• Published 29th May 2019
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The Strange History of Canterlot: A collection of Lore and Biographies. - Altlus

a collection of lore and Biographies pertaining to Canterlot's History and some interesting Individuals in it.

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On Florine Manor. Canterlot's Skeleton in the Closet.

Nobody knows exactly who built this estate, but the accepted story was that in the aftermath of the American Civil War, a rather prominent gentleman from New York arrived in the then-known Town of Canterlot and settled in the wooded hills surrounding the town, with the intent to start a new life there. The man claimed to be of a prestigious heritage and supposedly held a great fortune. Having risen among the ranks of High Society and was a prominent citizen among the wealthy elite. He was also an influence and advocator of the Spiritualist and esoteric movements at the time.

The Manor was constructed at around 1877. Details are not clear on who the architect’s identity was, though it’s rumoured to be the long lost creation of a famous local architect known "T Square", also known as Marianne LaRue. The mansion’s most recognizable feature is it’s two towers. one being a clocktower and the other being the Master’s residence and place of work. The Grounds around the Building are also made up of a Garden, A large conservatory, a carriage house and several building. some of which, acting as laboratories (for mysterious and unknown purposes).

The Gentleman's workplace and residence was situated in the Main Tower. The Tower can be described as being a self-contained house for one person but with the rooms stacked vertically and access to each of the rooms being made via a small two-person elevator and some stairs. His private quarters being the topmost room in the tower. It is there he sleeps, studies, thinks to himself and records his findings and research via typewriter. A large window occupies the front of the tower and to the left, the chimney of the Fireplace of Main bedroom. Out on the back, and not shown, Two sliding french doors opening up to a balcony provide sweeping vistas of the entire city of Canterlot. The Tower is also soundproofed (using a different material other than asbestos) and the windows reinforced to prevent shattering and the infiltration of noise from the clocktower beside it.

What happened next in the later years is not well known but what was known as that several parties and events were held at the manor house and that the owner of the house had mysteriously disappeared from public record during the 1950’s and that the house hasn’t been occupied since the great depression. An antiquated relic of a bygone age in a world that has moved on. The Manor had never been renovated or upgraded for modern use and it's telegraph lines still stand. The old Canterlot Telegraph station still standing for that purpose as it's still being used by the current occupants of the mansion (they rarely use the phone).

There has been a debate over wether the place should be registered as a historic landmark (due to it’s age and architecture) or converted into a mountainside resort (due to the panoramic views it provides), but so far neither plans have been set in motion as the estate currently falls under the ownership of a young Heiress and her Uncle and they both show no intent of parting with the Estate.

Florine Manor is never present on official Maps of Canterlot as the City believes it to be bad for Tourism if the Manor was included on a Map.