• Published 10th Jun 2019
  • 584 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Collision Course - Dinopony2580

It's been a few months since continental drift ravaged Equestria. Twilight and her friends have decided to hold another Friendship Festival. But, things quickly turn deadly when a killer asteroid is on a crash course with Equestria

  • ...

A New Threat; Reaching the Dragon Lands

Morning came soon. Leviathan was the first to wake up. The others were still asleep, so he moved quietly, trying not to wake them.

He decided to go on a morning walk. He walked further down the canyon, checking everything out. He checked on his wound and it had healed a little bit.

But, then, the canyon's deserty look slowly became greener and more forest like. But then, he entered a forest. He was surprised it lead to a forest.

He looked and observed the forest, admiring its beauty. But then, he jumped to the sound of a thunderous roar.

It shook, rattled and echoed through out the air.

From the looks of it, it was directly ahead. So, Leviathan decided to investigate. He came into a clearing and he became shocked.

A huge volcanic mountain was directly in front of him and beyond it, a volcanic landscape with a bunch more volcanic mountains.

Flying above and around the mountains were slews of dragons. Leviathan was suprised by how many there were. This must be the Dragon Lands.

Leviathan thought to himself. Then, a dragon flew over his head, letting out a ferocious roar as it flew over. Leviathan jumped at the sight of it.

Luckily, the dragon didn't notice him. He immediately went back to tell Twilight and the others he had found the Dragon Lands.

Meanwhile, Sloth had just woken up. He had noticed Leviathan was gone.

"Leviathan? Leviathan! Where'd you go!?" he shouted, whispering, trying not to wake up the others. But then, he knew who could help him.

He went to Twilight, gently poking and pushing. She woke up within a few seconds. "Yes, Sloth? What is it?" Twilight asked yawning.

"Leviathan's gone!" Sloth whispered. "What!?" Twilight said. "Can you help me find him?" Sloth asked.

"Of course" Twilight said, getting up and stretching. Then, Sloth woke up Spike, who happened to be snuggling and cuddling with Rarity.

"Spike! Can you help me and Twilight find Leviathan?" Sloth asked. "Sure" Spike replied getting up, yawning, rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Thank you both" Sloth said. "No problem" Spike said still a little drowsy. They both exited the cave and began the search for Leviathan.

Luckily, Sloth found footprints. "This way!" Sloth said and Twilight and Spike followed. Then, the footprints turned into a another passage way.

"Come on!" Sloth said and the 3 followed the footprints. But, what they didn't realize is those weren't Leviathan's footprints.

They followed them and they led to a massive dragon skeleton. Spike jumped from it. "Leviathan must be in there" Sloth said.

"Well, there's only one way to know" Twilight said. They were about to go in but then, they heard a growling. The 3 stepped back, Spike clinging to Twilight.

Glowing eyes appeared from inside the skeleton's gaping mouth. Then, the eyes reveled its owner. A monster came out of the skeleton, backed up by 2 more.

They had a hunched over back with fur-like spikes. They had elongated mouths full of sharp teeth. They also had huge, spiky ears. Their feet wielded sharp claws.

Their forelegs were longer then their back ones. Finally, they were covered in fur-like scales with short tails, too. They all smiled at the 3.

Spike and Sloth were terrified, but Twilight held her ground. "Well, well, well, Snatcher and what have we got here?" the first monster asked.

"Hmm, I don't know, Snazzy. What do you think, Snapper?" the second monster asked. "Honestly, I don't know?" the third said.

"Well, it looks like a trio of trespassers!" Snatcher snarled. "This is your home? Oh, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to trespass" Sloth said nervously.

"Look, you seem like nice critters, but whatever wanders into our territory is considered food" Snazzy growled.

"Oh, well..." Sloth kept on trying to convince the monster's they aren't food. Meanwhile, Spike and Twilight were just watching. "

Do you know what they are?" Spike asked. "Yes, Spike. They're Dragenas. Part dragon, part hyena" Twilight replied.

