• Published 29th Jun 2019
  • 825 Views, 31 Comments

Rise of the Shadow Knight - Light Heart101

When Book Knight finds a comic book about a hero named Batman, Equestria will have a new superhero.

  • ...

Paving the way.

I was excited as my dreams were flying to greater heights then I could have dreamed. My brothers and I were busy working on sketches of possible suit designs.

Light wanted to stick to the source material in his design.

As simple as it was, I didn't think it would be wise to stick to the basic style. I wanted to be something original.

Fuze went for a more tactical approach with some body armor.

It looked cool, but then I had to ask if it was too bulky. Fuze then took that time to talk to me about lightweight materials that would still work as armor. I was having the time of my life as we were even thinking up prototypes for stuff like the smoke pellets and a grappling hook. This comic challenged all of our imaginations.

As I wanted to get started with making some of this stuff come to life, Light brought up something that I hadn't thought about. "Are we sure that we're allowed to be making this stuff?"

I was a little confused by that question. I knew that a lot of our inventions had to be professionally checked ever since we nearly burned down the town for the second time, but I still didn't see his point. "What do you mean?"

Light looked nervous, which is never a good sign. "Well, we normally make random stuff, but we've never made weaponry or armor for fighting crime. I'm not sure if we're allowed to be making this stuff for your... hero gig."

I wanted to argue with him, but he had a good point. I didn't have permission to use high-grade equipment or high-level tactics which not even the royal guards use. If I wanted to avoid having the elements of harmony knocking on my door, I'd need some royal permission to do this stuff.

I gave the others a small smile as I tried to keep the dream alive in my head. "Alright. I'll just head over to Canterlot and ask them for permission. How hard can that be?"

Fuze looked skeptical as I uttered the infamous question. "You think that you can waltz right up to the princess and ask her if you can play an edge lord that beats up crime till they start crying to their parents?"

I gave him a soft chuckle to show them just how confident I was. "I was the second-best in my class in the royal guard, and number one is now a prince. I've got this."

Light chuckled in return as I walked out of the door. "Good luck with that."

The trip to Canterlot gave me plenty of time to think about what to say. I knew that I had to rely on showing her how much our country needed something like I wanted to be. Equestria needed a symbol that it was protected not only in the light but in the shadows too. I know that wasn't much, but I had no real plan B.

The castle had changed in some ways when I arrived. I know that Canterlot had a few attacks in the last few years, but I guess another part of it was the second princess living there. I hadn't been to the castle since I had turned down the promotion, and that was before Luna showed up. Now this pony was living there and had adjusted some parts of it to her preference. I did like the lavender in the halls, it adds a more soothing scent.

I only had to wait half an hour before I got to have my meeting. That gave me the few extra moments I needed to finish going over what I was going to say in my head. When I got to the throne room Celestia was sitting there with Luna next to her. Celestia still had her calm and caring smile, but Luna looked more serious and slightly bored. I guess I'd be bored too if I worked at something which was the equivalent of a desk job.

I did the customary bow to which Celestia motioned for me to rise. "Hello, Book. It's been a while since I had seen you. It was your graduation if I remember correctly. You were second in your class next to Shining Armor."

As I nodded Luna seemed to have perked up. "Oh, you are a guard?" It seems like hearing about a high placing fighter was just the spice she needed to break the monotony.

At this point, I knew that I needed to explain my wishes."Not really. I'm the general officer of Ponyville. It's basically the equivalent of being the town's entire police force. I've come here asking if your permission about something that I believe our country needs."

Celestia looked curious at what I was talking about. "Oh? Well, what is your big idea."

Now keep in mind that there was no way I could just and them the comic and tell them that was where I got my inspiration. So I decided to do this the long way. "Your Highness, for the last several years there has been a rise in threats against our people. Soon criminals will start becoming bolder and even more dangerous. We've learned from Chrysalis and Tirek that not all enemies can be beaten with friendship. We need a symbol that stands for justice. A symbol that criminals will see and know that our country is protected. Twilight is the symbol of friendship, and I wish to become a symbol of justice."

Celestia looked at me like I was asking to become an alicorn. As I went it details of the magic, technology, and tactics I wanted to use, it started to look like asking for that alicorn transformation would have been a more reasonable request.

