. A few hours later, Gabby and I sat at the train station I was staring ahead trying my best not to look over at Gabby, Gabby put a talon on my shoulder grabbing my attention "What's wrong, Jack? You've been acting a little weird today."

I chuckled nervously "N-Nothing, why would you say that?" I lied through my teeth. I lost all of the courage I had built up the night before. I could not tell her.
Gabby gave me an annoyed look "Jack, you're a terrible liar."

"I'm not lying!"

Gabby rolled her eyes."Look me in the eyes and say it then."

I looked her in the eyes. My heartbeat quickened as I stared deep into her blue eyes. "It's nothing."

Gabby stared me down her eyes weren't looking at me they were looking through me, "Jack, I wasn't born yesterday, I know something is bothering you just tell me."

I let out a sigh of defeat "Yeah, you're right, but I can't tell you."

Gabby raised a brow scooting closer to me, "Why?"

I blushed, still refusing to look at Gabby, "I just can't."

A determined look flashed over Gabby's face as her eyes narrowed, "This isn't up for debate Jack you're going to tell me."

My eyes widened as I slowly turned to face her. This was the first time I've seen Gabby serious about anything Gabby's train pulled up and I let out a sigh of relief. "Your train is here we can finish this conversation when you get back."

Gabby didn't even look towards the train station to make sure my statement was true, "I'll just catch the next one."

I chuckled, rubbing the back of my head, "It's not that big of a deal, I can just tell you when you get back."

Gabby eyes narrowed even further her head leaning closer to mine. "Why not tell me now?"

I began to sweat. "I-I have to use the bathroom!" I stammered, getting up. Before I could get on my feet, I felt a talon on my shoulder, forcefully sitting me back down again.

"You can use the bathroom after you tell me."

I knew there was no way I was getting out of this I frowned putting down the facade. "Gabby, listen," I spoke gently turning to her and looking her in the eyes. I grabbed her talon that was on my shoulder and held it in my hand. "Truth is..." Gabby stared at me in shock a light tent of pink appearing behind her feathers. "I really have to go!" And with that, I bolted off in the other direction.

I'm not sure how far I made it. My memory is a little jumbled when it comes to that part. All that I remember is running as fast as I could through a grass field before being tackled from behind. I remember tumbling through the field trying to fight against my attacker, but I quickly found myself pinned. Looking up, I could see it was Gabby. For someone that's barely half my size, it was surprising that she was able to overpower me. I looked up at her, and to my surprise, she wasn't mad. She just had a knowing smirk on her face.

"Jack, I know you like me, I just want to hear you say it." Gabby still had me pinned on my back her talons on my wrists, holding them above my head. I grunted, trying to struggle, but Gabby kept me in place, "Nah-ah, not until you say it." She said playfully.

Looking away, I mumbled, "I-I love you."

A smile danced on Gabby's lips as she tilted the side of her head to me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

I glared at her repeating myself a little louder "I said I love you."

Gabby chuckled again "You what?"

"I love you!" I yelled.

Gabby giggled. "I love you too."

My eyes widened and I did a double take. "Y-You what?" I asked, blushing.

Gabby laughed, leaning in closer until our faces were inches apart.

"I said I love you too, Jack," she whispered, kissing me on the lips surprisingly, her beak wasn't sharp and hard as I'd expect a griffon's beak to be it was a firm rubbery texture the same as her talons I jumped in surprise my blush burning brighter as Gabby pulled away, keeping me pinned to the ground, she gave me a stern look "Jack, if there's anything on your mind you can tell me I'm here for you all right?"

I nodded, my mouth agape. I was taken back by Gabby's words. After giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, she let me go.

We made our way back to the train station. We missed all the trains to Griffionstonem, and the next one didn't come until the next morning and Gabby used the last of her bits she had for today's train. I told her she could stay at my house and she practically screamed in joy. Hopping onto her hind paws, she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. After the sleepover, (that's what she called it), I took her back to the train station and she left for Griffionstone.

Our relationship started out well. Whenever she would go to Griffionstone, we would write each other letters every day, and when she would stop by Ponyville, we would go to the same bar to have some drinks. She would stay at my house and leave the next morning. Eventually, I convinced her to move in with me.

Gabby really changed me. Because of her, I became a social person. I started talking openly about my feelings. My life felt like it was actually going somewhere. But I just had to fuck it up. I tried my best to make things right, but it only made things worse.

Comments ( 6 )

So how many chapters will there be?.

I will look forward for them then. Keep going.

Please continue this, it was getting good despite only one chapter

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