"How do you know!? I've never seen them before" Spike said. "Oh, I read about them in a book: Creatures of Equestria and Beyond" Twilight said. "I see" Spike said.

"Alright, we'll just be leaving now, come on, guys" Sloth said. They were just about to leave, but then Snatcher jumped in front of them, preventing from leaving.

"You're not going anywhere" Snatcher said. "You don't at least want to stay for dinner? We love having creatures over and staying for dinner" Snapper said.

"Don't fall for it. They just want to eat us" Sloth whispered to Twilight and Spike. "What was that!?" Snatcher growled.

"RUN!" Spike shouted and he ran between Snatcher's legs. Sloth then slapped him with his tail, knocking him to the side.

"Come on, Twilight!" Sloth shouted running away. Twilight just took off, barely missing the jaws of Snazzy.

"Get 'em!" Snatcher said getting up and recovering from his blow. The 3 Dragenas soon chased after them. Twilight looked back to see them gaining.

Sloth was slowly starting to loose speed. "Pick up the pace, Sloth!" Spike said. "I'm trying!" Sloth said panting.

But then, he tripped over a rock, slamming hard into the rocky sand. He groaned getting up.

Twilight quickly flew back. Just as Snatcher was about to strike, Twilight fired a laser beam, stunning him.

She picked Sloth up with her magic and placed him on her back, then flew after Spike. He was heavier than Spike, but light enough for her to carry him.

Snatcher quickly regained it, and the chase continued. Meanwhile, Spike was almost to the cave. "Help!" he shouted. It was enough to wake up Applejack.

She got up and checked outside the cave to see Spike running as fast as he could. He almost collided into Applejack, but she luckily caught him.

"Whoa there, Spike. What's your rush?" she asked. Spike was catching his breath. He held his claw, signaling to hold on. He finally caught his breath.

"Me, Twilight, and Sloth went out this morning to look for Leviathan, but instead we were food for..." He was interrupted by a roar and a scream.

Applejack went up onto a rock to see what the commotion was all about. She immediately saw Twilight and Sloth running from the 3 Dragenas.

"What in the hay are those!?" Applejack asked Spike. "Dragenas" Spike replied.

Applejack gave him a look that showed she was confused and it was implausible. "Applejack! Spike! Get in the cave!" Twilight shouted.

They immediately followed her request, while waking everypony up at the same time. When Twilight and Sloth came around, they ran right into the cave.

"Whoa, what's the hurry?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy just noticed the Dragenas. "Why don't you ask...them!" Fluttershy said.

The 3 Dragenas came around the corner too, growling at the Mane 9. They all huddled together, scared to death of the dragenas.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Snazzy said. "More food!" Snatcher said in excitement. "Man, this should be enough food for a week" Snapper said.

Rarity almost screamed, but Pinkie covered her mouth. Stargazer was ready to fight, so was Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Spike, and Sloth.

"Here pony, pony, pony" Snatcher said. Stargazer lit her horn, ready to fire. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" Stargazer said.

"Where's Leviathan when we need him" Sloth said. The dragenas were about to strike, but then, they were shaken by a thunderous roar.

They turned around to see Leviathan. "Leviathan, you're back and okay!" Sloth said.

The dragenas were terrified by Leviathan's size, but yet they out number him 3 to 1. "Well now, even more food" Snazzy said.

"Now my calculations have increased to 2 weeks" Snapper said. They growled at Leviathan, while he snarled back. Snatcher was the first to attack.

He lunged forward, aiming for Leviathan's neck. But, Leviathan snagged him in his jaws. He shook Snatcher before throwing him against the canyon wall.

Snazzy quickly lunged onto his back, clawing at Leviathan. Leviathan roared in pain, but easily turned his head 180 and snatching her up.