One thing that I've learned about Celestia is that she always smiles, but if you can see her smile starting to look extremely fake while she's talking, that means that she's trying to let you down slowly. "Um... I understand your reasoning... but... I'm not sure that's something we need. This is a peaceful land, and I truly doubt that we need a fighter as extream as you with resources like this. I'm sorry Book Knight, but your request is denied."

I felt crushed when she said that. I mean, I knew that it was most likely going to happen, but this was something that I wanted. I wanted to see the innocent ponies of our country safe, and I thought this was the way to do it. I knew that I couldn't argue with her without risking my job, so all I could do was a bow to her. "You are the princess. Have a good day your highness."

"Wait for a second Book. I wish to have a few words with my sister." Luna said as she stood up.

I wasn't expecting Celestia's sister to say anything, but I nodded as I waited patiently. I started to realize that she was actually intrigued the whole time I had been talking about my plans and the detail I put into them. Now I know that it's rude to eavesdrop, but this was my job they were talking about. I was listening carefully while the two of them talked about my future.

"Sister, I think a pony with skills and resources can be very useful."

"Luna, I don't think Equestria needs something so... extreme."

"We both know that Twilight and her friends wouldn't be able to handle real crime and the... darker types of ponies. This pony could be able to handle things that other ponies can't handle."

"But... the high-level crimes are extremely rare."

"And we don't have anypony who is trained to deal with them. This pony might be the best way to deal with such crimes. He might also be able to keep criminals from committing such crimes just from the fear of a hero watching over them."

"I... I don't believe that this idea is even necessary. I think that you're thinking about this too much."

"Tia, you said that I'd be taking back over as leader of security for our ponies, is that not true?"

At this point, I started to see Celestia looking more scared of losing Luna's trust than my crazy ideas. "I... I'm just trying to think about what's best for the ponies."

"Then let me handle him. I'll give him rules and make sure that he follows them. If his actions go too far then I'll take full responsibility. This will be my project, and I'll handle it. Do you trust me?"

Celestia paused for a moment, looking like she was judging what would happen if she decided to trust me. As she looked at me it seemed like she was going to say no quickly, but then she looked at Luna. She talked about me with confidence. I had never met her before, but she was now sticking her neck out for me.

Celestia sighed before standing back in front of me with the princess of the night. "After consulting with my sister, we have... agreed to allow you to be... an advanced... crime..." She seemed to be struggling to find a way to describe my new position. "Let's just stick with Superhero."

I smiled at the good news and saluted. "Thank you. You will not regret this."

"Hold on there Book. Luna is going to be personally supervising you. You will only be on call for high-level crimes that we will request for you to handle. Now, I suggest you go with my sister and discuss your rules, resources, and anything else my sister would wish to discuss with you. Keep in mind, this is not just your dream or job anymore, this is something which my sister has entrusted you with. This is her name on the line. I hope that you will respect that. Dismissed."

Celestia looked at me sternly when she said that. It seemed to be the equivalent of a father trusting somepony with his daughter with the implied threat of ruining his life if anything happens to her. I didn't think I could take my job any more seriously until she glared at me like that.

As Celestia walked out, probably for some other meeting or something, Luna motioned for me to follow her. She had a serious look on her face as well, but hers was more of her wanting to trust me. She was silent as she took me down the halls. Eventually, we came to a study that used to be for storage space. I guess that it was emptied when Luna came back and converted into a rather nice office.

It had a rather comforting feeling to it. The walls were light blue with an oak wood floor. I can't describe how they pained it, but the walls were very artistic with a swirling pattern. She motioned me to sit in a chair that stood in front of her desk. She went through my files as I waited for her to speak for me first. She didn't seem as kind or lighthearted as her sister but was more serious and attentive.

I waited for her to speak first as she went over the papers I provided. She started writing stuff down which I couldn't make out. It was tormenting as we sat in silence for ten whole minutes before she finally spoke. "Well, my sister wasn't kidding when she said that you were one of the best fighters and tacticians in the Equestrian military. It also says that you are controlling and don't play with others. Do you care to elaborate on that for me?"