He tossed her up into the air and, using his tail like a bat, slammed it into Snazzy, causing her to fly through the air and finally, she crashed into the canyon wall where Snatcher landed and she fell on top of him.

Finally, Leviathan looked at Snapper, who was shaking in intense fear. Leviathan walked over and swatted him to the ground.

Snapper was so scared he couldn't move. Leviathan pinned him under his claws.

He was enjoying it so much that he smiled at Snapper before letting out a thunderous and ferocious roar right in Snapper's face.

When Leviathan lifted his claw up, freeing Snapper, Snapper ran away as fast as he could down the canyon, screaming as he ran.

"Snapper! Where are you going!? Get back here!?" Snatcher shouted after him. But then, he looked up and he was face to face with Leviathan.

"Umm, hi?" Snatcher said nervously. Leviathan responded with a growl. Snatcher quickly got up. Snazzy did the same.

"Toodles" Snatcher said before they immediately booked it as soon as Leviathan snapped and roared after them.

They screamed as they ran away and Leviathan let out a thunderous roar at them as they ran as fast as they could away.

He laughed and went back to the others, who were now out of the cave. They watched the entire battle, awe in their faces.

Then, they all cheered and group hugged Leviathan.

"Leviathan, you scared me! Please don't do that again. I was worried sick about you!" Sloth said in anger and disappointment and Leviathan responded with a lick on his face.

"Oh, it's okay, buddy" Sloth said, hugging Leviathan in the snout. "Where did you go anyway?" Twilight asked. Then, Leviathan remembered.

He gestured them to follow him and they did. They followed him down the canyon to the same area he was at.

"Such a beautiful forest" Fluttershy said. But then, they came into the clearing. They were all surprised and shocked.

"Are we...at the Dragon Lands?" Sloth asked. Leviathan nodded. "Good job, Leviathan! You found them" Spike said. Leviathan smiled with pride.

"Alright, Spike. Where is this Dragon Lord?" Stargazer asked. Spike smiled. "Follow me" Spike said.

They immediately followed him to see Ember, the Dragon Lord. As they walked, Twilight looked up at the asteroid, which was closer now.

The light was bigger and brighter. It was now time to save the Earth from the asteroid. But, what they didn't realize is that they were being watched.

The 3 Dragenas had returned, wanting to finish what they started. "Oh, I'm so hungry...I want to attack now!" Snatcher said. "Stay put" Snazzy said.

"Yeah, I know" Snatcher replied. But then, they realized something. "Ugh, come on Snapper" Snatcher said pulling him out. He was still terrified from Leviathan.

"Do we really have to. You saw how scary that monster is" Snapper said.

"Yes, but we can take him down if we work together, which we failed to do!" Snatcher said, "Now, look and tell me what you see." Snapper looked around.

"Alright...volcanoes...volcanic wasteland...dragons...Aha! There they are. That's two bad. They are really far away. Oh well, let's just go home" Snapper said.

But then, Snatcher pounced in front of him, stopping him.

"We are not retreating! Until they showed up, hunting was now, they just made it more difficult!" Snatcher snarled.

"Also, haven't you realized that an asteroid is going to destroy the planet? So, there is really no point if it's going to take us and everyone else out." Snapper asked.

"Well, luckily, I came up with a plan. If we stop them from stopping the asteroid, BOOM! Everyone will die and we'll have food to last us the rest of our lives" Snatcher said with pride.

"Um, question? How are we going to escape the asteroid?" Snapper asked. "We'll find a cave and wait out the asteroid" Snatcher said.

"It's the perfect plan" Snazzy said. They all let out a maniacal laugh, except Snapper.

"That seems highly implausible" Snapper said. Snatcher and Snazzy snarled at Snapper.

"Fine...It's a great plan! One in a million!" Snapper said excited, being sarcastic.

"That's better. Now let's make sure that asteroid hits!" Snatcher said and the 3 Dragenas followed the Mane 10 to stop them from stopping the asteroid.