"I work better alone. Having other people alongside me is distracting at best, annoying at least."

Hey, at least I'm honest. It was the one thing everypony pointed out, and something which I don't see as a problem. I'm not an element of friendship, I'm a soldier.

Luna didn't seem happy about my pour social life, but she seemed content by the fact that I can work independently. "Well, I guess it won't be a problem since you will be working alone. Since I've returned I have seen that we have no way to address any high-level crimes. Such crimes include robbery, kidnapping, assault against the crown, and several other crimes. Some of these could be considered minor crimes depending on the situation, and will often not be addressed. Your job is going to be handling high-level crimes that our normal... and a rather weak guard can't handle. Do you understand?"

I nodded as my wildest dreams were coming true. "So... I get to be..."

Luna nodded before I could finish. "Yes, but I need to make sure that you understand what I'm asking of you. There are going to be some rules that I expect you to follow to the letter. First, and most importantly, no killing. If you can't follow that one then you need to leave now."

I never really took killing into account before. I know that it was Batman's one rule, but murder wasn't a common thing here. I never saw the true consequences of death or what it does to the pony who does it. I decided then and there that I would never kill, holding to the same oath that Batman held himself to.

I accepted her rule as she moved on to the others. "You will be allowed to make your equipment, although for the time being it'll have to be out of your pocket. I expect you to run your designs by me first. I did hear about you and your brothers nearly burning down Ponyville a few times."

I bit my lip a little when she brought that up. "Most of those events were from testing fireworks."

She chuckled a bit when she heard that. "Now I know where to go to see a fireworks show. Now, unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to convince Celestia to increase your pay for a while, and I'll have to see what funding she'll supply to pay you back for what you'll end up spending on your gear for a while. Hopefully, once you've done a few missions I can change that. Until then, I'll need to give you some tools that will hopefully help you out."

She proceeded to pull a few books on the bookshelf that was built against the wall until it opened up. It made me realize two things. One, the grin on her face meant that she loves secret passages. Two, I need to get a secret passage just because of how effective it is. Batman has a Batcave, and I needed a place to hide my gear and stuff. I was already expending on my dreams as Luna walked out with an old book with a black and misty cover.

She handed it to me carefully. "There are a few spell books that my sister and I don't let most ponies read. This one here hasn't been read by anypony in decades to my knowledge. It is called the Book of Shadows. There are spells in here that rely on stealth and deception. I believe that you are the right pony to use these spells."

I couldn't believe it. She was handing me the tools to see my dream come to reality. Before I could touch it Luna kept it from my grasp. "I want you to keep one thing in mind before I hand this to you. This isn't just your honor and name at stake now. This is mine. I can see the loyalty and determination in your eyes, but you need to promise me that you will protect our people. Can I trust you?"

I could tell by the look in her eyes that this was where I had to chose my destiny. We both knew that if I couldn't back up my ideas on the battlefield then I'll only embarrass both of us. This was the time when I had to make this idea more than some mere dream and into a reality, a war that I'd have to fight for the rest of my life.

I nodded to the princess as I made a vow that I still remember to this day. "I swear on my soul and the soul of those who fought before me, I will fight the darkness in the shadows. I will meet evil and face it head-on. I will defend the innocent and defenseless. I will become the hero that Equestria needs. I will become the Shadow Knight."

After that Luna helped me study that book and practice its spells. I even spent the next week there just to learn them and incorporate them into my fighting style. It was mainly based on stealth, and I would have to dedicate more time into mastering the more powerful spells. Once I got back to Ponyville, my brothers and I got straight to work on the new armor. The only problem we had there was because of this coming out of my pocket I wasn't able to experiment with the gadgets I wanted to make yet. All I had was my new armor and some throwing stars.

To me, I wasn't worried about my lack of gear or support. I had a new mission now, and that was to protect my people. As I donned my armor for the first time I knew what I had now become. I was the Shadow Knight, guardian of the night, and there was nothing that could stand in my way.

Well... there was one small thing that gave me a little problem.


Author's Note:

Finally! It took me way too long to finish this chapter. BTW, I ended up losing track of the two artists who made these sketches, so could you please pm me if you made them. I'll try to go through my messages and find the original writers.